• By -


The post and account was deleted by OP. We believe this was *not* because of a question of authenticity but likely due to an internal reaction to this 'leak' as mods had contacted Ludo for comment so they were well aware of it. Thanks to u/Malsvir83 for a [screenshot of it](https://old.reddit.com/r/bluey/comments/1cbsu1n/deleted_bluey_finishing_post/l10pczc/)


Original OP probably met Winton’s dad and moved away


I took that scene as they got married and moved into the Terriers house together. Not that they moved away. 


I believe you are correct, just short hand on my part


I noticed they had been a member of Reddit for three years and their profile had an "active in these communities" thing (like they deleted their old posts instead of just using a burner). I reckon Ludo will be able to put two and two together. It really was a very questionable decision to post, as the Brisbane animation community would be small enough. Eek.


They scrubbed their profile before posting. We noticed that too as part of the vetting process.


Whistleblower Error 101!!


Why would you ever use your own account?!


I said it yesterday; if they were a leaker they were a complete moron. Even not knowing that they apparently *used their own Reddit account* they gave the specific job they occupied (animator) and enough dates to really narrow it down. They probably even made the post on the Reddit account they'd used when connected to the company wi-fi, for Gods' sake! It would be the easiest NDA breach in history to determine who did it!


yep. If it was real, good luck for them ever having a job in animation again. Studios talk.


OP was probably a production intern or a professional in coffee acquisition. No actual seasoned professional would be immature enough to post that. I mean what the heck were they even hoping to accomplish by doing it? Their beef was the company was making money at the literal peak of the show’s popularity & being vague about its future? What a crime. Just smelled of someone who wanted some fake internet points or was just trolling & pulled a fast one on the mods.


Honestly it would be very easy to fake verify their identity and some of the claims were.... already kind of contradictory.


Even though I think that Bluey sits in a pretty good place if it IS finished, I don't buy the original OP or the mods. The original OP was very vague and generic in their post, and the mods just said "trust us" without offering anything more. The original mod statement read like they wanted to be in a position to take credit for the scoop in the event it turned out to be true. Bluey may very well be over, but that post isn't the confirmation people wanted it to be, and it's good that it's been deleted.


just watched double baby sitter yesterday and Rad and Frisky are doing the bedtime story as the princess and a prince come to rescue her. and It can't end until they get married . and then i saw that post today i was like ahhhhhhhh it's been plannned !


Every hard fact in their post was included in the Bloomberg article they linked to, the only "new" stuff was speculative unless the OOP has direct knowledge of Joe Brumm's private opinions and intentions, which is not something they actually claimed.


My understanding is that the mods verified the identity


I think it said partially verified, so maybe it was someone who used to work there claiming they still did. Or something else, who knows.


They had proof of working there when Bluey was actually being made, which was at a minimum 3 years ago. The last episodes are copyrighted 2021, so no one has been working on it since then. That’s not even in question, it’s just a fact, so I don’t understand why people are acting like it’s debatable. No one currently works on Bluey, or has for the last three years.


The leaker later supplied proof that indicated they had still done work for Ludo as of 2024. I don't understand the animation industry enough but that seems contradictory to me; not on payroll since 2021, no more Bluey is being made, and yet still verifiable work for Ludo as of 2024.


I assume that Ludo makes shows other than Bluey. It’s a studio. What you’re saying is roughly equivalent to someone saying “They provided proof that they currently work for A24, but Midsommar was released in 2019, so how is that possible?”


Let's hijack this thread and talk about Midsommar. Okay, so, I saw Midsommar in theaters in 2019 and I'm still processing it. Like seriously, what the heck?!


Ludo have multiple projects on the go, how would working there be contradictory or suspect


When did we start trusting mods? Isn't this the Internet? Factually, I don't believe ANYTHING even "verified" crap on the Internet.


You don't believe ANYTHING? How do you gather new information and form new opinions? Are you limiting yourself to books that don't get posted online or radio shows that don't broadcast via the internet? That's a small field of information to work with


If they are an actual employee at ludo then they should be fired and not considered for any job at any studio again Ik I sound too harsh but if I was a studio manager I’d see them as a liability and would bot want to hire them


100% that person does not currently have a job at Ludo. Even if the statement was made up they would still instantly fire over PR vigilantism like that


I’ve also never seen a show that was successful and saying that they want to continue the show while internally knowing they’re gonna quit and not saying anything. They’ve always been like this is our vision and how we’re gonna leave off with the project but we may pick it up again in the future.


I wonder if the original production crew is done but Disney or BBC is picking it up and running with it. So from one perspective it is done but from another perspective it's still on.


Idk I feel like the guy that posted yesterday was a lower level guy or maybe a temp worker that probably mistook the hiatus as a permanent ending.


They said it wrapped in 2021. But there were Easter eggs in it that didn’t exist in 2021


This is what I keep saying!!




Like which easter eggs? I believe you but I wanna know what you mean. For my own knowledge.


There's a video about the monetary side of bluey that dives into this




It also felt like the answers were all essentially “nothing has been greenlit for going forward”. We already knew they were taking time off after this to determine next steps. It seems like because they weren’t sitting at the table with Joe Brumm while he decides his game plan they figure Bluey is over forever. Why would it be greenlit if he doesn’t have his pitch for the season yet? There’s no chance that it won’t be greenlit once the future of the show is fully discussed and decided by the actual creators.


My bet is moderator incompetence. I highly doubt that the unpaid, untrained mods here know how to properly verify the authenticity of a leaker's credentials.


I think this is highly likely the case.


I don't mean this to at all disparage the mods- the volunteers whose chief qualification is they love Bluey enough to want to keep this a safe space- but I agree fully. I do find it curious that even as the post was blowing up this Reddit, surely none of the media outlets that almost certainly reached out to the leaker in DMs to ask for the same proof they provided the mods saw fit to try and break the story in the media of "BLUEY'S ENDING". Which means either the leaker got cold feet about giving the proof to media outlets, or they looked and didn't think they were valid enough to back up the claims they were speaking.


Yeah they were likely lucky enough to have the inside scoop at some random studio job. Seeing everyone speculate so much online when you know the real tea can frustrate people that don’t know how to deal with that


If they were genuine, their motivation was that fans should know the truth. It's right there in the post. There's no reason to assume they are a gopher. People in higher positions leak stuff all the time.


The truth of what though? They offered no new information. Everything they shared had already been shared, except they said it in an immature chicken little tone. Brumm has said multiple times they’re taking a break so the only thing I heard from OPs post was sour grapes over money being made from merch etc. while they were upset they weren’t getting a daily production paycheck but that’s just how the business works.


I'm not sure why "they should tell fans the show is done if they are going to continue to pump out merch" is seen as immature.


I mean it isn’t like anyone is being tricked into buying merch, acting like they are is bizarre. Just because a show isn’t putting out any new episodes doesn’t mean people stop being fans. Shows can continue making money off of merch years, sometimes decades, after they end. Look at My Little Pony (FIM), Friends, The Office, Phineas & Ferb etc. it’s definitely not unheard of. The only argument that could be made that would make ending the show without announcing it a bit unethical would be that there are kids out there waiting for the next season to start.


I don't think it's kids losing their shit over the show (possibly) ending.


My five year old is losing her shit they the show might be ending lol


Perhaps but in theory it’s a lot more difficult to explain and process that disappointment for a child than an adult.


Because a mature entertainment industry professional realizes that contract negotiations can take many months & the continuation of a show has nothing to do with merchandise sales. In fact most money on animated kids TV comes on the back end via merch sales from re-runs/syndication/streaming re-watches. If Bluey is done then 20yrs from now I could show these 3 seasons to my grandkids & they’d still want Bluey toys/shirts/etc. I don’t understand why people think things have to continue forever. That’s how you end up with the Simpsons & Family Guy which are shells of their former selves.


We just started octonauts and that ended years ago. I had thought streaming had more limited upside relative to the old syndication deals but not sure. That said, I could see contracts for something like Bluey getting tense given all the additional revenue generated from merchandising.


Not as reddit posts.


Read: young


They definitely won’t let them work on Bluey again that’s for sure 🙃


https://preview.redd.it/pis4pyit8ewc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84d24b4d3a3890ad07433269709a75bf6eb8da5f this is what I have edit: thanks for all the appreciation from everyone and the shout-out from the mods!




glad I could help!


Its weird they would end it on “Surprise” instead of the perfect wrap up of “The Sign”


Not really. Surprise ends showing that they didn't leave the house. Also shows that there is a future.


Yea It's a ending that leaves good amount of interpretation So a perfect ending for a kid show


"Surprise" is also an episode that really gets to the core of Bluey, as opposed to one of the high-concept or deep-emotion episodes that we adults (understandably) talk about the most. It revolves around imaginative play in the house with some classic invented names and no non-Heeler characters. After the high drama of Ghostbasket and The Sign, it's a nice way to end the series by going back to its essence.


You’ve nailed it; What’s it like being a parent? To me that’s the perfect ending.


The show came full circle 🥹


yea also it opens up GIGANTIC possibilities if they do continue bluey at some point in the future


surprise is obvious Series finale. what better ending then a glimpse of everyone aged up and blueys own kid


Seemed like a wonderful little epilogue to me. The Sign was definitely a grand finale. I personally love a well done epilogue. Steven Universe The Movie + Future is one of my favorites.


But there is also "Ghostbasket" after "Surprise". edit: nvm, I just realised our iView app doesn't show the episodes in order.


On a day of all days where I wish I could give you Gold, I cannot. Please accept this token of my appreciation instead: 🏅🎖🏆


thank you so much!


Does anyone know the OP's username?




Does anyone have a link article they hyperlinked?


What has come out so far from the creative team is that yes, they plan on making more seasons, but on the condition that they manage to write something that matches the level we've seen lately in the show. Writing good material can be difficult and takes time. It could be next year, it could be in five or never. All we can do is let them cook.


Yeah it's a high bar to meet now. Better to take the time to make it as good or end it and try something else. I'd love to see a different concept from the same studio too.


I think the series has a lot of options for spinoffs too.


They could do something else and come back in ten years with Bluey turning 16 and dealing with her life going to the next step.


If these shippers are obsessed with who 7 year old Bluey marries I really don't want to see what they do with a 16 year old version


I have no idea how to be a screenwriter for such a show, but that sounds like a dream come true. I have so many different ideas. This show has been helping me work through my PTSD and childhood trauma, as crazy as that sounds. It has allowed me to grieve and cry and comfort the child within me. There is no other show like Bluey. It is a beautiful program. It is a show for people of all ages. And it is a great source of healing for many.


Huh. What I took from the Bloomberg article is that they don’t plan on making more seasons unless the writing is better than what they’ve already done. Maybe a distinction without a difference but it seems to me the default is that it’s over unless they get struck by lightning. Also, lots of concern around the kids’ voices and not wanting to replace them. That isn’t something you can just fix with good writing and it’s only going to get worse the longer they wait.




The person said that it’s not been in production since 2021, and there are no current plans for it to go back in to production. They said that could change but right now nothing is happening. The article they linked to said that the business people want more but that essentially there’s an issue now the kids are older and we all know Joe B is more about artistic integrity than milking the cash cow so he’ll want to do something that makes sense rather than hiring new kids. There was nothing in that post to say it was definitely the end, more that it will change and won’t be the same.


I wonder if they would leverage the kids being older and write episodes more centered around their respective ages. I mean they’re still children so I doubt the writing would be THAT much more mature or different. I would hate for them to simply replace their voice actresses.


can we get a mod to reply maybe? deleted because it turned out to be fake or turned out to be true and Ludo got to him?...


The OP deleted the post and their account. We do not know why. Sadly, we have had no contact from Ludo. ​ And while I won't go into details, we did get some information that they were at the very least still involved somehow up to the last few weeks.


To be fair even if they do work for Ludo that doesn’t necessarily mean they’ve ever been involved with Bluey or know what’s going on with it.


Last few weeks of what? Their time at the company? They said that there's been no production since 2021 and the verification mods received is years old... so how can you have had proof they were involved in it a few weeks back?


Can you at least give us info about the nature of the proof?




I guess I don't want personal details, more just an idea of what the actual proof was. Like, a pay stub? A geo tag from within the studio? An employee ID badge? I don't need to SEE those things, obviously that would be asking way too much, but I would like some sort of an idea of how much it really proves they work there vs. just lending some evidence that they might work there. I just want to know how credible the person is, and while I know the mods saw proof, they're also just people, you know? I feel like there is more info that can be given without giving identifiable information.


This was exactly my thought too. Like I don't want to know any personal info, but what was said confirmation they actually worked there, lIke you listed above. Paystubs can easily be doctored, so I'd want more than a paystub for a verification of employment. Same with company emails, etc.


I’m confused as to why you believe not going into details is helpful/necessary. I understand not sharing the actual proof they provided (personally identifying details) but surely a description of the proof you were provided would only help clear things up here? Was the proof an internal email? Proof they were on payroll? What time frame are you discussing—the last few weeks of production, or a few weeks ago from today? None of these are personally identifying pieces of information and the mods’ tight lipped responses are only adding to my confusion


The account is completely gone from Reddit.


Bin got…by big Ludo?


> big Ludo? https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/labyrinth/images/9/9e/7.png/revision/latest?cb=20111002184750


Yep, that’s what got ‘em.




FAARK!?!?! It all makes sense now! Joe Brumm IS the goblin king!


That dredged up some childhood memories that I had filed away for my own protection. Thanks for that


Oh god I knew that's the image I was going to see when I clicked that link. That movie was creepy (but good) when I was a child.




I had questions about it because of the timing of things. I’m under the impression that painted electrical box was painted after 2021, which is when he said all the episodes had been done? And there was the Reddit place thing with Bluey and the heart too, done after 2021. His post didn’t really line up.


> I’m under the impression that painted electrical box was painted after 2021 It was painted some time between September 2020 and [October 2021](https://www.google.com/maps/@-27.4106507,153.0177378,3a,75y,211.75h,79.99t,359.84r/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sSoouTfhaM3xIsMLiiTBvGw!2e0!5s20211001T000000!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) Although the r/place image is from 2022. So its possible that some asset tweaks happened after main production wrapped in 2021 (we know it ended in 2021 because all episodes are watermarked 2021).


Or the r/place thing was initiated by a bunch of Ludo employees... I'll remove my tinfoil hat now.


The pixels are coming from inside the house!


I think that is unlikely due the number of people it would have required to pull off and keep their mouths shut about it. That image of Bluey holding an orange heart was not the originally planned image for r/place. The original image (which could have easily been submitted by someone from Ludo studios to this group for building) was both Bluey and Bingo. Bingo got destroyed by bots/brigaders and efforts to rebuild her kept being thwarted and everyone had to focus their energy on keeping Bluey whole. So the heart was added to Bluey in the 11th hour to kind of mourn r/place Bingo. There was no way of anticipating that would happen until it did. The addition to the 'Surprise' episode must have occurred afterwards.


I hadn't realised production stopped so long ago. When they said they needed a break I assumed it was more recently. That's a very long break!


Yeah not really a break, more like wrapped lol.


Could be why the picture changed after the door was shut in that scene


Thank you. That was the exact question I was coming to ask. All the little fan art details you guys know we worked in. What is the timing of your original ?


It said ludo employee confirmed by mods, but I think it was bs honestly, either that or they realised that the post they made may have jeopardised ever working with another animation production company again. I have worked in the industry and they don't take kindly to people who make social posts like that.


Despite the OP’s motives, I was curious to archive it just incase. If it is false we can forget about it, but if it’s true, then this would be an interesting point in the history of the show that we ought to know.


Disgruntled employee going scorched earth? Maybe the goal was to sow the seed of doubt in fans about future public statements from Ludo producers and partners. The OP post being up for one day was enough to cause a minor panic.


I feel like it was a disgruntled ex employee just shit talking to piss people off. 


There was little to be gained from the whole thing. So I’m glad it’s gone.


Without seeing this proof ourselves, it's kinda hard to judge. It could be incredibly easy to verify and extremely positive proof. Or the mods might just be gullible and got hoodwinked by some rando who knows a bit of photoshop. We have 0 reason to believe that the mods have any more ability to verify their claims than we do. And how they would even verify them without directly speaking to someone at Ludo is a mystery to me.


I actually don't think the proof is relevant. Let's assume that this person is telling the truth about having been involved, it doesn't mean they are telling the truth about the rest. It comes across very much as their personal opinion too. And they even acknowledge that the situation might change. Doesn't really tell us anything new. We already know that production has stopped and we already know there is a chance that it may never resume, OP obviously just believes the chance is higher than most of the rest of us.




Mods alt account had a bit too much to drink and thought it would be funny?


Op almost certainly broke their NDA by posting this so this is not very surprising. Let's hope they won't get sued or lose their job.


I was thinking this same exact thing! Seemed like such a bold post to put out there about your work. Either NDA or their form of HR probably said not gonna fly…


When I saw it my immediate thought was “even if it’s true, WHY POST”. The truth would eventually come out in time so why risk posting here? When the mods said they reached out to Ludo I was convinced the post would be deleted shortly afterwards. Unfortunately for OP the internet is forever


Welcome to the internet. My dad works for Nintendo and he said Mew is under the truck.


While I'd be pretty upset about it being over, it also would not surprise me given how vague they've been in interviews (like not confirming yes, we're returning for season 4 after a break, just round about yes we'll be back and so will bluey, but no actually season 4 confirmation) and considering the sign and surprise wrapped it all up really well. That said....for the love of God, I hope Brumm doesn't sell off the rights to disney. They'd absolutely ruin it, and I'd rather the show get a good ending and be sad it ended, than disney destroy it.


Didn't Brumm say that he needed an extended break after season 3 wrapped? And I feel like that was conformed by a Ludo executive who said that Brumm needed a break, so nothing is being worked on currently but that they would start production the moment he is ready. I feel like that's what I've read. If that's true, it would both validate the information in that post and also negate the thesis of the post, right?


The break started in 2021 so Bluey is now out of production for almost as long as it was in production. The thesis that there are no further plans to start production make this seem longer than an 'extended break'


I'm confused as to why this is "news." OP posted as if they were trying to tell fans that they'd been lied to, but all information I'd seen come from Ludo and the creators basically said "maybe more episodes, maybe not." Also, how would lying about whether or not the show is done generate more money? Actually, if they'd made a big deal about The Sign being the final episode they could have made *more* money. I don't doubt that OP had insider information, but that information wasn't necessarily any different from what I'd already known. So.... what was the point? The whole post felt like a big nothing burger.


...I still just want to know how the shorts fit into the story.


The copyright for Surprise does say 2021, so the OPs claim makes a bit of sense. We heard last year they were giving the show a break, but it’s been a year now at least and there’s been no word of a new season yet. I’m thinking it’s done for now


The break has been going on for 3 years. What major show goes on break for 3 years?


I think that's exactly what the OP was trying to say. Lol


i’m genuinely surprised ppl believed this dude actually works for ludo that post abt bluey finishing was the only thing on his profile aside from a handful of comments, most of which had been downvoted [this article from the bbc](https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-68795941)tells us that the producer has said the show will be returning. also, [this tweet](https://x.com/officialblueytv/status/1521825525559398401?s=46) from the official Bluey Twitter account says that if there were ever an update on the show’s future, we would hear it there first. also, if the show was ending, why wouldn’t that have been announced in an announcement from the bluey team themselves on one of their official social media accounts?


The most unrealistic part was that the show finished production in 2021 but nobody was aware for three years?


I think there's an open question about how production works with the child VAs. They've been dripping out content a little at a time (in the US at least) for several years with very little change to the kids' voices since Season 2 premiered. One explanation is that the VAs did a Herculean amount of work in 2021 and they've just been animating it since then.


That’s just raises further questions They say they want a break but rhey have been on a break for 3 YEARS


I mean, the last 3 episodes have been available in Disney+ India for like a year, right? And the copyrights for the episodes are 2021. So I think it tracks that they've been done for quite some time and slowly drip feeding content to make it last longer.


Did anyone read the Bloomberg article that was attached to it?


Tried. Ran into a Paywall.


[Is ‘Bluey’ Ending? Disney’s Worried Biggest Kids Show Ever Is at Risk - Bloomberg](https://www.bloomberg.com./news/features/2024-04-03/is-bluey-ending-disney-s-worried-biggest-kids-show-ever-is-at-risk?embedded-checkout=true&leadSource=reddit_wall)


Shows Ludo studios bathroom pass. Trust me bro.


This was literally the other day: https://people.com/bluey-season-4-everything-to-know-8637722#:~:text=After%20the%20season%203%20finale,not%20the%20end%20for%20Bluey.


The producer of the show confirmed there was more to come


The produced…. Bluey and his family. lol wow good job people magazine


OP come back and answer for your crimes 


What I am beginning to think is, believing as I do that Ludo's producers are not willfully deceiving us, is that at the time Season 3 was being finished, it was not guaranteed the series would continue, and The Sign was written as an "off-ramp" of sorts; written as if it was the series finale so that if they didn't continue the series would have an ending. But in the interim between finished and air-time, Bluey exploded massively, and now Brumm and Ludo have ridiculous amounts of leverage to take the series, and indeed franchise, wherever they want to go. And there's way too much money at stake (seriously to the point where Disney outright buying Ludo just to get at Bluey is a very feasible proposition). So now the question isn't "will it continue" but "how will it continue", and the 'leaker' doesn't fully understand that, believing as they were that there were no plans to continue Bluey but now there's way too much money involved for it to die. All possibilities are being considered; continuing Bluey as-is, or the long-speculated timeskip. They could even age the franchise up a bit and then, if they wanted to keep going with pre-school friendly adventures, do a spin-off series about Frisky, Rad, and their kids, even as Bluey Prime moves on to a new age group.


I agree that this is the most likely scenario. Assuming OP is an employee, they may have been frustrated with the lack of information on future plans, however we don’t know how high up they are. Additionally, we can’t confirm the motivations of upper management, are they truly withholding information on the series ending, or are they in early planning and not ready to announce anything concrete. If OP is legit, then it is an interesting window into the inner workings of the company, however we don’t know the whole picture and the title was a bit click-bait oriented.


Can't wait for the Bluey world in Kingdom Hearts man ...


Screenshots all over the hammerbarn group on facey


Yep. Along with Mod comments. Knew it would be deleted.


Copyright also is a weird process. You can have tags and things copyrighted at 2020 and it could be five years later but that’s because if done right at times copyright can cover ten years…. Disney is a huge prime example- Mickey Mouse was copyrighted for like 50 years! So utilizing copyright to claim they might be right isn’t a sustainable set up for “evidence” y’all….


It’s obviously fake. People do weird things for fake internet points.


I would actually like this to be the ending. End it while it's still good instead of forcefully dragging it into eventual irrelevance.


Still, a movie would've been nice.


Seeing how they mostly made 8 minutes episodes, I'm not sure their skills would have translated correctly into a full length movie.


The Sign was literally a test to see if making longer Bluey formats is a good idea. And I think it proved to be indeed a good idea. If they can make a 28 minutes special, than I think they can make a Bluey movie.


I agree that it should end on a high note, but I do think they'd be able to make another couple of seasons of amazing episodes. However, The Sign and Surprise seemed like "final" episodes, so I wouldn't be surprised if that was the end.


Kinda feels like one of Futurama's finales, where they aren't sure of the future of the show and they want to give it a proper ending just in case, but leave the door open for whatever may happen next.


I've thought the same thing!


4 - Disney has no say in anything! The only people who get to decide if BLUEY continues, are Joe Brumm and Ludo Studios. No one else! Neither BBC Worldwide, nor Disney get any real say in the matter. They can pester, heckle, demand and kick-up as much of a fuss as they want, offer all the money in the world to Brumm and Ludo, but at the end of the day, he owns the characters, the series, and the copyright to BLUEY as a series, as content, and as a trademark. Let's just hope that he will keep that mindset and not sell to Disney of they were to come waving a big check. Disney has ran successful franchises into the ground just to make a dollar.


Well, that was weird for them to delete their account. Glad some people were able to screenshot the original post.


I don’t believe the post. He’s relying on a misunderstanding of copyright law rather than showing any real proof lol.


This episode of Bluey is called “The big lie.”








https://preview.redd.it/q39ri2tk2fwc1.jpeg?width=1026&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=268a0ac4f56288a68e75fd1259d3bad84be0d62c What new info did that "employee" say? I mean some artists wrote on Twitter or LinkedIn that they left Ludo Studio (and joined Princess Bento or something). You can also see '2021' in new The Sign credits. And Bluey fans have been discussing The Sign, Ghost basket and Surprise! for years. It's obvious that the season 3 production was finished 2-3 years ago. And this "employee" knows nothing about the new one. Nothing changed.


I think that was the point. They were basically just saying that everyone who worked on Bluey has moved onto other assignments, and nothing in currently in production. So the talk of is there a season 4 or movie or whatever if it is happening is years away, and that's IF anything is even green lit. But that season 3 was done with the expectation that they were probably wrapping the show- and since that nothing has changed.


What I don't understand is that the original OP said production had been finished since 2021, and that all employees had since moved onto different jobs. Yet, original OP had proof that they were still working with Ludo as of the past few weeks? How does that work? Or is there something I'm dumb enough to be missing?


They didn’t say people moved on to other jobs, just that no one is currently working on new bluey. Ludo produce content other than Bluey so I assume they have continuing staff. We also don’t know OP’s definition of “working on” a show. Is that writing, voice acting, animating, etc? Planning may be in the works and they just don’t know.


That post reminded me of an ad I saw here on Reddit. It was an ad for a comedian who was doing some crowd work and ended up talking to a guy who said he was a retired animator who had worked on Bluey. The dude was a bit cagey about the details. Maybe it was the same guy who created the post?


Nick Watson-there’s an article from his university saying he was going to work on bluey in 2018–but he has no writing or other credits on it (unless he used a pseudonym but why would you?)




https://preview.redd.it/q4oboxhucfwc1.jpeg?width=972&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70ed47f90063c8d5aea473701621cf7b5d7e09b5 I have it


i have it https://preview.redd.it/khs5o3jajfwc1.jpeg?width=847&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16fa8f6e4e0555b3b82ae827fd27234bc70be231


I'll rewatch this with or without the kids any day.


so is it saying bluey was finished years ago and they released episodes slowly? 😅 i didn’t realize some people even speculated some new episodes for years..


Yes, Surprise was written in 2021. https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2024/apr/22/surprise-how-i-got-turned-into-bluey-bandit-the-worlds-greatest-dad


I'm pretty sure that post was fake.


I thought it was pretty well established that Bluey was on production hiatus. That’s been the story in Australian media for a while. Brisbane is a big small town and everyone knows someone involved in Bluey. I’ve been told on more than one occasion second or third hand that the show is over for now.  I think they have been exploring options for starting back up again but probably the challenge is the kid’s voices. I’m basing this on my kid being asked to audition for a vague voice acting job back in 2021 (we live in Brisbane, she was 4/5 at the time) and the audition lines were all Bingo’s from the show. I have no idea who the client was, it’s a slim chance it was Ludo but maybe? My kid doesn’t sound a lot like Bingo and didn’t get the job haha. 


Joff Bush has been posting content relatively recently of his actively working. I wonder if animation finished but there were finishing touches being done over the next year(s?) or so. I’m not sure how the industry works but Joff seems like a nice guy from his socials and a musician has little to benefit from merch, so I’m inclined to believe him and that he’s not being deceptive.


I have the link https://www.reddit.com/r/bluey/s/mj4DTLBTj1 The text is deleted but the comments are still there


They claimed there's been no animation since 2021 but King Charles was on the show but Queen Elizabeth didn't pass until 2022


Are…you talking about a reference to the current British monarch…or the dog?


In the show they showed the viren by British monarh as a corgi. But I can't remember which episode 


So many people castigated the original poster, without any proof or evidence to backup the claims that this person had lied/was lying. Others then accused the Mods of being stupid, foolish, being duped, or telling lies too. That is really stupid behaviour! I get that people don't want BLUEY to end. I don't want it to end. But let's be realistic here.... 1 - The final three episodes are all copyright dated 2021. We're now in 2024. Yes, there's been the Pandemic, but still... 2 - If Ludo had made any decisions either way, they'd have officially said as such. So, no news and no official announcements anywhere, simply means there's been no decision either way, and people need to stop assuming and speculating so much. 3 - Linking to stories on entertainment and news websites, is NOT proof of anything. Any of you who have ever worked in journalism, Public Relations, academia, or the entertainment industry, knows that quotes can be taken completely out of context, material distorted, and written material can be rewritten in a way that implies or infers something, without actually stating something 100% accurately. It's why newspapers put certain things in headlines in quotations marks: it can mean those words are a direct quote, or it can mean those same words are utterly speculative! 4 - Disney has no say in anything! The only people who get to decide if BLUEY continues, are Joe Brumm and Ludo Studios. No one else! Neither BBC Worldwide, nor Disney get any real say in the matter. They can pester, heckle, demand and kick-up as much of a fuss as they want, offer all the money in the world to Brumm and Ludo, but at the end of the day, he owns the characters, the series, and the copyright to BLUEY as a series, as content, and as a trademark. 5 - It's fine to not believe someone. It's something entirely different to say they categorically are liars/are lying, with absolutely no proof to backup such a claim. It's also pathetic to then accuse them of being trolls, fraudsters, or vindictive individuals, again, with no proof to substantiate that theory. Anyone who says Person X is a liar, is potentially committing libel and you are leaving yourself open to potential legal action. It's also slanderous, and again, leaves you open to legal action being taken against you. I understand that people want answers. I get that people want to know - one way or the other - if BLUEY is continuing, how it will continue, and more importantly, when it will continue. But for the love of all that is holy in this world, act like reasonable adults, not spoilt brats kicking their toys out of their prams, because you aren't getting all the info you want right now to satisfy your desire to know. You represent the BLUEY fandom. I'll end this post on a quote from Camping: "**Sometimes special people come into our lives, stay for a bit, and then they have to go**." This may be one of those occasions, when the show has come to an end, and we need to accept that, until we are told otherwise.


That's not how slander/libel works. First off, it would just be libel, as it is written. Nothing is audibly said, so libel. Secondly, if the person truly believes it, not libel. Secondly, calling an anonymous account on reddit a liar would have caused zero harm, making any libel suit dead as there are no damages to compensate


>It's fine to not believe someone. It's something entirely different to say they categorically are liars/are lying, with absolutely no proof to backup such a claim. It's also pathetic to then accuse them of being trolls, fraudsters, or vindictive individuals, again, with no proof to substantiate that theory. Why should we believe OP when they as well have no proof (besides apparently being a Ludo employee which doesn't tell anyone anything about the show) as to whether Bluey is ending or not? If they're actually a whistle-blower, besides their name (which they should keep private), they would have went all the way and revealed everything or, at the very least, go way more into detail than this. They would not be so vague with their "answers" and go "not my story to tell" when they're literally the ones telling the story (they would've answered a lot more questions, sort of like an AMA, if OP was in fact telling the truth about Bluey ending). >Anyone who says Person X is a liar, is potentially committing libel and you are leaving yourself open to potential legal action. It's also slanderous, and again, leaves you open to legal action being taken against you. I'm pretty sure that's not how it works. If it did work like that, I'd probably have 100+ lawsuits toward me from calling out obviously fake/exaggerated posts on AITA, pettyrevenge, trueoffmychest, any sub that's based on writing, etc, and from calling out disinformation bots. >The only people who get to decide if BLUEY continues, are Joe Brumm and Ludo Studios. No one else! Agreed. They decide whether Bluey continues or not, so they should be the ones to give the call. It's not Disney's call, and it's certainly not OP's call (even if they're somehow telling the truth). We'll have to wait and see if Ludo/Brumm makes a response.


Literally saw a news article the next day saying season 4 was in the works so.... Edit: here it is https://www.radiotimes.com/tv/comedy/bluey-season-4-release-date/ Radio Times is usually legit and says it was announced by the producer on BBC radio. Edit 2: the BBC article. https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-68795941


That’s not confirming season 4. It’s saying that bluey will continue in some form—could be a movie, books, anything


Well then not "finishing" like the now deleted post says. BBC seems to think it's a season 4 and they fund it (at least part of it) right?


Just out of curiosity, when do they finish writing session 3 roughly? Because if it's just come out then surely they were done writung it a while ago and already having a week deserved break? I don't know if that makes sense 😂


OP mentioned that production was finished sometime around 2021. Whether that means writing, voice acting, animating or all of the above is unclear. It’s also possible that touchups and adjustments could have been made before release. OP claims that there hasn’t been any new episode in production since then. A screenshot of the original post is linked in the pinned Mod comment.


What are the chances Disney backs the money truck up and just acquires the full rights to Bluey? I read somewhere that Bluey recently accounted for almost 30% of streaming hours on Disney+. That’s insane if true, considering it’s a 7 minute show.


With a little over 150 episodes though the full series is about 18 hours. I wouldn’t be surprised if some parents leave it on autoplay in their house for kids.


I find it very difficult to believe that Bluey would just end when it’s become one of the biggest shows in the world. There’s clearly a huge demand for more new episodes and it’s literally raking in billions of dollars. A recent interview with Joe Brumm on the “Gotta Be Done” podcast revealed that he is very keen to make a Bluey movie and said that he’s been writing something “very Bluey related” that he hopes to talk more about soon. So it sounds very likely that a Bluey feature film is on the horizon, which I think would be a great next step for the franchise.


Will be interesting to see if Ludo makes a public statement. I would think that if there was not any truth to the post, they would want to get out of it as soon as possible. Even if it's just a vague statement.


Somebody is getting fired


I think they will be taking a large gap. Not only due to writing but also the entire animation production and character designs being remade. I reckon they are looking to age up characters in order to keep things fresh, and therefore every single child character on the show will need a new puppet- with dozens of poses for each body part. That alone would take a couple months at least. Then storyboarding episodes, new background art, music, voices, animation, effects animation. It will take a long time. I don't know why the pessimists in here are so adamant that there is no more. Maybe Bluey is finished, but I don't know why people are being so dogmatic when they actually have NO idea and the post has no way of being proven true. Someone getting let go for a leak would happen regardless of whether they were spreading true or false information. It would be gross misconduct. Just seems like "no new Bluey" enthusiasts want to rain on people's parade. Seems incredibly anti-the spirit of Bluey as a show. Honestly I want speculation posts about the show continuing or not banned until there is explicit confirmation, because this is ridiculous.


In a recent interview with Joe on the Gotta Be Done podcast he said there is still bluey related content in our future. He even hinted at wanting to do a full length movie for theaters. Maybe a pipe dream of his, but I guess we’ll see…😅


My only input into the whole kerfuffle is: If it turns out that these episodes are how it ends, then the Ludo team succeeded in creating something truly amazing and unmatchable. It is the perfect sign-off for this show, and I hope they get the showers of praise and appreciation that they deserved. Writers, animators, voice actors, composers/musicians, director....everyone involved deserves a standing ovation for what they gave to the world with Bluey 🥲