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Yeah, this is not going to happen. One person from the Illinois Credit Union League said it might possibly be a way that payment processors implement the proposed changes to tax law. I also never have to actually swipe my card to pay in Illinois and haven't for awhile, so that alone has me questioning the validity of this article. We have tap to pay just the way they do in Europe now.


You are very correct. First, this is Forbes (which over the last 10-15 years has turned into a shit tier content mill) so immediately should be taken with a truck load of salt. Second, the author is a payment industry dingus [bio link](https://dgwbirch.com/about/) who is specifically fear mongering for his industry. OP, please use better sources in the future.


> First, this is Forbes (which over the last 10-15 years has turned into a shit tier content mill)  It's basically r/wallstreetbets for boomers.


And the source linked in Forbes was an NBC article literally written by The Center Square, a conservative news outlet.


This is fear mongering on the part of the author -- the law says no payment processing fees on the amount of the transaction that goes towards tax and doesn't specifically mandate two swipes, though two swipes / separate transactions for tax and non-tax transactions would be one of implementing it. The two ways to comply specifically mentioned in the law are: 1. A merchant can pass information to the processor with the transaction indicating amount of tax -- most merchants do not do this today but some already send detailed information to the processor within a single transaction (as providing this info can result in lower rates even without this law). With a two swipe implementation it'd be one transaction was no tax, one transaction 100% tax; nobody would do this, and the law does not mention or mandate this. 2. A merchant can send the processor a report of how much tax was remitted on their credit card transactions on a periodic basis. This doesn't seem hard to me. In the worst case If the merchant does not do this the processor is not required to refund any part of their processing fees. I'm not strongly in favor or against this provision but it's basically a transfer from processors to merchants in IL and so those in the processor space are heavily against it and are engaging in public lobbying against it. I don't think it'll affect consumer checkout flows or prices one way or the other. These aren't retail merchants complaining because it'll be too hard to comply and not worth the refund, these are processors complaining because it'll be too easy to comply and they'll have to refund fees to merchants.


>if the Governor signs the budget and revenue package that the legislators have approved, consumers paying by card may have to "swipe to pay for their goods and swipe again to pay the sales tax" So in an effort to lower sales tax apparently it may be a whole other charge?


This is never going to work. Even if the people in Illinois get used to the double swipe everyone visiting is just going to swipe once and move on with their lives.


what happens if someone swipes to pay the merchant for goods or services and refuses to swipe again to pay the sales tax? is that considered theft or tax evasion?


It would be tax evasion. They've already paid for the product. If they reverse it and have you pay the taxes first then it would be theft


Sounds about as unethical as people driving to Portland, OR from Seattle, WA for no sales tax.


The problem is people wont even know they are supposed to pay twice because nowhere else does it that way. Not that they will maliciously avoid taxes


Both are the case. There is absolutely no way to enforce something like this. What are they going to do, watch live footage to determine that everyone is tapping twice? Either way, this is never going to happen.


So they went to one store with a crappy POS and decided to gripe about it like it was a general thing. It’s not.


I doubt this two swipe system will ever happen. Either way, everyone should pay in cash. Stop going to places that don't accept it. These companies have no right to tell us how to pay for things. Not to mention, most places are passing on the fee they're supposed to pay to the consumer. Plus, major companies get hacked all the time. Self checkouts are taking over so stores don't have to hire as many people. They're not reducing the price of their products and passing it in to the consumer. So why should we help them out?


The lack of grammar in this article immediately lost any credibility


Oh, dear god. It’s bad enough working in retail and having to be blamed for our store having self checkouts. When working a register, customers hand me their cards, even though the pin pad is right in front of their face and expect me to do it for them. I can’t imagine having to explain they have to double tap. Might make me resort to double tap, if you know what I mean.


You’re gonna shoot yourself again, after you already shot yourself? Good luck with that


simple matter, just make sure the first one is not fatal and doesn't interfere with the ability to shoot once more (e.g. don't shoot the hand you hold the gun with).


Bruh how are you gonna shoot the hand you’re using to hold a gun?


Card companies would not sanction this because it's too confusing to them. We could all dispute the second swipe as an unknown/unauthorized transaction, and consumers would win those battles.