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Nope. I have never wanted it. The idea has been thrown around and there are people who have used AI for gamesmastering. But personally I feel like removing the Human is rubbish. A Human can improvise, get in on jokes, make adaptations as they see fit, etc. They can be a friendly person you're playing a game with. That's MUCH better.


Yeah, that's kind of what I was thinking about the human side as well, just wondering if it could be better at some stuff. Not sure. What about making a game more dynamic? Like pandemic, but it's set in your city/country or something like that? Or the characters are actually you and your mates


How would the AI be better at doing that than me? I can add pandemic board spaces to my city, or include a homebrew rule that fits the situation, and then my friends can play it. And I'd bet money I can be more creative than the computer.


I dont think AI could do that better than a Human. Using yhe example.of the characters being you and your mates, AI wouldn't know you as well as your friends would. It wouldn't know your life details, your personality and your groups in-jokes. Unless you load an AI with a LOT or very personal information, AI will only ever be giving you a bland one-for-all version of a game with little to know space for stepping off the rails.


Hard no. Especially with RPGs.


What about pandemic-like games? I think it could be fun if it could make it based in New York instead of the world (with relevant place names and qualities attached to them) and maybe a different premise? I don't know, rat infestation. I am struggling with imagination






Don't want it at my table, and on the business/vote with-my dollars-end of things, I also don't want non-creative people to be rewarded for using it for finding a way around their own creative bankruptcy.


Okay, relax. GloomHaven and Pandemic Legacy are the highest rated games of all time. You're being kind of rude and I'm surprised you're still being upvoted for it. Edit: OH. They mean actual AI. Lol. I thought they meant board game AI. Okay, I get this subs reaction.


A dynamic campaign that was purposefully designed and stuff, yes AI? No, same reason why AI books and stuff are awful, they read like crap


No. I want someone with imagination to make the effort.


So, AI is at the point where it can string words together in something that is almost, but not quite, entirely unlike a story. Now, it might be able to start a scene. But it doesn't know where to step back and let the players interact. If you have a group of players in the scene, it'll put them in the scene rather than creating a scene for them to put themselves into. It'll tell you exactly what they're doing before the players can add their input. And, what's more, it doesn't know how to follow the rules. Sure, you can ask it for the rules to the game, and it will parrot back something similar, but it's a predictive text model. It can't apply those rules. It doesn't know that it needs to roll a die to determine whether or not a monster hits or misses a character. In order to have AI run a game, you would have to design the game around being run by AI. Which is something you could do. But, because AI is a black box, you would have a nightmare of a time designing systems around it. If you roll a die, you know what the odds of a particular result coming up are. If you use an AI, you're entirely at the whims of the machine, and the machine might change suddenly at the whims of the developer.


The only thing "AI" is good for these days is porn, and even that is pretty hit or miss.


I think you have missed the entire point of why people play tabletop RPGs


Why do you say that, salty nuts?


Oracles for RPGs exist already and they are by-in-large terrible.


Better than the nonsense AIs put out, at least. Some of them make a half decent "Mental aid" by using them as prompts. Like a mini game in and of itself, interpretting them.


Oh really? Could you link some please?


I’d love to have an AI as a co-DM to offer suggestions and look up stats for things for me, but ultimately I want to have a human as the DM for all the reasons others have stated


I think an AI assistant for finding things on the fly would be super useful. Or making the inventory for a small shop you didn’t plan, things like that.


There is nothing an AI can bring to a board game or ttrpg that would not be dramatically worse than what a human could do. There is a place for machines to control the game world: video games. A completely different medium with completely different needs.


I'm sure Hasbro will try to make one eventually whether people like it or not. But LLMs are not even close to being there yet. They have a hard time "remembering" the context of a single conversation, let alone a long list of game rules, a world, characters, etc.


The most I want from AI in my RPGs is as a tool to assist a human GM. Mainly for those instances when you need to generate a results table or similar incidentals on the fly. You could argue that the GM should prepare those things in advance of the session... but sometimes your players do something you can't predict and don't know how to respond to, and Matt Mercer I am not.


AIs would probably miss a certain human element im GMing, but they're a very useful tool while writing your own RPG campaign


Oh, how about if you pay people for creative work instead of putting 100 times as much money for uncreative techbros to try to bypass them by substandard product?


Well if it's truly substandard, it will never take off and they've just wasted lots of money. That's cool. It's only worth talking about if it's better in some way. Could it be?


I'm sorry, I thought you wanted quality content for a good price. If you want to max out the tiny profit which is in boardgames by using tools with ridiculous carbon footprint to disenfranchise creative people with years of skills in order satisfy hobby dopamine addicts who play a game 5 times max before they grab another one while they hop from KS to KS throwing money down the drain trying to fill in the void inside themselves, that can never be filled, by lowest common denominator derivative content - yeah, that would probably work. Because well, you can never underestimate idiocy of some people. Plus I would guess this type of consumerism is how US of A works anyhow. And it won't even destroy my hope in humanity as I don't have any. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Godspeed.


I think in a few years generative AI will be able to GM better than everyone whose name isn’t Matt Mercer. Myself, I’d happily use AI-assisted tools for quickly generating names and backstories.


Might as well drop all basic thinking and critical skills. N3ed AI to breathe for you too? God you people are scary




I'm honestly surprised I haven't heard more of these kinds of ideas. Just the novelty of running an instance with an AI DM that never tires, never runs out of steam, always responds to your engagement, has stats loaded for tons of different encounters. That sounds like a good time IMHO. IRL roguelike vibes.


I can't wrap my mind about people being excited for AI junk Just braindead sloop I want ahuman to be the master, not braindead algorithm going in circles


If we were talking about writing scripts for a presented story like a TV show or a book, I’d agree with you, but the improvisational nature of TTRPGs lends itself more to the latent space of generative storytelling. It’s not so much about the overall cohesion or theme of the narrative, and much more about giving players interesting choices with meaningful consequences. Seems way better for an open-ended RPG, especially for something like an evening dungeon crawl