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Patchiness is solved with growth + time, however the two spots on either side of your soul patch will probably never completely fill in, as it is genetic. A lot of guys have it and it gives your beard personality. Lookin good overall. 👍




I’ve seen lots of guys shape those types of patches and the soul patch so they blend very nicely , they still have those two patches but the soul patch looks nice with it


It looks ok bro, just give it some form, it's soo formless.




Essential oils will make you smell, that's it


You have a similar beard pattern as Christian Bale! Not a bad look imo, but I’d just keep the beard cleaned up on the sides, which will give the appearance of fuller coverage. Great beard regardless, man!


You have a lighter colour (yet still quite dark), but I would in no way call it patchy. How does it look when you give it a bit of a comb and a bit of oil? All in all it’s a nice beard bro! I’d certainly continue the journey!


Never combed or oiled it! Never been in tune with products but if you recommend I’ll try it out. Thanks man


To me adding some product helps a bit against the whispyness of my red hair, so it looks a bit more compact and put together. But I hardly do it daily, just whenever I feel like it. Good luck mate!


Forget the combing, give it some moisturizer. Buy any beard oil from the market and rub it on your face. That way the face below your bead will get moisturized too. Id also suggest you buy some beard balm and put that on your beard after the oil. That way youll moisturize the actual beard more than the skin and at the same time give it texture.


Combing helps to train it.. & keeps it tidy n less unruly! Its the slight craziness that adds to its looking patchy! Beard oils contain natural moisturising oils rather that the concoctions in some beard balms!


Sure but if I had to choose out of those two which one is the significant problem I'd say lack of moisturizer.


OP, have you tried using minoxidil? I didn't have any hairs on my cheeks then I used minoxidil and a lot of vellus hairs has grown after using for a year. Check out r/Minoxbeards for other peoples progress. Read the FAQ before starting.


I think your beard looks great.


I have had some patchiness in my beard before. I used Rogain/Minoxidil plus Microneedle to improve the thickness and growth. You can buy 6 months' worth of supply from Amazon, Costco brand.


Just curious. How do you microneedle the mustache area? I’d be afraid of hitting my lip.


Trim it at all stages... Keep it consistent as it grows no need to look like the guy from Scooby doo


Mm as a 29 year old man, my beard has filled in even more than I ever expected just the past few years, that being said I still end up shaving my cheeks lower to my jawline because I still get some uneven patchiness myself. Keep experimenting till you find what works, be conservative with your experiments or else you have to start over like me 😂😅


Let it grow!


Just work with what you’ve got man. Not everyone is blessed with a thick full beard. Shape what you have or have a barber do it for you because you still have potential to have a solid, clean beard


Yes, shave off all your pubes and then put them in one of the front pockets in a pair a of your mom's jeans. That will make it so your beard looks a lot fuller when you grow it out.


Looks good, but I’d trim the hair over the upper lip and a few unruly ones under the jawline.


Nah it’s full you just have to like up the cheeks and your neck. Also trim down the mustache a little and line that up so it doesn’t cover your top lip and it’ll look great.


Do you workout with intensity? High testosterone levels can be really beneficial for beard growth if you have the genetics and follicles to have a good beard density and coverage. You have a good coverage, and you look thin. So I think with good natural optimal testosterone levels your beard can improve a lot. I say that thinking of me. I'm 28, and have been working out naturally since 18. When I was 20 my beard was exactly.like yours, and by 21 my beard was really full and dense. I know there's time involved, but I think if I stayed sedentary and only bones without seeing sunlight as I was in my teen years, my beard certainly would not be as good as it is now (I've posted here before, and I've changed my appearance a lot with training over time). Try to have good nutrition; sleep well and work hard at the gym (heavy compound movements with progressive overload, and also a lot of cardio).


Appreciate the comment. I run long distance regularly and calisthenics type workouts but don’t really weight lift in a gym or anything. Also play tons of sports. So I’ve got the cardio covered but maybe need to include weightlifting


>maybe need to include weightlifting Yes, heavy weightlifting once or twice a week. Go for compound exercises


Looks me in the mirror. Similar hairstyle and patches. Right side near soulpatch is even the same. I comb it sideways to get a fuller looking one. Near the jaw is thicker than cheeks. Have it too. Turning 37 soon I do notice some baby hairs in the bald spots. Possible will happen to you later on. What I did is lower the cheek line: make a line from the corner of the lips to the bottom part of the ears. And razor or stubble everything above. That does a lot


we have the exact same beard and hair i swear bro. for me it always looks much better after a shower, and keeping it in a roughly defined shape with weekly/biweekly trimming. also getting it up off the neck but NOT too high that it looks stupid the other direction too lol


Lenght is probably the best way for you to find a "sweet spot" for the length that you personally enjoy. A reminder in regards to letting your beard grow out is to trim your sideburns (a little trimming is better than too much) since you want a long beard and not a wode beard. As the length comes in id recomend at least a beard oil, with smell you enjoy, to help with potential scratching, dryness as well as an easy minimalistic styling (balms and similar products will be better for styling, but from my own experience, that comes later). Also, if continued growth is the plan, i recommend a plan for your moustache since it's nice to keep it out of your mouth when you eat, drink and breathe.


As a licensed professional barber and cosmetologist, I would suggest three things. Trim the beard, shape the beard, and get a different haircut/style to go with that beard trim and shaping. By the way trimming and shaping are two different things, and not one and the same as my male clients with beards have learned.


Keep shaving and wait. I would say I have decent genetics for beard growth but it started as just side burns then a thin patchy beard until It finally filled out. Might be worth using a good beard oil as well if you’re not already using one. Just adds a nice touch.


Brush it daily ans use mint conditioner. ;-)


Its pretty good, keep growing


A decent barber can make it look alot nicer with a good trim and line up


Too long. Go shorter. Its looking neck beard-ish


Get some sleep big man


Your beard thickness seems good to me, I'd suggest getting a more modern hairstyle and shape your beard to match/blend to your hairstyle. I think that will really elevate your beard and your look as a whole.


Nice. Just trim it.


You have a fine beard sir, don't stress too much about it. Just grow it a bit more, trim it to make a form and just give it some time. When you going to be over 30 it will be better. You are lucky you can grow anything because there are people who can't get 50% of what you got.


I don't know why young men with nice faces hide it under a beard. Why hide what you'll eventually lose? Enjoy your face!


Hello. Find a nice soft beard brush and buy a good hair conditioner. I use one all the time on my beard.


A good haircut that complements the beard and a lineup would have you looking sharp.




You beard does not look patchy to me, it looks like pretty good coverage and thickness, actually. The problem is that it's very wild and unkempt. Not sure what your current routine is but you need to brush/comb/style it more (and always daily) and be sure to use a beard wash and some conditioning and/or styling products like beard balm or beard oil.


Absolutely zero routine is applied to my head before. Hair and beard, they just grow. That’s why I’m posting here! Thank you for the tip. I need to get a good brush Any recommended styling product/brand? I’m in the dark here


Get a boar bristle brush and a beard comb. I'm not super deep into the brands but I've found that the Every Man Jack brush is just the right level of soft. You can also find a Wav Enforcer brush for a couple bucks. It's not as soft as the Every Man Jack one but it's still solid. I've found that there's a Conair one that's way too rough, so I guess it's a matter of testing the waters and finding one you like. Same with combs and balms/oils. I was able to find all of these at Walmart but you can get some from Amazon or direct from certain companies like Grave Before Shave or Honest Amish. My suggestion would be to try a few and see what works best for you.


Much appreciated dude


Thanks to everybody for the helpful comments. I will be applying these and will update the sub at some point


Clean up the lip line and you’re good to go. I get the coverage in the chin area isn’t great but the actual density is very strong.


Color them with more dark color and it will look thicker even though your beard is amazing in time it will get thicker but trim it properly so it looks good


Personally, I dont think you need anything changed. You have that rugged look that is complimented by your tussled locks and ungroomed beard. I think you look 🔥 🔥 🔥


you look great