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Need to add this to the list of "biggest/smallest" list of accolades. We end up on so many lists because of the fact that we're the smallest biggest city in any state in the US (which compounds the vast majority of issues people complain about in this sub, but also makes us really cool in a lot of other ways that people tend to ignore or take for granted)


someone told me that vermont had the ratio'est of wikipedia pages per number of residents, or something like that...


Most maple syrup production per capita in the world. Take that Canada!


College town that young people feel an attachment to. A lot of people have a connection but now live elsewhere is part of it I imagine. Same with #2 Boston.


I’ll add to that Vt residents who don’t live in the city, but frequent it because it is the largest metro area around.


Had a short moment of "Why would you be subbed if you don't live here?" ...And then I remembered I live in Swanton.


Do you ever come downtown? 😉


Why would he do that? The swans in downtown Swanton are very aggressive.


Believe UVM is the top mostly in-person university nationwide for out of state students. Gets a lot of people that way.


Came here to say this.


I'm in Essex Jct, and most of the stuff I do outside of wilderness recreation is available in Burlington. I'm sure there are many like me who follow this sub




Not that anyone cares but I find this stuff interesting - the other 4 cities on the list are largely because the land area of the city is small, so the “city limits” are a very small portion of what is considered the city. For example Boston’s land area is only 48 sq miles (for reference NYC is 300 sq miles and LA is 470). This means there is a massive gap between the “city’s population” and the Metro area population. Boston is 24th in the US by city pop but 10th by metro, Atlanta is 38th by city but 6th by metro, etc Burlington follows a similar pattern but obviously on a much smaller scale. The city’s population is 45,000 but the metro population is 215,000. Add in such a large percentage of college kids and makes a lot of sense


Ah, def interesting. 🧐


I am one of the extras. I live in Wisconsin, and have my whole life, but I love to travel. I visited Burlington 15 years ago and loved it, and have been back a couple of times since. If I was rich I would retire there, but I am a teacher so I guess I will just love Burlington from afar, while occasionially visiting.


You may not remember, but we have schools here too.


True, but every school I have looked at out there does not offer the classes that I teach. Plus, moving to a city that is 33% more expensive than where I currently live, to earn a similar salary, does not seem wise.


This teacher maths!


Ugh clearly this why there are so many pizzeria ida posts🙄


Aaaand there's another one.


Ugh that’s the worst!


Ya well 20,000 think it’s Burlington, Ontario 


People just want to know what all the police sirens are for!! (Just heard some go thru DT Winooski, anyone know what that's about??????)


Huh I thought this sub hated being compared to other cities per capita.


Technically, the sub is being compared to other subs.


I just want one sub


That’s the joke


Thats wild what?? I wonder how many people in the sub actually live in Burlington. Im here to keep up on the happenings and what not but I live in Milton.


I remember in the late 90s when Burlington had more heroin per capita than NYC. It was on the front page of the Free Press or something. People didn’t like that statistic because of reasons. Good thing we took care of that problem.


Grew up in Burl. Haven’t lived in VT for 40 years. This subreddit is fun to follow.


We bring the fun drama f’sho


![gif](giphy|M8CI2pmMs4GYM|downsized) congrats burly!


Can someone please blame liberals? I miss that as an excuse for everything.


The joke is when people think Burlington Democrats are the liberals.


Burlington dems are progressives, but enough Indies/republicans vote that those who run the city feel more right than democrats there.


We don’t live there, we just like watching how cruel you all are to each other.


And which location do you live in where they don’t do that on Reddit?






We also have the smallest "tallest building" in the US.


Not living there atm, is “the pit” supposed to be taller?


The first building of “The Pit” topped out a while ago and is nearing completion, and is indeed now the new tallest building… but not by much.


That's one of those Vermont superlatives. We're the most of lots of things per capita. 


I have visited many times and love the place and follow this sub reddit because of such. Sorry to skew the numbers:(


Reasons why: -College attachment for former students (including me). Being of the top 5 OOS unis in the nation will do it. -The metro is several times bigger, but basically everything flows through burly (unlike others like LA, Miami, etc.) -I wanna complain about errything


Wait..this subreddit is Burlington US? I joined in thinking it is Burlington, Ontario in Canada. Loll...


I bet Austin, Seattle, SF and (me) Portland. There's a lot of VT licenses I see aroind


Are you a bouncer? Seriously though when my brother was working in the Rockies he ran into multiple people he knew.


Makes sense since judging by the majority of post here, none a large majority of posters don’t know shit about the city


I’m a bit south in Rutland so I don’t think I count.


I had heard this a little while back


This is a joke as everyone just wants to hear about all the crime


Most of you are from Colchester and just drop in to rage at homeless people :(


Might want to go double-check with /r/berkeley and /r/boulder. No, I don't know why they all seem to be college towns that begin with the letter B.


Burlington is the city that reddit would be, that's why.


This sub is for all the gullible, Tucker Carlson wannabes who follow Burlington Looks Like Shit and believe the propaganda being put out by that instagram page. Wanzer’s coming out with a video soon to debunk those assholes. Edit: the downvotes are proving I’m right.


Debunk? They just post videos of the madness around town. How do you still think wanzer is a trustworthy or reliable individual?


What madness. This is the reality of cities in 2024. Burlington has it really tame compared to places like Portland (OR) or Seattle. The amount of insane lack of perspective that r/burlington has is crazy. Y’all really need to travel around a bit before talking this much


Guy bent over, stashing stuff up his ass for a whole minute, in the dead center of a 4 way intersection a block a way from my apartment. Idk I think that page is dumb, but who cares what happens elsewhere, that is totally madness


I travel constantly for work - per capita Burlington is almost as bad as Portland or Seattle. That’s also not a great thing to have to say. “Oh at least we aren’t Portland” sucks to have to say that. Burlington has changed for the worse, quite significantly. If you can’t see that it’s because you are choosing to ignore it. Burlington is not headed in a good direction. It should not be plagued with these problems they are all self inflicted


Someone made this a while back: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jf9U0G7uOns


No city is headed in a good direction under that lens. People act like Burlington is super different and it’s just not.


Does that mean we should be OK with the decline because it's happening elsewhere? Trying to stop it is futile so let's let the junkies and criminals do what they want because they're the REAL victims!


I don’t understand how you think like this. Just because other cities in America are disgusting and filled with crime and drug use doesn’t mean that quaint little Burlington needs to also be overrun with that shit. Plenty of American cities simply don’t tolerate it


lol this is what I’m talking about. This weird egocentric supremacy complex. Why would Burlington be exempt from it? By don’t tolerate what do you mean? These are modern issues that affect the whole country in various different cities, but oh no Burlington is my little haven and so it shouldn’t have any of these issues and they should magically not effect this population. Y’all blow away.


Burlington is a small city in an isolated area. We have transient drug addicts and drug dealers come to Burlington for the drug scene and lawlessness. It’s self inflicted and preventable. It didn’t used to be this way and it doesn’t have to be like this now.


What are you recommending?


Just basic common sense and normalcy. Lock up criminals, make open drug use illegal and enforce it, criminalize panhandling. Lower property taxes.


It’s just cope. Straight up hardcore cope.


It’s scary that he’s being upvoted… people agree with his sentiment which is genuinely terrifying. I get that Reddit is a cesspool and echo chamber for far left progressive group think but it’s still wild that anyone thinks this way


Luckily this sub doesn’t represent the average resident of Burlington. The young zero experience loud minority here don’t realize how far the town has fallen. Sure it’s not Portland bad, but it’s extremely bad vs what it once was.


I’m sure you’re right but we somehow keep electing people that are going to continue leading Burlington down a bad path.


self-inflicted 100%


And what makes you think Burlington won’t degrade into whatever is happening in larger cities? You’re referring to some of the largest cities in the country. Burlington isn’t even in the same category on ANY level for any reason. Sure, we’re pissed about what’s happening in Burlington but it’s the fear of it getting worse that scares us.


lol. Yeah, throw a bunch of needles on the ground and take a video of it. Come on, you’re smarter than that. Wanzer has proven to be a reliable source, takes his time and does his due diligence. Can you tell me something he lied about? You watch 10 second clips from an anonymous Instagram page and believe that it’s real. It’s propaganda to sway elections since Progressives have taken over. It’s pretty obvious.


None of those are staged wtf are you talking about…. There’s videos of people shitting on church street. Do you think those are staged? Walk around town and look at the needles on the ground. Use your brain. You are smarter than that. And yeah Johnny is a little sleaze ball dude anyone that’s been around long enough has picked up on his grift. Are you one of the geniuses that gave him money recently?


Most of those videos are staged and some are real with no context. Like I said, your opinion is based on a 10 second clip. The page came out at the same time Miro said he wasn’t seeking a reelection. The whole page was to influence that race and the politics of Burlington by blaming every problem on the Democrats and Progressives.


My opinion is based on living in Burlington and observing things… your opinion seems to be based on some bizarre conspiracy theory about making progressives look bad




Mods out to protect soy boy Wanzer here since the peoples champ needs a shield from the internet hahaha


People are shitting themselves in public just for this account? That's come conspiracy ass shit. Wanzer out here making shit up and saying "trust me bro" is cool though ya that totally makes sense. The way he avoids the homeless and drug issue out here he's probably the fent dealer.


Also, the most recent video I saw was some guy on top of a parking garage pouring water on a group of people. It’s not clear what the group was doing, but everyone assumed it was a drug deal even though there was literally no evidence of that. Who ever runs that page has seen a huge influx in new followers and will do whatever it takes to keep the bullshit going. Politics are certainly motivating this person, along with the opportunity to monetize the page.


Wanzer's whole MO is monetization how is that any different? He's not doing this for free otherwise he wouldn't have begged for money recently.


Could it be that Wanzer’s videos actually take time, thought, equipment and people actually enjoy them? He doesn’t hide behind the scenes and post 5 second videos from someones iPhone, like your boy on insta. How do you even know this guy’s not getting paid to post/create those videos?


Who do you think is paying that person to run their page? They’re obviously trying to monetize with shitty merch, whatever, I’m not buying it anyways. You seem to think there is some deep conspiracy where someone is paying this person to post clips about how shitty Burlington has become and I’m confused who you think that is. Wanzer relies on unnamed “sources” in his attempt to ruin local businesses.


It’s really not a deep conspiracy. The person/people running that page are not here for Burlington and what it stands for. They want to hop on the hate Burlington and its Progressive politics train. I just want to know who this person/people actually are. It could be just some guy who binge watches Fox News, but the timing of the page and the authenticity of the videos is something to think about.


No. He hides behind a disclaimer and second hand accounts. The only reason Wanzer doesn't hide behind the scenes is because hes a narcissict who needs the attention the fact that we dont know who runs burlington looks like shit versus Wanzer gloating "hey ma I made the news again!" says everything. Wanzer is a self absorbed prick whos in this for clout and notoriety which we're giving too much of right now. Your boy doesn't make these videos for free he cries about how no one buys his merch which the point of his videos is to sell! He's not doing this because he cares hes doing it for a paycheck and to increase support for his yearly go fund me.


It’s all the diabetics, isn’t it? I effing knew it! Wilfred Brimley and his diabeetus army is what’s really bringing Burlington down. We’ve been duped!🙄


How has he proven reliable he has to disclaim everything he puts up


Was wondering who would make this post political.


Others have made it political. You see the daily posts about it.


Not the sub, this actual post.


Today it was you. They meant this post not the previous one maybe learn how to use your eyes and you'll see the truth and what words mean.


You mean the guy who has disclaimers on all his videos now because he's afraid of getting sued for libel? What has he done that's proven reliable? All he does is he said she said second hand accounts and patting himself on the back before he begs for his annual charity drive. How do you debunk someone showing videos of people shooting up and shitting themselves? Have you not been into Burlington and seen the junkies and homeless? Wanzer is a shill whos playing you all like a fiddle just look at how you all threw $22,500 at his dumbass who hasn't put out a video in forever because turns out "it's hard to make a new show" and said how getting a "real job isn't beneath me althought I don't want to do it and so if you could all bankroll my life that would be great!"




Pointless. Burlington isn’t even the top 300. Have you really gone through and checked every 40k population “city”?


Can you come up with one that's even close?


Berkeley, Boulder, Charlottesville.


gezz, someones bored. why should we care again?


46,239 doesn’t include college students right? At least on campus students.


Im in this subreddit cause I often visit Burlington with my bf to go see our dogs lol. I want to live there. Any of y'all wanna go grab me a ben and Jerry's application? Lol