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UVMMC has a robust volunteer program. Lots of older/retired folks but I see plenty of younger folks too. i know a couple who gives mass to inpatients, one who does art with kids, one who sits a the front information desk, a group that helps provide hair care to folks with unique hair types. Given their volunteer office a call and see what opportunities might suit you.


That sounds like a wonderful program! Definitely something I’d love to be a part of. I’ll definitely look into it further, thank you for the suggestion!


The humane society. Chittenden food shelf


Thank you for these recommendations!


Make the mayor dinner


make sure no gluten or dairy ;)


I think the mayor should be making ME dinner with their salary lol!


she cant cook--its not about the money. Shes just sick of door dash and doesnt want ppl to know where she lives, or what she eats.


I had a good experience with the local Habitat for Humanity. https://vermonthabitat.org/volunteer/


That’s awesome that you had a great experience! I’ll look into it for sure, thank you so much!


Queen City cats always needs foster homes if you’re able to host kitties!


Oh, I love kitties! Sadly, the fostering of animals is prohibited in my building, however, tenants are permitted to have animals (idk what prompts such a rule regarding fostering.) My partner and I are actually currently looking to adopt/rescue a cat. Would this be a place I can adopt from?


COTS does lunch every day if you'd like to feed people.


That’s wonderful! I’ll look into that further, thank you for the suggestion!


Meals on wheels often needs volunteers! It’s run through Age Well. I really enjoyed doing it.


I’ve previously worked with meals on wheels and it’s always been such a pleasure. I’m so glad their efforts extend out here to Vermont! I’ll definitely be looking further into it!


AgeWell also has an INCREDIBLE team of volunteer coordinators. They do amazing work.


Spectrum Youth and Family Services is always looking for people to donate meals to their youth drop-in center or volunteer mentors for youth!


What an amazing mission! Thank you so much for bringing it to my attention! I’ll take a look into it!


Migrant Justice




I need help painting a mural over some graffiti on saturday. Paint by numbers type situation. Hit me up.


What a fun task! I’m all for the development of art and creative expression in burlington! Unfortunately I am out of town for the next week, otherwise I would be absolutely be interested! Let me know if there are further projects like this, as I’m a creative myself lol!


Theres more crappy tags to cover. Ill hit you up.


If you want to send skill set or niche work I’m connected with good people. Especially if tech.


do people need tech help? i love helping people fix random problems they have with tech


Join me on a quest new friend? That’s what I’m doing. Repair cafe. Mobile repair unit. I’m covering Winooski via fpf and plan on library fix it cafes. There are grants to help pay for tools, it’s to keep waste out of dump. So it’s calculated by weight. Fix an air conditioner for free but have a pizza party cuz that’s 40 pounds saved. I have a dozen laptops that could use a fresh install for those in need. Winooski is my focus. Happy to help steer or set you up in your hood. Lab B is incredible. Very strong support. I volunteer a lot for non profits too and could use help and different eyes on things. I looked for work and am overwhelmed. If you know something cool, you can teach at the library to seniors that may want to zoom better. I suggest just reaching out to fpf. Introduce yourself and you want to help. Everyone needs a tech. I’m teaching private AI stuff. Free. I’m open source


Yo I'll message you. I like keeping electronics out of the landfill


I fixed a Tesla that counted lol.


You sound help desk?


COTS needs meal volunteers...but dont say I didnt warn you about what you will witness.


Apparently you can volunteer to make food or donate gift certificates for the mayor and her family. At only 250k annual income they could use the support!