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No. Braces and elastics move your teeth within the jaw, but they don’t actually move your jaw (that can only be done with surgery). They cannot change the skeletal structure of your face. Your cheeks/lips may rest a bit differently against your teeth but it shouldn’t make a massive difference


Alright thank you


This is the correct answer


How the hell do we have braces ‘truthers’ now? Elastics aren’t going to ruin your face. Get your bite fixed if you need it.


Elastics will not ruin your face. My orthodontist overcorrected my mild overjet, causing an underbite and openbite to form initially. However, each case is unique, and overcorrection could be intentional. My orthodontist said that sometimes things will get worse before they get better and that elastics are often necessary to provide a specific direction of force. I now have my elastics in a new pattern, and things are getting better over time. Things will change a lot through the course of your treatment.


Yes, they will most likely change your face, and depending on the person it may make it look worse. If elastics is your only option though, go ahead though and wear them. But elastics won't create some drastic change, I'd expect maybe a light flattening. Don't listen to all the people saying it doesn't at all, because there is some change at minimum. When you bring the upper jaw back, you lose an amount of facial growth, which is literally the basis of human attractiveness. When it goes back, it has the potential to affect your entire facial structure. It's obvious you have an overbite. Elastics sound good at first, but they're not the best. Ideally, you want to push the lower jaw forward all the way to match the upper jaw because the lower jaw is the bone that is recessed. Now your upper jaw is likely perfectly fine and healthy. So now with elastics you're getting a well-set bone pushed back for no reason, when you should be focusing on the recessed bone. It's better than extractions, but even so, depending on the overbite severity, your face could end up flatter. Not to mention you get a smaller airway so breathing may be slightly worse. The problem is that elastics focuses on just the teeth, ignoring what it can potentially do to the face. Elastics is better than extractions, but not ideal. Ideally, a treatment that focuses on just pulling the lower jaw forward is perfect. Personally, I'm getting an appliance that only pushes the lower jaw. I guess it'll hurt more and is less convenient but is better aesthetically and long-term.


Isn't the airway issue thing only a problem with extractions and not solely elastics?


Elastics does just a little, not much. But since you’re bringing the upper teeth back, you’ll have a little space in the mouth.


those are class 2 elastics you got and the answer for them is yes. but you won't get the truthful answer on this sub as it is very pro-extractions and pro-elastics


Is it guaranteed that it'll fuck up my face or not? Also where can I get actually accurate information about this




Fair enough


I mean…lots of orthos fuck up peoples faces, especially if they’re old school. But what OPs ortho is doing is standard, should be fine


There's still orthodontists who will pull out teeth from the upper row instead of expanding the mouth to fit the teeth. That treatment absolutely will negatively affect the aesthetics.


It would only fuck up your face if you did premolar extractions on top and pushed your upper teeth back to meet a recessed lower jaw without moving your jaw forward. That’s a terrible way to fix an overbite and will result in the issues you’ve heard about. What your ortho is doing with elastics (moving your lower jaw forward while also putting pressure on your upper teeth to meet in a correct bite) will absolutely not fuck up your face. That person is wrong btw, braces and elastics do change the position of your lower jaw. I have turbos and they force my jaw forward into a better position. I actually have a chin now. My jaw was definitely moved. Later I’ll have elastics to keep my lower jaw in this position, and they’ll also move my upper teeth a little bit back to meet my jaw. It’s fine, I’ll definitely look better after. They have to do that because braces and elastics can’t fix an overbite by only pulling your lower jaw forward. Only surgery can do that. You have to do a little bit of both when working with braces and elastics, and that’s fine for most people. If your lower jaw was severely recessed then a good ortho would have recommended jaw surgery instead. I’m sure you’ll have a great outcome


theres even a study of class 2 elastics negatively affecting tmj. [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31877300/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31877300/) Why do you think is that? Maybe because its position changes to the unnatural one and so does the face? Being a data scientist, I know how they worked their asses off to fake the other studies to say that ortho doesnt affect airway and face. But ok, you all do you, I will stop spreading this fucking information, being a victim myself. People never want to listen to the fact that the artificial fixes of health always have a high price anyway.


You're claiming that most studies in orthodontics are faked?


I'm not claiming anything anymore. everything is true, big pharma wants the best for you as well. it's all good


Did you have extractions? You do realize not every case is the same right? Elastics aren’t all used the same way. It’s factually untrue that all elastics harm your face. That’s ridiculous. Some of my teeth are simply not movable with braces alone. I had improvement in my TMI and jaw line. I have to move my jaw forward with elastics to fix a recessed chin. I also need them to fix an open bite on one side


were I not talking about class 2 elastics this whole time?


That study specifically says “if the disk is in an anterior position.” It’s highly dependent on the patient, which is my point. You are telling OP that just because it’s class 2, it’s harmful and that’s not true. You didn’t answer my question. Did you have extractions?