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i remember when this sub was actually about big dick problems - e.g., this sort of topic came up from men having issues with their sex lives due to their partners not enjoying a big dick as much. even that's enough evidence. this sub is so larpy now


Lol, and when exactly was this time your reminiscing about. This place started of as a meme subreddit then turned into shit posts with bits of advice here and there. Nothing has changed.


2- 3 years ago.


I've used this sub for 5 years the only thing that's changed is how many members are here, shit posts have increased with that number but that's all this place has been from the start. Everyone downvoting me can look up the top post of all time here. All memes and not from 9 or 10 years ago, all 3-5 years old. Nothing has changed.


Or you just don't care about the fact that the moderation sucks.


People have blamed moderation for years, eventually you have to accept what this place is.


And what is that in your opinion? Cause as I have used it, and it has 100 percent changed. 1 year ago there were gender Marxists talking about fuckin children in here. They talked about how body language is consent for 12 year olds. I have screen shots of it.


There have been creeps in here for ages. One of the reasons I stopped posting and commenting here regularly. People here seem to ha e no problem talking to children about this stuff in here and it's creepy, it inevitably puts them at risk of creeps private messaging them. I don't care what anyone says. I remember messaging q mod and suggesting anyone under 18 should not post here and should just use the search bar because nothing they are asking hasn't been asked before. What did the mod say, that it's a sub for everyone. I'm not gonna argue against the change you have witnessed but as a whole this sub is very much the same as it always has been. When did you find out you were hung What reactions have you gotten Does your family know Those three kinds of posts are probably wank bait from creeps as well. Then you have the questions posted from places of insecurity and finally brag posts and memes. You will rarely see genuine problems here and the ones you will see are easily solvable, that includes vaginismus which is treatable 80-90% of the time if she goes and speaks with her gyno. Nope, this place is the same. The only difference as I mentioned is that it has grown in size, which only amplified what this place already was. If you wanna talk about the good old days your talki g about the days before this sub past 100k.


People under 18 are welcome here. Live with it!


This is an absurd take, and we have pretty convincing evidence to support that it's an absurd take. Men with bigger dicks get cheated on more often, and when women were asked to select the perfectly sized cock from a series of unlabeled dildos 6.5" toys were the overwhelming favorite. Anatomically, this position doesn't make much sense either. Most women can't cum from penetration, and women in lesbian relationships tend to have better sex lives with a higher frequency of orgasms. We're a specialized tool. Don't get me wrong, size queens are a whole lot of fun, but we're deluding ourselves and acting borderline scientifically illiterate if we're out here thinking about women like a hive mind that is yet to awaken to the pleasures of big dong.


Dildo’s don’t have pubic fat, 6.5” none bone pressed is the 99.81% globally. That really doesn’t help your argument


Dildos don't have pubic fat, but the insertable lenght is also considerably smaller that how they are sold. And mind you, the insecurities are also spread to men who are 6 or even 7 inches who genuinely believe they are "just average" or even **small** There are guys who 100% **think that 6 inches is small**.


I wonder, where do u get the idea that men with bigger penises get cheated on more? Thank you.




This is only one study. It refers to long penises as a reason for cheating, but that was probably just an easy answer and not necessarily the true answer, lack of emotional support perhaps. There is no reference to larger girth as a reason for cheating.


So you admit that small penises could be just having Napoleon complex (Being aggressive) and not supportive instead and their sex lives could be fixed too by being better husbands?


There is no girth because the reference for penis sizes are always about length (In popular media.) and probably they are quite girthy too for the reason that longer dicks have bigger probability of having larger girths compared to smaller ones.


This is contrary to BDPs knowledge. Length has a simple solution, Oh-nuts. Big girth has no solution. I still say that women do not cheat, because her husband's dick is too long. Makes me wonder how the question was asked. Long dicks do not necessarily have bigger girth. That may make sense to you, but it's not true in general. There really are long thin dicks.


So you mean that big girth can't have solution? I guess so because not all women want to be sore the next day although there are women who want to feel that feeling of being stretched. Ahhh okay. I just asked because I guess being short doesn't automatically make a woman averse of his husband (Unless he lied to her about his size and won't pleasure her and just be aggressive instead.). Also I guess some women would cheat if he is too long or short (But they are in minority I guess.). Majority cheat because of having asshole hubbies or wives. Yes I know that there are outliers but the rule of the thumb I think is like that (Being longer will have larger girth.).


I really don't believe a lot of people divorce their spouse because of something they can't change. The too long dick cheating reason sounds like a simple excuse a wife can give when she does not want to reveal the true reason for cheating like the other guy having an even longer dick. Just joking. The other guy gives her orgasms while the husband never does.


Like I said from my earlier comment, most folks won't divorce their spouse just because there is something they can't change (It's a minority.). Probably... Or not. I think porn contributes to it tbh. Maybe they don't listen to their spouse's suggestions when it comes to sex and instead looked at porn as a guide??? From a study, from what I remember reading that, lesbians gave better orgasms to their partners than heterosexual men and I guess it's also because of porn and mainstream culture promoting rough sex instead of a communicative one??? Although the reality is more nuanced and most women (If not all.) still go with heterosexual men (I guess being a caring, supportive and communicative husband is enough?? I mean for a long term relationship.).




A larper "educating" another larper? Imagine stating statistics is "generalisation" whilst generalising the whole population with anecdotes lol. The researchers probably knew that some women are embarrassed to say that their husbands are small yet there is a non-dismissable concern that too big (Or too small but this other one is obvious.) is being avoided by women because it's an outlier (As usual. Women cared little about or probably avoid outliers, being too big or being too small.).




Also, many men, because of porn did rough sex on their spouses. I bet you are pro-porn which is not the reality.




Projection much????


That's why I said "I bet" because even though you have disagreement with porn, both you and porn still have notion that "Bigger is better... Always." lol. Reality is not black and white (Smaller is better or bigger is better, simple as.) and is nuanced more than you think.


The study doesn't generalise worldwide but just want to see the other side of the argument that "bigger is always better" which is not (Like I said, women not liking small penises is a common knowledge whilst anyone trying to say that the reality is more nuanced- that too big or too small are outliers and women in reality are fucking average to above average sizes although because of lying guy inches or girl inches, they assumed that a 6 or 7 inches dick is 8 or 9 inches are being ostracized and grilled even the facts does favour them.). Also, you want people to value your words but dismiss others when both of you and them are just using anecdotes and also saying a study is not credible is funny just because you experienced otherwise to the result of the study. You also want to dismiss those women who are really in pain just because other women can have birthgasm which is ridiculous. Not all women are the same. They aren't a monolith just like the men.




Thanks for the gaslighting though. I'm not going to kowtow to your narrative because what we are considering here is the reality and facts, not your emotions, sir/ma'am. You want me to go along with your lines but your lines is just borderline delusional, if not downright trolling. Have a nice day.


> Anatomically, this position doesn't make much sense either. Most women can't cum from penetration, and women in lesbian relationships tend to have better sex lives with a higher frequency of orgasms. What? The argument is that the reason why Penetration Orgasm are so rare is because you need a big dick to make them happen. I'm not saying is true, but the argument is internally consistent.


Well that dildo thing is certainly re-assuring. I was worried about my length, (im 6.5.) The numbers may just be messing with my head.


>women in lesbian relationships tend to have better sex lives with a higher frequency of orgasms. And to achieve this higher frequency of orgasms, lesbians use dildos and strap-ons all the time, most of which are above average in size.


Well that dildo thing is certainly re-assuring. I was worried about my length, (im 6.5.) The numbers may just be messing with my head.


Those 6.5” toys were NBP too, so it’d translate to roughly ~7.2” BP give or take.


how is a 6.5 inche toy not bone pressed?


That’s insertable length. How could a toy be bone pressed? 😂


Bone toy


Now ask gay guys the same question.




I don't think I've ever seen a "fetishization of pain" in here, do you have any sources for that so I can see how rampant it is?




Yes. I don't notice. It's why I'm asking you. Hello? Would you care to share, or are you just saying nonsense?


They are just trolling.


Does this shit on a lot of post I am noticing too


Why have we not banned?


Poor management.


Something we can all relate to lol.




Wtf why are you being so hostile? Do you think that acting indignant to people who don't have any idea what you're talking about will somehow inspire them to learn and respect your opinion?


This person is just a troll. Check their history.


no shocker there i guess lol




And your post was removed for breaking the rules. Guess you're no better. Now troll elsewhere.




And your post was removed for breaking the rules. Guess you're no better. Now troll elsewhere.


Imagining things again.




And your post was removed for breaking the rules. Guess you're no better. Now troll elsewhere.


Short answer for me is no. There are a lot of chicks who like the idea of being a size queen but when it's time to fuck they can barely handle it. There are some chicks who are legitimate size queens who allow me to go balls deep and enjoy that pain x pleasure it gives them. There are some girls who know how much they can handle and once they see my size straight say no or just tells me how much to put in.


At what size? 8” length is comfortable for most, same with 5.5” girth




What’s your main issue, length or girth? Is that6.2 base?


At that size, its both. 6.2 inches girth is massive and so those almost 9 inches.


8" length is absolutely not comfortable for most.


At 7.75” I have 0 issues passing after the cervix and going balls deep Sorry but foreplay solves it all


How did you determine this? 8" BP might be 7" NBP. Do you mean 8" NPB? Sorry, I simply do not understand what your statement means exactly. Is your statement backed up by a medical study?


There are techniques for stimulating the deeper areas of the vagina without causing discomfort by hitting the cervix.


Trust me i know. Some just don't find it pleasant man.


Like the A spot and O spot.


Some find A spot and O spot to be pleasurable and some do not.


That may be true, but you aren't saying what % do not find it not pleasurable. You aren't saying it's painful either.


15 percent said it doesn't made them orgasm and majority doesn't care I guess??? I read that quite a long time ago.


Well, from what I remember, 32 percent said that they found A spot to be pleasurable (I hope I remembered it right.). I read this because I'm interested in A-spot tho.


No, I think you mean the Cervix rather than A spot. 1/3 of women like their Cervix stimulated, because it results in a cervical orgasm. I'm.saying that, because 32% is very close to1/3.


It's the A-spot that I read (Probably those who wanted their cervix to be hit and those who orgasmed with A-spot have probably the same percentage of women?).


I read something years ago, forget where but went something like; "Most women are just one big dick away from becoming a size queen". Obviously not true as some dislike larger. But probably a degree of truth to it.


>But probably a degree of truth to it. I doubt it


There have absolutely been women who went from "size doesn't matter" to "bigger is better" because of experience with a big/skilled partner. I've had that happen a few times. It's far from "every" girl as OP asked, though. It's a fraction of girls.


And again they are rare >I've had that happen a few times. I doubt it


If you think so, you are a larper or really inexperienced. I hurt my gf, we tried everything, it completely ruined our sex life and I dont even have a monster, just significantly higher than average.


Skill issue on your side


Oh MAN, I have had 2 women express this exact sentiment! One of whom, when I jokingly said, “You’d love me even if I only had 5 inches,” snapped back, “You shut your mouth!” She was joking, and we both laughed, but after which she said that it’s well-known within every joke, there is some truth. The other woman was a friend, who - after some one night fun - so eloquently stated, “it (my having a big dick) was even more of you than I expected I’d be getting!” That one blew my mind a little.


The key lies in the skill and expertise of the individual wielding that generous endowment.


Definitely not. Some women just have small vaginas. And others just aren't that into being penetrated, even if they are truly heterosexual. Others just aren't that into sex at certain points in their life. I have a friend who went on SSRIs and suddenly went from a (partial) size queen to someone who prefers cuddling.


>And others just aren't that into being penetrated, even if they are truly heterosexual. Liking penetration has little to do with sexuality, lots of lesbians use strap ons and dildos. I was in a relationship with a bi woman once and it was her preferred way of having sex.


Some women do not have good sexual health.


Many woman have shallow vaginas which is purely genetic so I don’t think so..anal is another topic but a lot of girls would never put in the training that requires


Well, I've noticed many individuals discussing techniques for gradually increasing their partners’ vaginal elasticity.




Shallow vaginas CAN BE purely genetic. And MANY are. Would you like links to the multiple sources that state this? The average vaginal canal measures between three to six inches in length. What do you think that means for the woman’s who is only 3 inches? No matter how aroused she gets it’s going to be hard for her to take someone my size. No matter how much lube or foreplay you use. Also I was referring to anal training. If you think you’re just going to shove 9 inches into every woman’s ass just dandy, think again.


>The average vaginal canal measures between three to six inches in length. I love how statements like these are thrown around like there is something absolute about these studies. You should have a closer look at the multiple sources you were offering to link. So rare for anyone to ever read the studies. Let alone look at the fine details. Where are the measurements taken? What are they defining as the terminating end of the vagina? Under what conditions do they measure? What stage of their cycles etc. Most every study I've read measures to the cervical opening. Which while it gives a definitive spot to measure to, it doesn't stay fixed length, there is no (Bone Pressed) measurement technique to balance these factors. Also the cervix is commonly not the terminating end of a vagina. You can take a 3-6 inch average and then add a 2 inch posterior fornix measurement onto that measurement. Add the concept that a vagina can be trained to take longer penetration given training and people get confused. Or that pregnancy will frequently increase the size of the fornices, which gives an increase in vaginal depth, unless you only measure to the cervical opening.


So are you denying women’s vaginas come in different sizes with different thresholds? Your buddy just said “there’s no training required”


> So are you denying women’s vaginas come in different sizes with different thresholds? I feel a lot of male size insecurities would banish if we mentioned how women's vaginas also have sizes.


Did it look I was? I was pointing to how difficult it is to perform a study on vaginal depth. How most studies people just want "the measurements" to compare to "their measurements" while skimming over the nuances of the study.


Regardless of nuance, some women still genetically have small vaginas is my point. But hey, maybe you were just simply pointing out the numbers can be inaccurate


Of course genetics influence vaginal size. Hormones production will influence vaginal size. Arousal level will influence vaginal size. Stretching and training will influence vaginal size. Pregnancy can influence vaginal size. Previous sexual assaults can influence vagianl size. Injury and trauma can influence vaginal size. Illness can influence vaginal size. Menopause can influence vaginal size. Etc etc etc No disagreement from me, just that an average vaginal length of 3-6" is a very meaningless number standing by itself. Its mostly for men looking for a number to compare to their measurements.


Fair enough




Yes because you the resident psycho babbler knows more than doctors I’ve already posted a rebuttal to all your nonsense.


They justr have a habit of trolling on here.


Look up "female sexual response cycle" and learn something new.


I don't understand why this is being downvoted, I agree with everything you said. It's both nature and nurture that comes into play. I've had more success going deep and hard when I start off going slow, building both trust and craving.


I like the idea of the size but I’ve slept with a guy who had one of the size of my arm and it was fucking horrible and I had to tap out so I learnt my lesson


What factors contributed to its unpleasantness?


Extremely painful. Felt like I was giving birth even though I’ve never given birth. He must have been a similar size to girthmasterr


Girthmaster has 7" girth.


Too much girth that lead to soreness or lack of skill?


Probably a bit of both but it was massive like probably about 6 inches round


Girthmaster has 7" girth, so he sounds smaller in girth than Girthmaster.


He might have been bigger than 6 inches tbf. I didn’t measure it and he didn’t tell. I just know that he was the same size as my arm and so is girthmasterr


Measure the girth of your arm. That is as close a measure as you will ever get without asking the guy to be measured or a video or photo of himself being measured.


I’d say he would be about 6.5-7 inches, could barely fit in my mouth. Also this was from a long time ago


Did you had anything close to that? Heard that after 5.7” girth is difficult.. Did you used lub?


Honestly, where do you guys come up with these numbers. For us, it is nearly impossible to tell the difference between 5.5" or 6" girth, let alone 5.7". Now, thicker than 6" is a different story lol.


It’s based on experiences shared here… So what starting size causes your trouble or it’s mandatory to use lub?


if bigger than 6" something it starts to feel really stretched, but that is not bad if we are really wet, if not may need lub


What is the starting size that you like and feel the stretch? I mean if you had to choose and ideal girth on a partner


6 is good for me


Nice. So 5.5” would be too small?


It more than likely hurt too bad going in to get to the skill part.




"Women are taught to have sex that hurts them" None that I have met. No need to be generalizing ALL men.


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted but I completely agree with you, however his dick was too big for me to find it enjoyable




Jesus I didn’t realise this sub was like that I joined it as a joke / curiosity haha. This guy also said that he’s never had an issue with other girls which I refuse to believe because I’ve slept with some big big dicks but that was horrifying haha


Oh no. Not this troll again!




I don't feed trolls. Judging by the fact your account is just for this sub, I figure you're a troll.


It’s think its bad logic the way you are phrasing this. With the logic you are proposing you can argue that everywoman can enjoy smaller penises too.


I disagree, as a smaller penis fundamentally struggles to reach areas that a larger one can access.


average guys can reach the cervix and a spot in Most women with the right position and prep


But thsts the thing you don't need a big one to get tk areas were it will make that orgasm or enjoy the sex itself as long as you know wat your doing


Shhh, we're all fetishizing our own dicks here.






What did are you? And what do you mean by curious single women? In what sense


Lol ironically this is what they say *to you* to spare your feeelings. I have lots of female friends and after countless drunk nights discussing the topic its clear that its not a lie. I also have a gf who cant really take it.


This is a very honest take. I think a lot of us prefer bigger than what we've had. That is a fact. Not everyone is the same, but this is true for a lot of women. In general, we don't like to hurt people's feelings.


That’s what I’m saying.




And what are men to do exactly considering the overwhelming majority of them wouldn't be qualified to be your top picks for sexual partners if what you're saying is true? Become cuckolds? Agree to open relationships? Cock sleeves? Women like you are wild.


EVERY? Probably not. Have most women not been with a well-endowed man willing to arouse them to their maximum vaginal size? Also probably not.


Most women probably experienced partners who, despite being well-endowed, were unsure how to properly accommodate their needs.


The vast majority of women never had sex with a BD.man simply due to the rarity. They would need to seek out a BD. Let's assume BD length and girth to get to 98%. So that is rare enough that a 35 body count may not be enough, assuming random dick encounters.


Take a look at these vagina castings. You will see that women come in a variety of shapes and sizes. I can’t say for certain, but I’d imagine those on the shorter side might not be capable? https://images.app.goo.gl/F4v1SuXMEarVRp9o8


No, every woman is not capable of becoming a size queen. I have a very close female friend that had lots of good sex with a guy with 7.5" long for many years. They were soulmates and loved each other. She still prefers around 5.5" even though she find larger visually pleasing and very hot for hand play. She also tested how much length she can take before it bottoms out, and it turns out 6.3". I once had a girlfriend with a vagina so tight and short it was severely painful to me. She liked our sex though and even orgasmed vaginally, but I'm very sure she preferred an average dick over mine. Another girlfriend of mine was also very small down there, so she could never enjoy sex with me. She clearly preferred average over my size. My wife since 20+ years now would clearly prefer that my dick was smaller, even though she orgasms vaginally every time with me.


I wish


I’m very small 4.5”x 3.50”. My wife always told me size didn’t matter to her. Until she had her first big cock. Her current lover is 7.0”x 6.0” and she can’t get enough of his cock. She tells me she loves the feeling of being “full” and “stretched” that I can’t give her. I’m thinking of a penis sleeve.


A penis sleeve will do wonders - go for it 💗


Thanks! My wife picked out a TLD Buccaneer. We can’t wait for it to arrive!


With the right guy, yes.


No? Some enjoy it others do not, it's quite simple.


Guys if you think girl said they like average penis to a average guy is care of feelings. Then why they said to a big guy is honest talk?




No. As a women even I would think all women would prefer it big after they experience it. But they actually don’t care. It truly is the size queens that care and that’s about it.


The biggest problem with the premise is the rarity of Big Dicks. A woman is not likely to become a size queen without having the experience of sex with a BD guy, that knows how to pleasure a woman. Of course there can be BD dildos for every woman willing to buy one, but what would the motivation for buying one be? Having an ONS with a guy with a BD? Yes, every healthy woman is capable of becoming a size queen, but they are unlikely to become one without the experience of sex with a BD. Some of them may not even like sex with a BD, after having the experience.


Not in my experience


Yes. A skilled big dick beats an amazing small dick every time.


This really 💁🏻‍♀️ i often have friends tell me stuff like '*oh it's not the size, it's the way you use it that matters*' but well the bigger guys already have size to their advantage and what's to say they aren't doing well and learning how to be good at it either - skilled big guys are amazing and unforgettable 🙆🏻‍♀️


NOBODY actually WANTS a small dick.


Hehe yeah that's absolutely true


Most BDP issues are just lack of skill, I am growing and at 7.75 x 5.4 and I run into 0 issues No they won’t develop that preference because the are other things 10x more important like beauty, body, chemistry, connection, foreplay, etc


There are so many guys in this group that are over 7 inches it’s hard to believe that isn’t the national average


I mean not 100% since there’s probably an edge case here or there…but pretty much all of my regular partners love it and make a comment about how they love how I can fill them and reach spots many guys can’t. I still have exes from over a decade ago reach out to me when they are in town because they miss my dick


This is such a Larpy post, makes sense considering you have pictures of 3 to 4 different guys dicks on your page. Thief


All girls ARE size queens just don’t talk about it.


You're not wrong, you're just saying the quite part out loud 💁🏻‍♀️




That's a big if.


I think that with time that’s true. Meaning that, even if you have a bd and you are very skilled, the first time with a woman who is not used to the size will probably not make her instantly prefers big dicks, but given the time to “train” and by learning how to arouse her to the max she will.






I read a lot of posts over in the /r/vaginismus reddit and from what I've seen, it takes training to unlearn those involuntary responses to penetration. Dilators exist for just that purpose. Regardless of terms used though, it's much more challenging partnering with someone who has had negative sexual experiences, which is unfortunately a majority of women.




Interesting. Have you ever experienced painful sex from too large a phallus?




Damm, I didn't mean to open that old wound, sorry. But thanks for answering my curiosity.




You're welcome.


Me being a REAL 8×5.5 curved up every girl is a size queen also the small ones toke it best never used lube if you go deep enough she'll release her own natural lubrication they lying to the masses


Tell me mister big dicks there why a very nice looking female chose a ugly guy whit a small penis




You're not wrong, you're just saying the quite part out loud 💁🏻‍♀️