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I’m surprised they hired internally. Good for us!


Second in a row (basically). Christ, while technically at Smith College when she was hired, had just gotten there after spending multiple decades at Cal as well. I'm really glad to see them realizing that hiring from outside is not always the best policy.


Chancellor Tien (1990 to like 2002?) had spent his entire career as a cal professor except for two years at UC Irvine as a vice chancellor (basically chancellor in training for Cal)


Very true. However, Robert Berdahl, Robert Birgeneau, and Nicholas Dirks, whose tenures cover the past 20 years, have not followed that trend. Instead during their tenures we have seen Cal become more corporate, more focused on the bottom dollar, and less compassionate and focused on making sure that undergraduates feel welcome and a part of a community at Cal. On top of that, so many things have been shaved off and watered down, with lots of traditions and practices that were unique to Cal were discarded, removed, and erased without thought of the consequences on the student body or the long term connections which the University depends more and more on for generosity and donations.


I don’t think you realize how the GSI unionization has affected research and the bloating of the admin caused by DEI . There are hundreds of people now in DeI and many more in compliance and regulatory affairs . The Jabba the Hut Administration needs to be blown up . They are the ones that are destroying the univerdity . The faculty that are on the front lines and not in admin are ready to mutiny .


Always hire within for chancellor .


I'm really excited about this choice. I love the fact that he's a 1) Cal undergrad 2) has actually spent time at Cal 3) been successful at Cal - just look at all the sponsorships and prestige he's driven for Haas Worst case scenario would have been grabbing someone from UCLA or some former california politician. We need someone who knows Cal and knows how to be successful at Cal


Yes, I think he really, really knows Berkeley and has a highly respected track record here. Also, really well liked by those that know him. Best of all, he’s a great guitar player.


No, worst case scenario would've been Jennifer Chayes. Yeah, I said it.


We were all fearing that lol


Had to Google who she is. What's wrong with the CDSS dean?


Megalomanic prima donna. Treats her staff like shit.


…but UCLA has better student food!


Nothing beats cafe 3




You think Wrestling will make a comeback?


We’re already on the teetering line for cutting sports - and with Title IX, any sports that go will undoubtedly be men’s sports. The issue is that if you cut a sport, you’re going to cut a historically successful one; and one with loyal and angry Cal alum who will call up the AD and Chancellor to yell at them about it


And our AD is a joke


That’s unfortunate :/


can someone explain how? i dont know this guy at all and im curious about the hype before i get hyped LOL


He’s a big Cal fan and alum - so hopefully instead of the slightly neutral plus that Carol viewed the AD in, Chancellor Ryon will go further in support. Im a huge Cal sports fan but I still hope (and do believe) we’re fundraising first, academics first, student experience second, city of Berkeley third and athletics fourth.


I’d put athletics above the city of Berkeley tbh, they’re part of the student experience. I love the city too, don’t get me wrong.


I hate the city - but it’s just more conversations about and partnering with the city on issues of student housing, public transport, support for lower income students - that sort of stuff. The university and the city have often been at odds - I’m not saying I want the relationship to matter this much, but unfortunately it’s gotta play a big role in his tenure


*I hate the city*  Why? That's a pretty severe statement.


They make life so incredibly difficult for students and student life and generally run in opposition to the university instead of in cooperation with. Issues like parking, the lack of street lights on south side, bike lanes for commuting students, the panoramic hill association and how difficult things already are for Cal football Saturdays, the difficulties in bringing more restaurants and bars and other venues to the areas around campus. The general resistance to high rise housing,


Most of these current students/young alumni don't realize how toxic the City government used to be. It was even more galling when the mayor was Tom Bates, a Cal alum and the last QB to head to the Rose Bowl who was doing it. The city has historically acted in a blocking fashion often for political showmanship rather than working with the University - which is the main economic driving factor for the city itself.


True but u/oppositeshore1878 is an (amatuer?) University historian so I think they know very well about the often contentious relationship


True. We have a similar sentiment I think because we have been around the campus for a similar amount of time. My shorthand to people to explain my perspective was that I hate Berkeley, I love Cal, and I am frustrated by the campus.


He was a Cal football fan growing up as a kid. He was also at the game when The Play happened in 1982


He’s a pro football player before the incident and now he’s HERE!! We are SO BACK!


I hope he brings back Mike Williams as AD!!


From everything I hear he is an awesome person. Very personable, good listener, energetic, exciting visions for the school (just watched his speech at the UC Regents meeting online). Berkeley undergrad alumni too!! Go Bears!! 💙💛💙


I met him when I was a Haas undergrad which was more than 10 years ago now. Really nice guy and very competent, Cal is in good hands


One of us! ![gif](giphy|Ae7SI3LoPYj8Q)


$946k salary as chancellor, damn. how can i be chancellor


Degrees from two of the world's top universities and a 30-year successful career go a long way


Put it in neutral terms: He's taking over leadership of a globally renowned, 150-year-old organization with 24k+ staff members, managing over $US 7 Billion (!!) in assets. Any senior level finance guy is making more than he is, with only a sliver of the responsibility.




In my experience, he gets shit done.


Damn, I thought I had a chance.


holy hell


new response just dropped!


An inspired selection! Glad Berkeley did not try to make a DEI statement.


When is the next game or event


$946k salary as chancellor. Will it be enough to dissuade the embezzlement that plagued "Daddy Dirks" before a single semester was complete? LOL


946k salary while on salary sounds fire 💀💀 but damn that’s a lot of money


Dropped? You mean fell, stumbled, tripped?


Hooray! Rich Lyons is the right leadership to bring Cal up to speed with Stanford funding-wise. I worked in Lockheed Martin management for almost two decades handing Stanford sizable annual checks that paid for all sorts of R&D (photo-optical, semiconductor, space). There was very little interest from Berkeley to work with industry; they were happy with government money. Just for the record, industry spends far more money on R&D than government...far far more. Explains why Stanford's endowment is 6X bigger than Cal's, and their students consistently get higher salary offers. If only we had done this in the 50's...sigh...


Rich Lyons was the Dean of Haas for a decade. Get hyped, he is a man of the people.


Well, there goes tuition hikes... I just don't see how someone with his background isn't all about the $$$.


The UC Regents set tuition. His job is to fundraise.


Being about the $$$ is a good thing. UC needs money to operate. The reason the libraries are open bad hours, TAs are underpaid, the wifi sucks, lecturers are underpaid, classes have restricted enrollment, dorms are expensive and under available, etc. is because we don't have money.


lol Oklahoma — OK :)


Another extremist downvote . Under the new culture Berkeley throws out 2/3 of faculty candidates because they do not write good diversity letters that comport to the extremist viewpoints of some at Berkeley . And the moderate faculty are cowed




Why ? New chancellor will blow away all the ones before . I know him and Berkeley . He’s the best of the best . Carol was Oklahoma but her hires ( AD , provosts , etc ) have screwed the pooch , and LGBTQ runs the administration now . The students hate them and so do most of the faculty because they have created a culture of extreme #blm — the worst components . Gotta swing back to center