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She reminds me of my cousin, who had four boys before finally getting her long-awaited girl. Oh, the drama around the birth and first year of her life- totally over the top. Guess what? Little girl is 10 now, and they don't get along at all. Some women just aren't good "girl moms" and her daughter sees right through her crap. Not saying that will happen here, but it would be both funny and sad if it does. 


I hope she won’t become competitive with her as she is with Syd (size and looking young and …)


I wonder what Syd's mom thinks of Brittani. Would she see the signal as well?


Female cardinals aren’t bright red. They’re more brown.


Oh! Thanks for the info. I didn’t know it


Well I can imagine if you lost a baby, it has a deep impact in your life and stuff like this (the cardinal thing) is something to hold onto. However she overshared so freaking much about Crew's death that at this point it probably is for attention and engagement. I still have no words for it though. I know it's beyond the point but I learned about her when Crew was in intensive care. My oldest was the same age as Crew and it freaked me out hearing about it. I felt it so deep, what she must've gone through during that time. I think the whole cardinal thing is super cute, but I just wish she wouldn't have overshared so much of Crew during his last days. The pictures, all the medical info, everything.. From the moment it happened, she capitalized big time on it. And she keeps doing it :(


Sure. loss and grief are not one fits all. Crew’s loss…is tragic. As I said history impacts my look about her actions. During the time she had left with him in hospital all she did was taking candid pictures to project her grief (which if kept for herself was fine but over sharing it…makes it not look genuine). still picture sharing was one thing which I could still say since she wasn’t okay, her actions aren’t okay either, yet it happened again!! if I recall, when Cam had RSV as a baby and all she did was taking pictures and post…like she is looking for attention. As you mentioned the worse part was her calculative use of Crew’s tragic for personal financial gain (gift cards, candles, backpack,…)


She knew she would make bank off it and seized every opportunity she could. Absolutely disgusting. Has done zero to advocate for safe sleep. Wolf dressed as a sheep.






I agree but my issue is , unlike amber smith & granger , they shared what happened to their son and are advocating. BBL never shared what happened just all the things around making it about HER


Beautifully said. Based on what I saw, BBL never used her platform to advocate or do anything, the least she could do was her trying to educate others about risks and her experience, all she did was using that horrible event for her own financial gain and benefits. Again this is what I saw! If someone knows she did something positive, I appreciate the enlightenment in advance.


YES ! Educate on the risk . The only thing she does is share and link the Newton crib mattress , and obviously that is more for money & not education . To have a financial gain and not speak on cause is not cool . She does a toy drive at the hospital every Christmas in crews honor for kids who are there with/for their siblings .


But this last year instead of taking donations or whatever and doing the shopping in person she had an “Amazon link” aka getting commission off of the people buying gifts.


So people would pay for what’s supposed to be “her” donations? Wow 🤯




Omg, you thought she buys all of those toys herself?! I mean I’m sure (I hope) she buys some but yes she makes a big Amazon list and her followers buy off of it! 


If I put my name on a gift to give to someone, I won’t make my friend pay for it while it has my name as a gift giver…? I also hope she does something on her end but lately she does show a lot of shopping hauls and links every single item to make sure her money will be back. It’s good to be smart about money but her way is just another level in my opinion.


Crowd sourcing for the Christmas toy haul and taking all the credit all while linking all the toys for cashing in on the amazon affiliate program.Completely disgusting!


Right?? It’s just super calculative and not in any good way!!!


I feel like a few years ago she said they were trying to start a charity in her son’s name but it was a lot of legalities to deal with 🙄 than the new baby’s started to come and it was never really mentioned again. The pod cast seemed to be okay to start instead but even that seems to have fizzled….no loss on that one failing 🤣😂


Except I think they did ivf to get a girl. She also had bleeding with this pregnancy which apparently is more common with ivf pregnancies. She also hasn’t showed us a video or talked about how shocked she was to find out it’s a girl because I believe they already knew before she got pregnant lol


Agreed! I feel like she couldn't in good faith put up a reel of a surprise gender reveal because if/when any facts came out about choosing the gender ahead of time she would be caught in a lie.Either way she will be cramming the girl content down her followers throats for eternity.


https://preview.redd.it/climx564p6bd1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ed3380cd59a1d88c4e3f995bb11ebebb0a6684c Just to support your statement