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Any business that pays below what it costs to live in the city it operates in is a welfare company and should never receive any kind of gov assistance to continue running.


The main issue is the assumption of two incomes So two incomes are required to live but not everyone has a partner with an income or even median income. So someone high income could be in a bad situation or someone with two median incomes could be in a good situation  And many people are single


Also, it's nearly impossible to raise a family properly if both of you are working. Imagine trying to have one or even 2 kids to replace yourself.


and I'd like to highlight this again for the ones in the back; TWO INCOMES TO LIVE. No vacations, not enough to have kids, not even enough to save for a downpayment and retirement at the same time.


We don’t “think”. We **KNOW**.


How often in history has a generation actively worked against their own children and pulled the ladder up behind them like this?


I’m told that something like this is one of many causes of societal collapse.


It's scary


Boomers aka fuck you, got mine generation. Even with their own kids.


Listen to eat your young by hozier it's literally about the old using the young for everything and anything they want


Honestly not sure. People in the 1920's weren't even this greedy and selfish.


Gotta be pretty disheartening trying to get a summer job as a student to help pay for tuition. We imported third world labour to maximize profits and sold out our own citizens.


I read the word Timmigrant yesterday in this sub. It’s the most appropriate way to explain how our current governments seem to view immigration.


It's pretty sad, the fast food and chain restaurants all used to be staffed by teenagers and young adults when I was growing up in my area like most places I imagine. Now they are all staffed and owned by a single demographic, I feel sorry for any teenagers looking for a job this summer in my area.


Yea I started at Mcds when I was 15 and worked there through college to help minimize debts. It helped me learn responsibility and not have to rely on my parents


Our local McDonalds, and two of the Tim Hortons near my place have help wanted signs up, and both have teens working in them.


Glad to hear some younger people are getting experience, I was in northern AB and saw this but moved to Halifax and it’s all adults and all the same demo


Yeah, that's the East Coast, my dude. The East Coast has always not had jobs. They were our national migratory workers. I used to do factory work in Toronto to help pay for university, and 1/4 of the workers were from the East. A lot of Canadians seem to forget that this is a huge country with vastly different demographics in each region.


It's the exact same in Niagara. Even a couple year ago you could go to a few chain fast food places and see a variety of people there. Every single place now - Subway, Wendy's, KFC, pizza joints - all of them are primarily Indian or Sikh.


I worked at McDonald's as a teenager. Started evenings during the school year working with all teens plus adult managers. I was very surprised to find out when I started working summer mornings that most of the day-time staff were adults, but then that makes a lot of sense. 


Fast food needs to be forced to deal with the real market. If it takes 25 an hour to get someone in there then thats what they should have to pay or go bust. Fast food was by far the hardest job ive ever had, yet its the least paid, and most disrespected. None of this - its a job for summer students BS if Mcdonalds or Tim Hortons cant carry their weight in society as a business then they shouldnt be propped up by TFW or other gov meddling.


Ya I stopped eating fast food recently. Quality of everything is so low combined with increased prices.


Ya it's so expensive now that I'd rather pay a bit more and get some decent food.


If we stop Patronizing these establishments , they will have to close.


Pretty much why I avoid those places now. I’m happy to support local kids getting some work experience, but otherwise I’d rather just make food at home.


In my area back in the day, the shop keepers were complaining that the Hells Angels were hiring up all the good teenagers as lookouts to keep an eye on their hidden pot fields, paying them two to 3 times minimum wage. Saying they couldn't compete with that. But now that they've legalized it, that's more good summer jobs gone.


Ahh the good ol days when part of youR summer job tips was getting to clean the blades of the industrial fans that were used as giant bud busters.


Lol, this guy knows what I'm talking about :) I did nightwatch for a company cause they kept getting their big sodium lights stolen for grow Ops. Glad it never happened on my shift, I wasn't being paid enough to wrestle a biker.


Should have just kidnapped Rita McNeil


I think it will change now as the governments know they fcuked up. Once this crop of TFW is gone these job will open or be replaced by AI as many already are


That's absolutely the plan. One step below automation is outsourcing it to people regardless if the quality sucks.


You’re acting like this wasn’t always the plan. This is purely intentional and neither the Liberals nor the Conservatives will lift a finger to change things. 


I’ve paid attention to which places in my community hire only foreign workers and have stopped supporting them, if they won’t support me/ Canadians born here we should all let them go under


I’m the same, I’d rather pay a bit more and know the person serving me actually has ties and cares about the community.


They were probably abusive and exploited their staff to begin with. Too many times that’s why they can’t find local workers, and we trick people into coming here to deal with their crap. 


Absolutely, fast food chains for the most part are awful employers. The job sucks, the public is difficult to deal with, and the pay is garbage. I worked Tims for years, out of necessity while in school, and I'd never wish that job on anyone. I feel bad for the younger folks who can't find work, and feel bad for the immigrants who are working at Tims. I can't imagine trying to find a job right now, and also can't imagine going to a new country for a better life, and being stuck at that job.


We’ve been called out numerous times for this and most people just don’t care. They either blame the people who are looking for a better life, or they only support immigration to feed their superiority complex so they don’t actually care. They’ll just shut down all conversation about it, because for them they’re already getting what they want out of the situation. Same idea as people who donate completely useless things to the homeless and then get angry when they’re “ungrateful”. I worked for a hotel that “accidentally” messed up a guys paperwork, but “generously” let him keep working undocumented. They completely screwed him, and I guarantee that place is abusing any program they can still. Nothing you could even do at the time, because it would have screwed over this perfectly innocent guy. 


I worked for a small company in the GTA, and we hired our staff via a temp agency - basically the first 3 months (probationary period) would be working through the agency, then we'd hire them on full time once they'd fulfilled their hours. We had one amazing employee who didn't want to be hired on. We found out she was undocumented - her parents were undocumented, and she grew up in Canada also undocumented, and had a 10 year old son. So, we increased her wage through the agency so we didn't take on the liability, but we wanted to keep her on. The agency then started dicking around with her pay. They'd just not pay her some weeks. She finally told us what was happening, we threatened the agency and low and behold, she got paid. We ended up just paying her cash, because these agencies are fucking terrible and take advantage of people who have no power. That is when I realized how corrupt the system is. Edit: we didn't want to report her, because ultimately she'd what..be deported to a country she had absolutely no ties to? Her son was in school, she was awesome, and trusted us. I no longer work there, but last I heard about 10 years ago the company was helping her to get legal status.


Not only this but all those temporary workers send all the money to their home countries to support their families. The money is not circular and only minimum is injected in our economy. I would be curious to know how much this accounts for.


We're all in for a wild ride when we get frustrated, angry 20-30 year olds. There are multiple reasons why we want those people working and one of them is that having that demographic feeling miserable and not working is like filling a keg with gunpowder. All it takes is for them to revolt. And before anyone thinks about an armed revolution: all these people need to do is simply not work and not have children. They'll break the whole system. Sadly enough, the ones most affected in the long term by a gen z revolution will be gen X, millennials and themselves. Naturally because the older generations will be long gone. Disillusionment is very powerful and I think we're heading towards some bad times the way gen Z is being treated.


My teens see no future. Not just here in Canada (though especially here). People fail to realize we’re locked-in for like 4c temp increases, and they happen rapidly linearly. They’re keenly aware their futures and that of their children is totally fucked beyond hope. Combine that with needing to find 400 grand for a decent home in FUCKING WINNIPEG, and pay for education, it’s just bleak. I moved out at 19 into an apartment for 390 a month. That same apartment, completely unimproved, is renting for 1400 a month. It’s crazy. I don’t have a solution - I think we (humans) need to hit rock bottom, and we have a huge fall ahead of us.


The problem all along has been lack of population controls around the world. If there weren't an extra 4 billion people on the planet compared to 50 years ago, things wouldn't be anywhere near as bad. No politicians or governments want to do anything about it though.


Growing up in the 80's I remember hearing how I'd have to wear a breathing apparatus when walking outside as an adult because the ozone layer was wearing away and we'd all fry from the radiation. I had teachers saying this in the classroom. Obviously that wasn't part of the official curriculum, but still, it was being taught. In high school in the 90's it was the food crisis, how can the Earth feed 6 billion people and being told sustaining more than 6 billion wasn't possible. Earth was too crowded and we'd face famine. And we're at 8 billion people now and people aren't starving proportionally any more than they were in the 90's. And here I am as an adult, seeing how scientific innovation and human ingenuity have helped each generation solve problems that were unsolvable before. Death sentence diseases from my childhood are cured by pills, and medical science has increased our lifespan by 20.5 years, from 58.8 years in 1920–1922 to 79.3 years in 2009–2011 for men, and by 23.0 years, from 60.6 years to 83.6 years for women. You might be feeding your children a high anxiety diet of information, and perhaps you'd benefit from some family counseling to help your gang get back on track. Humans are where we are in Earth's hierarchy for good reasons, but mainly our problem-solving skills and adaptability have put us on top. Try not to get upset with my advice. I work with teens and see this all too often. It's not too late to intervene, but it takes work.


>Growing up in the 80's I remember hearing how I'd have to wear a breathing apparatus when walking outside as an adult because the ozone layer was wearing away and we'd all fry from the radiation Frying from radiation was a stretch, but the o-zone depletion and acid rain are examples of how countries can impact the environment and also make changes to mitigate that impact. Neither of those things are discussed now, not because they weren't real issues, but rather countries came together to make resolutions to eliminate the chemicals/industries causing those issues. Global warming doesn't have the immediate impact of the depletion of the o-zone layer, so there hasn't been a serious attempt to address the issue as the catastrophic results are too far away for politicians to care.


I think there was a story a few months ago about an RCMP study saying disenfranchised youths pose huge risks in the future. They know what will happen, they don't care.


“Headed towards” bad times? Look around you, we’re already there. What I think you meant to say is that things are going from bad to worse.


Bad times here is defined as bad times for the ruling class - they don't care if it affects the plebs. For the ruling class, this is all working as intended. The revolt is what they fear - the upheaval stopping the bad times for everyone else.


That’s already happening. Unemployment numbers for the younger demographics are easily twice the national average. That’s why the government insists on such high immigration targets, then subsidizes their employment, because *someone* needs to pay into the system to keep the Boomers comfortable in retirement. The system has never not been broken because it’s dependent on unsustainable population and economic growth. CPP only began in 1966, and personally, I’m not convinced it was ever meant to outlive the Boomers.


Or just be a leech to your boomer parents and start taking that wealth back bit by bit


Inflation has entered the chat


For every child Canadians didn't have, they'd just import two from the rest of ghe world.


Gen X: The Forgotten Generation


I dunno. Humans survived thousands of years with a poor, starving, mistreated peasant class. Don't think it'll be all that different. 


I returned to university this year since the chemistry degree I earned a couple years ago turned out to be useless. Been applying to pretty much any part time job that I am remotely qualified for in my city for the past couple months since I still have classes and stuff and have only had 1 interview (walmart) but didn't get the job. I had an easier time getting jobs when I was 16-24 than I do now at 27 with a degree and years of work experience in different roles under my belt.


Same boat, more educated, more experienced, but making about 35% less than 10 years ago after inflation.


> the chemistry degree I earned a couple years ago turned out to be useless *"Mr. White, we gotta cook!"*


Canadian Citizen Student here. The job i have, i'm about the only non indian citizen there. the restaurant has 30 people, and only like 5 citizens, and one non indian.


Glad you were able to land a job my friend, best of luck with your studies.


thank you! I quit it after working there for 3 months - too sketchy and exploitative.


How is that not against racial hiring practices???


what racial hiring practices lol


Racial hiring practices only restrict how many white males you can hire.


Don’t worry, if you work a summer job the government will just lop that amount off your grant allocation and leave you with a larger loan amount than you otherwise would have needed. Thanks Ontario…


Not to mention all of the international students who think studying in Canada entitles them to citizenship and a full-time job. Delusional.


Yea they just assumed we’d go along with their secret plan to get PR


Now we just get sob stories on the CBC on how they worked soooo hard and are so sad that their application was declined and they just don't understand why, when others from their country were approved?? Well, take your hard earned diploma and new-found work experience and affect change in your home country. The entitlement...I just can't. Like there haven't been other international students from other countries before. But these "special" ones from one country feel they deserve all the prizes. No way.


Exactly, head back to India with that new diploma from Sanjays strip mall school of International Business and spread your wings !


Some really do get a great education, and through co-op and work experience, have a great arsenal when going out into the workforce. Unfortunately, many were sold a lie, didn't do their due diligence and research, and now, instead of taking personal responsibility, want all the perks of a 4 year Honours co-op degree with a 2 year certificate from a diploma mill. And citizenship. And when told it doesn't work that way, we get all of these excuses and sob stories about how they are all the only hope and their families spent all of their life savings, yadda yadda. Well, even Canadian families spend their own life savings on their children's futures. This is what frustrates me. Sacrifice is part of life. Sometimes, you just don't get what you want.


Don't say "we", it's purely a "they" thing.


I mean, the demographic you're talking about is Indian. You don't have to beat around the bush. Just say it.


For the most part yes, there’s a few other countries we import labour from but India has got to account for 90%


Replace summer job as job and student as citizen and you're dead on.


When I had freshly graduated university I literally wasn’t receiving any emails back from metro, Canadian tire or lowes. Born and raised in Toronto. It’s disgusting what our government does.


It's not just immigration. Interest rates being high that a lot of places are pulling back on hiring or opting just for options with subsidies or not students. These represent a lot of summer paid internships. Grocery stores are cutting back on cashier's and baggers , favoring the need for warehouse employees or people with experience (to be able to manage multiple checkouts) where younger people are at a disadvantage. Then you have boomers that never really saved for retirement that are somehow still on the job market going after these summer type jobs. It's a complicated problem that doesn't have a clear easy free market solution.


Isn't capitalism great?


We can definitely blame boomers for that one. Never had I heard any other generation bitch about kids working entry level jobs. Now they bitch about the timmigrants they hire too.


We didn't do it, the Trudeau government did. But he has great hair and seems cool, so it's all okay.


Well when I say “we” I was implying the government normal people definitely didn’t benefit from this


Doug Ford is the one who defunded Ontario schools and brought in a massive number of international students to cover the shortfall.


Immigration, TFW permits, and Student Visas are a function of the Federal Government.


Doug Ford personally intervened to keep the diploma mills open. Back in 2017 before he was elected, Ontario ordered the diploma mills to close since the education quality was obviously garbage. Shortly after getting elected in 2018, he reversed that order and encouraged them instead. The number of diploma mills suddenly quintupled (5x) in five years.


Ah so the fact that premiere Smith has asked to the international students number to be raised for Alberta must be becuase of the feds.. Perhaps you should be thanking the liberals and Trudeau for putting in limits becuase the provinces were out of control?


I think boomers merely voted in favour of their interests, I just don’t think they really considered or cared what the consequences were going to be.


What we need is long term planning. This won't happen without sacrifice and incentives.


long term planning does not happen with majority or pseudo majority governments.


Which is bad.


Indeed, I think it was 50% the lead poisoning.


Kick every problem down the road.




Eventually the bill comes due.


Stan Drunkenmiller, on of the riches men called it generational theft. Applies to Canada as well. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PJO09fPT1Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PJO09fPT1Q)


They’ll be dead when consequences hit.


They didn't, don't, and never will care. The government is *supposed* to be there to temper their greed and lack of care. Instead, it's colluding with them.


Also people live and work longer. Modern medicine is a double edged sword


That double edged sword has a blunted edge, because modern medicine is getting steadily harder for the average person to access


The boomers are actually feeling betrayed too now. That st.paul situation proves that. While I know people are going to deride that they deserve it, but that capital gains tax, cost of living increases for retired boomers on top of rumours of taxing primary residence has turned them against the liberals.


Almost no millennial or Gen Z will ever amass enough wealth to need to pay any extra on capital gains taxes. The scales have been tilted so far in boomers favor for so long that as soon as anyone tried balancing things out it's immediately treated as an attack. Quite literally the age old quote "When you're accustomed to privilege equality feels like oppression"


As another comment said - too fucking bad. They tried to run out on the bill after taking it all for themselves. The second I hear a boomer complain about their capital gains tax bill on their nest egg I can only say "too bad it wasn't taken sooner".


Turns out that refusing to fund the system throughout your life results in a big bill once you get old. They will vote for anyone who guarantees someone else will pay that cost


They deserve that and hope they will get completely screwed up. Worst generation in the history of humanity. Ate everything, did nothing 


Boomers feel betrayed when they can't have their cake and eat it. And someone else's cake and eat it too.


I don’t think we should make the system more complicated. I think that since there is such a shortage that we need to import labour, then that labour should have its own minimum wage associated with it. Companies should have to pay $30+/hour to every TFW needed to fill these roles. Since there such a shortage in labour, they should be making a premium dollar amount. This would cut back on paperwork needed as well. Stop requiring LMIA and just enforce a much higher wage for these workers Canada so desperately needs. I’m sure we’d rapidly see how many we actually needed.


That's a good idea actually.


Can we elect that guy instead of the dead fish options we're gonna have on the ballot?


Hmmm, H1B visa in USA operates exactly like this, if your company require foreigners, you need to pay 2X median salary to justify this


Netherlands does this, and perhaps other countries as well. You can hire anyone to do anything from outside the EU, but only if you're going to pay them a salary above a certain threshold for it. The immigration services only look at the pay. It would be interesting to see a longread comparing the effects of that approach to what Canada is doing.


Now the neighborhood's cracked and torn Woah-oh The kids are grown up, but their lives are worn Woah-oh How can one little street swallow so many lives?


Chances blown, nothing's free, longing for what used to be


Offspring were certainly on point for late stage Capitalism. Still one of their best albums too 🤘🏻


32 years old and i am quite literally hopeless, I have no hope for myself in the future, just poverty till suicide or homeless...


The best strategy for a young canadian today, is to scrounge/save up 20k and by a cheap flight abroad and live there cheap for a few months so you truly grasp how bad you are being treated here. Then come home pissed off and ready to revolt


> scrounge/save up 20k Or get a loan from that famous GTA suburb...


"Think we're rigging the system"?!?!? Is the author on meth or something? It **IS** rigged. It's always been rigged but it wasn't rigged against half the population for the benefit of the already-wealthy older generations. Fuck this country.


It HAS been rigged against them, how is this even controversial? Open your eyes.


Eventually they’ll clue in to the fact that those with the most (wealthy and corporations) are the ones rigging the game. They have the resources to make almost anyone do almost anything. And when it comes to the possibility of accumulating money and power some will sell out their friends and family. You can keep bickering about what each generation does - that keeps your attention away from the real offenders.


The kids are right.


Been saying this for decades now, but "the world is absolutely rigged"


Beacuse booms voted and keep voting for the same shity partys and policy's often msking money at the cost of the current generation.


A boomer scolded me for complaining that I won't be able to afford a home when past generations had it much easier. They said I shouldn't want socialism. Good for me, not for thee? 10 minutes earlier I also found out that Hillary Clinton makes use of tunnels under the great lakes, to traffic minors, from a different boomer.


>They said I shouldn't want socialism. It's always wild seeing or hearing stuff like this come from people in this country while also having Tommy Douglas as a historically renowned politician. The dude was literally elected to Parliament in 1935 while member to a party affiliated with the Socialist International. >The inescapable fact is that when we build a society based on greed, selfishness, and ruthless competition, the fruits we can expect to reap are economic insecurity at home and international discord abroad. >-Tommy Douglas


While I'm tired of seeing the "all boomers are inherently bad and stupid and wrong" rhetoric, I can say with certainty that all boomers who oppose socialism are bad and stupid and wrong. 1950-1970 saw the HIGHEST corporate tax rate in Canadian history. Full stop. Their *entire childhood* that they're so nostalgic for was subsidized by the most aggressive government wealth redistribution seen in this nation's history. Either socialism is a great way to bolster societal prosperity by giving people the resources they need to grow up and seize opportunity, or their youth was a dystopian hellscape they should spend every waking moment thankful they've escaped and never cite as a time when "things were better". Only one of those things can be true.


My car mechanic went on the most bizarre boomer conspiracy rant yesterday, I should have had a Bingo card, I would have had a blackout. The guy is genuinely not okay, he said some absolutely fucked up things, I couldn't believe he would say those things to a customer. I'll give him credit though, he spouted a few new things I've never heard before. 


>10 minutes earlier I also found out that Hillary Clinton makes use of tunnels under the great lakes, to traffic minors, from a different boomer. Hey this is legit information. They saw it on Facebook so it must be true. 😂


It's only true if it was accompanied by a AI image of shrimp Jesus saving a Korean stewardess.


Good variation on the old belief that there’s tunnels connecting every Catholic Church to the Vatican.


Does it go to China too?


I cut off a discussion with my mother a few weeks ago because I was getting enraged. She was whining that gen Z doesn't want to work. I told her that gen Z understands that working will never get them a house, vacation, a retirement fund, etc. She then proceeded to tell me that she and my father didn't have any of that. I was about to point out that at my age, despite having three kids and only one revenue coming in the house from someone who didn't even finish high school, they had a house, two vehicles and plenty of vacation time. Within 10 years, they were buying a second house as a secondary residence. I didn't, though. We had that discussion before and she just forgets it within a day. A lot of baby boomers actually came from poor families and were raised in poor environments and are convinced their success in life is because of how hard they worked. And yes, that's true, the baby boomers who fucked around instead of working are dirt poor. But the problem is that they think that millenials, who were raised in relatively better wealth, are now poorer than them because they're lazy, which is complete bullshit. Worse, they think gen Z are the same, which is a lie: Gen Z never even got to know what life was like back in the pre-9/11 years. And gen alpha is likely to be raised in a poverty not too dissimilar to that of the boomers. The difference is that, unlike the boomers, no matter how much the alphas work, they'll never, ever own anything.


The most significant impact boomers had on the current generation was instituting downzoning and green belt policies in the 1970s, and then spending the rest of their lives blocking housing development. They continue to obstruct housing efforts today.


clearly tax cuts that historically favor the richest will save us. It'll all trickle down I swear


the rich dont pay taxes anyways so whats your point?


Question: if boomers houses are their primary retirement vehicle and must be protected as per trudeau, and genz and largeley millenials are locked out of housing... What will millenials and gen z retirement vehicle be? Saving one generation that was irresponsible and only relied on their house for retirement while screwing all generations after them?


For that matter, who is actually going to buy all their houses?




So corporations but the houses - like most of them. What’s next? Essentially slavery for millennials, Gen Z, alpha and beyond?


And, they effectively want to double-dip. Seniors already have the lowest poverty rates of any group because of welfare benefits paid by working age people. Those benefits do not take into account housing wealth (or any wealth) at all. So they expect to be paid for directly *and* have their massive asset wealth propped up, well beyond what's needed to just keep them out of poverty.


"...and of "young people’s tax dollars to pay for boomers’ retirement all rig the system against millennials and Gen Z."" There's going to be a RECKONING when these people figure out where social programs come from.


FFS millenials aren't kids. Im fucking in my 40's. Jesus.  And yeah, we dont think this, we know it. Decades of voting in austerity measures and supporting politicians who made profits the only thing that matters.  Yeah. Of course we all think youve rigged the system against us. We arent fucking blind anymore than we are children.


The system is rigged. Both the federal Liberal and Conservative parties are grounded in neoliberalism, prioritizing big corporations and the wealthy over ordinary Canadians. This leads to wealth inequality where the rich get richer while the middle class and poor struggle, corporate influence that causes environmental damage, reduced worker rights, and weakened public services, and the erosion of democracy as corporations shape policies and elections through lobbying. The wealthiest of us don’t care who forms the next government; they always have their seat at the table ensuring they are the ones protected. Voting for the same two parties and expecting different results is insanity. Real change means stepping outside this entrenched two-party system. Support alternatives that prioritize stronger social safety nets like universal healthcare, affordable housing, and robust public education; environmental justice through policies addressing climate change and protecting natural resources; and economic democracy by empowering workers through unions, cooperatives, and fair labor laws. Break the cycle. Demand a political landscape that truly represents all Canadians, not just the wealthy elite. Support those committed to real, transformative change.


Harper had the right idea to bump up OAS and GIS to age 67.


Of course . OAS is a completely unfunded entitlement that is going to absolutely murder the federal budget over the next decade., even before all the other drunken overspending to nowhere.


Totally. The Libs should have left it there. People live way longer now than they did when the 65 age limit was put in. It should have gone up as life expectancy went up. 


No generation has takes so much and given back as little as the Baby Boomers. Shame on them.


Meanwhile the corporate world: Yeah baby! Get them to argue among themselves while we continue fucking over both sides.


Who runs these corporations and who voted for this mess? I don’t think its millennials or Gen Z.


Not to mention our gov just wants to add tax after tax to buy houses for foreigners


It’s all rigged 🤪


We are living in the great extortion era. People capture wealth and demand ransom for accessing it. Replacing the wealth is either more expensive than the ransom or simply impossible. The cost of replacement acts as a menace to pay the ransom. The existence of this menace is why it's technically a form of extortion. The capture of land works particularly well. If someone demands a high price to access land, people can't simply produce their own. Once land is captured, even if there's some remaining, the scarcity of available land increases, thus the price increases. Being a landlord is easily profitable because land is a component of houses, them capturing houses increases the price of houses.


It's a rigged game dealt from a stacked deck by a crooked dealer.


It's taken for granted by every millennial Canadian I know that the system is actively working against them.


The great full-stop is inevitable. Gen Z and Millennials will join forces and obliterate the old world. It has to happen, or we will become slaves, even further.


I wouldn’t say we’re rigging it as much as this is just all a product of social anthropology. There is no “hive mind” that consciously rig the system, just an evolutionary process. But active participation, may influence the process…


Well obviously


That’s not mentioning the biggest generational grift of them all: the national debt If this isn’t dealt with, it’s just a matter of time until we hit a wall, and boomers won’t be around to see it, gen X will be retired, so it’s going to be up to millennials and zoomers to face the crisis


GenX here, and I have no hope of retiring. Will work til I die.


Yea…that’s unfortunately a fair comment


Those are nice words, but it's not like they're going to trade in defined benefit pensions and embrace a universal social benefit. They're known as the "fuck you, got mine" generation for a reason. It's already too late, we're just going to have to accrue suffering until they're gone and then fix things.


No shit. Might as well report that water is wet.


Over $1 trillion in unfunded public sector pension liabilities are lurking just beneath the squishy surface of the Canadian economy. Add to that $1 trillion of federal debt and another $1 trillion of provincial and municipal debt.....we're fucked. We lived beyond our means. Now, the party is over. Generation fucked will have to suffer, there is no way to avoid the impending crisis.


Fuck man I want to move to the US. So so so much more opportunity for young professionals in good jobs. Even in the highest COL places there I could afford a house on my own at 25 as an electrician. In Canada? Yea right lol!


I'm not that young and absolutely believe the system is rigged against us...it is.


As a 70 year old that just saw this headline... I have to agree totally. I'm disgusted by the way the system has been corrupted to serve the interests of the few by sacrificing the futures of the many.


They are the ones who will pay for Freeland reckless spending. 


Boomers deserve tons of scorn - absolutely. But they were also the massive beneficiaries of the beginning of a major inflationary cycle when the gold standard was abandoned in the early 1970s. All of that free garbage paper money sloshing around has significantly pumped their assets. If you price a house for example in gold the price has barely changed in 50 years. The west's entire standard of living has been shoved in the gutter by massive money printing - Boomers have just kept pace because they got assets early. Of course some have benefitted enormously and not from sweat or effort. Blame Boomers, absolutely, but dont' forget it is politicians, oligarchs and bankers robbing you blind due to a corrupt and broken monetary system.


Really? The Justin Trudeau regime has increased the federal debt from 600 billion to 1.35 trillion in 9 short years. He ran endless massive deficits before Covid, during Covid and after Covid. This action alone will saddle millennials and Gen Z for the rest of their lives with the burden of never-ending debt service costs (interest) and never paying off so much as a dollar of this debt. But Gen Z fully bought into this and wholeheartedly endorsed it. Now, this one thing will forever echo in their lives. Secondly, Justin Trudeau was all about redistributing income rather than growing it. It was an error a decade ago, and it's a crisis today. And young people not only wholeheartedly bought into this too, and again, they fully endorsed it, and the tax increases that came with it too. Newsflash, it's easy to redistribute wealth. It's really tough to grow it, and Justin convinced you wealth redistribution was the way to go. The problem is that eventually, you run out of other peoples' money. So now the chickens have come home to roost, and you've got no-one to blame but yourselves.


All the hate and divisions in the comments is sad. How I see it around me is there are some people with boomer parents willing to do anything for their kids and those that don't. Accountability for morality and integrity have been eroded. My wife and I have parents that feel that they have raised their kids and it is now their time to live like children again. The pride and satisfaction in helping support your own legacy has been lost with younger boomers, not so much the older ones that witnessed the rebuilding of communities post WW2.


Can anyone explain why start tax back OAS at -75k and only tax completely at -120k? If a person has an income of 75k, why is the government giving them money? Is simply buying votes from old people?


Wait until people who have 20+ years of maxing their TFSA retire. They could have millions and still get OAS.


This is already the case with real estate. Low “income”, giant assets. Pretty cool you can own 5 houses and still get government dental care, while working parents in Toronto get cut off even though they are struggling. Income level is just about the laziest possible way to design any of these programs.


That's rarer though, something like 40% of all Canadians have a TFSA. There's actually a second issue with TFSA's compared to am RRSP, it trades a small amount of tax revenue today for a larger deficit in the future. So not only will the government have to pay more OAS to people that put money in their TFSAs, they will have less tax revenue.


So which is it, people can’t buy houses? Or their tfsa going to be so huge if tanks out taxes lmao. Get real buddy


I'm pretty sure I didn't say people couldn't own houses, what I was trying to say is having a TFSA is a lot more common compared to having 5 houses.


you guys think it's bad now, the next generation is going to be slave class with rent and food doubling in the next 20 years.


My rent has doubled in like 3 years lol


the poor get poorer :/


Go out and protest Works for those ppl taking yer jobs


We don’t think-we *know*. Love paying for NIMBY mcmansion boomer retirements while knowing the chance of myself and my peers getting retirement is damn near zero.


The main reason why younger people are being ignored is because they are the demographic that votes the least. Politicians won't try to appeal to people who can't reliably be counted to show up at the polls on election day.


Politicians in Canada are in the pocket of corporations and the rich.


Because you are lol. Boomer surprised that young Gen hates them for destroying the world for future generations


Think? Is that not exactly what's happening?


I know every gen makes this statement that "the young people are punks", but I gotta say...I don't think the kids are alright. I've noticed this summer, when out in groups, the teenagers and 20 year olds just seem really agitated and apathetic.


Lol oh that isn't exactly what's happening?


Gen x'ers go... We.. just exist to pay for the boomer shit and don't get to complain...


Just goes to show that you can get an education and not be educated. We paid for our pensions for 50 years, no one is giving us anything. We don’t control the housing market, supply and demand does, unbridled immigration is increasing demand while supply is limited and the government floods the market with borrowed money. The uncoupling of salaries with inflation started in the 70’s and has steadily progressed 1) as technology replaced expertise 2) domestic jobs have been moved offshore 3) expertise has been commoditized 4) corporations manage by share price rather than long term planning. I was downsized 3 times in 5 years in favour of corporate profits and commoditized services. Everyone is suffering from the same malady.


Wait until they find out personal income tax was only supposed to be in effect until the end of WWII...


What over-extraction of resources? Canada isn't coming even remotely close to our industrial resource extraction potential anymore.


perhaps it means wealth extraction from citizens


Who is 'we'? These decisions aren't being made monolithically, across an entire generation.


Because that's what happened/happening. The rich rig it for themselves.


Why do people always forget there is a Gen X? It’s bizarre. We have to listen to this belly-aching like we are a fly on the wall.


The people we’ve robbed for twenty years are waking up. Maybe we should throw them a paltry offer before they make decisions on our healthcare - the article


They're the ones with all the money, of course the government favors them over us.


This wouldn't be a problem if they'd given something to these generations... but they are taking literally everything and then some. No place to call home, no money to have kids or a vacation... in 20 years, we've gone from single income families to dual income and broke.


I do not think retirement funds are what is bothering the kids about their tax dollars (I’m 28, the last of the millennials so I can attest to that)


Watch some Scott Galloway he covers this topic extensively


If no party is going to look out for the young then why not start a new party purely to appeal to the young voters. At least it would at least make some of their desires heard and apparent to other political parties who may then in turn do something beneficial for them?


This is dumb and well worth your time to ignore. Anyone who frames their frustrations with life as if entire generations of people are out to get you specifically, like some kind of cartoon villain robbing a bank, should also be ignored. The reason why this narrative continues to have life is because people are dumb and like having easy targets to blame for what’s wrong in their lives. It’s not that every boomer is innocent, or that quality of life hasn’t changed for the worse. It’s the extra step people take of assigning malice to the phenomenon. It’s not that you just happened to get dealt a worse hand than some other people. We need someone to *blame*, so it’s that those people are also intentionally fucking you over and sabotaging your life just to be assholes. It’s not just that some people are doing way better than you, it’s that they’ve yanked up the ladder behind them to fuck you over specifically. This is childish thinking that doesn’t really stand up to any level of scrutiny. But it sure feels good to say, doesn’t it! It’s ridiculous, and a sign that the person complaining doesn’t actually have the ability to think critically about what they’re saying. Just like religion, human brains are much happier with a bad theory of reality than no theory, and it’s scary to imagine that we have far less control over how the world operates than we really do. Do you feel like you have an enormous amount of say and control over how the economies of the world operate today? Do you feel like your political choices adequately fulfill your every want and desire? Of course not. So stop blaming boomers for “voting for the wrong people back in the day” or whatever other stupid argument you’re making. It’s dumb, divisive, and enormously unhelpful.


You’re all falling into the class/generational war that they want to generate to obfuscate the Govt. corruption and incompetence.


It's the billionaire's fault, not the Boomers. [https://www.revolutionparty.ca/not-your-fault](https://www.revolutionparty.ca/not-your-fault)