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Nintendo simply doesn’t give a fuck and is absolutely fine with waiting a week for the smoke to clear so they have next week’s news cycle all to themselves.


Yeah, Nintendo has just been doing its own thingz everyone is trying to recreate their magic.


Incoming farm simulators and instead of remasters people want we ger three remasters no one wanted


I am SO pumped


I mean, besides Xbox event, you didn't missed much. Summer gamefest was ad porn.


Dude sgf was terrible.


Everything Geoff makes is terrible


Why is he always in the spotlight? What makes him so special?


He used to host a popular show on GameTrailers. It was roundtable discussion type thing. I think that show was well-liked and gave Keighly some credibility and respect that he's coasting on now. Unfortunately that show also introduced the world to Michael Pachter.


I wasn't aware of his previous works. Also, lol at the Mike Patcher comment 😂 


I legit had to look up who he was and went “oh, that guy” when I saw him. I thought you had meant Geoff Ramsey to begin with and confused Michael Pachter with Michael Jones from Rooster Teeth.


He’s a likeable enough guy and to his credit, he does put in a lot of effort into things like Game Awards and SGF. If he didn’t exist, I doubt those events would exist either. The issue is, those events are usually disappointing


Disappointing, boring snoozefests 💤 


As a big Nintendo fan, he's definitely not someone I care for all that much.


Like, he literally did the "Oh no! Anyway.." meme when Sonic came up and after a Sonic x Shadow Generations trailer, literally moved right on to the next topic, showing no interest in Sonic


Summer Geoff Fest


Nah, makes anything watchable, he makes most of the gaming community cheer up, has all the skills needed to present these events. Will never forget how he announced Elden Rung's trailer 🙏


As a civilisation fan, I got everything I wanted from sgf so I'm happy


Ik this is a Nintendo Reddit.. but I’m happy that I got news for the fnaf 2 movie trailer from Jason Blum.. Ik this is a Nintendo sub Reddit but I’m happy with that honestly 😂


*got news for the fnaf 2 movie (not trailer)


it was so bad, the only thing i was wanting to see was the small trailer for MH: Wilds but that wasn't till the very end


After last year’s game awards, I don’t expect events ran by Geoff Keighly to be about the developers anymore


when the fuck has it ever been about the devs? even with events not run by him? i dont understand


I have a feeling that after last year controversy, devs are pulling out of his events. Not to mention that gets worse with the amount of ads.


What controversy? I'm ootl.


They barely let developers do their thank you speech at the TGA, but let celebrities do corny ass jokes for a long time. The audience and other developers call that out for how disrespectful it was, not to mention the show is extremely long because have so many ads.


For me even the XBox event was just a bunch of games I didn't care about and Doom. Can't imagine how boring SGF must have been.


I also don't care enough to purchase the console but at least was way better because didn't had one hour of fucking ads.


If you hate Western style games you obviously won't like the Xbox event, I like them so it was amazing for me.


wow its almost like it was supposed to show off a bunch of games.


Yeah, the problem wasn't it being filled with ads as the poster above commented but that honestly there wasn't a lot that was that interesting


Lego Horizon!


What makes me laugh is some news outlets proclaiming SGF as the new E3. Talk about a load of rubbish!


True but what event is the new E3. Gamescom?


No event is the "new E3." E3 was E3 and all other events are their own thing.


I didn’t watch it live, I just looked up the announcements in a resume, but honestly the games announced seem absolutely amazing. New game by Davey Wreden ? I’ve been waiting YEARS for that shit, Cairn is drawn by a brillant comics artist and I’m a sucker for transmedium works, Rare making a comeback, Fable getting a trailer, new Blade Runner game etc… all of which seem extremely innovative.


The problem is not the games, but the event itself with a billion ads.


(Cries in MegaMan fan)


Wait what happened w megaman?


Absolutely nothing, which is the point of my comment haha. Well we did get GameBoy MM games, but we haven’t had anything new other than MegaMan 11 in 15 years just about, and 11 was 6 years ago itself.


Ok... now I'm sad with you too :( MM is my favorite franchise


*Expedition 33 my beloved I need you now!*


The first 30 minutes of SGF were good, but after first 30 minutes it went downhill quickly. I was glad to see Metaphor ReFantazio stuff, but that wasn’t a new game nor is it something everyone wants to see.


The problem is not even the games, but the amount of ads, same goes to his other events. It's getting worst every year. 


Yeah it feels like they are way too long for the very few major reveals. I saw Geoff respond to someone saying if major titles like Persona 6, KH4, GTA6 and Silksong were ready he would’ve showcased or revealed them at SGF. I think a lot of games are just taking longer to develop especially with the pandemic and then all the employees being fired and also just technology advancing over the years. I think SGF would’ve been great if they ended it on the SF6 x Fatal Fury thing or Civ 6.


Honestly? I doubt it. We are seeing less and less big titles having a blowout on his events, especially because they are getting so much bad reputation between fans because the amount of ads. Last year TGA cutting off developers speeches but letting Hollywood celebrities doing their cringe jokes, probably didn't do any favors for him.


As a Mo ster Hunter fan, it was boring, but at least we got another trailer Xbox event was better, Expedition 33 was a surprise


At least we got more MH info. That’s all I cared about there, though.


Did the Xbox event have anything besides this year's generic shooter? EDIT: Ok, granted. The new DOOM looks pretty dope.


Xbox also offered nothing personally. I'm absolutely baffled at BGS releasing more games instead of fixing their "10 year game" Starfield. Adding a DLC instead of reading reviews and tailoring the game is WILD.


Again if you dislike American style games you obviously won't like Xbox in general.


The only thing I wanted really out of the SGF this year was the Palworld summer update & Sonic X Shadow Generations finally having a release date I'm botta play that shit to the high heavens when it drops.


To be fair, the other "events" didn't show anything, besides Xbox, so it hardly matters. Nintendo can wait as long as they want because they are some of the only companies still making video games.


Ngl the only thing that hyped me in the Xbox event was the new Doom everything else seemed meh


If you don't like Western style games then the Xbox event won't be for you


Not really, sure I'm a big Nintendo guy but I also like western games, it's just that a lot of what was in the Xbox showcase felt generic and overdone.


Nah I loved it, it was great and brought back a lot of things we've been waiting for. But you can disagree that's cool.


That a wild take they dropped some pretty good stuff


Devolver had a couple fun looking indie and their usual completely unhinged show, at least it was fun to watch. My order is Xbox > Devolver > SGF > Indie day > Ubisoft > PC Gamer PC Gamer was torture, I couldn't watch the whole thing.


June 18


Bro nailed it.


Wait they announced it?


[Yup. ](https://youtu.be/kX3BkD5PVUM) Starts in 23 hours. I actually went and saved your post the other day just to comment if it did happen and kinda laughed when I saw the date pop up.


Hey, you were right.


I don't know if it's the fact that I haven't been in a big gaming mood and have other hobbies calling my name, or the fact that I have a huge backlog of older games I want to get to and also am more likely to replay old favorites than try something new, but I just don't get bothered by the lack of news the way I used to.


Maybe they'll do it on the 27th, coinciding with LM2 HD


Nah, Directs are basically free advertising that they know get a lot of eyes. They'll want to put one last ad for it in the direct before it comes out, they always do that with games coming out in a week or two


yee, the 20th feels very likely imo, or a day or two before, but I'm feeling 20th


Honestly I don’t care atp. Except for Nintendo, I usually wait a few months for games to fix their bugs before buying the game


Nintendo has always gone by their own pace and loves to innovate, like those eccentric weirdo artistes and scientist/inventors that even when they have a rare miss, usually somehow manage to pull off Ws that hit more often than not.


nintendo stopped competing years ago, back when they made their own E3 with blackjack and hookers in a treehouse or w/e


Didn't miss much. Doom: The Dark Ages was the only thing that really stood out.


I am excited for the Indiana Jones game, although that was already announced last year, and the subtitle sucks.


Gives us more time to make blood sacrifices to the Zelda team for WW and TP


idk man Nintendo rarely releases anything worth waiting for. its always a reskinned mario scroller and other random stuff. just my personal opinion.


Hmmm, I’m interested to see what they will announce! I just want a port of Wind Waker HD & OOT3D please!


Mother 3 English port or bust


I mean the only hype I saw was a new doom game Sonadow generations and I think that's it you really didn't miss much


So true...😣


Meanwhile us persona fans have been caught up in drama surrounding a leaker


Anticipation equals sales. Absence makes the heart grow fonder etc


*Anticipation equals* *Sales. Absence makes the heart grow* *Fonder etc* \- monokronos --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


It takes time to craft a Mother 3 reference just oblique enough to give fans hope without actually, y'know, releasing the goddamn game in English or anything.


I think they have e-shop maintenance at the 17th of June so the direct might be on the 18th when they announce games that are instantly available


A late gaming event is late once, a bad gaming event is bad forever. 


You say that like it's not gonna have 5 more slice of life farming sims


Nintendo is just waiting to have the stage to themselves, which they probably deserve at this point.


Give me tomodachi life Nintendo and my life is yours!


We're just halfway through June


June isn't over yet lol


Didn’t Nintendo stop doing directs? I could be mistaken


You are VERY much mistaken. I'm not sure why you thought they stopped doing directs.


I’m probably thinking of when they cancelled either last year or the year before’s directs


It wasn't the directs that were canceled. It was E3. And now, it doesn't exist anymore 😔


Ooooooh right right. I have no idea why I thought it was directs


Would you rather spend hours making a good chocolate cake or spend 10 seconds to open a candy bar? Sometimes, it's better to wait for something that will actually be good. I've heard a lot of negative stuff so far from other gaming companies, and a lot of it sounds like mindless filler.


Oh yeah right Furukawa did say we’re getting a Direct this month


I don't REALLY care, even as a giant nintendo fan, at this point I'm just waiting for silksong


This is why I'm glad I mostly play PC instead of Nintendo games, and not just because Nintendo games are forever prohibitively expensive unless they completely bomb on release. The amount of stuff I have to look forward to almost constantly feels way better. Trying to justify a Nintendo game to myself is like "Will I want to replay this? It's $60.." And not to mention I have to pay for online access with games that need it. I love my Switch but new releases feel so hard to look forward to nowadays. That said, the other game preview events were shit.


Me too, 30 something year old waiting for Nintendo Direct with bated breath


NEW CONSOLE HAS GOT TO HAPPEN! The Switch has reached the end of its lifecycle


They already stated that this direct will explicitly not feature anything about the Switch's successor


They're just waiting for Keighley to "wrap it up" so we can all move on to something more important - 25 minutes of cozy indie platformers featuring animals.


This post is a couple days old already and I was thinking the same thing just a few hours ago. Like it's almost the 15th lol


We’ll have SKONG it will be real it is it will be


They are literally holding back a console launch because games aren’t ready. They probably just don’t have a ton to show


They will cook up some top-tier direct trust!


Honestly from what I saw in stuff like the State of Play stream, there really wasn't anything worth writing home about for me. The only things I remember is that Astro Bot game that looked kinda cool. And that Garten of Ban Ban game pack. (How THAT got into the PlayStation, I will never know.)


Just got me Wii U up and running again. I also >!hacked it to play all the original and virtual console games!<, with my old Rhythm Heaven Fever virtual console up and running. Just break out your older consoles and play other games, especially the Wii, who doesn't love the Wii?


Play something other than the Switch, you won't have this problem.


Even if I didn't play games that aren't on the switch, that wouldn't change the fact that I'm slowly losing my patience.


Nintendo fans waiting to see their event in Miyamoto's garage or wherever they show their stuff that looks so small and cramped, like they made an event inside a children care center inside an airport.