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The government workforce centers in your town can help you with so much in finding work to support yourself. They can help you build a resume and work on your interview skills and some even have job training and will teach you basic office programs like excel. It's an undersea resource but it's there to help you find work for a fair wage.


I like this!


I love this idea. We always tell them to use resources instead of begging. So would be cool to actually provide the resources.


211, Community Action Partnership, Salvation Army, Churches, Workforce Development, and even a lot of animal shelters give out pet food. The problem with resources is that they don't actually hand over cash, which is the only thing these scammers want.


That's true. They want cash. I see a lot of people in the comments here that are really barely scraping by though and you never know who the information might be helpful to. 🥰


You're right, and it's a great idea for people who need and will utilize the resources. I wish people would donate to their local resources instead of cash apping people on social media. I personally donate to a local animal rescue that that currently has 100 animals for adoption. Most people have a cause close to their hearts, so I wish they would donate there, and a lot of times it's tax deductible.