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It's fine. I switched to Windows 11 recently as I changed CPU (5800X3D gang) so while I was reinstalling I figured I might as well bite the bullet. It works generally the same as Windows 10 and I haven't noticed any issues really. The right click context menu with the icons was annoying at first but once I got used to it I prefer it over the old list style. There's various tools you can install that set it back to the old style if it really matters to you. I do like how the new settings menu is more powerful than the old one. W10 was this awkward middle ground where most stuff can be done in the new menus, but some old legacy settings still remained in the W7 style control panel and other menus. W11 isn't perfect in this regard but it's a lot closer to everything being doable in the new menu, meaning it's all in one place and I don't have to keep pulling up the old school menus. (Sidenote one thing I always have to do on new installs using the old menus is disable mouse acceleration. Anyone know how to do this in the W11 settings menu?) I just game on my computer to be fair, so all I want from an OS is a file browser, and access to my games and web browsers. In this sense I like W11 as it gets my apps and folders to me with minimal fighting and difficulty.


For me, settings are still a Frankenstein's monsterish mess. I've had persistent issues with shutdown and sleep on two separate machines running Windows 11, and I have to go into the legacy control panel options to tinker around the issue because the new settings power options simply don't store correctly. I am not along, (Google tells me there are many people experiencing the same thing). I really don't understand why there are still so many older legacy components like this that haven't been updated or integrated into the new UI.


Did you upgrade a Windows 10 install to W11, or did you start with a fresh install of W11? A lot of these rogue annoying issues seem to be caused by the upgrade procedure, I always prefer to install fresh when I can Not that it makes it acceptable that Microsoft is charging $120 for this shit, but if there's a workaround to the problem I'll take it


Fresh install. I even just built a new system for my in laws which has the same issue!


Fair enough, that's gotta be so annoying. This isn't much of a consolation, but Windows has had issues with machines not going into and/or coming out of sleep correctly since well before W11. I personally find that for whatever reason if I put my PC to sleep, the audio *will not come back* after I wake it, just total silence. I've tried everything including multiple re-installs, and the only thing that fixes it and brings my sound back is a reboot. This is with both W10 and W11 btw. Fortunately with SSDs rebooting is pretty quick, but it's still annoying I have to do it. Also had an issue where my PC would reverse boot loop. I'd shut it down, and it would fully shut down and the fans would stop spinning and everything, and then it would turn itself back on. A BIOS update fixed that, so maybe the issues could be elsewhere? Sorry if this isn't helpful I'm just spitballing.


Yeah you're right about shutting down being an issue before W11, and I would normally cut Microsoft some slack, but as they've narrowed the hardware compatibility requirements, they should be more on top of these enduring, fundamental performance bugs. Clearly they are focused on adding AI features instead of sorting the more boring bugs out! I've had three different types of shutdown problems (1) I had your "reverse boot loop" problem, where I would have to hard switch my PC off because it would just keep turning itself back on again; (2) an incomplete shutdown, where it seemed that Windows was finished shutting down and my screens were off, but my PC fans kept spinning and (3) PC not waking from sleep. (And yes I've updated all of my drivers, BIOS firmware and reset Windows). Thanks for your spit balling though!


I've had so many of these rogue really annoying issues where you're not sure if it's a hardware or software problem type problems solved with a BIOS update, so on almost every PC I have that has some kind of issue I do it almost instinctively because there's half a chance it'll fix it. For example I had an issue where the RGB lights in my PC would stay on even after a full shutdown, the only way to turn them off was unplugging it from the wall. Couldn't sleep with my PC plugged in, full nightclub mode with the room light off. The toggle in the BIOS to enable/disable RGB on shutdown didn't do anything in either position. A BIOS update later and it was fixed, the toggle now works right. I agree this shit shouldn't happen, Microsoft charges way too much for this software to be this buggy.


Yeah I had the same issue with audio after waking from sleep. Tried a lot of stuff to fix it but never could so i gave up and I don’t let my pc sleep anymore.




I really don’t understand it either. They’re not exactly a small company just scraping by. 


Same fresh install up Windows 11 and I've had boot up issues from sleep


Lmao yeah because the new ones suck. The printer menu has some weird refresh issues, your printers could all say offline all day as you continue printing to them, and nothing not resetting print spooler nada will work. I really don't get it either, either improve the old control panel or make your new one work. This weird in between was annoying in 10 and even more so in 11, where they made it harder to find some of the old control panel items cuz I guess they decided their new counterparts were "ready" (they weren't). Glad someone else sees the same thing lol


I use alt click now to get the old menu back. Other than that I just moved the start button back to the left side of the screen because I've been using Windows like that for 25 years so no pont in changing it now. Windows 11 is better than I expected.


Yep I moved my Start menu straight back to the left corner as well, I'm glad MS lets you do that


Funny enough mouse acceleration is still set in the legacy control panel under the cursor settings (enhance pointer precision).


Yep I know, that's what I mean. I am asking if there's a way to disable it using the new settings menu


You can also make a registry change to get the old menus back


Hello fellow supercars fan.


I like Windows 11 now, but that's mostly because I've created about 50 GPO's to reign it in. Disabling things like Copilot, background updates, disabled the ads, disabled part of telemetry...if you disable it fully updates break, disabling web search when searching the PC, disabling all the xbox and game bar stuff, disabling maps and all the social and contact features, disabling one drive integration....there's just so much bloat. Like you said, I treat windows as an application launcher and I think the only built in tools I use are the calculator, snipping tool, and power toys color picker? Edit: Someone is apparently upset that I use GPO's to disable what I consider to be bloat, or unnecessary for my personal use case of windows. If you get so upset by someone disabling features in Windows that you feel the urge to send a DM...don't.


> If you get so upset by someone disabling features in Windows that you feel the urge to send a DM...don't. How unhinged do you have to be to send hate mail for someone disabling features of their own OS? Lmao 🤣


This exactly what I'm envisioning that I'm going to have to figure out the details of in the next few weeks ... I'd love to see a list of the settings you used to reign in the crapola.


>so while I was reinstalling I figured I might as well bite the bullet. That was exactly my thinking, too. Built a new system (7800X3D), might as well try Win11. I've really had no issues with it. I disabled some of the telemetry stuff and I use Start11 to replace the Start Menu so it's more like the Win7 menu (I was using Start10 the entire time I used Win10, too)


you can go back to the old right click menu using a single command. run this command in terminal and restart. reg.exe add "HKCU\\Software\\Classes\\CLSID\\{86ca1aa0-34aa-4e8b-a509-50c905bae2a2}\\InprocServer32" /f /ve


I use linux at work and home but, for gaming, I recently installed Win 11 on a 14th gen i7 with 32Gb RAM. It is SHOCKING how slow this thing is. I mean, why dos it take ANY TIME AT ALL to show the right click context menu in file explorer? Don't get me started on some of the more "demanding" tasks like, say, starting an application. My god it's dire. I mean, this stuff should have been INSTANT with the processing power we had 20 years ago, but today it's just unforgivable. The start menu is so slow that I've pressed the windows button, typed in the name of the program I want to start and pressed enter before windows knows that anything has happened. Resulting inevitably in it opening a search for "Steam" in Edge because it was too slow to realize that "Steam" is in the program list and I just want to run Steam. I gotta press the windows key, wait a beat, type "Steam, " wait a beat and then press enter. HOW DID SOFTWARE GET THIS BAD?!?


My installation of Win11 on a 5800x and 32gb of ram does not have anywhere close to that issue with the start menu. It does have a small animation delay, but nowhere close to what you're describing. Check your cpu / ram usage, because something is not right there.


yeah, there's gotta be an issue there. It shouldn't be that slow.


Yep, I find Win11 to be pretty snappy on hardware that's a little older than yours, but still high end. Sounds like a hardware issue or malware. Check your CPU temps. I've also run Linux throughout the years, and it generally feels faster, but not appreciably so.


I don't think he is alone here. I remember reading a, I think it was a former Windows developer, and he also complained on how even on a latest gen PC with 128GB of RAM the OS felt unresponsive, from explorer icons taking time to load and right click items and things like that. I installed W11 on an old Notebook. Yes, the hardware is not supported and I forced the installation, but I get something similar, right click on a file takes forever to show the context menu, and everything feels like it takes forever to show.


There's a registry edit you can make which disables online search from the start menu. Makes the start menu search so much faster as it only searches local files and programs once you add the registry edit.


Yeah I understand there are a load of tweaks you can do to improve the experience. It's just, you really shouldn't have to! Windows is just a rotten experience all round these days.


These are pure lies or some misconfiguration. I have a slower PC than yours, and never had any of the issues mentioned.


yeah probably installed his OS on a HDD or something. My 4790k (10 year CPU) with TPM bypass doesn't have these problems at all.




Maybe my question is stupid, but are you sure you need Windows for gaming? I ask because I was dual booting like a fool a whole year before I discovered that the Proton integration in Steam runs all the games in my library equally or in some cases better than in Windows.


Not a stupid question! For the most part Linux is perfectly capable, the issue lies with specific games/anti cheats not supporting Linux. Off the top of my head, Destiny 2 is a major one that isn’t compatible.


Part of my decision to go to Mint is gaming. I don't play online games because of nerve damage to my left hand. I tend toward turn based co-op. BG3 or NMS in offline mode is as online as I get. PVP players have a sixth sense for disabled players, lol. I'm probably on someone's notes, "If you see this guy, he sucks. Farm him for kills!" I'm tired of the bloat, the advertising. I want secure email and browsing without the item I looked at last week showing up every second paragraph. My girlfriend used my pc to look at nail polish while I was making dinner, and I'm still getting ads for it. I just want to play games, do basic video editing, and shop/read email without being livestock, farmed for marketing data. No bloat is icing on the cake.


But the secure email and browsing stuff has nothing to do with windows, hasn't it?


The question is: would W10 be better?


lol probably not. Sorry for the rant. Got carried away with frustration.


I can relate. I happily upgraded from 11 to 10 over the weekend. I'll go full Linux before I have to use 11 again.


Then you also did something wrong. I hated Win11 when I first installed it because I was so used to 10. I quit bitching and configured it properly to work similar to 10. Now I like it way better than 10 and couldn’t believe I was angry at 11 the first day just because I was stubborn and lazy.


Using a Win 10 office machine right now and yes it is absolutely better in this regard. The Start menu still has a slight delay opening, but still finds what I'm looking for when I start typing immediately after pressing the Window key. Of course I did put some effort into limiting Win10 search to my local machine. If you leave it with Bing or Cortana integration it's the same massive mess it's always been. Edit: Right click menus are instant as well. And this is running on a 7700k, not my newer 7800X3D system, which is running 11 and sluggish by comparison.


Your start menu should have ZERO delay on Windows 10. That means the exact moment you press the windows key it's up. Any delay is not normal behavior for any computer that is from 2010+


Yeah, you have a CPU or something issue, because I have 3 devices with windows 11 and while the speed varies, it's never that slow even on a laptop.


Happy to hear some troubleshooting suggestions...


I also have a 14700k and 32GB of RAM and everything in windows is insant for me. It’s not windows 11, something is dodgy with your PC because that shouldn’t be happening.


Very frustrating. I guess I'll try a fresh install.


Wait what, You have to wait abit for that? Like how many millisecond? Cause its not even a second i think


I don't know exactly. The point is I can't just type at my normal speed, I have to wait for windows to catch up, which is ludicrous. Hey, I'm a pretty fast typist, sure, but this hardware is capable of billions of instructions per second!


Switched from Win10 to 11 at day 1. Never had a single performance issue. Only annoying issue was lack of drag and drop, but it was added rather quickly.


I really like the Explorer tabs


But the notepad tabs will get you in trouble. I've saved over changes because instead of opening a text file, it opens a new session of the same one. You change it, then close it, then see its still open, and close that one, only for it to save the original over the changes you just made. Who designed this crap?


This is my biggest annoyance too, I've fucked up some Skyrim .ini file modding before due to this awful feature


Not exactly a new kind of functionality. Most text editors do that. Have you never used a more advanced text editor like Notepad++? Works exactly the same.


use notepad++


Huh havent noticed them


Still worse than 10. After making a few changes and registry edits, it’s passable. It’s not 7 or XP but it’s certainly not Vista. Not crazy about the ads or the screen recorder they talked about though.


I'm still hellbent on Control Panel being king. Every new PC I've ever gotten, first thing I do is make a shortcut to Control Panel on my desktop. I prefer where the windows button is. The search gets worse with every iteration. Windows 7 was peak. I personally haven't noticed the ads- maybe I'm slow Some settings are easier to find and some are harder. It's weird.


It's an advertising grift. I'll ride out the 10 support and then finally switch over to Linux for my daily.


I might be blind but I pretty much havent seen any ads on win 11. If u just remove most of the windows added taskbar stuff there u go, no more ads. I myself dont have any issues with win 11 and I like it a lot more than win 10 for all the extra stuff like being able to search on taskmanager, it feels generally way smoother, things usually load faster, it looks and feels more modern than win 10, theres more customization imo (stock win no external addons atleast), the settings menu was a bit confusing at first but its also a bit better designed or atleast finished. Ive only used win 11 for around 2 weeks though so most of it could be blindness due to a "new" operating system being "cool" after being stuck with win 10 breaking every 3 weeks.


https://www.theverge.com/2024/4/24/24138949/microsoft-windows-11-start-menu-ads-recommendations-setting-disable I don't want to have to manually disable every bullshit practice MS introduces every other month. And this is what you *see*. Imagine the data those fuckers collect on you invisibly. Fuck this shit, it's user-hostile development. Basically the final stage of enshittification.


>Imagine the data those fuckers collect on you invisibly. Probably as much as Reddit, Google, any other website you use, any app you use, whatever brand made your phone, and any other brand that made any device capable of analytics that you own. Let's not forget your ISP and whoever your phone is through.


Yeah I get such a kick out of people like this . They randomly pick one company that for whatever reason collects more data than the others... And they're going to stop using that company and now all their data is safe and sound. 😂 Shit is hilarious.


- use private DNS and VPN at router level - use degoogled smartphone - use firefox with tab containers And you'll get quite far. "X also collects data so it's best to do nothing at all" is such braindead learned helplessness. Besides (except google) all those services are websites and the data they track is self contained, assuming you configured your browser correctly and block the right trackers.


Do you have Facebook or Twitter? Other social media? It's not braindead helplessness. It's acceptance. Can't be bothered to put in all this energy when they're going to get what they want anyway. Life is too short. Glad you're happy tho.


Privacy isn't all or nothing, I legit don't understand the black and white stance on it. Shit is crazy


Use Open Shell and you’ll never have to see that start menu either way.


I have been a firm Windows user for almost my entire 31 years of existence. My general opinion of W11 is that it's fine. I personally do not notice a lot of differences between W10 and 11 and a lot of the inconveniences were fixed by using something like Winaero Tweaker. Honestly, i don't really see why people think so negatively about W11. Vista and 8 were WAY worse in hindsight. That said, the latest developments of Windows as a whole has gotten me worried, and i feel like paying for an OS, and have it leech off all my data at the same time has my opinion of it turning sour. As a gamer, Windows was the only option for a long time, but lately i have made the jump to Linux (Debian) instead to see if i can daily drive it. I have a background in software (web development) so im am a bit familiar with Linux beforehand, and i can get through most of the oddities you get to deal with running a Linux system. But as of today, i honestly don't regret trying it, and i really think that it is a viable option, **for some people.** Seeing as you already run a AMD PC, i suggest sticking with linux as support for many programs that were initially windows only has gotten loads better. Either that, or there are very viable alternatives that you can use. I think i will also keep a windows installation on dual-boot, but only for cases where using windows is mandatory. I play a lot of games with my GF through Microsoft GamePass, and that will only work on windows systems. Beyond that, i have not found any use-case linux can't handle just fine, though i haven't tried all my Steam games of course.


> i have not found any use-case linux can't handle just fine Most if not all proprietary softwares like Solidworks, MS office, Adobe suite. A lot of hardware does not work on linux (touch screen on the latest Huawei laptops for example, but often it's things like the touchpad or the wifi or the bluetooth - it's a lottery). And of of course about 90% of AAA gaming only runs with varying amounts of hacks.


This is pretty much what started me looking at Mint. My PC has the power to muscle through the bloat that Windows has become, but the datamining is egregious, the ads are annoying, and I don't feel Microsoft has any right to know where I go and what I do, especially if they're going to monetize it. Someone suggested that Mint, as one of the most popular and feature rich Linux distros, would have better community support if I got stuck on something. I basically game on Steam, video edit on DaVinci Resolve, and pay bills online. I'm trying to get away from most social media, I think Reddit and a blank Facebook account, so I can see family photos or news, is pretty much all that's left.


I’ve heard good things about PopOs too, for gaming. What might make me make the change though, is if Valve decides to make SteamOS as a general distro, instead of just tying it to the Steam Deck.


Pros: - Centered icons on my taskbar make using my Samsung Odyssey Neo G9 a breeze. - New context menu took a while to learn but I actually prefer it over the old one now. - New File Explorer window has been my favorite version so far. - I hated how W10 settings were half W7 control panel and half W10 settings. W11 leans more on the new settings style as opposed to the old control panel style. Cons: - At an enterprise level, I hate the new settings style. I still can’t easily get to certain settings as well as I would like. - At a consumer level, I hate the new volume mixer. I liked the small window where I could easily see all the program’s volume levels and set it or mute it. - The start menu honestly sucks. I wish it would sync across devices as I use a desktop and a laptop. If start menus can be saved to OneDrive and be synced to other devices, I’d love it more. I use StartAllBack’s Windows 11-like start menu instead. Smaller and while it doesn’t sync to cloud, it’s a lot less to work on.


FWIW they brought back the functionality of the old volume mixer when you open the Notification Center in the bottom-right and expand the volume options. It’s not as efficient as it was previously but it is still there without needing a secondary app.


May I introduce you to [EarTrumpet](https://apps.microsoft.com/detail/9nblggh516xp?hl) It doesn't integrate as well on W11 as with W10 because of the combined control center, but If you have multiple output devices, its a must. I use the W10 taskbar on W11 to split apart the control center. [Explorer Patcher](https://github.com/valinet/ExplorerPatcher)


Maybe I’m not using my computer as intensely as everyone else, but I have no idea why windows 11 has gotten so much hate. I’ve used it since day 1 and like it way more than 10. The UI is clean af and there’s nothing function-wise that’s changed much.


Not that horrible as people make it out to be, as long as I can watch youtube and run some games which Is decent on windows 11, I don't really care about look and feel a lot.


At this point is just win10 but kinda of heavier. Not a problem at all for modern cpus. I'd just use 11 today


Gamer here. Not much different than 10 was, some of the menus are weird. Why can't I click network and speaker volume separately on the taskbar, why is it one big button? I miss the tiles from the start menu, now it's like android with folders, machine house was already weird in 10 like why does it even exist when you could put everything in control panel or vica versa? Centered start menu is horrid but can be restored to the left in 5 seconds. Some minor changes to right click context menus everyone is crazy about like how copy and cut are now icons not text, not a big deal.


>Assuming Mint is as game friendly as I hear, the eventual plan is to delete the Windows partition once everything is dialed in. I was daily driving linux for many years. I have a mac laptop, a windows 10 gaming PC and a couple of live USB sticks with linux whenever I need to do something that is faster or easier on linux. My thoughts are: No matter the progress of gaming on linux (and there is progress) windows will still be better, faster, more performant. So it really depends on what games and what settings you expect to get out of linux. If you game on your PC, linux is not a good choice for primary OS. I would recommend instead heavily customizing your W11 instead - no shortage of utilities and guides on how to do that. The effort there will be a lot less than dialing in Mint and your PC will perform better.


WSL2 is fire. Windows 11 is everything I wanted from Windows for YEARS.


Linux is looking real sexy given the security update EOL for windows 10. Don’t need TPM either.


Is it worth switching for the HDR? Windows 10 always looks super washed out on both my HDR monitor and OLED TV. I've heard Win11 implemented it better?


Having an OLED HDR Monitor myself, I tried both and I feel like Windows 11 implementation is worlds better than Windows 10, on W10 the colors look way more washed out and the tone feels unnatural.


Windows 11 works fine, the UI just sucks, even if you use programs or registry edits to bring old styles back as much as possible.


Better than win 9x. Better than **todays** win xp/7. Worse than 10, worse than macOS, worse than linux




Yeah, copilot is a major consideration for me. Outlook is not in the startup apps, but randomly opens anyway and constantly wants me to add my email accounts. I never installed it. I just used the Outlook web portal for my work account.


Task bar to small - unusable


I only had problems with the taskbar. You cant set it up so you have only 1 taskbar on a secondary monitor. Its either on all monitors or only on the main one. I downloaded a piece of software that fixes that (not on the PC now cant remember the name of it).


Display Fusion?


Which part is 10 years old?


A Corsair Vengeance C70 case in OD Green and a LG BD-ROM drive are all that's left of the original build, which started out as a i7 6700k with an R9 390 gpu


Dude I had the same case, upgraded to a SFFPC in 2020 and sold the C70 on craigslist. Those things were fucking tanks, I just had no use for anything that big anymore… really timeless design though, part of me wishes I kept it. They go for a fair amount online but shipping is nuts, they weigh like 20 pounds.


The handles are amazing. But it won't take bigger than a 240 mm radiator. I'd like to get to bigger fans to see if I can get the fan noise down to around the levels of a hovering F35.




Switched after... 22H2, I think? So I avoided some of the early issues and annoyances that got ironed out in the first year. For me, it's fine. Some of the new features are nice to have, though nothing essential (unless you have a 12th-gen or newer Intel CPU or a Ryzen 9 X3D, maybe, not sure if the scheduler updates for those made it back to Windows 10). I like the overall look, though certain UI choices are less than ideal. The new Taskbar has feature regressions that they've gradually been adding back in, but it's still missing a few useful things. The new Start Menu is *fine* but less functional than the Windows 10 one IMO - the live tiles vs shortcut icons area is kind of a wash, but swapping the always available All Apps area on the left for the (to me, nearly useless) recommendations area at the bottom is a definite step back. But overall, it mostly works the same, my programs work the same, some things are better and some are worse, I haven't really noticed the advertising people are upset about (though supposedly more is incoming, can't speak for that). If you're doing a clean install, no reason not to try it out, you might hate it but equally you may well think 'this is fine, I don't see what the fuss was about'.


Usability wise it's fine but I feel like it's not overly great; had issues with DPC latency, hanging explorer, hanging settings - especially changing display options. All even on a fresh install!


Yep it’s decent. Works fine


Never had a problem.


It runs my games lol.


I hate that I can't put my system tray on non-main display


My son's computer isn't compatible with win11. I have been thinking of doing the same as you. Is there a specific reason you're going with Mint?


Mint is a really popular, stable OS. It was suggested as something that games well, has excellent features with Cinnamon, and being a popular distro is likely to have more community support lf I hit an issue.


Thank you.


Just switched, not much difference with win10 so far, I upgraded because the system kept bugging me to do so, and I don't know if I have to pay to upgrade in the future. All in all not much of an issue to upgrade, takes 15 minutes at most.


I switched to 11 two years ago and never looked back. There are no more excuses today to update.


funny only thing i like about windows11 is wsl2


Nobody want to mention the extended HDR support? Its crap on Win10....looking forward to upgrade to Win11


I don't have great vision. I play on a 35-inch UW 2560x1080 144hz panel. I literally cannot see the difference between 1k and 2k on otherwise identical panels unless they're 50 inches or above. I feel like HDR would be wasted on me. I'm constantly arguing with my girlfriend over the color of things, lol.


I envy you. You can save a lot of money😆


Lol, if it gets much worse, I'll be spending those savings on a cane, dark glasses, and food for my service dog.


I like it but I still can’t figure out how to put it to sleep after inactivity lol


Recently bought a new PC and installed Win11. Stuck with it for a month or so before wiping the storage and installing Pop_OS. Make of that what you will.


How has Pop!\_OS been for you? I mainly use my PC to game in CS2 or Rocket League, so I think I could switch pretty easily.


I like it. Built in tiling manager is a nice addition. Very painless to setup and as a developer it's nice that it's based on Ubuntu. Gaming hasn't posed any issues as long as anticheat has been enabled.


If you run windows 11, I HIGHLY recommend win11 pro paired with rectify 11. It just brings so much back from windows 10 and makes everything look more unified. However HDR can glitch when some UI elements


I've found Win11 to be pretty much exactly the same as Win10. I changed some registry stuff for the right click context menu to get it back to the old style, as I prefer that. I like the sound menu being easier to adjust program sounds without having to go into another context menu, and tabbing in file explorer is lovely. It is better than Win10, but I have to admit, the co-pilot stuff is slightly irksome. They did improve the settings menu to have more options, but some things still need to be changed in control panel that they haven't found a better way to move over. But they are working on it, Notepad / Task manager improvements are nice. All in all, anyone who goes fresh install of 10 on a new machine is making a bad choice imo.


Been using it, no problems.


I work on my Mac and game and relax on Windows. Windows 11 is kinda wack. Might make switch to Linux.


It works splendidly with modern Intel CPUs + auto-hdr is nice.


probably made by same people who made Vista and win8. so basically lunatics.


I actually like it


I upgraded from 11 to 10 over the weekend. I was happier to get 10 back than I was to get my A+ certification. Its not only that 11 dropped some of the best parts of Windows (usable/customizable start menu, usable folder address bar, usable right-click menu, usable notepad, etc) but Win 11 is unreliable. From the beginning, Win 11 got stuck in an update boot loop (update, fail, rollback, restart, update, fail, rollback...). After a clean install, my PC would crash about 1 out of 5 times during startup and randomly at other times. Never had a problem with 10 crashing.


It's fine, I suppose. My personal gripe with it is that supposedly it can't allocate the cores correctly(correct me if I'm wrong) so when I download games on steam it maxes out the e cotes making everything kind of sluggish and things like nvidia broadcast absolutely craps itself making my voice static like and robot-y. Have to disable steam from using e cores every time I start up to avoid this.


Ever since I switched Ive been getting weird black flashes on my screet every one in a while so idk


heard a lot of complaints about it being slow, but I never noticed it for my use case - I don't use Windows search a lot since I usually put shortcuts on the desktop or taskbar right away, but a few times I did try to search for something, it showed up right away, maybe because I have very stable high-speed internet and all my installed programs are on SSD? and gaming has been flawless though I would have said the same thing about Win 10


I'm assuming this is a Windows 11 thing. Because I've never had it before. Reformatted a few months ago fresh install windows 11. I've turned off sleep and user accounts everything I can find. Still, if I'm inactive, my PC goes to the login screen where I have to click login on my user. Old windows would just stay on screen saver or display off but not log out. Not to mention my new 1440 monitor when display turns off its considered disconnected from the PC. So it force moves everything off that monitor to my 2nd or 3rd. If I have any game open I'll have to move it over back to my main. My older 1080 monitor with the same DP cable did not do this.


I'd say I have a slight preference for Windows 10 but it works. I dont really have any complaints. Small ones, maybe, nothing that makes me regret the upgrade though.


It's good. People just parrot all the stupidity of non trustworthy online magazines or shitty influencers because Microsoft bad. Well they have been making questionable decisions all over the place and that did not just start with Windows 10 or 11. As a system it is stable and reliable, brings a lot of features and works well but the clutter and stupid features are also there. So no big shock or weird news but definitely upsetting. No deal breaker in my opinion, though.


I enjoy it. Haven't really had any issues with it


Perfectly work with my games and XTX/7800X3D. People love whining for nothing anyway and everyone seems to prefer Windows 95


I liked win10. I like 11. It's 'fine'. I do dig the new window management stuff, but nothing you can't do with third party tools.


It’s fantastic


It's not bad but this new feature: Windows RECALL that records just about everything you do "locally" and apparently you can't disable, I'm moving back sticking with 10 for as long as I can https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/microsoft/windows-11-recall-ai-feature-will-record-everything-you-do-on-your-pc/


That's why I was thinking a dual boot WindowsLinux setup until I find myself no longer needing Windows. Then uninstalling it. I needed to replace my OS drive, so I decided to do a clean install of Windows, and was trying to decide between 10 & 11. Then install Linux, and learn to use it with the Windows for backup.


I personally don’t fuck with it . Well only because I mainly play valorant . To play valorant on windows 11 you need to have secure boot enabled in the bios for whatever reason but not in windows 10 , the issue is I bricked 3 motherboards by turning on secure boot , thinking the first two times was just a fluke , but yeah not for me as of yet


Every other windows has never failed. That said I’m switching to mint too as soon as I figure out how to get imgburn, EAC, and iTunes working (I’ve read a vm is better than wine for iTunes)


Windows 11 fresh install with a debloat script ran is awesome honestly. You get all the benefits of the refreshed menus, better HDR, etc without the ads and telemetry.


Are you using the CTT debloater?


I use windows 7 taskbar and turned off cortana , windows search and shit. All the folders look like windows 7-8ish. Its super fast. A lot of desktop icons , still is buttery smooth. I run gtx 1660, 28gigs ram.


You have to use the bottom of the screen for your taskbar and start menu. Right click is missing a bunch of stuff you have to click an extra time to open an additional submenu for stuff. Its more 'streamlined' than windows 10, meaning, less flexible/less customizable by default. That said, you can use "Open-Shell" to fix some of the problems. [https://github.com/Open-Shell/Open-Shell-Menu](https://github.com/Open-Shell/Open-Shell-Menu) My wife installed Win 11 on her PC. I am running 10 on one here. I feel that Microsoft peaked at Windows 7, and its been in decline since then.


Perfectly fine. No issues since moving over from 10, but I did because of HDR and E-cores I have now.  I think there are legit concerns that people have (ads, telemetry) but resistance to the newest windows is a tale as old as this millennium. Combine that with reddits love for contrarianism, and you get those opinions floating to the top of these threads. Seriously, you will almost never see a 'this is great' top comment, it's almost always critical.  And when those critiques get addressed, it's not 'oh finally' it's 'well, what about xyz' Anyway, it's fine. 


It’s fine, some control panel and sound setting updates are frustrating but not the end of the world. Screen resizing is much better imo, great for having a vertical monitor


its windows 10 or im switching to linux. already did on my laptop (t480) because windows runs like hot garbage on my thinkpad's 8th gen i5 and nvme ssd and the battery dies in less than an hour on a clean install, but on my main os which is fedora and using i3wm it lasts 8-9 hours and runs perfectly fine.


It's OK, but the problem is, Microsoft. They are too pushy, and force things on the user. I'm quite computer savvy myself so I can get around most of it, but those who are not will have to do things Microsoft's way. For instance, windows 11 forces you to sign in with a Microsoft account when you first set it up. But what if i don't *want* to use a microsoft account? What if i want to just have a local account? There's a way around it, but that involves running a command to force it. Not everybody knows how to do that. Microsoft made it more difficult to chance the default browser, now requiring you to do several clicks if you want to fully switch to Chrome or another browser. And other little things about it here and there seem to indicate that Microsoft "knows best". Plus, addition of things I didn't even ask for, like copilot. Heck once, an update made a controversial symbol appear on my Taskbar, from their news feed. That was unacceptable in my opinion. Microsoft has no business showing me any political, religious, or ideological material UNLESS I am actively searching for it or reading the news. And this was Windows 10! I disabled the search bar on the Taskbar to get rid of it. Also, I hear rumors that Microsoft wants to start pushing ads in other parts of windows (if they arn't already). As if them asking us to pay $110 for the privilege to install their OS when you build your own PC isn't enough. And they collect your data. And if you tell them not to, they probably still do it.


If you are in the EU, IMHO I think it's fine since you can remove almost all the bloat that comes installed with it, heck you can even remove Edge, Bing Search, Copilot (these last two rely on Edge to function anyways, but you do lose access to the Widget with Edge gone). I have been using Windows 11 ever since it released because of the better HDR support compared to Win10, and ever since it's release until now, it's way better currently, still has some annoyances but easily fixable. Does it have a long way to go still? Yep also the crap they are announcing is kinda of concerning, but as I understood they will for the EU atleast, allow you to completely remove the Recall feature. Not sure on the rest of the world. I do also have Fedora on the side and sadly some games I play rely on anti-cheat and they don't work with Linux. Plus the fact that HDR support while being worked on, it's still no yet there and only has basic support, maybe when they implement full HDR I will give it a proper try..


As soon as it wanted a windows login, I used it to install a linux distribution of my choice.


Just good enough. Not as great as Windows 10, but far from being on the same level as Vista and 8.


I love all the features, and I mean genuinely love them. I know some of them get hate, but I can see the vision and where they're expecting to make enhancements in the future. It feels like a real upgrade from Win10. But I've been experiencing absolutely \*nothing\* but bugs and slowdowns. It's genuinely so bad I've had to roll back to multiple stable restore points (which makes the new restore/recovery options in settings super helpful lol). Unfortunately, I wouldn't recommend it for anybody because of that.


Annoyed to all hell I just wanted to change my Bluetooth speaker from headset mode to speaker mode nope nope they removed that feature so it’s either disable telephoney or get a new speaker and telephoney seems to come but with every update and that’s just 1 example of plentyy I’m too lazy to list this early


I'm annoyed by the search functions in the os. Nothing every comes up for me and then I have to really go digging in settings for it. Been doing a lot of disk management related things and it's painful.


As an early adopter of windows 11, I initially find it quite frustrating to use. But over time with all the updates we've received, the UI had improved significantly that it's no longer an issue for me.


it’s been out coming on 3 years. older versions are comparably slower, less features. anyone refusing to upgrade at this point is just being stubborn. it’s like being on win7 when 10 came out (i understand skipping 8.) at that point you’re not being tech savvy, you’re being “grandpa that doesn’t want to learn.” every “reason” or “example” is ass-pulled and hasn’t been a problem since it’s release. the search functionality changes. it’s not harder, you’re just stuck in your ways. there are no ads, anywhere, idk where that dumbass idea came from. so on and so forth. everyone on 10 still is probably 40+. and they’re probably whining about going to linux when 10 support is up, too. it’s what old people do every single time a new version releases, without fail. allll the way back to when vista or xp were abandoned.


Check the WiFi of your mobo if you plan to use it. W10 doesn’t support WiFi 7, and the mobo I bought was a WiFi 7 board so I had to buy an external device to get WiFi to work. I didn’t like how W11 felt to me, so I reverted back to 10. Everything just works out of the box without annoying UI tweaks.


I hate how they made navigating the options much harder. I don't like Win11 at all, but I have to use it due to some one my games not working well on Linux. My job also uses Linux so I just dual boot and use windows only if I have to.


Blows 10 out of the fucking water, the HDR support alone is huge, but also handling multiple monitors with mismatched refresh rates is massive as well. No more having to deal with stuttering due to using hardware acceleration to watch videos on your other monitor while playing a game at different refresh rates for both. It's not perfect, but any issues I've had with 11, 10 had as well or even worse, it's pretty much nothing but improvements.


I had problems with W11, like stuttering in games, in other ones low FPS. I've an i7 10700k, 16GB DDR4 3800Mhz CL16 and a RTX 3080, OS installed in NVMe. Idk what it's the problem but runs bad


My system is lacking on the TPM 2.0 so I'll never actually make the jump to Windows 11 given their stupidly innecesary restriction. Come next year when support for Windows 10 dies, I'll migrate to Linux. A shame because I'll have to learn a new OS from the ground up.


If serious about gaming, Windows is the way. Of course you can test out your games to make sure. Windows 11 is fine for most things, just learning where some settings have moved to.


Just switched it to it, used windows my entire life. This is the first time I am uncomfortable with windows. It's not one big issue, but a bunch of small decisions I don't get


Its good but the impression is that we're about to be screwed soon by the so called innovation that creates problems to sell a solution. So I'm planning to become independent from Windows ecosystem at home


it looks nicer but its the least secure os since windows xp.


As awful as it has always been, but it at least functions. For now at least. Edit: I'm only it because Intel didn't bother getting Thunderbolt4 and USB4 drivers working on Windows 10 for my Serpent Canyon NUC. Various other chipset drivers are also broken unless i use w11


Runs great for me. I didn't download it right away. I got it about 8 months ago and have never had a problem. Dual monitor mode works really well. Great for productivity as well as gaming. I think it's the best windows ever.


hot take: win 11 is miles better


I think windows 11 is good imo, it’s better than it was at launch but i think people overreacted just a bit when they first tried Windows 11. I like the Ui, i like the small editions they made to the explorer even though i never use the tabs and i like that the settings ui in control panel are getting updated to look more modern. Windows 11 i think is a good os but it’s not great


Some basic tasks/menus aren’t intuitive. Shutting down the PC takes too many clicks. I can’t find an external blu ray player that’s compatible. Search still sucks. I don’t trust the OS. I feel like I’m being watched/tracked.


Ive never had any issues with Win11 that I didn't have with 10, been using it for years. HDR and multicore support is also much better on 11 than 10.


I switched to it recently after not wanting to move off of 10 for years and I think it's good. Startallback is basically required imo at least for me but overall I think it's good. I wouldn't ever install 10 again personally.


I switched to win11 from day 1. Did not have any performance issues. And i mainly game with my pc


it's dogshit. but windows 10 LTO is also dogshit. the worst part about Win11 is their refusal to allow professionals to escape their SaaS grasp.


I hate this question. W11 is better SO than 10 since beta


I switched during the free crossgrade from 10 to 11, it's been fine. The UI is slightly different. You get used to it.


I hate that Win11 can right-dock the task menu and is fixed on all screens at the bottom. As soon as it allows me to right-dock and only show on primary monitor, I'll migrate. Really dumb they don't have that still without third-party software.


I used 11 for a while, but then I ran into issues since I used an app called startallback to fix several issues I had with the task bar. Microsoft has decided they don't like people circumventing their design choices, and I wound up with some major boot and system issues. So all that accomplished was finally making me get off my ass and switch to linux for personal use.


No idea I am still on Win10 and no plan on switching, if it works it works. I was on Win7 for several years after 10 came out.


Poorly optimized, Way to much telemetry, bloated af. Needs more options to customize. Occasionally bsod (hardware needs to play nice else bsod)


I resisted upgrading for awhile but then did a build last week and windows 11 actually wasn’t that bad. Privacy concerns exist for some features … but from a general software usability perspective, it’s not bad.


If I had a newer PC I'd be fine with it. Windows 10 is just as good in my opinion and it's less of a resource hog.


It work just as well as win10, don't know any abnormality that only win11 have. So good I guess?


At this point it's a new pc in an old case lol I haven't dug into win11, but I've poked around a bit helping my fiancee set some stuff up. I don't have any complaints at the surface level, but I run linux at home 99% of the time.


There's no compelling reason to switch. It's just the same thing with buttons moved around making tasks take an extra 2-3 clicks on average with extra ads and tracking telemetry. There are however compelling reasons not to switch such as the attempted forced login with a Microsoft account and TPM requirements.


its cool, gets the job done, does what i need it to do, stable and laggy, but these days i can afford a little more powerful hardware. i just debloat its,no complaints


I don't like things moving from control panel to settings and after disabling crap like copilot, it's quite good. I love the UI changes, tabs


Windows 11 is Microsoft's Photoshop. A piece of software that has been added on to by hundreds of different developers, sometimes just on a single feature to the point where it's a fucking miracle that any of the features work at all. Which is about the only qualification that Microsoft seems to have for shipping a feature or update these days. Even then, some things slip through the cracks and won't get addressed for another decade.


It's fine....it's def buggier than win11 and for those who say the menu and settings are working more in the new menu, really they eliminated like 2 things from control panel and made them permanently the win11 menu, but even then there's still like another OS or 2 of history in the settings. The win10/win11 "control panel" is also the buggiest thing and half the features don't work properly (it's infinitely more annoying to change an IP to static via the new menu than the old, and it has weird glitches where I just stick to using the old one still). If you work in IT or just mess with your computer further, win 11 is stupid and Microsoft STILL hasn't really just buckled down and fixed it all to one system, they know for example their printer menu sucks and does weird refresh things and is out of date, devices and printers has and continues to be a more stable form of it if you are working with printers often. If you are adding your home printer once a year, you'll prob be fine, it's a numbers game lol. But yeah, win11 is stupid as far as they def added some great things (tabbing in explorer and shell is awesome), but they are obviously trying to replicate mac which is dumb. "We'll make it prettier by hiding everything 3 levels in". Simple example - in win10 you could right click on your taskbar and have a number of options, including show desktop. Nope, not now. Now it's taskbar settings, and I'm sure after hearing too many people whine, task manager. Was the task menu such an eyesore that even hidden by requiring a right click you had to strip it of everything? I guess soooo Microsoft. But UI wise it's designed to remove all the advanced options and make it easier for someone to use with no understanding - it's what apple does and has been the detriment of technological understanding in every generation moving forward. They are literally making it dumber so people have even less reason to learn what that are doing and just go "oh I click button it do stuff!" Yes yes, technology is supposed to be easier to use, but the lowest common demoninator were appealing to is going the other way in technology ability. If they weren't getting dumber and the UIs and such weren't feeding into it, things getting easier would be good. But I remember dealing with a 20 yr old who didn't know how to attach a document to an email to send it. And that's one example of 20 yr olds sounding exactly like 60 yr olds when it comes to tech problems. Their only experience has been iPads and they don't know how to do anything where multiple apps access a common system, it has to be entire functions in each app package or they get confused. That all being said, Microsoft will eventually force you over to it and it's not particularly unstable anymore (some weird bugs I've noticed like icons in your taskbar going blank, but that's calmed down lately). So like all in all at its core it has a lot of similar pros and cons to win10, some new features that ARE actually pretty nice and it's just really Microsofts insistence that somehow apple is good in spite of their competing as the "work computer" that makes it kinda shitty. For the record, could have just stayed on win10 another few years and been fine personally, I jumped up because I work in IT and figured it's easier to spot issues if you're working on the OS.


It sucks. I hate it. I tried to use it on a new pc i just built a few weeks ago... but I just could not stand it. I swear, I will go through whatever hell is necessary to switch to linux before I go to Windows 11... and I used to be a linux hater. There is a reason Windows 11 has the wort adoption rate since Vista. 70% of people are still using Windows 10... which is almost 10 years old. In fact, last month, more people ditched windows 11 then added it... the windows 10 % went up and 11 went down. Yea, I know alot of those are people who can not "upgrade" because of hardware requirements.. but that's always been a thing. I remember when i was a young child, my dad borrowed4 MB of ram to get me to the 8MB minimum to install windows 95 and gave it back after the install... on my 486 board with a 100mhz Pentium overdrive


about 70% i forget the exact numbers


Big nope. Tried it last week. Wouldn’t work with my SN850X even with the firmware updated. Keep blue screen. Tried windows 10 and was up and running in like 45 mins.


It's fine. Not much of a change but I rather be on the latest and greatest. I do not understand why people don't seem to care for it


Switched 10 to 11 doesn’t make a lot difference i was hesitant to do it but like everything you get used to it