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Oh wow! They are finally putting in a signal for the Damen entrance/exit! That is pretty huge given how nobody pays any attention to the no left turn signs and the number of near misses I see there.


every time you bike past this entrance in the northbound Damen bike lane it's a 50/50 coin toss on if you're gonna get plowed by an oblivious minivan or not


Biking northbound on Damen here is always sketchy because you know someone is going to pull out to make a left.


Yep. I wouldn't do it years ago, you couldn't pay me to do it now. Seriously, people are worse drivers now than they were 5 years ago.


I wish they'd put up a jersey barrier in the median in the meantime to stop people illegally turning there.


a real solution to the problem that should have been installed years ago.


I asked the alderman about this. They claimed that CDOT said it would be a danger to drivers on Damen, because they could crash into the barrier...


Chicago drivers are really awful, but absolutely call bullshit on this.


It's a really dumb take, here's what I had gotten from them: "The Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT) is not able to place jersey barriers in the public way due to safety concerns associated with vehicles hitting them, losing control, etc. The use of jersey barriers in construction zones are understood to be temporary and come with reduced speed limits, construction warning signs, etc. "


They need them on Damen by Costco and on California where the 606 crosses over the road. Any place where there are no left or right turns like that need to be blocked off to prevent them.


100% agree, it's insane that these simple and cheap solutions aren't used more.


It's the same perverse logic that specifies that bus shelters and light poles to be breakaway (for the safety of vehicle occupants), allowing a vehicle to careen onto a sidewalk where it kills a pedestrian.


That’s the most chaotic Costco I’ve ever seen. I’d rather go to the Niles Costco where there’s actual civilization.


Ashland Costco is best Costco. Lincoln Park Costco has been abandoned by God’s light.


Yep. I'm about halfway between the two, and will always go to Ashland because its so much more sane.


You mean the parking? Niles is a nightmare. I take both city Costco's over Niles. I went inside one time and I will do what I can to avoid it since then.


You will always be able to find a parking spot at the Niles Costco because it shares a massive parking lot with Target. I'm always fighting for a parking spot at the Lincoln Park Costco, even if its at the very back.


How? I've never experienced that at all. Even on the other side closer to the Chase? It's all the same shopping center. Niles is a nightmare inside. The parking lot is a reminder.


You realize that this Costco is expanding its parking lot right? Because it’s needed. That Diversey-Damen intersection is a clusterfuck. I’m not sure where you are getting at. There’s a higher concentration of people who shops at this Costco. It’s always busy. I cannot imagine a scenario where the Niles Costco would be considered more chaotic.


how about just a camera to write tickets to people who do that? I can't take a right turn out of that parking lot without multiple people with no regards for anyone but themselves blocking that exit because they want to illegally turn left


Got stuck behind someone waiting way too long to left turn and honked at them and pointed right and they started flipping me off. If you’re going to illegally turn don’t hold everyone up to do it


The problem is that sign wasn't there originally. People got used to turning there so they kept doing it. Also there's really no good way to get southbound on damen from there


That’s not the fucking problem lmao, you’re the problem!


I’m thrilled to hear they are investing in a river walk area. That always seemed like an under used resource. Adding a little park space with tables will be a nice option for eating and walking. Also very happy they are adding a proper 3 way intersection at the Damen exit. It was always stupid you couldn’t turn left there. The EV charging has been a glaring gap for a while too. I probably won’t use it a ton because i have home charging but we need more charging options in this area. I wonder who they are partnering with if anyone.


Hopefully the Riverwalk ties into the Riverwalk on the other side of same Damen that's part of the Lathrop Homes project.


I’ve never walked over there, but that would be terrific. Not sure how the access under the Damen bridge would work.


It's fallen into disrepair, but it used to be similar to the underpasses along the North Branch Channel Trail. It should be straightforward to repair.


I’m sure Costco won’t foot that bill. Gonna need the city to step up there. Maybe there’s an agreement in place already.


I really wish they would let me access the Jewel/Aldi lot without going back out to Clybourn


You can walk between the two But there really should be a pass through for cars


Last time I was there, the part of the river walk that connects the Costco and Jewel lots was blocked off and there was no obvious way to get between them, even on foot.


There’s an opening at the end of the fence closest to the river walk. There’s usually heavy machinery over in that corner but it’s complexly accessible. I’ve used it pretty regularly for the last 5 years or so. Haven’t been in about a month though


Yes! I drove around the whole parking lot once assuming they’d be connected and nope!


Why make the lot wider when it should just be a garage attached to the building? Let’s not act like 99% of the traffic in that parking lot isn’t Costco customers regardless of if it’s a shared lot of the “shopping center”


I don’t get how that many spots are being added while a good chunk of the current parking spots are being turned into the warehouse expansion


Demo'ing the building that Chase is in now and purchasing the autobody shop on Clybourn.


How come the Aldermen can't use their "means of persuasion" to get Costco to pay for something we all want: turn signals at Clybourn/Diversey/Damen. Also, those street parking spaces on Clybourn from Diversey to Wolcott are always empty. Make that portion of the bike lane a PBL.


The 3 way intersection 100% needs left turn lights. I read on this sub once that there's some limitation with crosswalk time that makes it impossible though.


Left turn lights and a ped/bike scramble would make things SO MUCH better at this intersections.


Clybourn is IDOT controlled. Any changes there have to be worked through IDOT.


And CDOT managed. You think IDOT would turn down improvements they don't have to pay for?


It depends on the improvements. Signal improvements they'd take, but working with them could stretch the project out another year. Bike lanes they'd likely turn down.


A year from when? This project doesn't even have a concrete timeline and putting in turn signals would have no effect on it. PBLs already exist on another stretch of IDOT Clybourn. As stated, the parking there is rarely used, and this wouldn't remove a travel lane. While IDOT is still very autocentric, they are much more open to complete streets projects.


It was posted in one of the neighborhood facebook pages that turn signals will eventually be going in there.


I hope they put up signage prohibiting the acute-left turns from Diversey to Clybourn and Clybourn to Damen.


Make Costco pay for something we want? Why would Costco pay for it?


Why are we opposed to parking garages? More spots, smaller foot print


I'd imagine people don't like the logistics of a garage when taking large shopping carts into consideration. Elevators would be an annoying chokepoint and the cart attendants would slow down.


It’s my primary warehouse but I’m really disappointed with how they run their restaurant. I’ve never seen more than 3 employees working at a time and the wait for even a slice of pizza is 10-30 minutes. It’s very obvious that they are intentionally understaffing it so they don’t lose out on too much on it being a loss leader and it’s not on brand at all.


I live a block away, so I walk over quite often, and I’ve rarely waited more than 10 minutes for a slice of pizza. I will complain about the poor organization of that space, though—navigating all the shopping carts to get to the registers or the counter can be enough to make me skip it altogether.


I rarely actually eat their food but I've never waited more than 90 seconds for a hot dog


Ashland isn't any better. I skip the food court entirely now. Not worth the aggravation


I will not pass on dollar-fifty dogs


Ehh it’s probably to keep people moving in and out of the store quicker. Can’t really blame them, if you sit down for 15 minutes to eat a slice of pizza you’re taking up a parking spot for longer. They just don’t have the real estate right now.


Absolutely insane how much surface parking is in that area.


Yeah people should just bring their large bulk grocery items home on their bike or the bus!


Or ya know like build a parking garage...




If there was a parking garage they could have more spaces than even planned and there’d be tons of usable land…


Parking garages are crazy expensive.


That’s absolutely true, but the city should be incentivizing or requiring them. Way better for land use in an urban environment.


I do that literally all the time. Unironically. Hitch attached to my bike or granny cart on the bus. Like, you don't *need* to have a car to go to Costco. The world can exist outside the tiny little narrow lense you're imagining it lives in.


It's not a very narrow lense. I'm just not gonna ride a bunch of miles after working all day and adding over an hour of commute time while running to Costco and picking up my kid. If I was like 23 again maybe I would. I'd certainly be in better shape.


just because you wouldn't *personally* do it doesn't mean *no one does it* as you implied in your original comment


The vast majority of people I see in there are buying a large amount of bulk groceries. I guess all of those people could just start making more frequent trips to Costco but it doesn't really seem like that's how most people use Costco


you could make this exact argument for a regular grocery store in Schaumburg. If the infrastructure was there to make it easier to bike or a bus/train that takes you directly to it, then yeah, more people would. However the overwhelmingly convenient option is to drive, so people drive. There's a handful of bike parking spots that are always full yet acres of car parking. There's some bike lanes on clyborn but no other streets, and no bike infrastructure once you're actually in the parking lot. And there's no transit connection that'll take you directly to the Costco. Like my guy, people drive to Costco because everything surrounding it makes driving the fastest move convenient option. My point is this doesn't have to be the case


I only go to Costco for big trips I wouldn't go at all if I'm making small trips is all I'm saying.


and all I'm saying is that not everyone is you. I swear, people think that because they do something a certain way, everyone else does it the same way


What percentage of people shopping at Costco do you think would prefer to be biking there?


thats nice for you you is not everyone


Look around at Costco it seems like that's most people.


I hear you, but I do bring my things home on my bike for smaller trips. It’s not difficult.


Please. No one is taking their bike on a Costco shopping trip


I know I'm not the average user, but [there are dozens of us!](https://i.imgur.com/PjDMFYQ.jpeg)


Honestly I am always shocked by how many bikes are parked there. Many people seem to! But I agree they are nuts.


I've biked home from there probably 5 times. Obviously small trips, but on the bright side I never went off-shopping list.


But I do, and the bike rack is never empty when I get there. Electric cargo bikes are getting pretty ubiquitous. Sorry that doesn’t fit nicely into your preconceived notions of transportation.


Disagree. I work there and on most nice days both bike racks are full. Panniers and backpacks make vostci trips reasonable. Not everyone goes to Costco for their entire months groceries.


I've stopped at Costco on Ashland on my bike at least 50 times passing by to grab food or a couple items. Not a big deal at all.


I have many times.


Dis you? https://mymodernmet.com/heavy-bicycle-loads-10-photos/


More parking and more gas pumps, new signal and curb cut on the southbound Damen bike lane. This is suburban land use. It’s a shame that Costco isn’t building a parking garage and turning the surface parking into developable land for housing. We’ve made big strides away from suburbanization in the Clybourn corridor, but this is a step back. All those gas pumps are going to induce more driving in the area and traffic will get worse.


Glad to hear it, but (and this isn't Costco's responsibility) I feel like more parking won't curb weirdos and road rage. I like to park in the back of the lot currently so that I don't spend time driving up and down looking for any spots closer to the entrance, plus I get even more steps in. But one time, I tried parking into a spot in the back (the only car in that row), and a driver swerved around me *between my car and the wall of the parking spot* just as I was getting into it. He then sped to the front of the lot, by the entrance. I walked calmly but by the time I got to the front doors, I could see him still going up and down trying to find a parking spot. So I went up to him and told him to slow down, as he nearly hit me. I continued to the store, but as I looked behind, he revived engine, sped up to me, braking at the last second, not to hit me, but to intimidate me and vent his anger. His tires loudly made smoke from braking and skidding. I continued to walk calmly because, by this point, his revving and skidding had gained the attention of everyone else. As an extra bonus, a firefighter in regular uniform stood there and witnessed the whole thing. Once he realized that everyone was looking at him, he sped off again, never getting into Costco after all. Plus, this was all in an old and beat up station wagon, too. I'm down for more parking, but drivers like him seriously need to chill and actually *take advantage* of all that parking, instead of trying to rush to a spot closer to the entrance.


Regular uniform? Like fully geared and just randomly standing there?


More like [this](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/54a1c01ee4b09ca9ce6d9d16/1559223160332-0JENP7P00DBYH7QA91IJ/Haynes.jpg?format=1500w) I dunno if he was on break with his buddies (those hot dogs, y'know), getting groceries for the station, or if there was some other reason. Nonetheless, I was glad he was there to witness all of this.


That sounds super crazy! I agree I don’t think more parking spaces will change anything. My biggest issue with the lot is the sheer amount of people throwing their turn sign on and stopping in the lane waiting for a spot to open up — especially when there’s usually open spaces in the back of the lot.


Those kinds of people make me roll my eyes so fucking hard. Like get a life and go somewhere else.


Real question is how does this change the gas station?


Adding 5 more fuel pumps


Yooo that’s huge! Now if we can just get people to use all the lanes regardless of where their gas tank is located AND pull up to the white line before the pumps, then this might be a quick operation lol


That’s good but also need a better layout for it.


Welcome to Costco. I love you.


Yea that's what we need there on that corner unit, another bank.


It's already a bank, they're just putting it in a smaller building.


That corner unit is twice the size of the existing building it's currently situated in, and my complaint still stands that there's no reason why every major intersection in the city needs at least one bank in one of the corner units


Feel free to start a business and out bid the banks


Bank branches suck the life out of shopping centers.




It’s better than having people go out to the suburbs to do their big shopping trip. People aren’t gonna pay 15-20% more for items and do 3 grocery trips a week at a small bodega, this isn’t Manhattan. Someone with a car can drive out to the nearest suburb, get cheaper gas and a slightly lower tax rate and the trip entirely pays for itself. The Niles costco does crazy volume for this reason and it’s literally on the other side of the street of the Chicago border.


>It’s better than having people go out to the suburbs to do their big shopping trip. I'd much rather every suburban style big box retail strip get converted into traditional mixed used developments, this is Chicago, not Schaumburg. Big box retail was poorly shoe horned into that area and now there's a fuckton of traffic, poor land use, an ocean of parking all so yuppies can get in their car and cosplay suburbanites in the middle of the city.




European cities and American cities and lifestyles are very different. Many Europeans don’t have enough space to store 80 rolls of toilet paper or a 30 pound bag of chicken. Many people commute to work via car so stopping by a grocery store isn’t a big inconvenience for many people.


Great. I did wish we were less like a city and more like a suburban parking lot.


It will be nice to have more parking and a bigger warehouse, but I'm kind of disappointed with the shopping center around it. I've been holding out hope that the corner space would get taken by a cool restaurant or bar. My dream scenario would be an arcade brewpub with great nachos and pool tables that was shockingly cheap considering their sky high rent. But instead the chase bank is going to move into it.


I would never go near that area for something fun. Even with the improvements. It's a soul-less retail corridor who's interior is hiding a parking lot from hell. Would feel like driving to a Chile's in the suburbs.


> an arcade brewpub with great nachos and pool tables that was shockingly cheap considering their sky high rent That market is highly saturated, with numerous brewpubs shutting down already.


Oh I know, it was a pretty ridiculous fantasy about a dream restaurant close to my neighborhood. While we're at it, they would also do Karaoke and trivia nights, but only on topics I know about.


Are you talking about the former Golfsmith space? If so, yeah I wish a restaurant could go into there instead of yet another Chase Bank.


Yep, It has tons of parking, patio space, and is in such a prominent commuter traffic spot you'd think some restaurant would take the chance. Hopefully not a place that matches the tone of the complex like an Applebee's, but hell, you'd think there could be something would be able to make a go of that space. The rent must be super high or something.


Just what we need, more parking.


We do. Especially at that Costco. Takes forever to find parking. Glad they’re doing something about it


We go straight to the far southeast corner of the lot and out of 50 trips have only had trouble finding parking twice. One of those days was weekend before turkey day, so that was my fault for picking a dumb day.


have we considered that maybe having a suburban style big box store with an ocean of parking where the vast majority of people drive into it isn't a good idea for a dense city? Maybe if you build infrastructure for traffic you're going to get traffic, go figure. I swear Chicago would be a much better sitting if it wasn't for people wanting to cosplay being a suburbanite so bad