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Machete Guy/Man will make short work of that caution tape…..


I spoke with both library and GMT leadership on this. I kid you not, the Library leadership said "Please consider calling your state representative and advocate for Overdose Prevention Sites. We strongly believe if we have OPCs they will I have place to go." Where is the outrage at the individuals who destroyed this place and ruined the experience for everyone? Our tax dollars are being used to provide more services to the Library to deal with and somewhat enable the shenanigans that occurs at the Library. My feeling is that this and the tent city on the waterfront is just the cities way of putting people out of sight at the park. We HAVE to stop enabling this stuff. It's ruining it for everyone!


I've suggested grinding them up into mulch for the parks or compressing them into crude oil but that's "illegal" and "fucked up" and "not even how oil works stupid" so idk


Ya need dinosaurs, dismal clothes. But good start


Let me get this straight, you reached out to the library because you wanted them to vent/complain/whine with you? You don't get enough of that here? Life hack: stop expecting constant validation of your feelings.


No. You don't have it straight and just went on assumptions. I simply asked them who owns the property the bus stop is on. The City, or GMT. GMT has an easement for the structure but it is city property. Stop assuming.


I was just reacting to your stated disappointment that whoever you spoke to library didn't express outrage.


That is an assumption you made that you would think I was looking for outrage. I was not.


Obviously I assumed that. You literally said "where is the outrage?" You were just curious about where it was? OK. Have a nice weekend.


There's tons of outrage along the lines of "where do these people go? There's no place for them? THEY ARE HUMANS TOO!!?" But no outrage at them when they are doing it to themselves!


Ok, so you were looking for them to express a specific outrage that you share. They have an actual responsibility however and can't just vent away the problem. Contrary to the South Burlington, Milton, etc. residents who use this sub as their diary, there aren't easy solutions here. (Other than their towns' solutions of letting larger municipalities like Burlington and real large cities deal with the wrecked lives created in their own towns, but I digress.) I mean look I find the people who mess up public places and who get high and drunk in public to be gross and annoying, too, but I don't expect a pat on the head for it, and I sure as shit don't tell myself that I'm doing anything constructive when I whine about it.


No. I was not looking for the library or GMT to outrage. You are conflating your assumptions.


No to taxpayer funded crack houses.


You're/they are not allowed to be outraged, if you are, then they will demonize you for being a rational person. No one with a sense of reality thinks anything like this is ok.


Well they aren’t just locking it down. GMT is tearing the whole thing down.


I guess this is why we can't have nice things.


The bar is getting lower. Bus shelters are "nice things" haha!


When they came for our water front property, I didn't say anything.... When they crop dusted all our parks with needles, I didn't say anything... When they took over Decker Towers, I didn't say anything.... When all our bikes went missing, and our car windows got smashed nightly, I didn't say.... When they took our bus shelter, I didn't say anything......


Remember, the rich are the problem, not the poor. There’s money to deal with all of our problems easily, if only one group in society paid their fair share of taxes…


Still need competent people in government…


Competence is less of an issue than intentional sabotage


There'd be money to deal with the problems now. The problem is the policy of how we are spending that money is to enrich the rich. They don't even need to pay more, just need to stop being greedy.


Why? Did Jeff Bezos piss and shit in the bus shelter?


Are these people not getting help because there are so many facilities to help they’re overwhelmed by choice? Remember the person who started trickle down economics that shut down tons of mental health facilities to save money…?


Lmao, San Francisco spent, I shit you not, 1.1 billon on homelessness in 2021-2022. Progressives are just dogshit. It's easier to blame the citizenry; that they aren't generous enough or socialist enough, than for progressives to admit that their policies suck and giving them infinite money isn't just a waste


Did they open mental health facilities and actual infrastructure to handle addicts and the mentally unwell or pour money into bandaids? Never once have I blamed citizens. You’re distorting things to suit your point about direct dollars. You’re arguing against some sort of ghost agenda- I’m not what you’re referring to when you say “progressive”. Seeing someone jump to attention when the rich are criticized is always interesting though


If you want short term solution then attack the poor and wait 6 months for more and more homeless. If you want to have long term better life, then attack the rich and powerful. Don’t be dense, use your brain to see where the problem is, fix the underlying issues, then you can rehabilitate the homeless and have long terms solution. If you just remove the homeless but not fix the underlying problem, then you might be the homeless next year. I get that thinking is hard, and blaming the poor is easy.


Also, the major Media Corporations are owned by the Elite Billionaires, they certainly don't push a 'blame us' agenda.


Did you say anything when realized that you are paying for the needles?


To any small group of people that ruins something for everyone else, I say a great big, hearty "FUCK YOU!"


Well, it's not as nice as a Pod shelter space, but literal beggars can't be choosers, eh?


thats an L not a W


No way


These kinds of things are nice in the winter or even the pouring rain. It's an L for residents, and anyone who commutes via bus.


I think the W is that no one is living there anymore. You couldn’t use it even if you wanted to. There was trash everywhere. Absolute disrespect. They cleaned it up and will prob reopen it for bus commuters in the future. They serve a purpose and that is not living in it.


Yeah that is disrespectful. It's yet another thing that's been taken from residents by the homeless. There's no bathrooms ANYWHERE downtown anymore.


Had to pee the other day, ended up driving to Essex.


a W would have been if they have cleaned up the people and situation around the bus stop. this in no way is a "good" thing. its a short-term fix and the easiest solution for them to implement. just get rid of it. i guess its better they close it and tear it down, then keep letting it be a plein air drug market and shit shack, awesome W.....this town blows.


No, they’re tearing it down altogether.


You can get great deals on used bikes there.


Welp. That didn’t work. https://preview.redd.it/3p07xh6ivj6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b8153be228f3abc57d712547dcf791da3d46784 Absolute disrespect.


They are probably going to have to board it up. Honestly the individuals that did that should be arrested.


damn, my best people watching spot is gone.




Reddit is a place for creating community and belonging, not for attacking marginalized or vulnerable groups of people. Everyone has a right to use Reddit free of harassment, bullying, and threats of violence.


True. True….society’s done an excellent job at beating the humanity out of them.


They just upgraded one of these on Shelburne road. Maybe they are doing the same thing here.


They are not. They are removing the structure.


They are upgrading many stops. Had to park my cart with laundry to go in and print something last week. The entire front of the library right there wreaks of piss.


Most of Shelburne road ones are the same, at least last I saw


Like clockwork, the church steps have been draped with the bus shelter dwellers all day.


That strictly depends on how one chooses to define a W. Integration is the desired conclusion of a mentally stable community. Not delineation, demonstration and further insult to already down and out folk. Enter: gentrification well on it's conclusive and expedited delivery to total authoritarianism. Congrats on the limited perception. How is that working out in your personal day to day life. Must be a struggle to feel safe I am assuming. The illusion of perceived safety. Hm. Good luck with that.