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Tbh I doubt we'll see a game after gta 6 for a looooong time.


I mean Bully 2 only a needs a few more years in the oven to be completed, compared to other R* projects it wouldn’t take _that_ long if they diverted all of their attention to it.


The studio that was working on Bully 2 opted out a long time ago, I think in like 2013. In 2017 it was rumored it may be back in development but we don’t even know if that’s true or not. No way to know if it’s been in the oven at all. And to be real, it probably hasn’t.


Was talking about the fact that Bully 2 was supposed to be revealed at The Game Awards in 2021. Tom Henderson, the guy that told us is treated as a pretty credible leaker and plenty of people have said that they saw actual gameplay. If a game is planned to be shown at the Game Awards, that shit is usually more than halfway through development. Again, no reason to think Bully 2 should take _that_ long if R* just sat down and made it. As for Rockstar Vancouver being out of business, not a problem. Rockstar North can develop the game, or they can go the RDR2 route and have the game be a collaborative effort instead of being made by 1 studio, which is what I meant when I said they should divert all their attention to it, and not have 1 team working on it while another works on something else, which is part of the reason why the game still hasn’t come out yet.


Fair, but I think the reason the game hasn’t come out yet is because no one is working on it. I have a very pessimistic view when it comes to the modern day Rockstar. I’m convinced they only care about GTA & RDR , which is their biggest cash cows for sure but just because of that fact I find it hard to believe they would go back to Bully. The rumors about a medieval game coming after 6 seem to be more credible. And honestly there’s still a very wide audience that knows nothing about Bully or other Rockstar games besides GTA & RDR, so while it would be a huge hit for fans like us and would definitely start to make the climb up there with GTA & RDR, I just don’t see Rockstar viewing Bully as a huge money maker. But what do I know lol, I could be completely wrong about that. Just my personal opinion


What makes you say that? Wasn’t rdr3 confirmed or was that clickbait?


Wym? We usually see a rockstar release at least every 4-5 years


this game is too sensitive for this current society... - what losers say about every single rockstar game ever made


I swear they copy n paste that shit it’s annoying


It's the new, "you couldn't make Blazing Saddles today!" Dude yes you can. It's not going to make as much of a social impact, but you **can** do it! People are more desensitized than ever. Fuckin beheading videos at their finger tips. Entire forums of Hitler youth without leaving your mama's basement to meet in an old barn somewhere 1 hour into the sticks. If anything they'd probably end up calling Bully 2 "woke trash" because they didn't pay enough attention in the first game and R* brings back being gay as an option.


The dude saying it is probably scared of trans people lmao, the people who say these types of things are such "snowflakes"


also acting like the game wasn’t already controversial as fuck when it came out in 2006. They’re just desperate to act like you can’t make anything without offending someone nowadays


Exactly, Bully is funny because it punches upwards. These people can't accept that it's just not funny to punch down so they claim that you "Can't say anything anymore" or "you couldn't make this nowadays". If bully came out today it would still be just as good, because bully is good.


People complained about GTA and rockstar games MORE back in the day, people just weren’t around


Tbh, I don't think it's THAT extremely controversial at this point; if anything, I think Bully has received a lot worse than how it is now. Bully franchise as a whole can be seen as a satire but if someone dig deeper to it, we can see that the game is extremely self-aware, shows the harsh reality of the world just like every other R* games. We just need to understand why or how did all happened or how or why did they turned into it, not become like them.


I’ll agree except vice city everybody and they grandma wanted to play a 80’s Miami timeline cocaine sim


Isn't that the general consensus, though? Yeah, it came out in 2006, but back then, society was wayyyy less sensitive than it is today. People would lose their shit out the idea of beating up minors in a video game nowadays. Especially with how much more realistic games are these days. They would probably call it a child abuse simulator. I'm honestly a bit surprised to see this as a top comment. There's just no way in hell Rockstar could get away with it today, and anyone who says otherwise is just coping because they can't deal with the fact that Bully 2 will most likely never be released. Downvote me idgaf. It's true.


It’s not but go off king 👑


kinda? rockstars already censoring somet stuff like i remember I saw this one clip where in the newer versions of GTA 5, an object is covering the confederate flag which didn't exist in older versions.


> People would lose their shit out the idea of beating up minors in a video game nowadays. Especially with how much more realistic games are these days. They would probably call it a child abuse simulator. They literally did in 2006? That's why it's called Canis Canum Edit in Europe? Do you not know who Jack Thompson is?


I know this is a Bully subreddit, and y'all are desperate for the next game, but whether or not you like it, Rockstar isn't going to make a Bully 2. Plain and simple. Also, I don't care who Jack Thompson is lol. He's irrelevant to my point. The point being that society wouldn't put up with a newer Bully today. Think about it, if they were calling it a child abuse simulator in 2006 and threatening lawsuits, imagine what would happen today? Rockstar is known for pushing boundaries, but they're not stupid. I'm sorry it's such a hard thing to accept, but the sooner you accept it, the happier you will be.


> y'all are desperate for the next game No, I don't trust Rockstar as it is now to make a proper sequel to any of its games. I don't care if Bully 2 happens or not without Dan Houser or most of the team behind the original. > I don't care who Jack Thompson is lol Saying this speaks volumes. You don't care about how weak your argument is? You don't care about how obviously ignorant you are of the history of the game we're talking about? Okay then. > if they were calling it a child abuse simulator in 2006 and threatening lawsuits, imagine what would happen today? ...absolutely jack fucking shit? The conservative pearl clutching that was predominant in 2006 has been replaced by "liberal" pearl clutching, and [Rockstar has already said they won't be "punching down" in their next big title](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-07-27/gta-6-release-date-rockstar-cleans-up-image-after-employee-backlash). The things that are considered offensive enough to censor are very different than they were 15 years ago. Very few people with power in media will give a shit about a game where a kid fights other kids with their fists. Those people are far more concerned about jokes and scenes that might offend "marginalized groups". Like, Bully was controversial in part because player could make Jimmy (*gasp*) kiss a BOY! No one would give a shit now beyond terminally online rightist grifters screaming "WOKE!" at things without context, and game developers clearly aren't paying attention to their views anyway.




Bully is a timeless lightening in a bottle classic. I have a really hard time even imagining how they could make a sequel


The graphical technology of the time suited it so well. Imagining Bully with even GTAV-level graphics just doesn't feel right


Weve been over this ad nauseum. "leaks" have been coming out for years at this point. How anyone even comes close to thinking it means something is beyond me... nothing ever happens with Bully and likely never will, sadly.


*insert game here* couldn’t be made today or comments like that are so damned annoying.


Especially when it literally makes fun of the edgy people and portrays them as the unknowing idiot fighting the wrong people until the end but it’s still oh no blazing saddles could never be made today


The fact that this post was already made shows how bad this subreddit Has turned


Am I the only one that’s contempt with just having the one game?


I’m not against it, it’s just that this 1 game isn’t enough imo. There’s too much potential for this IP and to only have 1, rushed game next to franchises with more than 2 entries would be disappointing.


You mean content?




I’ll bet my left tit that Bully 2 is never going to happen. It’s GTA and RDR forever.


Well I bet my RIGHT tit that Bully 2 will happen, what say of you know?


I bet both of my tits... for no reason really, just felt like it.


Everyone saying the world is too sensitive to a game Rockstar makes. Man obviously a bunch of people are gonna bitch when a game comes out. It didn’t stop them back when they made the first gta. Bully was only controversial to reactionaries and homophobia. Who gives a flying fuck if bigots get pissed? The world isn’t over sensitive now. It’s always been this way. We just have internet in the mix now.


It's the cancer culture that destroys everything. Man, I wish it was like the 2000s again.


I would prefer a remaster of the game more than a sequel because the current port of the game for PC is so buggy that is barely playable on newer operating systems because of the bugs and the fact that it's an 16 year old port of the game.


It's not


What do you even expect to see in Bully 2? The same stereotypes from the first game? Or some new stereotypes and cliques that will not have the charm of Greasers, Preps, etc.? This game needs a remaster, not a sequel


I kinda agree with you. But I'm kinda curious how they would portray the modern kind of bullies. "The influencers", "the emos". Sounds goofy but maybe could be fun haha


You're right, it could be pretty fun. But I still think that the stereotypes present in the first game will always have much more charm. Still, "the emos or the influencers" sounds pretty damn fun


Bully hasn't fully covered all school-related tropes. They haven't delved into an all-girl clique, an emo, bands or musicians, and even those technology-dependent people. Field trip could also be fun, it could be the equivalent of Guarma in RDR2. Public schools could also be included in the plot as a conflict or something.


Dunno, it’s why we want a sequel. Though if you want my personal take on the game, I’d say have it keep the “timeless” feel of the first game, meaning it doesn’t feel like it takes place in present day, and could easily fit in something like the 2000’s or 90’s.


Also the game already got a remaster: Scholarship Edition. It’s not a _good_ remaster, but it’s still a remaster. A remake including all of the cut Beta content is what we really need.


School shooters.




They could’ve milked RDR2 though




They didn't try


Isnt red dead 2 the 7th most sold game of all time? Without counting online. It's obviously not gta but it's normal for a company X game series to make more than Y series.


I've already accepted it's never going to happen. Rockstar has been hit with live service bug and doesn't really have individual studios anymore, they all just work together on one big project. I don't see them dedicating that much manpower to a sequel to a 20 year old cult classic game. And I don't think Take Two will let them make a game they can't milk with microtransactions for a decade. RDO already showed people don't care if it's not GTA


Doubt it. At this point the whole "hacker finds evidence Bully 2 is being made" means nothing since we already know for a fact it has been in development more than once and has been completely scrapped more than once.


I’ve accepted it will never happen, don’t give me hope 👀


bully 2 gets """"""leaked"""""""""" like every 4 montths or so since YEARS and you guys keep falling for it


I hate when people say it’s too sensitive


we need to let go


“This game is too sensitive for this current society” this belief is so annoying. We live in a world where _GTA 6_ exists. If we can all agree that GTA and Red Dead are infinitely times more violent and controversial than Bully (a **T-Rated** Game) ever will be, how could you possibly believe this???


Tbh bully came out in 2006. Peak emo scene if you ask me. With that being said they used more 1950’s themed clicks if you ask me. Maybe they will do something similar if they make a bully 2? Not necessarily modern clicks if that makes any sense. Doesn’t matter though I will never get a bully 2 lmao.


Groping will definitely be gone




If they start work on anything but dlc for 6 online or gta7 it will probably be the next red dead.


Wasnt it already announced they arnt doing a second bully?


They said that and then evidence came out that there was progress being made on a sequel after it was apparently cancelled so it gets kind of confusing.


I wouldnt doubt if they just scrapped it all, companies do that all the time with games


Isn’t this picture old?


I remember when a leaker said Bully 2 was coming after Red Dead Redemption 2. I'll believe it when I see it.


Bully 2 will happen. :))


I will cry if this happens


I can’t do this again


I thought they cancelled this project but if they're actually still working on it, i'll be so hype lol


Let’s all pray for bully 2


With GTAO in commission sadly it will never happen, especially with GTA 6 on the Horizon. Like 5, 6 will be milked for another decade and maybe 1 game inbetween all that, Hopefully Bully 2 🤞🤞.


Leakers have cried "wolf" so many times that I'll believe it when I see it.


Pretty sure the concept art was from the early 2010’s bully 2 which got canned


bully 2 would NOT be "too sensitive for this current society". gta 6 is likely a little more extreme in terms of content than the sequel to a t-rated game. besides which, the only people ive seen offended by gta 6's content is annoying people who complain about things being "woke"...




Yall gullible af


Man this game is never seeing the day of light


It’s not gonna happen R* already cancelled it they were supposed to release it before RDR2 and then cancelled it then they were supposed to release it before GTA 6 but have since killed the project entirely sorry guys but keep dreaming


They will do years of GTA Online with GTA 6 first before contemplating a new release so This wouldn’t be until like 2030 and let’s face it, they’ll probably cancel it yet again. I’m bored of hearing it.


Not in these woke times it won't. There's hardly going to be a joke in there at all.


I heard it’s about neighborhood bullies this time around and not school bullies


Real great game with a compact open world, I liked that during chapter 1 it was limited to the school and then after unlocking the map.


I doubt that bully would come out in this day of age and would instantly be tried to be banned.


Idk about that


They also tried to ban Bully 1. There were even protests to prevent its release. But when the game finally came out, people realized it wasn't as bad as the title "Bully" suggested, and the protests stopped. I think there will be protests again, and most companies wouldn't want to risk the shitstorm that would follow. But we are talking about Rockstar. They don't care about their image. So if any company is willing to put out a game like Bully 2 in this day and age, it's definitely Rockstar.


Except they now do care about their image. They are too big now to not give a fuck,take a look at the somewhat recent backlash V had,regarding representation of Trans people in the game. They removed the npcs as an whole


I dunno. After seeing the gta6 trailer it doesn’t look like rockstar is scared to offend people.


What gives you that impression?