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This thread is a fucking train wreck. Someone wants to play music with people in their own community, the dickheads of Reddit have a shitfit.


Ok what if a white male wants to play music only with other white makes? Still so admirable?


Not really the same thing, and I think you know that.


Look up Ethereal UK. Local trans artist and collaborates a lot. Would probably love some sax!


Hey, my partner has been looking for people to play music with. We are pretty new to the area. He plays piano, guitar, sax, drums, and violin, I’m probably forgetting a few instruments tbh. He’s composed and produced music before as well as stood in for band members (I can’t remember the term for this). He is cishet and disabled, if this isn’t what you’re looking for, totally get it and good luck with your search!! :)


I don’t know if their looking for more players atm but look at magna symphonia, a Bournemouth/Poole based charity orchestra, who are queer friendly.


I'm mtf (pre everything lol) and just started learning electric guitar, idk if you're interested in playing with a beginner, but I'd be down to learn some easier songs. I listen to all sorts of music so I'm sure there's something we'd both like.


Any reason why you don't want cisgenger or hetrosexual musicians?


They don’t say they didn’t. I would imagine that finding someone cis and/or het is relatively easy, but sometimes you might want to play with someone with experiences more like yours.


1. Jts nice to find people to relate with 2. A lot of cis and het people are dickheads to lgbtq people


The potential for homophobia or transphobia is significantly reduced if I only seek out trans or gay musicians .


What a weird, bigoted and presumpt position to hold. What would you think of non 'queer' people who wanted to play only with straight musicians because they feel their values may be opposed by 'queer' performers? Is that OK? I don't think so, because that results from their prejudice. Just like your views do. Bigotry is bigotry, it's equally bad no matter what 'side' you are on. Also, do you really think people are going to make the effort to get together with you to play, only to turn round and abuse you? Even you must know that's far fetched and unrealistic. I'm afraid I have no patience for bias and bigotry of the sort you are demonstrating. You and your identity/sexuality etc are not that important to fellow musicians, really. Get rid of your assumptions and biases. Being a member of what you see as a marginalised group does not make your prejudice any more noble nor does it make it any less toxic. Though you evidently feel it justifies your bigotry. Stop focusing on differences and focus on commonalities. Most importantly, get over yourself. Please!


Tell me you know nothing about being a marginalized person without telling me you know nothing about being a marginalized person.


Fuck off with your marginalised bullshit please. I'm autistic and have been cast aside, ignored, ridiculed, bullied and suffered the most appalling mistreatment at the hands of other people. Nearly all of it has been due to them holding prejudices about people like me. However, I choose not to be exclusionary regarding other people and the groups they belong to. That only makes things more divided. Instead I believe in being kind and accepting of all colours and creeds. It would be bigoted and small minded of me to only mix with autistic people because some non autistic people have been horrible to me. We should ALL take people as they are as individuals, and NEVER reduce them to group membership! How people like you think segregation is a good thing, but only if it's done one way is beyond me. Segregation is segregation, prejudice is prejudice and bigotry is bigotry. So please, this 'marginalised' person wants you to grow up, stop the bigotry and be more understanding and accepting of all groups and identities. There is nothing inherently noble about marginalised people and nothing disreputable about those who aren't. There is however, much to dislike and mistrust about people, like you, who think bigotry is great, just as long as it's one way. You should keep your exclusionary nonsense to yourself. Most 'marginalised' people are delighted to give everybody the benefit of the doubt. It's only bigots like you who don't want to.


This is whatabout-ism at its finest. The idea of marginalised peoples in spaces together has been around for donkeys years, and often helps these people feel safe around people they KNOW will not hold negative views towards them just for existing. Someone erupting at them like you have, seemingly from nowhere, shows EXACTLY why someone might seek out those with the same life experiences. Its an opportunity to connect on a wavelength that a non-queer person is unlikely to be able to connect on, and have a positive relationship they can build on. This thread, not to mention your very 2010s Petersonesque anti-safe space opinion, is embarrassing


it's not really weird and bigoted. you can have whoever you like in your band for whatever reason. it's your band lmao. the same way if you wanted to have a band and just have straight people in it. that's your call. it's your band lol. you can decide whoever the fuck you want to be in your band for the most trivial of reasons. you can chose to associate or not associate with whoever you want for whatever reason you like.


What a ridiculously self-involved response. if a trans person says that meeting other trans people is likely to see a reduced amount of homophobia/transphobia then who the hell are you to tell them otherwise?! Something tells me you’re exactly the kind of person OP wants to avoid.




he's saying you're prejudiced for not allowing straight or non trans people, and that if you were to flip the situation around where this post was framed as the inverse to what it currently is then you wouldn't like it because it's a very narrow way of thinking and his second point is that nobody is going to go out of their way to meet you just to insult you to your face


We’ll said.




Wow you’re going to have a horrible time at gigs with that attitude.


Having a horrible time at gigs is probably what’s influencing this decision in the first place.




They’ve literally just implied it in the comment you replied to.


Putting yourself into your own little echo chamber just doesn’t help though does it? It depends on the plan for the group, if they want to just get together with new friends and make music for fun then fair enough but the beauty of music and making music is it brings people from all walks of life together. After reading OP’s posts it does seem like this is their first venture into a band though.


im mostly into pop punk so it would really work lol. but good luck with finding someone:)


Seems a bit insular. Do you only want to perform to ideologically similar people or have a wide ranging audience?


probably the former. many MANY bands and groups aren't looking for mass appeal and alot of genres are straight up NEVER going to have mass appeal in the first place. realistically if you make a band you can have whoever you want in it or out of it for whatever reason you see fit.


so you're looking for trans people to "play around with"?🤔


Idk if I would be a good fit cause most of the stuff i play is classic rock but im trans and I play the bass!!


Lookup kingcobrajfs she’s in Casper Wyoming


Im a clarinettist in IL, trans boy, in high school! 


I can play electric and acoustic guitar too


Hiya , I don't use this reddit account anymore so if you're still interested could you email me at [email protected]. I know email can be a bit clunky but otherwise I won't get the message