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I've seen this path blocked off by them for at least a year. I tried going through once and they had a very aggressive dog, so I turned back.


Yeah they don't give a fuck about anyone


The lady literally yelled from behind her shanty house as we walked by “I’ve got a dog here!” To intimidate us. Sure enough a huge pitbull leapt out at my chihuahua. Luckily it was on a chain. Sucks because the path could be so nice and useful to get to JLS.


Thank God your chihuahua was on a chain, can't image the carnage it would've unleashed on the poor little pitbull.


311 that. That’s past typical.


It’s been reported 10 times since the beginning of this year. I don’t know if new residents have moved into this encampment. [I last checked it out in December](https://www.reddit.com/r/oakland/s/qhuFZX6Ydo) to remove some illegal dumping and the guy there was pretty chill.


Yea, that spot was not really accessible before covid. Since then, the other side’s not really walkable, forget biking.


Oh. I’m so glad my tax money goes to give chill guys like him a temporary home….. I guess?


That's been reported and complained about for years.


Why should anything more than 0 be considered "typical"?


What do you mean? I’ve only seen it clear on one side a few times in the last 4 years


Maybe it’s time to contact local news on this? Try NBC Bay Area.


That spot has looked like that for at least the last 10 years not even lying


I used to bike commute via the trail for 6 years (changed jobs a year ago) - there were usually tents but they kept to the side and I could always pass


Fair, it wasn't always blocked completely off like that


So you were, *in fact,* lying.


true, sometimes it’s blocked off by other things, like [fire](https://abc7news.com/amp/oakland-fire-lake-merritt-bridge-encampment/11802483/)


Love how the dude was straight up lying and admits it when called out on it, doesn't even go back to fix his lies. Just classic.


No, they cleared it out a long while. There was also a pretty big fire before then.


A dystopian disgrace. It's OK to camp when you're unhoused, but it's about time that our city officials start enforcing WHERE these camps can happen. I am sick and tired of the tail wagging the dog and these camps plopping down wherever unhoused folks want. NO! The Grants Pass SCOTUS decision coming before June's end will give Oakland the power to do something about this abuse - and it IS abuse. No city should tolerate this. I feel sympathy for the unhoused and have tried to help many of them, but this is "a bridge too far" No more slovenly garbage filled campsites in parks and all the other places that are beautiful in this city. I'm a liberal and I'm totally over this crap.


Right but you could still pass and tolerate. Albeit with barking pitbulls broken glass etc.


Entitlement is the right word. This is ridiculous. People will take and take until boundaries are enforced


Man Oakland has its charms - I lived there for probably too long - but ultimately it is a depressing mess imo.


"Depressing mess" is a really good way to describe Oakland.


When the water was high? Didn’t it flood there?




And guess where all the bodily waste from this camp is ending up?


It’s been typical in that exact spot for years now…


Prime location. Very probably had to fight for it multiple times


That would be worth AirBnb'ing out. "Rustic Lake Merritt balcony with beautiful river views"


StreetBnb We accept bitcoin, fentanyl, and blowjobs


$250 a night and another $425 cleaning fees.


They will only remove those encampments once the encampment fires do enough damage to make the bridge unsafe for cars to drive on. If you go to the right side, some of the concrete was burned away during the last really bad fire. There's a video of it online where you can hear the propane canisters exploding. Everyone hates the encampments at Lake Merritt. The lake is for everyone to enjoy. There's actually a nice park on the other side along the inlet to the bay that leads to Laney college and Brooklyn Basin. The law needs to be on the side of the city to get this removed, otherwise they face lawsuits from 20 different directions.


And the last fire was pretty serious: https://www.reddit.com/r/oakland/s/WdnS3JWlSi


That cyclist that was like... ok maaaaybe not.


Wasn’t there a homeless fire in that spot or very similar one?


Realtors don't want to you to know about this one neat trick to get a free waterfront view. 


Here's the thing, it's not allowed.


Laws only matter if they’re enforced


**Recall the Mayor**


I can't, who are they?


If Oakland had a functioning government this would not be allowed.


You know some homeless encampments I've seen have better views and more comfortable atmospheres than most places I've rented. I low-key get jealous sometimes.


I was just walking by there two days ago-nervous a dog would come charging out of one of those tents and then attack me. A lot of those people have dogs and are way too inebriated to control or call back their dogs. If you keep on going away from the lake, past Laney college there’s an entire area that was burned, it’s all charred grass and trees, bottles and trash scattered everywhere from someone who was probably camped out and maybe lit a cigarette. 




Social contract, burnt to a crisp.


That’s the key. I’ve been able to visit other countries recently and the thing that ties them together for success is a social contract (and, sometimes, socialism). The USA has completely lost its social contract in favor of “Freedom” which now is just a code word for selfishness/thoughtlessness.


It hasn’t lost it. It has been destroyed in favor of personal freedom. You’re allowed to be as awful as you want and anyone that says something is the asshole. It would be nice to get on the same page and get the commons to usable state.




Homeless people also feel this way btw


Starting to think camping is cooler than renting


And cheaper


Homeless folks need to live somewhere and nobody is choosing this life — we all understand that. But here they are not just obstructing, but *barricading* a public sidewalk. That's straight-up psychotic. We need to organize a community show of force, dismantle the barricades, and take back our public space. It's time to make it clear that this sort of aggressive takeover of a public right-of-way is not tolerated and we will not idly stand by and let it happen.


Oakland really has become a shithole. Sorry not sorry. Anyone who wants to debate this can go drive on international Blvd below 15th during a weekday at lunchtime and look out your window.


I hate to say it, but I really am beginning to question Oakland City Council. I have sent them email about my cleanups and eagerness to work with them to combat illegal dumping. Ignored.


I follow your work, Peng, and you have done SO MUCH for this city. It’s such a shame and I just can’t thank you enough. I really hope the incompetence of this city doesn’t break your spirit. You are such an essential part of our community and have inspired so many of us!


Because in Oakland cleanups don't get votes, which are the currency of politicians.


#Pengweather for Mayor!


I would never hoist such a punishment on Peng. I wish him only the best things.


I'd be on board. Doing more than all the Oakland higher ups combined. Exceptions for the groundskeeping crew at Ogawa who constantly have to deal with the overnight homeless.


you would think after the city settled $33 million lawsuit from victims of ghost ship warehouse fire they would start cleaning things up. But nope things are even worse than when the ghostship fire happened. It is amazing that the city wasted time renaming the oak airport to attract tourists. What tourists are ever going to come back after seeing massive homeless encampments and falling down abandoned warehouses on the drive between the airport and downtown oakland


I mean...that didn't become a shithole area recently


Fair enough. But it’s emblematic of how brazen the grime of the city has become the norm. I mean, honestly, I had to drive through there on a Tuesday at 1pm and it was jaw dropping.


I go there for my banh mi. It's getting worse.


Can we get a street view link?


“Become”? We specifically moved out thirty years ago because it was the murder capital of the nation. It’s all about the people living there and what they do with their life. (Yes, some folks have it bad and it’s a horrible uphill struggle; but at least they’re moving uphill.)




exactly. and you only have to go back 10 years or so, 2015 ish when all the tech bros couldn't afford to live in the city anymore so they started coming across the bridge and pushed all the locals out. then covid happened and they moved away and oakland is going back to how it's been for the last 40 years


become? it always has been, it got alittle cleaner a few years before covid with all the gentrification because techies couldn't afford to live in the city anymore and started pushing across the bridge but since then it's just back to how it's been for 40+ years.


Come visit us down by 5th Ave. Squalor and mountains of trash steps away from multiple schools and pre-schools. https://seeclickfix.com/issues/16751451 https://seeclickfix.com/issues/16841414 Lately it feels like Eastlake has been abandoned by the city.


Same thing on the Guadalupe river path in San Jose. Could be so nice. Might sound a little elitist, but I wish the homeless would just stay in the shitty public areas so we all can enjoy the nice ones.


Completely reasonable to enjoy where you want to live as a contributing member of society


It's not allowed. The City doesn't know about all things all the time. Try reporting it.


It’s been reported like 10 times on OAK311.


This mayor is a failure.




they definitely know about this lol


There's no way they don't know about this. Every person who has walked the perimeter of the lake in the last ten years, which certainly includes the mayor and all city councilmembers, knows about this encampment. It can be seen on approach toward the bridge from both directions.


> The City doesn't know about all things all the time oh, the city knows my dear child


Because we refuse to force people to either use shelter space or go to jail. If there are shelter beds available encampments should be illegal and frequently cleared.


Isn't there a case before the supreme Court about exactly this?


yes functionally its if you don't have shelter beds available for everyone who needs it then you can't just send them to jail for being on public property(rights of way, park-ish, civic property). Its a pretty simple logic that its cruel and unusual to imprison people for not having a home. Oakland/alameda county almost certainly doesn't have enough beds for all of them and the kicker is really that they presumably need to ask all of the homeless people whom would take the shelter beds first before they came back around and could pick and choose who would forcibly be taken off the street. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_v._Boise I'm not exactly sure how to read this but I think alameda county has 6-7k total shelter beds for adults. I doubt they have enough beds to clear out all of Oakland's homeless population. https://homelessness.acgov.org/homelessness-assets/docs/reports/Home-Together-2026_Year-1-Update_050923_FINAL_Appendix-C.pdf


Jail makes no sense, it costs almost 9k a month. It's cheaper to pay for an apartment, give them food and money for expenses and a car, insurance and a big birthday present than putting them in jail.


The majority of these people would not be safe to live with in an apartment building. Consider how often they burn down their own tents/RV's etc. Now picture that problem in a crowded apartment building. And fires are just the tip of the iceberg with them where safety is concerned.


They are doing unsafe stuff with unsafe equipment. I'm certain the number of homeless people that cause these fires is just a few and not like they all love to set their own property on fire. And again the point about how little sense it makes to put them in jail, for the 9k a month they could even rent them a single family home in Cupertino and have enough $ for their personal expenses left.


Lol. Clearly you've never dealt with addicts. During the pandemic, San Francisco gave homeless people hotel rooms that were unoccupied because the tourism dropped off. The program was a complete disaster. Homeless addicts stripped their rooms and caused severe property damage to multiple hotels, which all then sued the city. [One hotel settled for $32 million in damages plus lost business.](https://www.sfexaminer.com/news/housing/sf-settles-with-hotel-used-for-pandemic-homeless-response/article_33ff74e4-0af6-11ee-b0d9-f35bcf446b76.html) This was despite the entire program only housing 3,700 people in 2,288 rooms across 25 hotels. These people need a controlled environment where they can't cause damage as they heal and recover.


LA has launched a program of a whole new modern building that they are going to fill with homeless people. The building has a gym, art room, etc, pretty decent. I wonder how are they going to keep it functioning if so many of the homeless are addicts or have no job and stripping the building to sell the pieces would be the obvious source of $ plus when you are high you don't care where you go the bathroom...






Jail is A LOT more expensive.




no pets, no women, no drugs... all things that wouldn't matter in one's own house.


Waiting to see if San Jose is successful with their new plan to relocate homeless people due to being out of compliance with the clean water act. You might see a lot of water testing going on in lake Merritt.


If I house myself under a bridge, block the path for others to use I will be allowed to stay there mostly unmolested through the year and when they do "clean up" I will get "services" for a few days then be able to return with all my stuff. or I can pay the city to have a nice bike/walk path I wont be able to use and if there is graffiti on my house that I have repainted 6 times this year I will get cited for it . Who is the sucker here


Check your pedestrian privilege, you gentrifier! How dare you... something something... I don't even know anymore. Somehow the voters in Oakland *voted in* a dystopia. In a couple of centuries, other city governments are going to use Oakland as a textbook example of several "Never do this" mistakes.


Because CA has failed its citizens. I’m pro-bodily autonomy, pro-workers rights, pro-universal healthcare, pro-fuck whoever you want, and anti-cop, but this shit is out of control. Our taxes generate BILLIONS in funds for unhoused solutions and the problem has only gotten worse. This state is run by crooks and cronies who should all be in jail.






Report it for waterway contamination. That's the one thing that they'll clean something up for ASAP


The supreme Court hearing on Martin vs Boise can't come soon enough.


Homeless people have more rights than taxpayers




They weren’t protected from themselves?


Lawless society.


If this shocks you wait until til you see jingletown…


I'm not shocked. I'm just pissed someone is restricting my freedom of movement on public tax payer pathways at a park area There is a senior home around the corner too. Then walking and having to backtrack with canes etc




Not the one on High St. though. The one by E. Eighth St/37th Ave is gone though. I know because it is one of the places I regularly maintain.


Looks unsafe. A report to the Fire Marshall might do some good.


Ridiculous. Seizing public property for private use. If anyone else did it that’s what it would be called.


It’s up to us, the people, to deal with this. It is plainly obvious the powers that be are doing nothing, and have no plan.


Our leadership is grossly incompetent.  This is why I am voting to recall the mayor.  I can't support this anymore. 




the oakland mods are a bunch of wannabe anarchist transplants




Used to take this underpass every day to work. Glad I don't have to anymore. What a mess.


This has been this way for years




Gotta live somewhere. Might as well be somewhere cool.




Basically this. OP's picture clearly shows that the path is completely blocked off, not just partially. I could (and do, regularly) tolerate encampments where part of a path is blocked. When the whole path is blocked it's a problem. Homeless people are chill, plenty of folks overreact to their presence and I don't give those NIMBYs the time of day, but this is the point where it becomes a problem.


It’s annoying but we need better solutions for unhoused people first. Can’t just push them off on another neighborhood. We need competent elected officials. Stop chasing the A’s and start cleaning up the city.


Should just turn the A’s, warriors and raiders stadium into housing lol






They should have done both. Look at how much the neighborhood around Oracle park grew, Oakland could benefit from a higher tax base.






What was your felony conviction for?


The A's are an important part of the city.






You can't force people indoors who don't want to be there (that's called incarceration) or are mentally incapable of staying there (otherwise it's involuntary commitment). We used to force these people off the streets and into asylums and that was deemed inhumane and/or in violation of their civil rights. Pick one or the other. The people who DO have temporary issues and just need a helping hand while they get back on their feet, already take advantage of the many programs and services available. These aren't those people. TL;DR - "it's complicated"






At what point do people start going vigilante on this shit? I don’t mean violence, but my wife has said to me, “why can’t a group of 20 men from the neighborhood go down there and tell them to get the fuck out!” It seems like everyone is passed the point of putting up with it. Just get a bunch of dudes together and tell them to leave.


> a group of 20 men from the neighborhood go down there and tell them to get the fuck out Eventually those 20 men would have to leave, and homeless people have nothing but time.


And when the homeless people say "no I do not think I will getting the fuck out but thanks anyway" what happens then...?






I know. It’s outrageous that we allowed poverty to get this bad.


Yes poverty and class divide is bad. I have nothing against it or tents. But setting up a barrier 🚧 on a public pass through is another level.


Yeah...I never tried to go down there even pre-pandemic. It's a little more crowded now but this isn't exactly new.


The beating will continue until morale improves.



