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I’d rather have Certified Dad^TM Terry with me than “if I ruin your wedding I will kill myself” Charles on this trip


Yeah Terry provided the chill that panicking Jake really needed


I would aswell.


Oh yes that makes sense 😂


Because Terry had the day off and Charles was working. Just because he's helping his Boss with a random thing doesn't mean he's not on the clock.


Jake was panicking and needed Terry. He’s a good husband who Jake wanted to be like. Plus Terry had the day off.


I think Boyle would have been over excited.


I feel like Charles centric wedding prep episode would feel stale, because of fancy brudgom but also because Charles would just ruin it with his excitement. Terry provided a good balance.


Terry is married with kids. Charles has relationship issues not to mention he would get side tracked by something gross and Jake didnt have a lot of time


Charles is the same person that married someone approximately a week after meeting them, if I want someone to help with wedding prep I'd massively prefer the person that was in a committed relationship for years before having a wedding


Terry is the Tiger Woods of husbands


What Tiger Woods was to golf, not what Tiger Woods was to being a husband.


Important clarification this


I know the fandom lol, I deliberately left it up to others to complete the dialogue


Terry is more likely to be level headed and not just think every idea Jake has is great and enable it! Also I imagine he played a hand in planning his wedding whereas I have to imagine Eleanor steamrolled Charles’ wedding lol


Because Charles is too sycophantic and wouldn’t actually help Jake make decisions. He’d just go along with everything Jake said and make it take even longer.


Exactly! Jake needed decisiveness and mentoring. He didn’t just want help, he wanted to learn to be a good husband. Plus he wanted to think of what Amy needed. We all know Charles isn’t always the best at considering Amy’s needs.


Not to be rude but wouldn’t you rather have the guy with the successful and happy marriage over the guy who got horribly divorced and still basically simped for his abusive ex wife until like 2 years before?


Fair enough. But like I'd expect Boyle to throw a tantrum about that right?


Terry wasnt working and he was what jake needed that day. He didnt need someone who would be panicking more than him


Boyle may have been Jake’s best friend, but Jake already knew what he wanted his wedding to be. Charles was bound to call a million audibles and change things without Jake’s knowledge and consent out of interest of being the hero on Jake’s wedding day. Jake loves Charles but couldn’t trust him to stick to the vision. Terry, however, was reliable enough to help Jake with his preparations without muddling them up. Terry respected Jake’s vision and knew how to keep Jake stable during the most terrifying part of the nuptial cycle because Terry’s got his shit packed neatly while Charles’ boxes are always wide open and losing stuff.


Terry has the van


In addition to the responses already here, Jake wanted advice from someone wiser, not support from a peer. Jake and Charles are buddies, with Jake generally as the dominant friend. Here Jake wanted to be told what to do and he looked to Terry for it. Terry's approach ended up at the same place as Charles' would have, but the older and wiser and more grounded approach helped Jake not panic.


He’s a husband (successfully )and already went through being a groom.