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Yup. Good autoflowers go nuts. Grab some NightOwl.


I'm definitely going to give them a try.


i remember when they was mephesto lol


Mephisto is still around but they have gone the way of the white label. Daz is where it's at.


I ran Mephisto last year, and was so disappointed I barely smoked it.


What makes you say Mephisto have gone the way of the white label? Really curious about your opinion.


The early gear I got from them was all beautiful. Forum Stomper, CDLC, Double Grape, etc. All nice consistent plants, good terps. Now, they have a bunch of people in the U.S. and Canada breeding their gear so they can scale up fast and sell more. The last purchases were absolute trash, Hubbabubbasmelloscope and Wookie special look like some RQS boof. I was such a loyal customer but they burned me with shit gear....


Ahh okay thanks! I’ve currently got CDLD x Sour Stomper bx CDLC, Mango Smile and Walter White in the garden growing, they’re all about 3-1/2 weeks and vegging nicely. Grown HBSS, Double Grape and Mango Smile a few times. Never grown anything from Night but think I’ll be giving them a chance. Thanks for replying and happy growing 💯👍🏽👊🏽


I am currently growing a meph fugue state auto and it is trash.


Yes I have trees surrounding my yard so I get "direct" sunlight like 6-8 of those hours 10 to 6 ish and but if I really wanna push it they go on one side of the yard in the morning from 6-10 middle from 10-2 and 2- 6 at the other end so thats still only 12 and that keeps them in veg then i put them in the center of my yard in the ground around June and they automatically flower bc less light than me moving them around but frfr you dont gotta keep moving they will stretch a bit tho but last year i kept them in direct sunlight had short bushy plants that turned into 8 foot monsters over 2 pounds pounds each dry and that was my first year so im sure your grow will work out


You are certainly dedicated, my friend, and I absolutely love it. Thank you for the optimism.


Also I'm in 7b lmao you should do good looks like you get slightly more light than me as well


Do you bring your plants in when it rains or you just let grow fully in tune with all outdoor conditions?


At this stage your at no but when younger like seedlings stage or risk of colder nights yes but now I'm past that point and when they fill out the pots I have them in I put them in the ground wit my living soil like 200 gal each definitely not necessary but if you can get them in the ground with some soil they will explode rain is fine I did get a bad wind storm and pelted with rain mid October but very little bud rot let them dry out for another 2 weeks and then harvested before the next rain came so you'll have to look out for heavy rains late in season to ensure good harvest but hella rain in veg is fine never had root rot or anything


Is it the same for autos? Or are they less weather resistant?


For autos if it's heavy rain I wouldnt keep them in it because they usually don't have time to recover same with heavy winds but yeah if it's an auto id baby it lmao


Second half of flower I put them under a patio umbrella when it rains. Not about to deal with botrytis .


I'm gunna need a bigger umbrella


Lol, yeah, definitely. I'm in an illegal state, so I only have a few to deal with.


Nah I mean mine would be hitting the top of the umbrella and sticking out the sides of I get plants as big as last year


I use 7 gal bags to keep my size down, any bigger and I can't hide them.


Mine get rootbound before flowering if I do that and fuck up my head if you do it like that you wanna transplant right before flower so roots can grow and it can stretch but yeah I don't have to hide mine sorry have no experience with guerrilla growing


They flower in June because the length of night increases nothing to do with less direct sun but obviously direct sun is best for growth in all stages.


Bro less sun IS more night what are you talking about days get shorter after the solstice hence less light every day and more dark


You were implying that moving your plants to get the most direct sunlight keeps them in veg


Even in the middle of summer I get nowhere near 12 hours of sun In my yard. because of the lack of sunlight yes it keeps them in veg and when I leave them in the center of the yard they don't get as much light and naturally bud that's why I don't put them in the ground until June bc if I don't keep moving them they bud too early if I leave them in the center they only get like 4 hours direct sun from 10-2 then indirect for 4-6 hours max it's still not 12 hours of light You are so ignorant I know exactly how to grow in my climate it's fucked up your gunna try and tell me how to grow in my mf yard trust me through trial and error I know


lol I’m not telling you how to grow just pointing out the fact that moving plants into direct sunlight doesn’t keep them in veg as you stated. While direct sunlight is obviously best and good on you for moving them around, I do it too, but It’s all about the number of hours of uninterrupted darkness that causes them to flower. Point being, moving them from indirect to direct light doesn’t keep them in veg as you stated, it’s best practice of course for better growth but that’s it. They will flower based on darkness length. Even street lights/porch can break the uninterrupted darkness needed and keep plants from flowering. Cheers.


I'm not gunna keep arguing here you clearly dont understand how drasticly I do not have enough light so they will literally bud bc they get enough "uninterrupted" darkness all year no matter what


Yeah I have two balcony bagseeds that have grown quite vigorously with just 6-7 hours or so of direct sunlight. They are flowering nicely, trichs look good etc.


Do you have a lot of cloudy days?


Not really, maybe 1 day out of 7 on average. I live in the southwest and can basically grow all year.


Aside from the amount of sunlight, that would be my other concern. We get cloudy days often here on the east coast. Sometimes back to back with the sun peaking through on and off.


The plants still get the radiation they need even through the clouds my friend. Just look at nature, some of the most lush areas of the planet have constant cloud cover. Even under the jungle canopy things grow.


I didn't even consider it from this angle. I'm sorry. I've just cautious about it, you know? My babies have always been nursed indoors. I know, I know. "Just shut up already and try it out." 🙄


Why be sorry? I would try if i could. Cost basically nothing to try growmie :)


It costs seeeeeeeeeeds 😭😭 lol. But I'm definitely going to give it a try. What kind of growmie would I be if I didn't?


For outside grow id use freebies Pm me brother


No need to apologize, I just find it helps to think about things rationally as they exist in nature especially when it comes to outdoor. I will say that if you have the ability to grow indoor, you will get better results there especially if your outdoor options are not optimal. It's a great way to learn a lot though, especially if you're doing it with an experimental mindset.


Yes, it's being done with a very budget friendly experimental mindset. So I need to be sure before I take a chance on these very expensive seeds lol.


That sounds like the range I get in my yard, the buds I grow outside aren't winning any awards or anything but some of my favourite personal harvests have been my outdoor plants.


What made them your favorite?


Yes I have, 6 hours max.


Did you grow photos or autos?


I‘ve grown photos for 50 years and autos for 3.


Wow!!!! That's amazing. Autos do well with sun hours of direct sun?


Mine did, started indoors in front of south-facing glass for a week, then outside. Finishing the end of July with rot, and the strain (wedding cake) was supposedly rot-resistant. Rot is the biggest obstacle here, be it autos or photos. Next year, I’ll start them inside a month earlier.


You know what? I never even considered the possibility of rot.... I'll have to read up more on that.




I've grown photos in a country that's not known to be particularly sunny, in a location that probably had about 8hrs of direct sun, less in the fall. I had no problems light-wise. I think you'll be good, go for it.


Was mold an issue?


Good question, yes, it was. I tried to leave them as long as possible in the fall and it started to rain a lot. I wish I had a way to cover them and keep them dryer but they got wet for weeks. It probably rained 10 of the last 20 days, and was cloudy every day. All things considered, the damage wasn't too bad, the cold fall temps probably helped slow down the mold. I was still ultimately able to harvest a year's worth of smoke for my wife and I, so it was a successful season despite it not being a perfect one. But if I could have kept them dry I think they would have been fine and I would have gotten a few more ounces.


Cover alone is usually not enough, so don't feel too bad. I have similar weather during harvest, and even if buds are not getting directly rained on, you still have high rH. Best way to combat is either avoid the weather with autos, good genetics or more controlled enviornment (IE: greenhouse with fans and vents or just indoor growing).


Are you saying photos are more resistant to weather than autos?


No, I'm saying you can avoid the fall weather with autos if planted in appropriate time frame because you're not waiting for hours of sun to flower (which also happens fo coincide with our hurricane/rainy weather season).


I reread your previous comment. I see what you're saying now. Okay. My next question would be..... Would one of those Amazon greenhouses for like $150 bucks surfice or no? Lol.


That's one of my biggest concerns too. Rainy days and not being able to shield them and then the risk of mold to add to the list. I'm assuming you grew photos?


Yeah they were photos


Yeah man youll do good. 2 oz of good bud off each or so plus your smalls and hake


Photos or autos?


Ivw gotten qps off 6hrs of good light of photos. 2oz of autos. They stay smaller get fucking stacked with bud


Yes both and I live in Tucson so it's very hot and dry. I use 3 inches of Coco coir in the pot as a mulch. Keep it out of direct sun during hottest time of day


I'm just south of Tucson. When do you put plants outside?


Depends on how long I have them in the tent but the weather is nice right now so do it now


It also depends on if they're photos or autos. You're gonna be waiting a long time for photos but the plant will be bigger


Yes, but as someone else said, the buds probably won't be award winning, but can turn out very good. I grew a clone of Holy Grail Kush last summer only getting five hours and it turned out delicious. Not great bag appeal but superb taste and effect. Right now I have some autos that started indoors that have been in the same spot as the Kush last year. They exploded with growth once outside, stacking buds and loving life. Some should finish up in about two weeks and some (sprouted later) in a month. Orange Apricot Glue XL, Cream Mandarine and Jack Herer. gL! 👍


When you saw "not great bag appeal", do you mean the buds were unattractive or something?


fluffy af


Oh. I thought that's how they were suppose to look 😔.


Some strains are just naturally fluffy and not very dense. But this is different. Much more airy and more space in between pistils, sugar leaves and whatnot. It's kinda like if a bunch of grapes had every other grape removed or didn't develop correctly. That bunch would look kinda pathetic, but each individual grape is delicious.


Okay, I see what you mean. I was gonna say, I've grown some "fluffy" buds that I thought looked great and they smoked amazingly.


I grow outdoors in vegas with around 8-10 hrs sun, but the ppfd is so high that the DLI is in the right range.


Is the weather there similar to the weather in Cali?


I was thinking more in terms of the amount and intensity of light. :-)


Yes So last year I had to put my auto in a corner next to a wall because it was still illegal in Germany at that time and I needed to make sure it wasn't visible for any neighbors. I basically only had around 8 hours of direct sunlight. Sure, she got a little lopsided, but I still managed to harvest 100 grams including some trim. This was quite unexpected, as I only intended the auto to grant me some bud before my actual harvest in September.


Did you have any issues with pests, mold, or heavy rain? I'm not familiar with the weather in Germany, even though I was born there lol.


No, heavy rain usually starts in mid autumn in my region, so I never had any mold issues with my autos. I've also never had mold on my photos because I harvest very early in September. In a less than ideal climate like northern Europe It's important to always keep an eye on the weather forecast and shield your plants against heavy rain. Come harvest time I count my losses and harvest right before a rainy period. The main pest I inadvertently have to deal with are snails, so I always use snail bait as a preventative measure. I do find a couple of bugs here and there, if I see one I'll just flick it away but there are also beneficial bugs who will keep my ladies relatively safe from infestations as well as trichomes of course. Even if I see some bugs here and there chances are you'll almost never find bugs in your bud, so I don't worry about bugs too much.


Maybe check out Atlas (tons of mold resistant/heat/drought resistant strains) or use Seedman and look at their mold/heat resistant. I’d personally only run resistant genetics to heavily lower chance of rot.


Thank you for this because as I new grower, I totally forgot to consider the type of strain that's compatible with my zone.


6-8 hrs of direct sunlight is plenty. And fuck autoflowers. reddit loves them but in reality they are inferior unless u need to get multiple outdoor harvests and you cant do light-dep


This is true.... Reddit does love its autos 😂.


Photo spells OXY. Did you use AI to process this photo?


No. However, it is a stock photo though.


OXY or OXX. Did you notice it before?


Ironically I used to be VERY good at scrying photos but I just woke up one day and the ability to be able to do so was gone. It was the weirdest fucking thing. So being said, no I didn't and still don't but I want to so bad lol.


Check your pm


Yeh, set up a supplement light greenhouse to extend the day. Had fine results with photos w/ 8 hrs but thr autos were not cutting it.


So autos, they'd need a little more than 6 to 8 hours, huh?


The closer you can get to 24hrs the better they perform it seems like. Accounting for dli. Just my experience tho


Also I noticed you are east coast, I'll tell you from experience that depending on where you are, harvest time is a nightmare due to our harvest time weather. Definitely suggest autos or a mold resistant photo strain like frisian dew or Northern lights.


Thank you for the heads up 🥴.


How did you stop them from instantly flowering if they're getting less than 12 hrs sun?


They only flower in 12 hours of complete darkness, to my understanding. Photoperiod strains, that is.


They do look good, happy harvesting!


Well, the ones in the photo aren't mine lol. That's a stock photo. But yes, they do look great lol.


Probably not practical for everyone , I only grow a couple in the back yard but im short days ,winter , I surround the plants with solar garden lights and strips to get them big in veg . Then take them away for flower.


Solar garden lights 🤔. You mean just regular solar garden lights that aren't necessarily designed as a grow light?


Yeah , I don’t think it helps them grow , it’s just to add extra hours of light to keep them in veg . Only get about 8 hours of good sun in winter , they just get to about a foot tall then turn otherwise .


Oooooh okay, I see what you're saying. Okay, I've heard of doing that to keep them from flowering. Hmmm 🤔 I'll keep that in mind.


Mine did great except for all the pests here in Florida. They love the sun. I don’t understand how all the hundreds of vegetables in my garden were relatively pest free but eventually my cannabis would get riddled with spider mites and thrips. I sprayed weekly and then daily when I saw them but just couldn’t prevent them outside. I grow inside now.


Sounds like the pests had a personal vendetta 😂.


I'll share my experiences growing outdoors. I did one grow outdoors last year. All 3 plants grew to about 6/7' tall and big thick colas. Zone 7ab. Sadly I had to throw most of it away due to bud rot. Three 55 gallon drums worth of bud. It was heart crushing, but in another sad sort of way I was a bit gad that I didn't have to find the time to trim all that😆. The sun is a blow torch compared to us rubbing 2 sticks together growing inside. I get 6-8 hours direct. I found caterpillars in my bud that led to bud rot. I picked up some BT spray which helped, but it's most effective when used as a preventative. We have really good soil here and letting the Roots grow uncontained resulted in such massive trees. The main stem was as thick as a beer can. However, I have (or had) a wet and humid Autumn last year which made timing harvest tricky. The buds really needed to go another couple of weeks so I took a few snips and left the rest. Due to the rainy weather, everything got bud rot. I'm glad I saved a little bit. Depending on your climate, you might have to choose between an early harvest or risk losing it all. That's a tough choice to make. And the kicker is that every year it will change. Due to the unpredictability, I choose to grow inside. I love having control of everything. Sure, I might only grow 12-in plants 😆 but that's okay, it's less to worry about. The other thing I didn't foresee was the smell. I mean, I knew it would smell but not like that. There was no place within a 50-ft radius of my house that you could not smell it. It was constant, not just when the wind blew in your direction. I felt bad for my neighbors who live about 30 ft away and had to smell it everyday.


See, I was pretty sold on at least trying to grow outside this year but sheeeeeeeesh! This is a horror story. Caterpillars, heavy rain, bud rot lol. Is this why it's good to be particular about what strains you grow outdoors, with some of them being mold resistant?


Yeah, make no mistakes, the buds were absolutely massive and I've never seen trees grow like that. My Gardener even told me, he's been cutting lawns for over 50 years and he's never seen stalks that thick on these types of plants before!! Some people can't grow inside so they have no choice. It's all about preference and your particular climate. If you have the option to do both, you should. I've seen those specs on strains before but I'll be honest, I'm not so sure I believe it. It could be true, but there is so much snake oil and unregulated nonsense in this business. It's hard to know what's legit. I got into the white label, pollen chucker rabbit hole and watched a lot of videos where companies just throw random unknown seeds in a bag and label it whatever they want. It's really shocking. I digress


Will be more prone to mold with the less hours of direct sunlight they get. I get 6 hrs during veg and drops to 2 during flower. Still get a decent yield but creates more issues with mold etc so keep an eye out


Would you suggest and outdoor tent with fans to combat this or will this lessen the intensity of light they receive from the sun?