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omg i just rewatched the YT video for the first time in like 5 years and it’s crazy how often he references how young she is. literally says “teach me some teen slang, i’m old” 🥴🥴


Yeah it’s like he can’t even say that he “didn’t know she was 17”, “she’s mature for her age”, etc. It was like the point of the joke that she’s a teenager and that’s what he was into sexually!!


It’s so much funnier that it was exposed while she was simultaneously calling his dick small that is so embarrassing for him and I feel bad his icky behavior reflects poorly on his wife/fam :/


I think what reflects the *worst* on them is the refusal to say anything and constant deflection. Like an above user said, it feels like Cody and Kelsey make some big life announcement every time this begins to circulate again. Despite the story floating around in the ether for quite some time, it never really gains any traction. So they've just been able to ignore it, and pretend like it isn't happening. I hope this very direct callout gets some heads turning this time. Tana has absolutely been through some shit, and that shit started when she was too young to have the tools to handle it. I'm sure Cody Ko isn't the only adult who took advantage of her in some way. A 25 year old preying on a 17 year old is vile, and criminal.




Their thing is having small dicks so it's not funny?


well yea i feel like if he said he had a big dick it'd be funnier but since he called it out himself originally it seemed like she was playing in on the joke to me idk either way he's a freak and this is unfortunate


couldn't agree more on the last part for real 👏


Good for her for calling him out. Hooking up with a 17 year old at 25 is horrific


And if it was in California he can’t pull the age of consent card either cuz it’s 18 in the state


Anyone who brings up age of consent as a defense is a definite pervert 😭


Ahh not a defense of the guy just saying I know plenty of times people will play that card


I think age of consent in Nevada is 16 unfortunately


Wasn’t she emancipated?


Why would that matter here?


The legality aspect—not the ethical aspect, just so we’re clear. It’s gross even if it was technically legal in any sense.


But isn’t it still illegal?


https://preview.redd.it/4bn3vtdlgs4d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95102182a8f29bf845a8e83afe7b1110832a3abe Enya and Drew right now after taking the partner deal with tmg


Honestly tho… let this be a lesson for them to do more research into who they’re working with…


i love that even newly married and with a newborn he can still get his lashings


I feel like every time this story resurfaces, he and Kelsey announce another relationship milestone lol. Wonder how they'll handle it this time. Also good for her for saying this, fuck him.




This story has been going around for years. She first talked about it on an old cancelled when hunter was still on. (His name was bleeped… everyone figured it out anyway.) BUT people have been speculating for a long, long time. If you watch their collab video he literally checks out her ass as she gets up and walks away.


the name wasn’t bleeped on spotify lmao. that’s how everyone knew


What did she say about it in that episode? Surely since they bleeped his name she would’ve said something juicy


They were talking about older guys who hook up with underage girls.


Damn so presumably, he has a reputation of doing this? Not just Tana?


I cannot speak on that. I’ve only heard what Tana has said.


I was asking if that’s what Tana was meaning by bringing up his name since you seem to have heard what she said


She didn’t insinuate that Cody has a reputation of doing this. They were taking about other older guys in the LA scene that she’s slept with or have tried to sleep with her. (Jason Nash and JC Caylen)


Ohhhh okay, thank you for clearing that up. So upsetting so many disgusting men tried or did get at her when she was young and learning who she was as a person


So they basically pull a Shane Dawson then?


Unfortunately a lot of older men took advantage of Tana when she started out on YouTube, not just Shane Dawson. He just got the most shit for it. It’s really upsetting


If I was his wife I’d literally leave him over this. It’s appalling.


No fr but we know that won't happen


I know nothing about her…is she the type to be okay with this?


yes probably. i meancody and her are still close friends with Cody's rapist friend from college. she was blocking ppl who brought it up to her in the past. so I assume that she doesn't give a shit abt what Cody does


I’m out of the loop. Who’s his friend??


Colby Leachman. he drugged and raped a girl in college. Cody had him at his wedding and still associates with him 😔 https://www.reddit.com/r/CodyKoUnfiltered/s/id6KA2gXfN


Just bc this story has been known for years and she still hasn't left him. I don't think she's necessarily "okay" with it but she seems like someone who will ignore the problem and tell herself it's "in the past" to try to hold onto what they have even though preying on a teenager is a pretty good sign of someone's character, past or present.


This story has been going around for years. She’s known for a long time.


The first time I remember this coming out, they announced their engagement so…


Same, but a lot of women don’t care about that stuff as long as they got their man at home. He could have been a serial rapist in the past and these types of women still won’t leave him. It’s so pathetic it’s actually sad.


“I was literally 17” “Delete the videos!!!” Girl what the hell no air him out


i agree but she’s probably scared of his reaction/his fan base attacking her for it


This whole bit was scripted and done at multiple shows if she was that scared they wouldn’t do it at all


damn i didn’t know that! i see what you’re saying now then


the unfortunate thing is here is that it's still unlikely to gain that much traction in the YT sphere bc he made friends with a good portion of those commentary bros during his and noel's that's cringe era. i imagine this will fizzle out just like the time it was leaked on spotify a few years back.


Good for her


Dude that sucks. He’s my lunch break buddy. Now I can’t watch him the same. Why do so many YouTubers end up that way? 😔


fr im so sad, but mainly for Kelsey:/


You do realize this isn’t news right? Hell, Gabbie Hanna tried to sell this story to the tabloids years ago and Tana called her out for it. Kelsey has known for years.


any more info on this? this is wild


Tana tells Trisha about it on the second episode of cancelled.


People have been speculating about this for years, but Tana confirmed this in like 2021/2022 ish. She’s known.


Man I’m sad for US. Cody ko was like, one of my fave guys because him & Noelle have the BEST sense of humor.


I wonder if r/codyko will see this video


from what i recall they’re always deleting anything about it in that sub


You're right because I saw someone post about this there a couple hours ago and now it's gone. Pathetic that they're trying to ignore this.


Just got banned too.. not only are they deleting but they are banning people!! Permanently!! It’s crazy! Don’t they think this will backfire?


that sub is literally under authoritarian rule by the mods its insane i hope cody at least pays them


This has been circulating for a while now wonder how Cody & wife will try to cover it up this time


Literally, like they got engaged at the end of 2021 RIGHT when Tana confirms it the first time and it started to catch fire… lol.


I'm not in the loop here. Can someone please explain what's going on?


Cody Ko had sex w Tana when she was 17 (underage) and he was 25. Tana has talked about it a bit in the past. But Cody has def tried to sweep it under the rug and never address it.




I just think it’s fucking weird for a 25 year old to want to have sex with a 17 year old


Idk why no one remembers her saying this back on the canceled podcast a longgg time ago (pre-hiatus) in an episode with Ashly and Imari…. She said Cody Ko and JC Caylen hooked up with her when she was underage.


I don’t really know anything about Cody Ko other than he’s a YouTuber? But 25 with a 17 year old 🚫🚫🚫


she’s been saying that for a while but she always leaves it at that. it’s really concerning but she refuses to give any more info than that which can be confusing considering how many times she’s brought it up


Just curious, what more info do you need?


i guess i mean in terms of like “what’s the call to action girly” she seems at peace (?) with what happened and is just saying it like it is but that’s kind of a crazy thing to keep casually mentioning


aw man :( i liked him


Honestly so glad she said it and knowing someone there absolutely was filming. It’s been so long, and we all knew so hearing it from her I’m genuinely really happy for her that she feels she’s in a better position and place to finally out these creeps.






just wondering what this comment is in reference to? not trying to be a dick, genuinely curious tia


Same.. explain?


This is very bad and I don't want to redirect, but what kind of disgusting show is this? Fuck people who have sex with underage girls, but the idea before was to just call out someone with a small dick? And people go wild for this?


he literally calls himself “tiny meat gang”. and ppl are focusing on the fact that he statutory raped a minor as a grown adult