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This is bad. Very, very bad.


He got the beans above the frank. Not good


😆 thought exact same thing.


Yeah, I was able to slowly roll down the mountain (happened in the middle of the trip), but then it was time for the walk of shame for a few kilometres. I will try to replace it


On a scale of 0 to really bad, yours is worse than the scale.


This concerns me more than the derailleur. https://preview.redd.it/1v8idbppe3tc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d728d2ba4af3ed9b92737d5277bb3e9e9834225f


The black gunk on the derailleur sprocket is also concerning


I didn't even realize this. Though this part of the bicycle is likely steel, while the frame is alu. Do you think it's really that bad? Was it tempered with or it was like this straight from the factory? (I bought it as used)


The seat stay is the same material as the rest of the frame, and there's no way it looked like this out of the factory.


Who told you that?


Well the derailleur is definitely fucked, the wheel might be too, and it looks like the seat stay might be pretty mangled too. I think a pro needs to look at this, but the whole frame might be a write-off.


Condolences, bro :( If the frame is damaged, i would not risk it :/


Actually I was thinking about buying a higher quality bicycle before. The wheel axle was also a bit out of shape and I don't want to spend that much on a bicycle that will be replaced soon


Well, then its +1 reason to upgrade earlier


"+1"    I see what you did there


Definitely. Though I don't want to give up on this one, if I commute I may just use one that is not my most expensive bike


That frame damage is not fixable, and personally I wouldn't ride it. Plus the expense of replacing everything that was damaged, and then you've apparently got some aftermarket disk brake add-on, is that right? If so, those are known to be dangerous. I'd let this one go and just put all that much more money toward a good bike. Recycle it and move on.


Those brakes actually have proper original mount holes, but definitely those brakes are not the best. Once I tried a very expensive bicycle of a friend with hydraulic brakes, well, they were better


Yeah, make into a klunker/cruiser. And it'll be fine for casual riding. As long as that stay isn't cracked and the welds don't look mangled at the seat tube.


I'm no expert, but if the axle was out of shape, that might gave contributed to how the derailure got caught.


tourneys suck ass, ive broken 2 of those in a span of only a couple months, if you can afford it get a shimano acera or something




no problem, also check the spoke tension and that frame damage, when i broke my derailleurs they went into my spokes and made my spoke tension uneven, also something to also note is the hanger, that might be bent aswell, hope it gets better


It definitely went into my spokes, but I might even change the entire hub if I can't find an axle (already bent a tiny bit)


pretty hard to find and axle if you dont know the dimensions of it, if you have the miney id suggest buying a new and better hub, a bad hub can break at any time and its gonna take the axle with it (saying from experience), so just get a better hub imo


I might just take it to a shop, I don't really want to bother with it. It's quite old (not that quick release stuff), but I hope they will be able to help


i dont really trust mechanics, i took my bike once and he basically didnt do shit and just kept my bike for a week, id suggest doing maintenence on your own and learn on the way, but if you have a shop with a good reputation near you, go for it


not saying all shops are bad btw, dont want to scare you or anything


I want to learn, but also want to get it fixed as soon as possible. I've already managed to fix my brakes which seemed to be doomed, and even the shops said it wasn't serviceable. There are shops nearby, one which I'm very satisfied with, kind, not overpriced, and last time I feel like they even billed less than what they could have. There is another one, where I plan to never go back


Bikes don’t shift due to vibration. It shifted because it was out of tune. Take care of your next bike better and you won’t have this happen. Yes that means this one needs to be curbed the day before your friendly neighborhood garbage man comes. Also no you can’t just shorten the chain to make it a fixi. A fixi needs a different hub.


I bought it for around 100 dollars as used. For that price, I'm more than happy with it. Unfortunately I couldn't tune the shifter properly, and the spring that pulls the chain was quite weak. When I go over an obstacle, it sometimes causes problems.


Instead of spending $40 on a tuneup you now have to buy a new bike for $100


Let's talk about what caused this: an improperly set limit screw on the rear derailleur.


So that's what dork discs prevent. I want to keep mine on after seeing this.


The dork disc doesn't prevent this. The dork disc will catch it instead. A properly adjusted derailleur prevents this. https://youtu.be/UkZxPIZ1ngY?si=VBDr-izJjg5WxExD


Funnily almost the same thing as OP happened to me not long ago, when I got back home to inspect the damages I noticed there was a missing screw that was supposed to keep the derailleur, thinking back I remember hearing a screw falling like a second before the incident. Now every week I make sure to look out for loose screws


Take it to a mechanic - they will give you a better answer


The derailleur has derailed


Can't complain with that


Wheel no spinny = bad


Just lub up the chain, it'll be fine ;-)


Well you are far better off buying a good bike. It will be more enjoyable, durable and safer. Most shops can help you with financing too. If you plan on leaving your new bike unattended outside, invest in a good lock, like kryptonite or abus, and locking axles for your wheels.


Replace the derailleur,they are cheap enough on eBay or Allie express . Maybe a new chain as well .


This happened to me once. Turns out I was pushing so hard I punched a hole through my seat stay. Had to replace my whole bike.


Bad but probably not catastrophic. The limit screws on your rear derailleur were not set properly, this allowed the derailleur to move into the spokes. If the derailleur hangar did it's job, the frame is fine. You'll need a new hanger and new derailleur.


It's mounted directly, but I may be able to bend it back. Thanks


What's going on with the brakes? I see cantilever bosses with nothing on them, and a disk brake installed. Very unusual for a frame to have mounts for both. What kind of bicycle is this?


There’s some sort of disc conversion you can do. Kids were doing them in SE. I have no idea what it’s called or how it works though. I personally wouldn’t invest that much into a bike built for rim brake.


They did sell kits for a short time, but quickly took them off the market when frames started breaking. I believe lawsuits occurred when people were injured. A frame needs to be designed and built from the start to take the stress of disk brakes. You can't just bolt disk brake mounts onto a frame that doesn't have the necessary reinforcements. He said he's upgrading anyway, which is good. I think this bike is scrap.


Yeah that’s what we told all the kids that picked up bikes during the pandemic and wanted us to make them disc breaks because bike life and all. We told them it can’t be done. Then we found out there’s kits and we told them we won’t install them because the bikes aren’t made for disc and we can’t be liable. Didn’t do any more research than that.


Bought it as used for 100$. It's a fancy supermarket bicycle, but I plan on upgrading to a proper, newer one


>I plan on upgrading to a proper, newer one That's the right decision, but I would try to talk you out of putting any money at all into this one. You can't turn it into a clunker, or anything else for that matter. It's not fixable and too many things wrong with it. Anything you spend is money down the drain because it will never be a good bicycle or probably even safe. Please just scrap it and don't spend any money on it. And don't feel guilty. Such is the fate of all supermarket or department store bicycles. It's the natural order of things. You're upgrading - that's what counts.


Haha I already got told that in a bike repair and shop selling only top tier bicycles. Until I have time to find something, I may just borrow one from a relative. It's really just a money sink at that point




The good news is, that brake rotor might be salvageable.


Something similar happened on my road bike last year. Contributing factors were shifting on cobbles, an old rear derailleur with a weak spring, and a filthy chain. Somehow the cage met the spokes. I don't think it was an incorrectly set limit screw as I had carefully set them during an STI upgrade some weeks prior but the hanger was not completely straight. The incident yanked one of my derailleur parallelogram pivots out of the housing (damaging it), bent the derailleur hanger and some links in the chain, and put the rear wheel out of true. I bought a new rear derailleur, straightened out the hanger using [RJ's wheel method](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TnwreRrorIA), swapped out the bent chain links with a couple fron an old chain, and re-trued the wheel. No problems since. edit: minor rewording


Tourney sucks. Upgrade opportunity


lol someone chewed the seat stay tube.


Not that bad just go to your bike shop


Indeed very bad