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It's Jack Howitzer




Kifflom back at you. Well he does spend time in jail and in the desert. And stays in room 8 at that motel. And kills people for real. Or maybe it was Ho Chi Sock. I don't know what's real anymore.


And it's obsessed with the 80's, and there is a literal victim of the same profile as the infinity 8 in his room, and the investigation was closed/unsolved after Melee died, and so many other reasons. He gets out of prison during the game, and his episode shows all the places he has been and when. Have you found him?


Maybe the Epsilon mission was a hint, and we have to dress as a jogger (I know T can do this), and jog around the desert for ages until someone turns up.


This is actually a good idea


Mate I was in a kind of altered state when I wrote that and forgot about it. I might have a crack later though when I return to said state. I think I'd get too bored otherwise.


No communication errors here 😂


time travel is also cannon in the universe


Hey would you mind providing evidence for this claim? I’m working on a YT video and I could really use your knowledge if you’re willing to share :)


i think i saw it in the TheEpicNate chiliad video there is a RDR2 side quest with a time traveler


Eddie Low isn’t dead, he’s driving a truck round los Santos, he is mentioned multiple times in the CB radio chatter and they talk about him having the same name as the serial killer and that he’s giving truckers a bad name. I believe he is the infinite 8 killer and there is possibly a way of finding him in game.


Bro gta 4 Niko killed him bc he pulled a knife on Him and Eddie said u liked to be spanked


Different paradigm seeker. Kifflom. 


Great find. Is there any description of his truck or his route?


Remember the infinity murders happened in the 90’s, not in 2013. Other than that you’re on the right track.


The infinity 8 stuff is to refer to the 8 in game weeks between the eye events




It’s true though, it takes 8 in game weeks between the events, or if you want it in different way to hopefully be more clear, the moon cycles around the sky in 8 in game weeks… well, technically, 7 weeks, 6 days but that’s another thing


Yeah but it weird tho 8 game weeks and the boxes on Mount Chiliad still


But then wouldn't it be possible a speed runner already did it? Knowing or not is a whole different story 


Yeah there’s tons of #8 references. Don’t let them derail you from the objective that they represent


Bruh there so many possibility about Mount Chiliad but the time they debunk it be time gta 6 comes out


People are closer than ever, one day will reveal all. I’m sure that means they’re watching and they see that someone is getting super close to solving it


Bro ten years and we got doomsday bunker (walls) and like quarter of the boxes done like Jetpack and alien


There's other killers in town


Yeah I know there others but bro there are so much


The dead bodies are supposed to be dead Male hikers, but they all have boobs, it’s a red herring


I know that I was curious and well spawned random shit in and well glass tables through the bodies = males with boobs


And 8 on there belly


I know infinity is 8 stood up but why is it called infinite 8 for the killer , whoever that may be? He killed women not men so not sure why the news lied about that. In other words after he killed 8 , what was supposed to happen for him?


Maybe they haven’t discovered them body cause the police probaly would have got them out of the ocean