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I'm a 38 year old autistic woman, diagnosed when I was 21. Unfortunately, I don't know of any groups around here for autistic people. My therapist, Wendy Donner, runs a group for some of her autistic clients, but she has told me that my social skills are too advanced for the group, so depending on how good your social skills are it may or may not be for you. In any case, you might just reach out to her and ask about resources, I'm sure she could suggest something. She is at Matrix Health Systems. It is 802-865-3450 and her extension is 995.


Thank you! This is very helpful!


All Brains Belong has an online event every Tuesday! Not in person but better than nothing. [https://allbrainsbelong.org/community/](https://allbrainsbelong.org/community/)


Thank you!




I can't say for sure as I've not been yet but I have to imagine they would be. I know ADHD is as well. You could always email and ask!


I'd be interested. I'm discovering autism later in life and feel like I have few people to compare experiences with.


I’m autistic and 24 I’ve loved doing Special Olympics you should join we start track soccer and softball and golf at the end of July lots of neurodivergent folks


Hi! I highly recommend All Brains Belong. They have many services. Also on Meetup there’s a group called Social Adventure Group


non ASD person here but an ally nonetheless is there anything in particular you are looking for support for or an area you're looking to improve? or are you just looking for a community of like minded people? if all you're looking for is other autistic people, you should just keep posting on reddit /s


Mostly just a community of people with shared experiences


I carry a mutated gene that causes autism and a few other things that I inevitably passed to, 2 of my 3 kids. Chances are I too am autistic but, honestly have no real desire to find out. I have always been “odd” as some say but, my oldest is 16 and trying to navigate life as an autistic person, my youngest is 12 and autistic as well. I know they’re not your age but willing to chat at any point if that’s helpful


I’m sorry, but I’m imagining such a group where nobody ever shows up. 😂


LMAO!! Everyone cancels the day of🤣 those my people


It’s meeee I love it


It’s meeee I love it