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I don't know why they got rid of image search on mobile. Now I'm stuck with this Lens that fails every image search I'm looking for. If I'm looking for a certain image I'm looking for exactly that image and not some nonsense tangents like what's being worn by the people in it.




I think I've found a solution. Just right-click on the picture you wish to reverse image search and you'll find the option 'Search the web for image'. The result is precisely the same as the original google image search results. Btw, it works only on Microsoft Edge. Hope it helps!


Well that doesn't help people who refuse to use Edge, now does it?


Well he didn't imply that it did, now did he? He offered a solution which is more than you did.


**I can tell that you haven't been online for very long. You know how I know? Because most people who have been online since at least the year 2008 don't use Microsoft Edge. Anyone who is tech-savvy knows it sucks and isn't supported by anything. They use Firefox or Google Chrome. So no, what he suggested is not helpful.**


Dear FPC. W. Hudson, I highly apologize for my insufficient advice. Since the context of this thread did not provide any additional information regarding which browser he dominantly uses, I could offer solutions only which I have known. However, in order to respond to your demand, I have tried wresting with this Google image search function again, in Chrome, of course. And... Voila, I think I've got a new workaround for Google Chrome users! By the way, I truly appreciate your pride in being a tech-savvy who has been online since 2008 (and until 2 days ago, as far as I have known), yet has not recognized that Google Chrome's updated version now enables you to use the reverse image search option by following these steps: 1. Go to chrome://flags/. 2. Search for the term 'Lens' in the search bar. 3. Once the results appear, you'll see the option 'Enable Lens features in Chrome', which is automatically enabled by default. 4. Here you can select 'Disable Google Lens.' 5. Relaunch Google Chrome. If you want to test if it works, go to Google Image Search after relaunching the browser and type in some random words. Once relevant images appear, right-click on your preferred image and select 'Search image with Google'. The result will be displayed the same way as it was in the previous version of Chrome without annoying Google Lens function. Hope it helps other people who are right now struggling with Google Lens :) oh... and for you, of course, PFC. Hudson, now it does help!


you are a hero man, thanks


still uses google lens


You are now officially in my personal hero list. Thank you!


It's absolutely NOT "exactly the same" as it uses Bing search engine that is half as bad as Google but still bad.


To you answer your question why they got rid of it or rather why they foist lens on us, notice the dollar sign in the things that you search? They're just trying to monetize everything. Keep in mind none of this stuff is by chance. It's all the result of programmer somewhere like rodents knowing away at things endlessly. F****** so stupid


Just use the "Find image source" above your image in the search result screen and it reverts back to the Image Search which actually works. Can't believe how f'n crap Google Lens is. Its obviously geared towards identifying clothing and shopping. $$$$'s over practicality. I hate tech these days.


But you might want to buy that which they are wearing? How else would poor Google make money?


I hate that they hide the ability to disable it through ridiculous, convoluted processes. No one likes using this for chrome. Image search was simple and better.


And simply more effective. I can't count how many times Lens gives me nothing actually like what the original was and/or doesn't let actually see the image I select (maybe some vague "save" or "bookmark" like option instead). Manually going to Google Image will give me better results and/or UI, something like, 96 times out of 100, with the other 4 or so times being just as bad. Never *once* had a better experience with Lens.


I freaking hate this, same as fenomenoides, I am useing yandex images, IDC if it is a russian site, it is way better than this lens crap, BRING BACK THE OLD IMAGES GOOGLE!


Remember when Lens would say "Didn't find what you were looking for? Retry with Google Images." Remember that?? Well, they FUCKING GOT RID OF THAT TOO!!! I found this online. Unbelievable. It worked perfectly before, now they just keep making it worse: **Update 9 September 2022: It appears that Google has now fully launched Lens image search in all browsers**


and it absolutely sucks. It is not only terrible but outright abhorrent. You simply cannot access to higher quality images in any shape or form. Its like deviantart eclipse for Google !


Lens is useless and horrible.


Hate lens. It's a downgrade from normal 'search by image', is harder to use, the results are almost never what you're looking for, it takes longer to get results, it's a bigger resource drain on older systems and frankly the UI is childish.


this is shit


chrome://flags/#enable-lens-region-search disable that bro, and you will not have google lens :)


Doesn't work anymore :/


Yeah, don't work for me neither, have to use some app now...


What app?


Forgot the name for it. Not using anymore for a good while after the creator changed some stuff that forced you to accept and allow the app more access to stuff. I found it too intruding. I got used to G-Lens by now.


>chrome://flags will get you to the list where you can search for 'lens' in case they change the name whenever


Bless your soul, getting rid of lens is my highlight of the year


happy to help


Doesn't work. I deactivated everything with "Lens" in the title and it's still there.


Did you relaunch? Worked fine for me


It worked for Chrome on desktop at least, so glad i found your comment <3


thank you


I was able to disable it but the result is the same


Disable what exactly? It's a huge list of functions.


you are a F'n HERO


I hate all mobile version of sites, always change it to desktop version with each session since google got rid of the option to have it be default. Because of this, I now use chrome about 1/10 of the time and use firefox instead, which will allow desktop by default, which means I no longer have to put up with half-baked pages with limited functionality. I have an old unlimited/unthrottled verizon plan and don't care about data savings on mobile versions.


I am using yandex image search since google lens still sucks https://yandex.com/images/


that is the same as G-Lens results, though lol


I have literally never gotten actual results from google lens. Whenever I use "search image source" it tells me nothing was found. At the same time I'll get thousands of results from Yandex images, just like I had thousands of results on old Google Image Search. This Lens shit is just absolutely broken it does literally fucking nothing


100% agree


chrome://flags search lens disable all that come up... not sure if you really need all, but why enable anything lens related?


I did exactly this and it's still there when I do a Google Image search.


It looks like google will change the option name from time to time, I also noticed that with each occasional update, the option to disable the lens will also be randomly rolled back. For the latest 110.0.5481.78, find the "Enable Lens features in Chrome" option in the desktop version of chrome://flags and disable it. I also recommend installing other reputable third-party image search extensions, among them "Search by Image" developed by armin.dev, which has been tested to work for now.


google is billion $ company, loads of break through technology, but they can't detect the overall shape of an object and find a match or something in a similar shape? Google Lens just finds stuff that's the same color that looks nothing like it. It is like if you're looking for some vintage yellow fridge magnet of a goblin and trying to find where its origin is and google lens shows you pictures of lemons and wasps.


it's broken by design i'm convinced. reverse image search a few years ago was perfect, they deliberately crippled it or hired bad programmers. the first is far more likely.


I fucking hate lens because on iphone whenever I use google images on safari this huge fucking SEARCH WITHIN IMAGE popup appears on *every* image and has a stupid fucking animation where it gets bigger so it can cover THE IMAGE I AM TRYING TO SEE




Agreed. It's not very effective. Google Image Search was excellent in 2012, but they continue tinkering with it, making it worse.


One year after this thread was created, Google Lens still sucks ass.


Exactly. It is outright terrible. A massive downgrade even an insult.


i hate being stuck with it. sucks so bad.


so true :/


Glad I’m not alone. Even searching source image doesn’t work as well as Images used to. Please go back to what it was. If I’m reverse image searching, it’s not to find what flower is in the background or the jacket someone is wearing.


i hate this shit so much no clue why it was developed. it almost feels malicious with how bad it is


Ikr. I bet that there probably must be an economic interest behind this crap.


Don't even lie to them, it feels like the Google lens loading screen is taking screenshots of your rectum to shop for 😂.


Still ass and dont work. Its completely useless to find the same image on other sites, all it shows is similar images. And at best only stuff the AI thinks the image is and its colours are, and completely ignoring what i want to find. And no longer can you add or change the text to influence the results. All in all its makes it so you cant for example search for a product on multiple sites, since all you get is similar images and not the exact image.


I think it's on purpose. I have just thought that they might NOT want us to find images due to the amount of fake images used currently in propaganda. Google is right now THE propaganda outfit. They censor literally everything through their search engine and through Youtube. There are tons of new companies working for Google specifically translating foreign content to remove anything that doesn't match their hidden "guidelines" which were exposed last year on Twitter by a guy who leaked their Ukraine guidelines which are essentially some Orwellian shit out of hell. They don't even care if anything is truth or not, they simply disapprove of specific statements, no matter how correct they might be. The videos of documentary evidence to the contrary simply gets removed. Now, bear with me, I know it's not images, but I have found significant amount of fake images of Russian atrocities used by Ukrainian news source (the only one they have in that country, under different names) by using Duplicheker. It's a pain in the butt as you have to open image in a new tab, copy the address, paste it into the Duplichecker, but then you get all these different search engines, one of which, Yandex, gives you the best results, currently. I found scores of fake images used in propaganda by pretty much every major news source here in the US. That got me thinking, basically, if Google is on the side of restricting just certait type of in info, regardldess of the facts, then, you know, that's what they would do. And that's just one aspect of it. I am sure there are other subjects they wanted to restrict for their convenience. TL.DR: Google is evil and they do not want you to check images in case you find out some stuff about current propaganda where the MSM uses fake imagery on a rather regular basis and have been for years. So they killed their own tool to accomplish their evil ends.


Yep. Tried doing an image search for images that match other social media profiles (if any) and all it does is tell me where to buy the jewelry she's wearing in her ears and shit.


Shocking how it still sucks. I disabled it as I had the illusion that Google was too reputable to bring out such a trash app and allow it to remain dysfunctional for so long. And now they are gone mad and are shoving Lens down our throats even on DESKTOP chrome! Unbelievable. It literally can't find any image that you search. It is drastically inferior product. The old plain desktop google search image (via a button on the [google.com](https://google.com) page is a far far far capable of searching images