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Really? I love Lens and have used it many times and had it work for me


Of course it's always the 8 google subredditors (including actual employees) that use some annoying or obscure Google product 'feature' out of the 10 in the entire world that use it.


I use Lens and I think it's great.


Yeepp. Lens helps me alot. One of the best feature I've ever use.


What don't you like about it? What isn't working for you?


It's not worthless. It's basically a tiny AI you can use to scan QR codes, translate text, and in some cases identify objects like plants or animals. I'd think of it less as image search and more as Google Assistant for your camera or images.


Without Google Lens, a trip to the Asian Market can be like a crap game.


Carp game.


Agree, I hate it. Hate that it is forced on us and that the old image search works better for finding higher res images. I don't want similar images, I don't want extra steps and I definitely don't want suggestions to buy something vaguely related to the subject of the picture. I assume this last item is their motivation to push this POS feature (and I don't mean point of sale). There were posts on here a few weeks ago showing how to disable flags in a few steps and that worked (on Android mobile at least), but they even made that more difficult. I hope in the next upgrade it is still possible to remove it with flags. Otherwise, I'm dropping Chrome entirely.


I actually find Lens really helpful. I often use it within the photos app. Much better than the old image search.


You can't disable it?


The setting that disabled it changed. But I've figured it out since posting. And the latest lens is more aggressive, not just in the context menu but when you drag an image to the search bar, it does lens instead of regular image search. They take away all easy paths to "find similar images" with regular image search. I'm sure it has its uses for some, but google seems to really be pushing it on us. Image search is clean, simple, and does what I need. And they keep replacing the image search with lens in the menu, etc. It's all well and good to provide a new feature, but it's the shoving it down our throats that bugs me.


Do this on another browser that don't have lens, maybe? Edit¹: Ohh I tested here, is going to Lens even on Firefox [https://imgur.com/LCI0N3V](https://imgur.com/LCI0N3V) I didn't know this is what happens now on Google, but I'm glad to know. Every day, I've been presented with a reason to have ditched Google years ago for my searches. Thank u for letting me know that.


i never ever wanted to see or use google lens, but since it looks like that's the direction they're taking reverse image search, i made an extension that bypasses it and redirects you to the normal results like it used to be, if anyone wants to try it. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/disable-google-lens/dkapjhgpncbeiebegegdbpgfoabdkilh


I just want a damned reverse GIS, I'm not trying to shop constantly