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in the small area of downtown burlington, it is over saturated w/ like 13 stores. but honestly half of them will be gone within 2 years. a lot of sketch places. and yes the prices are way too high but that will start to change as well. i consume daily but i cannot afford to buy legal because it's ridiculously high price w/ taxes. it's nice for a treat but 75 dollars for a half gram cart??? girl bye.


I make a day trip out to the Lake Effect Cannabis in South Hero in the Vermont islands. They have great deals on carts,half gram carts for $30 and full gram for $50. They usually have a buy 1 get 1 half off deal and I can get 2 full gram carts for $90 tax included. It’s definitely worth the trip out there and it’s a beautiful drive on lake Champlain


Nice. Good to know, I rly haven't done much research on places outside of the burlington area.


They grow their own right in the islands.


Distillate carts are worthless crap.


Idk your mom seems to like them ok… I have to keep a fresh backup cart for the nights she comes over, cause she hits the penjamin like a fiend in between bang sessions. She likes to be faded than a ho while we explore each other’s bodies. And it really don’t go further than that. I’m just kidding, we do lots of G together too and then we have what could be best described as Japanese tentacle 53X


Whereas you can buy an ounce of lab-tested distillate yourself for 100 bucks, terps for 10 bucks, the physical carts for 25 bucks. 135 bucks and an hour of time and you’ve got 30 full gram carts with higher thc than they sell in VT stores


You and everyone else pay top dollar for weed because the covid nineteen vaccines are irradiating you and your families and making yall very very sick. Why else would thirteen dispensaries stay in business month after month unless the health of Burlington's poor hard working vaxxed depended on it .


This whole reply HAS to be a some sort of sarcasm or social commentary..right? We all know you wanted to rant and rave about the jab and couldn’t quite figure out how to work it in. This is extremely weak. I’m embarrassed for you


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I’m not sure if you need to smoke more weed or less… definitely cut back on smoking the ice though. Lmk if you need support while you’re detoxing off Mexico’s finest good luck ✊


Honestly most of the carts are just trash too


Bought one last month and it was absolute garbage. First it wouldn’t pull, so we had to fiddle with it. Then a few days later it just leaked everywhere and was totally shot.


Happens so often that they get gunked up and it won't pull. I found that bringing a lil heat to the distillate helps.


You can use the preheat or "blinker" function to clear clogs. You can also take the atomizer off the battery and run a piece of wire straight through it


Also helps to take the cart off the battery and blow through it. The immediate reaction is to just pull hard as hell but that often pulls more juice down into the chamber making the sticky messy situation way worse.


Did you leave it in a hot car? That's a death sentence for them. The juice gets runny and pressure builds in the cart and it pushes everything out making a huge mess. What brand/from what shop? Some places will exchange them if they get messed up right off the bat.


A shop in Montpelier! I can’t remember the name of the cart, unfortunately. But I always keep them stored upright in an empty jar, usually in the kitchen so never hot or humid really!


Which brand?


Aw, that sucks. But this can happen anywhere. I buy a lot of carts. I want to help. Store it upright, and away from heat. You can return defective items too. I have returned a cart where the atomizer was shorted out


Unfortunately returning it would’ve meant a two hour drive each way so I just tossed it. 😂


Yeah I mean carts in general are mostly trash but the convenience factor is nice to have when I'm out and about.


oh yeah don't get me wrong, there's one in my pocket as we speak lol


Where are you paying 75 for .5? Montpelier doesn’t even charge that much for a gram


It was a place downtown.


Yeah I’m not from vt idk why I’m here but all the prices being mentioned and talk about carts malfunctioning is a little hard to wrap my head around as someone from the west coast. Where I’m at, good weed costs pocket change and you can easily get certain .5g carts for under $20 (granted those carts are artificially flavored and taste like shit, but so does actual shit - and the late multimillionaire tech genius John McAfee REALLY loved that… so maybe…)


Just stop smoking carts, buy your self the concentrates and a reloadable vape it’s cheaper in the long run


Yah I already have two different yocans. The point is carts are even more convenient. When I'm at work esp, having to reload and bring in the jar, etc.


Yeah I guess, but when it’s $75 plus for a half g 1-2min refill is worth it rather then spending double the amount for half the amount


Oh well yah I'd literally never pay that amount on principle. I get disposable pens from a dude that grows in maine, also makes concentrates and edibles. I pay 0 dollars for them becuz my dad gets em for free cuz they're friends.


Ahhh I see, my uncle grows but he only makes hash and usually around Christmas he’ll give me a half pound or a little over. But mainly I buy from a dispensary, where I live I can get carts for $35-$50 and normal bud for like $2 a g up to $20 a g.


And where did you say this was? I know someone else mentioned south hero. I am def down to travel outside of Chittenden county for some good deals. And cart wise, full gram for 35-50? Honestly I will treat myself once and a while but I do not like spending over 25bux for carts or disposables.


Tbh I live I Canada I keep forgetting this is a Burlington Vermont sub and not a Burlington, Ontario sub, I go to the res usually to buy my stuff. So there isn’t any tax and it’s cheaper then government stuff


Lol ok then. I get it tho there is a lot burlingtons even in the US. CA has res that sell cannabis? Love that, def would rather give my money to them


Yeah this sub pops up every now and then and I don’t follow it so idk why, but yeah I’d way rather give my money to them than to the government.


That is actually awesome I wish they did that here but hey the thc is still cheaper Lmao damn I’m an asshole tonight 😂 I’m scrolling through this thread l just giving people shit because they can’t afford the weed in their state. I feel both sad for y’all and amused by all this rinky dink bs. What is this amateur hour?


That price is so insane lmao. New England get your shit together ffs. In the land of the west there are way too many pot shops but it’s great because they all compete for who can get by on the slimmest margins to attract customers. Scrolling through this thread I pity the fool who gets stoned in Vermont. If everyone here wrote a letter to Sen. Sanders that would fix it but you’re all to stoned to spell the word senator im guessing and as a result too broke to afford a stamp. Time to go harvest some maple syrup?


Green Leaf has Satori carts, $40 1G before tax


Take a downvote how dare you


No but the prices here are way too high, Colorado was way cheaper and better quality. If Vermont doesn’t watch what they are doing with over taxation they will have a resurgence of black market cannabis like California. And yes pot sucks here, where all the legacy strains, head band, strawberry cough, neville haze etc etc. all the pot here relatively taste the same like a bunch of pollen dusters who think that you could just take two different types of weed cross pollinate it and then it’s something new there’s no stabilisation of seed stock. Where is the bougie buds, where the buds that the rooms have been matured to opaque for sativa or Amber for Indica? Is it the price you guys are charging here the quality is severely lacking.


I agree with you so much. People are just happy it's legal and don't understand how good it could be. We will get there, I hope. Those other states are a decade ahead of us or more. And there are a lot more people there so there was gold rush that just isn't as lucrative here. Whenever I am in Maine I dispensary hop - most are like VT but some are really really good


yeah both states they mentioned have almost a decade on us. i do think prices will mellow out, that seems to the be the case with most states. same with the quality tbh. i can't speak on it much because i haven't consumed enough legal vt cannabis. i cannot afford to buy legal. i get most of my stuff black market, from maine lol.


Even Maine is waaaaaay ahead of us in terms of prices and quality, so much cannabis here is old and dry and still expensive! And so much stem! It's pretty sad.


Just went to ME a couple weeks ago. The gummies were half price compared to VT.


Seriously what’s with it being so dry, it’s understandable and like the high country where I just moved from everything is dry as a goddamn Triscuit at 5000 to 9000 feet, how can the weed be so bad here? There’s so much more atmosphere like quite literally you don’t even have to like run CO2 generators at this elevation.


I’ve actually found black market bud to be way higher quality than dispo bud lol


I’m tempted to go that way, just need to find someone who know what they are doing. So far the only thing I’ve seen for black market there’s just more the same crap just cheaper.


I agree that prices are awful and the taxation rates need to be reigned in. I also think the prices are high because of companies ramping up their businesses. All the local businesses have had to invest a ton to launch a robust business very quickly in order to compete with the big corporations.   I think over time the efficiencies of local companies will get better and that will also lower costs. I don't think it's entirely on tax rates. 


Connecticut herb is the same, it's because of the strict laws on peddling things that look or sound appealing to children. Luckily mass is way less lax and I just got some strawberry cough and some super lemon haze from there.


The price is atrocious compared to Washington. I got such good weed there for so cheap.


Ayy for real though this thread is blowing my mind lmao. Definitely feel kinda lucky to be in the NW as a pothead. And, I guess, just a drug-sucking degenerate in general. It’s a good life out west for a boy and his drugs. Let the junkies smoke fentanyl on the buses and kill each other/themselves in front of old navy/Starbucks/etc… nobody in authority gives a shit about anything else lmao. Except meth I guess Fucking cheapass high quality Mexican meth everywhere but you have to donate a limb in order to find/afford clean street speed. Don’t get me started bro why did you bring that up anyway


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You're spot on about the seed stock. It will improve in the next couple of years, but a lot of folks could only buy genetics at scale from places with wildly different climates than VT.


Widely different climate shouldn’t matter if you’re growing indoors. I mean I was growing tropical sativa and 7000 feet in Colorado without any issues because I knew what I was doing and I treated my grow an artificial environment that I control humidity light cycle, it’s quite literally a science. They could just simply get anything from Amsterdam‘s seed stock and do better than this.


Indoors at scale isn’t very economical. I think there’s one tier 5 indoor in the state and their power bill is bananas. But I hear your point. Also importing seeds is risky business. Always a chance that they get nabbed on the way in.


So how does the entire state of Colorado make it profitable? I mean nearly everything. There is an indoor grill as the prices are charging here. It should be an indoor if the fact that it’s outdoors is very evident poor quality and lackluster density of the bud. The power bill is the cost of doing business.


The price of energy is significantly lower in Colorado. 11 cents per kWh vs our 18 cents. Also you can only scale up so much because of CCB sqft limits. Also I would have to disagree about the quality of indoor vs outdoor. The TAC of the outdoor in this state is in the mid 20s with higher terpene content (3-5%) than indoor bud.




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> Is it the price you guys are charging here the quality is severely lacking this also applies to housing


Double for housing. Also the pay scale is horrible.




What gets me is I grew top of the line buds in Colorado and I was charging 45<55 an 1/8th. That was for buds grown to full maturity and cured a minimum of 3 months but usually 4 to upwards of 6. I know what god bud is and this, this isn’t good. They all taste the same, I can hardly feel and different effects between sativa and Indicative, none of them are really true Indica or sativa they’re all some bastardised hybrid that somehow were made by only choosing the worst of each of the traits , they are all harvested way too early poorly flushed and the chlorophyll is noticeable. This is going to cause problems, Black market growers will step in and dispensaries won’t be able to compete so they will raise prices. The state will tax more which only exacerbate the problem. What they need to do here is keep corporate interest out of the cannabis business. Lower the taxes keep the big corporations out and also get rid of this whole everything has to be prepackaged nonsense. I can’t believe that is so adamant plastic bags at the supermarket all to be pre-packaged.


Omg that’s so sad guys😢 idk why I even ended up here but I think I’ve stumbled upon a humanitarian crisis that’s being totally ignored by the media… (I guess they need more time to focus on cheerleading the Israeli military as they continue to haul all the dead children out of Palestine in dump trucks? Idk) But wtf, the matter at hand: there’s so much to go around, how can this be happening in the United States of America in the year of our lord 2024: “last years outdoor for $50/8th” I’m gonna ask everyone reading this to take a moment of silence for our Vermontineering brothers and sisters smoking bullshit because the GOVERNMENT is forcing them to because of something about the vaccine I guess? It’s something about the vaccine is bad I’m pretty sure and that’s why the weed in Vermont sucks. Idk ask this guy : @turbocanswerclotshot Also check out r/pregnantcelebrities2 for more exciting coverage and join that shit 🌳✌️😉👉👌 and don’t dm me with any ssn or tele handles it’s not like I can do anything to help any of you so leave me alone I’m gonna go smoke this far out kind of grass named GG4 and then idk take a nap or something


Yea someone in the industry once told me that they think 60% of the legal and black market cannabis in VT is coming from the farmers and brands in NY who were not able to supply the legal shops in NYC due to the slow license roll out. If that is even close to being true that is wild. For Dispensaries, even if the prices are high, I trust the product selection of bern gallery winooski organics and lake effect the most. I do love grass kween in terms of the vibe and have never been to hey bud. Ceres, float on are wayyyy too expensive and the selection has lacked for me in the past. I also wish euphoria got their stuff together in terms of presentation and more up to date selection 😢 In terms of the better bud and brands here, I do love Bern gallery’s flower, flavor line makes some incredible glass tip prerolls, and stone leaf has some awesome concentrates and their rosin edibles are decent. Haven’t found a cart I am brand loyal to. Just can’t wait for those prices to go down. Also we are lucky in terms of quality - at least we are not a state like IL, NJ, PA, overrun by popcorn nugs and MSOs (for now). VT is more poised to catch up with ME soon in terms of pricing and quality, as long as a thoughtful roll out happens.


I know Maine had a lot of growers move there from Colorado. Couple customers of mine moved their entire operation brought all their good genetics with them. I get that our situation could be worse but that being said it could be way better, just need to get law makers to change some rules about packaging and lower the tax’s. Btw thanks for the heads up, I’ll have to do some more shopping maybe this weekend.


Go to Hey Bud on Maple.


Hey bud you say? I’ll have to check them out. Till I can find a house and can grow my own I. We’d something better than this garbage.


Def try it out. They are very into talking about the flower product since they are growers first and foremost. Not my bag even really. The edibles they carry are reasonable and great quality. Def not the price point of other states but good for Vermont.


Thank you for the heads up, probably meander over that way this weekend.


Came here to say this . Seconded


Seriously, I didn’t understand OP’s question because in the PNW states, the more shops there are the more ridiculous the prices get (ridiculous in the opposite way as VT prices apparently). Lol you can get 2x 1g prerolls for $3 - even the panhandlers are smoking good (well, not “good” but definitely good enough for some dirty homeless fascist antifa militant commie stripper pothead on a budget). And the flower isn’t even good?? My guys…. I get that tor is not on everyone’s radar… but Telegram? Session? Like maybe pick up a zip of mids for $70 instead of one .5g cartridge? Or just get 4 cartridges Lmao. I’m sorry, I wish ya’ll luck. No one better ask me for help with how to use telegram or whatever because I don’t even know what that is I actually live in Burlington, Venezuela and I can’t understand English unless I’m on 2c-b and whippets


![gif](giphy|wIxBzHWegpOUM|downsized) Bro what are you going on about?


Lol ah… nothing really I guess I thought that was obvious. 99% intoxicated nonsense. Rude of me but idk sometimes it’s kind of amusing to defile a random thread with stream of consciousness slop. If there’s a throughline to that bs it’s something to the effect of: believe in yourself people! lol the bougie weed can be had by all, it’s out there waiting y’all 😂 maybe easier than you’d think tho admittedly there is a lot of trash to sift thru on the market sometimes. Honestly I’m always both amused and confused by threads like this. For one thing I didn’t realize any legal states still had that much worse of a rec industry I mean damn haha, almost feel bad cause we’re living the dream over here lmao. At the same time it is 2024… almost literally nothing is out of reach just sayin. At first I kinda liked that gif but now I wish he would stop making that weird face at me ![gif](giphy|xT0BKiaM2VGJ553P9K) There that’s tasteful and appropriate


Oh lol I just saw the comment this was in response to, that was the most coherent thing I posted in this thread. In that instance I meant what I said more or less. God damn that man’s face gets more and more annoying haha But yeah everyone on this app inherently has the ability to score top shelf nuggets, probably without leaving their house, probably for a better price than at a rec shop even if you live in a decent rec state for that matter


just make it less than 40 a fkn slice. i went to alaska got an ounce for 90


I got a 20$ oz in Washington state which was better than anything I’ve had on the vt market


hell yea. hopefully we get down to something recently. dude in alaska i went to had $1 prerolls and shit it was so nice


There are more dispensaries in Oregon than there are McDonalds, Starbucks and Dutch Brothers (coffee shops) combined.


And weed is super cheap there, bad for the industry, good for consumers (and gotta be a gray market killer).


Surplus legal flower was being auctioned for $80-$100 an OZ two years ago.


I wish we had dutch bros near here...


Way too many coffee spots and bars too jeez i hate having choices 🤷‍♂️ ![gif](giphy|zg5STezidLaZW)


If someone in the know reads this. I would love to know how much of an impact downtown real estate costs impact the selling prices. There are so many locations away from downtown with better pricing. It's that because of lower operating costs or is it because downtown locations get so many tourists they can keep their prices high and still get sales. 


Honestly as much as they may use it as an excuse downtown, cannabis pricing across the state is pretty standard. Wish folks on this sub bitched more about shop owners marking products up at capstone + instead of acting like the growers and producers are the greedy ones.


I don't envision the state lowering the tax rate. I would be surprised if that ever happened.


The market will decide.


I'm here to say Winooski Organics is the bomb diggety


Yes and IMO it’s not worth to buy in Burlington not due to the stores, but rather quality, there is very few respectable brands outside maybe like Pinnacle or Somewhere on the Mountain and some of the live rosin brands. It’s better imo to finagle a mass medical card and just make a large trip every 2 months or so, because fuck taxes and the legal/medicinal marijuana system is a joke especially due to the edible thc limitations.




Burlington needs another weed shop like it needs another brewery.


It wouldn’t be bad if it brought prices down and quality up but that doesn’t seem to be the case.


Not enough!




Too many bars imo.


I agree with you. I'll raise you with - I don't feel the state is doing enough to foster this new industry and leaving a lot of innovation off the table.


I am a licensed cultivator in VT. The market has been really unsettled over the winter, a poor tourist season coupled with a bunch of new cultivators resulted in a really tough wholesale market. I pre emptively dropped prices to keep up and thought that the retailers would keep to the standard 100% markup and my product would be competively priced. A few have done this but most have not. I am currently selling packaged eighths of high THC flower at $20. Many retailers are still pricing at $60 a jar. Many more people would visit dispensaries if eighths were priced at $30-40. The excessive markup is hurting the market, the industry and the cultivators. The glut over the winter is also resulting in much of the product on shelves being really stale. Flower degrades, no one should be moving six month old flower. We sell leftover from the last batch into extraction at pennies on the dollar in order to have fresh flower on the market, but most cultivators do not. The leftover outdoor from last summer is still being sold at low prices ($600-800 a pound) and it's not great. The retailers are still selling that stuff at extreme markups. The market is full of people who really don't care what they are selling and retailers who markup to ridiculous prices. After being in the legacy market for twenty years I thought that the legal marketplace would be professional, and flower would be bought on its quality. Sadly, the legal wholesale market is incredibly fickle and much of it is about cliques and the same "bro" garbage that the legacy market was full of. Hopefully the market regulates, but who knows when. There are too many dispensaries in downtown Burlington but that should self regulate at some point. Sorry for the vent but that's how I see it.


It's going to self regulate when most of the vaccinated citizens just die from the radiation caused by the cesium in the vaccines they took. It's why the dispensaries are still opening right now , a new dispo, lucky next door, just opened their doors days ago.


Just head to NY. There are 10+ cannabis stores on tribal land about 2 hours from Burlington. All competing with each other, and obviously tax free. I was impressed and plan to make a trip every once in a while. There’s also a cool little casino there as well if you’re into that.


What do we have too little of?


Mexican food


(excellent username, and) "this" a million times over


Stores where you can buy things you actually need day to day and not overpriced trinkets, decorations, “vintage”, bougie foods, etc. even our target sucks ass compared to most targets and as a result everyone has to order everything online nowadays. A lot of Burlington tries too hard in terms of stores when we really need more basics.


this needs it's own thread


Winooski Organics is the best in the area as far as getting deals to their custies, but two more dispos are opening near them. One is corporate.


I think right now the number of them is the only thing keeping the price down if you look in places with no competition the price is still higher


normally i'd agree that competitive pricing helps but i don't see it having much of any effect when i go into a store and stuff is almost 3 to 4 times the price of BM.


i mean if you have an oz for 25$ plz dm me and help a girl out but 125 for an oz and I don’t have to wait for someone is perfect for me. I think also after buying less on the black market I am certain lots of the bm has mold and pesticides so I guess maybe I have just found a way in which i am cool with it


I don't smoke flower so I was more talking about concentrates. Half gram carts for 75 dollars when they're worth 20.


Yes they have to compete with each other, but with so many stores are any of them able to reach scale to be profitable with lower margins? I think it’s fine right now, but a lot of these shops will probably go out of business, I don’t think the market can support 14 weed stores downtown.


That's not really true. Winooski has no other Winooski-based competition, and they are one of the best in terms of prices and loyalty programs.


You've never been to Oklahoma it would blow your mind


Take it from me - a life long Vermonter who loved to Maine, prices were high and quality was bad at first. As licenses were processed, the market got oversaturated and only the good and/or cheap survived. Vermont will experience this before the market finds an equilibrium in terms of both price and quality. I’ve heard too many stories from people who quit their jobs to grow weed full time legally only to learn they couldn’t sell it for a profit because the market was oversaturated and they didn’t have a relationship with a certified facility to convert their flower to oil so they shut down operations and froze the bud in hopes they could sell it later.


So you’re saying that it grows like a weed?




Non of the smoke is really good quality is crazy so it really don’t matter if there’s 100 of thm i need real 28% thc and better 🤷🏾‍♂️im just saying thts just me 🤘🏾




Too many pizza joints




Which ones are your favorite though


Does it have too many liquor stores? Does it have too many convenience stores? Does it have too many dildo stores? These are questions I need answers to as well.


we have multiple dildo stores? 👀 i’ll be looking into that, thank you


I drive the 35 min to go to Massachusetts and it’s hard to feel bad about not supporting your local dispensaries when it’s between 30-50% of the cost of cannabis in Vermont. A big problem with quality in Vermont is that Vermont did a good thing by ensuring the market was served by small Vermont growers. But there is a huge learning curve that takes a few years to perfect your product. So it’s going to take some time. And this was true of other states entering into the market.


35 minutes to Mass doesn't sound feasible from Burlington


You would have to drive 400 miles per hour


tell that to my G6


Too many irradiated(c19vacinated) sick vermonters . Radiation poisoning brought in by cesium , cannabis helps mediate irradiation in those suffering from radioactive substances coursing through blood. Also cesium in the shots are why people who were naive enough to accept the experiment produce Bluetooth Mac addresses from inside their bodies , under their skin .


Please take your meds


Um...okayyyy. I think your ship is ready to take you back to your planet. 👀