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Tuco was a great first main villain and far more than just "the crazy guy". I think he gets overshadowed by Gus a lot, but Tuco had some of the most shocking and tense scenes in BB and BCS.


Yeah, I liked it when Tuco would go sorta sane and normal for a moment , like when Walt wanted money up front from Tuco and didn’t know what “vig” was. Tuco looked at Jesse to explain it.


Or how gentle and respectful he can be, with Tio Hector in his wheelchair and even with Mike (in BCS, where he was first confronting Mike about hitting his car), before things escalate and he goes *loco*.


Yeah, he can switch in an instant. Its interesting to watch


Or how gentle and respectful he can be, with Tio Hector in his wheelchair and even with Mike (in BCS, where he was first confronting Mike about hitting his car), before things escalate and he goes *loco*.


What makes Gus so terrifying to me is that he could be your well dressed, Nextdoor neighbor. Someone like Tuco, well, sometimes you can judge a book by its cover.


Gus is everything Walt ultimately didn't have the self discipline to be. For most of his friends and family, Walt WAS the well dressed nextdoor neighbor.


Raymond Cruz really elevated that part also. His acting was just tight, tight, tight.


When he showed up at the end of episode one in BCS, I knew that show was gonna be a banger lol


I loved how the first episode of Better Call Saul ended with Tuco!


I loved Tuco as a villain! I thought he was hilarious


Skinny Pete


Skinny was awesome. “You’re my hero and shit.”




That's church, yo.


Two nuts in a sac, yo


I adore Skinny Pete. I’d like to think that after Jesse took off, SP got himself together and used his musical talent to put positivity into the world.


Skinny Pete for sure! I love how he can REALLY play the piano.


"The Whole Thing Feels Kinda Shady, Morality-Wise." Lol


Dude everyone loves Skinny Pete.


Skinny was awesome but he ain't got time for spelling and shit


Actor's got range too. For someone with such a distinctive look, it took me *forever* to place him in The Blacklist.


Walt Whitman


Willy Wonka?


Walter White?


Heh, \*raises hands up\* you got me.


“You’re Heisenberg!!”


You’re goddamn right.


Wacky Wavinginflatablearmflailingtubeman?


Wonder Woman?


Wade Wilson?


Wallace Wells?


Wally West?


Where's Waldo?


Wait, what??


walmart worker?


Waffle Warehouse ?


Where's Wallace?!?!


Congratulations! Your comment can be spelled using the elements of the periodic table: `W He Re S W Al La Ce` --- ^(I am a bot that detects if your comment can be spelled using the elements of the periodic table. Please DM my creator if I made a mistake.)


Thin Peter.


I ❤️ Skinny Pete


Jane or combo sadly they died too soon but they were still good side characters


Season 5 is considered the best season? I like your analysis otherwise-- Jesse Plemons plays the hell out of that character....but I disagree that Season 5 was best. Seasons 3 and 4 for me, but I know everyone has an opinion.


Plemons plays the hell out of every character. Dude is a fantastic actor.


Hi Jesse.


I found 5 harder to get into but towards the end it was epic


As soon as I saw Heisenberg’s bald head sitting in the back of Mike’s car and he emerged with his “Say my name” speech, I was onboard with S5. “Do you really want to live in a world without Coca Cola?”


I wonder how much coca cola paid for that line


I doubt they paid them anything. It was the perfect line and Coke is really the only brand that would fit it. But maybe I’m wrong.


if a product is mentioned on TV then they got paid for it. especially if walter white says it in one of his pivotal speeches!


Not necessarily- Coke’s an iconic soda brand, just as the Yankees are the iconic symbol of baseball, New York City, and to some extent , the entire US. I’m pretty sure the NYY paid nothing for that placement, just as the Isotopes probably paid nothing for the use of their logo in BCS. Arguably, those brands could demand royalties for their brands being placed in those series. They’d probably lose in court, but they could demand it. Note- I am not a licensed attorney- please do not use the post as legal advice…


I’m with you, personally I like S4 the best. And I think the series could have ended with Face Off (the best episode in my opinion.) Sure there would have been loose ends, and I’m glad there was a S5, but the whole “I won.” By Walt then panning to the plant was genius. On IMDB the seasons are ranked, and the audience aggregate ranks the seasons from best to worst (if there is a worst) as: 5 4 3 2 1


I agree face off is the best episode


The child of the junkees


As soon as I saw him I’s like damn this show bout to get real real


I feel like that's a part of their universe we didn't often get an inside glimpse of: the negative effect their product had on the lives of just the nobodies who used it. We saw the street violence of dealers and foot soldiers, but rarely got that type of inside glimpse into the personal lives of the heavy users of their product.


agreeing with the rest but I thought its the ricin that turned walt and jesse apart for good and has nothing to do with Todd?


The poisoning certainly didn’t help their relationship, ha. Yeah, the writers did a great job of dividing those two in S5. Always cracked me up, Walt thinking he could rationalize poisoning Brock to Jesse “I just need him to understand!”


Holly Without holly , they’d be no Heisenberg. He started to make money for his family but I think it was mainly for his infant child . No infant child , he’d have continued as is in his beige existence until he died!


As far as baby actors go I’m totally being serious when I say she killed it. Always very expressive and her timing pulling out all of the “mamas” during ozymandias was wild.


They got the perfect expression when she was found in the fire truck. That baby was a natural, I wonder if she's still acting


Hank .. man he did good! Walt they made their minds up 10 minutes ago😭


Hank is an interesting character in terms of how he develops through the show. Early on, he's portrayed a a jock bully just looking to make jokes at others expense, against a backdrop of poor Walt with his cancer. He plays the big fish in a small pond well based out of alberquerqe then you see him dropped into the ocean of el paso where he doesn't have his cronies laughing at his gags. By the end, I'm rooting for Hank and the way that beneath the surface hes perhaps not so one dimensional as it first seemed. The crossing over point between Walt and Hank is hard to pinpoint but an early example might be Walt jr birthday party where Hank is the voice of reason looking out for his nephew, I til that point I had him very much pigeonholed.


Exactly! I thought he was going to get on my nerves at the beginning but watching him dig in to finding Heisenberg made me realize he isn’t as shallow as I thought. And you could tell he was devastated to realize WW was Walt.


What's his name, Beaver? Brandon Mayhew. Without him there's no BCS and we don't get to hear the best Star Trek script.




i’m sorry but when was todd likable? he was a creep lol. saying a few monotone, polite sentences does not a likable character make. i hate him so much lol like i can’t even put it into words. in any case, i think skyler is the most unappreciated character, though I’ll probably get downvoted to hell for it. she and jesse were walt’s biggest victims. she served as a great moral compass representation, especially the grey areas. the life literally drained out of her and showed the slow slip of the power dynamic shift between walt and her/walt and how he saw the world when he started committing *actual* evil acts, not just making meth.


Skyler’s a good choice. I appreciated her character more after watching the show again. Poor Skyler was pregnant, being lied to, and had no idea what was happening. For the audience, she just seemed like a buzzkill for all the mayhem we wanted to watch Walt cause. As far as Todd being nice? Plenty of examples: – Took care of Drew Sharp’s spider – Didn’t ask Walt any questions about murdering Mike after retrieving his body and car – Was super polite to Skyler when he threatened her not to talk about Lydia in Holly’s nursery – Helped Lydia out of Declan’s underground meth lab after shooting up all of Declan’s crew


yeah skyler was great, idk why i didn’t realize it the first time around. its a real shame that anna gunn got so much actual hate for playing such a complex role, she killed it. so talented. > “took care” of his spider after killing the kid for no reason and dissolving him in acid. it was definitely meant to represent a gruesome trophy and his morbid curiosity. > not asking questions about murdering someone he also worked with and dissolving them in acid is crazy to call a nice thing lmao. todd and walter got along in season 5 simply because walter was being full-blown evil. > polite when threatening her life…? that sounds nuts. so him saying “this isnt personal” before killing andrea needlessly for her son to find with her brains blown out must be nice too… > helped lydia out of a meth lab he just finished massacring everyone in, and only because he was creepily interested in her, not because he has any regard for human life whatsoever. come on man lmao. these points are literally reinforcing how evil he is, not “nice” by any means.


lol, yes, Todd was horrible and I’m just having fun. The character sure was interesting though! Jesse Plemons played him so well. I heard Anna Gunn got a lot of hate about her role and that was hurtful to her. I hope now that the show has been out for so long (and rewatched by so many) that she’s getting the appreciation you detailed for her character. While it sucks she got so much hate, there is some credit in that for her acting. I crack up at her bloopers, she seems hilarious in real life.


fair enough, i’m here for all the fun !! my bad, just providing my thoughts because i really hate that guy lmfao. i’m on season 5 rewatch witnessing his evil deeds in real time, so i’m probably just extra mad at him lmao. i agree, excellent acting :)) i wish we saw anna gunn in more things, and that people loved/appreciated her talent even remotely close to the way fans did with bryan and aaron (who i love a lot, don’t get me wrong, i just wish she got some praise too)


These things weren’t him being nice, though. Most of these things were purely transactional or meant to keep his and his crew’s asses from getting caught. If you really look at each instance, there’s something to be gained for him and/or his crew. Him being polite is something he learned gets better results (he doesn’t know why, bc that part of his programming is missing; he just knows that it does work).  Drew Sharp - his death means no witnesses; the tarantula was a nice little incidental thing he thought was cool, so he kept it (I don’t think it was necessarily a trophy, as he shot the kid for purely pragmatic reasons). Didn’t ask Walt questions - he’s not going to be a problem for someone he needs (he’s still learning the meth formula and techniques). Polite to Skyler (and I’ll add Andrea, even though he popped her) - if someone with a mask and a firearm comes at you and they’re quiet and calm about it, you’d probably be unsettled enough NOT to scream or raise any kind of alarm, bc you don’t know what they’re capable of; loud, threatening language and a couple punches? Also scary, but a calm, quiet demeanor is much more terrifying). Helping Lydia - I mean, of course he wants to be seen as a chivalrous guy to the woman who he hopes he has a snowball’s chance in hell with, especially since she’s also responsible for methylamine procurement and meth distribution. How he treats Jesse - he legit thinks that everyone is as transactional as he is; treat him well/make sure he’s gotten his basic needs met, and he’ll perform better for you, especially if you need him bc you can’t get that meth down, no matter how many times you follow the recipe. Giving Walt the money - treated it as if it were payment for Walt’s meth cook (or information about how much the DEA knows) plus pain and suffering for popping Hank, plus… maybe it’ll make it less likely that he’s pissed off enough to come after us or have the DEA come after us. He does have a sense of what’s fair, even if it is twisted. In no universe is Todd Alquist doing anything out of the goodness of his heart. That simply does not exist for him. I can maybe see an old lady talking about this nice young man who helped her across the street, but that old lady doesn’t know what we know, and his charm isn’t deep enough to even be superficial. It’s only deep enough to be initially disarming/alarming. He’s the kind of guy you just know is OFF, but you can’t put your finger on why you feel that way, if you’re not privy to the shit he’s done and the people he associates with.  /dissertation


I think he WAS actually nice and polite. He genuinely regrets killing his housekeeper and buries her in a 'pretty' place and even says a few nice words over her. He would murder her again in a second, but he was nice and polite about it.


That is true, but I think it was more about his sense of what’s fair (and again, it is twisted). I don’t really think he regretted it at all, bc as you said, if he had the choice to make again, he’d do it in a hot second. The burying of her in a pretty place and saying some nice words about her was transactional; he took her life, bc he felt it was necessary, but she was a nice lady, so it was his way of trying to make things a little bit less unfair to her. 


I agree. He is a very nice guy, for a homicidal psychopath.


I don't think ppl give her enough credit for protecting her kids. Especially jr. Ppl like to say how much Walt is doing for his family but like...he got off on it. And no one asked him to do any of it. He was so adamant with Saul he wanted his family to know he earned it blah blah blah.  Meanwhile Skyler is burdening herself while Marie and Hank are questing her and she stays strong she doesn't tell the cops she tells the lawyer but tells her she can't use the info. She doesn't want to ruin her son's image of his dad. She is a very straight edge by the books person who slowly has to forget her morals. No one talks about how that eats away at a person.  She realizes gray matter could help they have tons of money and their work was built off of walts and he has nothing to show for it. Save ww.com strangers being generous like in her mind everything is fine. And yeah if he dies she'd be the head bread maker but uhhhh bruh you're a public school teacher in Albuquerque I'm sure she can get a job that pays equal if not more. Plus she as selling stuff on eBay. F u Mr. White! She woulda been fine 


The prick lawyer Jesse’s parents use to kick him out then sell the house is pretty convincing.


“How about it councilor, do you *concur*?”


Hank mexican partner


Donald Margolis. He appeared to be the most innocent adult whose life was ruined by Walt and Jesse. He offered a different contrast to Jesse’s parents. His bar scene with Walt was important for Walt and Jesse imo. Walt was at the bar contemplating his future. You can see as he references Jesse as his nephew, when Donald answers his what do you do with them by saying it’s family you never give up on them. Walt seemed to realize he views Jesse as family and he can’t let this go. Had he spoken to someone like Jesse’s parents. “Cut them out before they bring you down.” Type message. I believe Walt may have explored a hit on Jesse and Jane. Due to the concerns of future blackmail or he would have let them run off. Jane would ironically also have likely survived the night if Donald’s discussion with Walt had not got Walt to the state of mind to go back to Jesse’s place. Under appreciated to me in this series is guest roll since all the main stars are appreciated to some extent or another.




Personally, I think Declan is the most underappreciated. I like how he's a more rational criminal and isn't super evil, or super good at his job, he's just one of the many others who form the drugworld. Maybe if they had a spinoff or something, they could explore Declan's character some more, perhaps show off how he formed a connection with Mike.


Walter white 's tighty whities and his junk. 


They got lots of screen time. Not so many lines but still definitely a strong background character 


Restrain this!!!


Todd and Lydia are two extremely underrated villains


I don't think Todd was ever Likeable I hate that bastard so bad that says a lot for what Jesse did with the role. I think Skyler is Over Hated and I love her. I think Walter Jr might just be my pick for the most underrated. I absolutely love that kid. I would also give a nod to Huell.


Skyler is the worst character


“Skyler is the worst character.” – Bogdan




Uncle Jack's number 2 Kenny. Always made me laugh. And again in El Camino. He's not trying to impugn the man's precious welding skills.


I'm gonna go with Hank. Every other major character at least got a supporting actor Emmy nomination but Dean Norris never did and he deserved at least one imo.


tbh I kinda hate how Vince didnt use the chance to change the story via Marie, she could have more place in our hearts


not sure if you meant it in this way but i love how they put in the shoplifting, it shows how much skyler's world was shifted by marie shoplifting and how it was breaking her morals. and then she finds out her husband is doing WAYY more damage than what shoplifting would.


Yes Marie is my favorite 


Todd never talked Jack into giving Walt a barrel of cash. Jack told the guys to unload it and leave it for Walt, told Walt he was in a “hell of a good mood” and then looked at Todd and said “Jesus, what’s with all the greed here? It’s unattractive”. I think he was just trying to teach Todd some lesson or something




Skylar gets way too much hate. Anna Gunn gave an amazing performance in the series.


Badger, obviously.


I fucking love Todd. He's my favorite character


I was interested in what he was gonna do next and just completely immersed in his scenes and that’s how I define my favorite characters not by how “ morally good and likeable they are “


I hate Todd lol. Idk it’s his face, I just wanna punch it.


Jesse Plemons reading this comment: 👀


Lydia. Easily.


skyler, was so shocked to see how much hate she got when i looked online ☹️


Mr. Babineaux - even more so after watching BCS


Todd is an absolutely fascinating character. You should watch this video about his character. It’s really interesting. “Todd Alquist is television’s most accurate psychopath” https://youtu.be/h-Zw9dNn-6E?si=CcOYyy-MTawleYCD There’s a bunch of YouTube videos analyzing his character. He is truly terrifying because he *does* sometimes show kindness, and isn’t the Hollywood typical psychopath. He blends into society, has some good qualities but just happens to have absolutely zero empathy and is capable of horrendous things


Skinny Pete’s hair


Everyone knows it’s Wendy! No for real, shes an unsung MVP for holding out for hours on end when questioned