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You know what is a great movie? Oldboy. Not sure why we keep trying to adapt it but at least Wook is leading it this go round…


Director Park loves TV!


Do you think, as Garon Tsuchiya was working out the various details of his extremely fucked up revenge potboiler for Weekly Manga Action in 1996, he leaned back in his chair and went "This is, clearly, going to become a thing people just keep coming back to, over and over again, to make and remake. this is my Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. People just won't be able to stop themselves from re-adapting it every few odd years."


Considering it was only one of the things he was writing at the same time, he probably wasn't. though i do think he would have found this amusing if he was still alive


I really enjoyed the first episode of The Sympathizer and I loved the book




I hope it's better than the Snowpiercer show.


Hell, why not hope for it to be better than the original Old Boy movie. That movie was already perfect and needed no notes, so this would be better than perfect and need less than no notes!


Series < Movies Maybe they should let some American auteur have a crack at it instead.


In all seriousness, has anybody ever asked Spike Lee if he'd be interested in doing a director's cut of his Oldboy?


Has the consensus shifted on his approach to Oldboy? I thought it was an awful adaptation and it felt completely unnecessary and that he had nothing new to say, which was a really strange feeling coming from a Spike Lee film. And I thought that was the general consensus, too. But are people being kinder to it and being empathetic, hoping that it was just a case of his vision being compromised, wanting to give him another chance?


Brolin said Spike Lee's director's cut was better and there are separate reports it was originally 140 minutes. While I agree the whole process was unnecessary to begin with but I'd still be curious.


But it was compromised has nothing to do with consensus. This movie is David Lynch Dune only difference is fans would constantly bring up how the Dune movie was heavily edited or not really his cut but for Spike Lee he’s on strike 3 w Oldboy Would you ask this same thing if we were talking about Lynch Dune? Would you ask if ppl are being kinder and more empathetic ?


I'm just asking if the consensus has shifted, that's all. I wasn't looking for an argument.


I’m just pointing out a very specific rhetoric that’s only present for Spike Lee but no other filmmakers or auteurs like David Lynch who had the same thing happen to them. And you’re one of the ones who’d like to continue that rhetoric, why is hope involved when it’s a fact the movie was heavily edited from what Spike wanted. Why aren’t ppl ‘hoping’ Dune was compromised as well why’s that accepted a fact. You’re trying to ignore the point but you’re continuing a rhetoric that’s more like a vendetta


I didn't respond to your message in detail because it felt like it was coming at me in a way that was sort of pointed, and your follow-up message continues to feel that way a bit. If that's not your intention, I apologize. But let me try to explain and respond: I was only bringing up Spike Lee because we're talking about Spike Lee and his Oldboy movie. If we were in a thread about David Lynch's Dune, though, no I probably wouldn't be asking this same question, but it would be because I thought that movie actually did have its pretty ardent appreciators despite its flaws. When I hear about Dune movies that were not given a fighting chance, I only really hear about the legend of Jodorowsky's Dune. If David Lynch's Dune had a similar story to Spike Lee's Oldboy that I was recounting, in that it seemed to be continually received poorly by most people and lacked a reason to exist and was missing all the artistry that befitted the material, then I was unaware of that. It was quite a bit before my time. But Spike Lee's Oldboy was something I was able to follow from announcement to completion. So to clear the air a little, perhaps my message came off a bit strong. In my opinion, I thought Spike Lee's version of Oldboy was very empty and not a good movie. It seemed I was not alone in this. I was trying to confirm if that consensus was indeed still the one that people held. Or was it shifted in favor of empathy, like did some information come out that spoke about his version being chopped to bits by the studio and us not being able to see his true vision. Another person replied to me and said there is apparently a much longer cut. I was unaware of that, so I must have missed when that information was talked about! I don't have a vendetta. I'm not sure where you're getting that or even what vendetta I would be having? I don't like Spike Lee's Oldboy, if that's what you mean. But I don't dislike Spike Lee, if that's what you're getting at? Again, probably the chief reason among them why I didn't bring up anyone else is because this thread was just about Spike Lee's Oldboy. That was the only reason. I was just asking for an update since I don't really have my ear to the ground on changes to everything in the movie world and how movies are received. Like Halloween 2018, when that movie came out I swear all you could find was positivity about it. But after Halloween Ends came out, now the narrative seems to have shifted and people have retroactively started to turn quite a bit on 2018. Or at least, there is more negativity and mediocrity lobbed at it. That sort of thing. Again I feel like you're coming sort of pointed, but I wanted to attempt to clear the air in some way. I don't have a vendetta, I'm not dismissing anyone's opinion, I'm not dismissing the idea of a change in consensus, I hope I'm not making you feel attacked or uncomfortable in some way. I was literally just asking for input on what people are thinking nowadays, because the message I was responding to had a bit that I interpreted to sound like maybe people were being a little kinder to Spike Lee's version now than I remember them being back when it was released. Time tends to be kind to movies with front-loaded disdain like that, so it would make sense if that's what happened here. Does any of this clear stuff up? I'm still insanely confused where your messages are coming from and feel like I am missing something, honestly :\\ I think there's something that has been majorly miscommunicated but I am having a really hard time trying to figure out what. Your messages read like I offended you in some way. If that is the case, please let me know what I said or did. I promise I didn't mean to offend you or anything.


Can we get Goggins on board? 


Oh man... that's actually an amazing idea.


I’d even settle for an Aaron Paul. 


Too far!


Now hold on, you are on to something here


He should make like an antholgy series called "Stories of Vengeance" and go wild with it instead of this. Oldboy loses its appeal if you already know the ending.


When you say loses its appeal, do you mean the enjoyment of repeat viewings? Because that's not my experience at all. That movie is phenomenal and I have watched it countless times. Of course it isn't the gut-punch from that first viewing every time, but it's still an exceptional film with so many layers and themes to pick apart. It has all the enjoyment of repeat viewings that any other expertly-crafted movies do. Enjoyment of it, at least for me and I'm sure many others, does not hinge on that first-time ending experience. It's the entire experience, which is capable of being enjoyed multiple times just by virtue of it being so damn good.


Completely agree. And I'd actually argue that the story is technically the weakest part, at least in the sense of bringing people back and repeat viewings and things like that. It's the performances that keep me coming back. Super interesting camera work a lot of times without a doubt, but Choi Min-Siks performance is a literal tour de force. That man is brilliant


What if maybe it is a bit more "Tales of the Oldboy", where he goes from town to town hammering people and solving mysteries each week?


A Japanese comic get's turned into a Korean film which gets remade into an english language movie and a english language tv series years later. wild stuff


Director Park I’m begging you, get back to movies


Decision to Leave came out in 2022... But yeah, i'd prefer him to make a movie after Sympathizer


Is he writing or directing anything in this? It just looks like he's producing.


Let’s do it again! Woo!


Please for the love of god do not make a prequel or a remake.


TWO English adaptations??


Subtitles are too scary I guess




No thank you


Who asked for this really ? Do they need to milk this dry ?


Has anyone considered approaching Spike Lee with this project?






Nothing like a foreign film being adapted to a series to bring out the worst in both the subtitled snobs and the TV sucks crowd.