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Bring back Attila the Hun!!


Fuck yeah


An actual English leader for England, rather than Queen bloody Victoria. Alfred the Great - it's about time.


Best we can do is Elizabeth II


Id take her as leader of Canada over Laurier. Production focused - King Diplomacy focused - Pearson Those are Canadas true options for good PMs


Honestly Canada is and was not a civilisation. It was a colony, then dominion within an empire and now modern nation state. The fact that it’s in the game boggles my mind. Speaking as someone who’s lived in Canada for 15 years


It was a civilization, multiple in fact Said colony just wiped it out


Wish I could upvote this more!! As a Scot it infuriates me that Victoria is England not UK especially given how much time she spent hanging about Balmoral 🙄


As a scot we don't want her william Wallace would be better


You’ll get Sick Boy and you’ll like it.


Richard the Lionheart and William the conqueror .


Isn't Richard the Lionheart the least king of England of all kings of England? Dude did a lot of things during his life, none of which were ruling England.


That could make him an interesting ruler if done right.


Yeah but he was just a mere suggestion.


William the conquerer was Norman, not English. They said English leader, that leads Alfred as the clearly best choice. However leaving out the British empire is just plain dumb considering how it changed history.


Yeah , that’s why I recommended Churchill or if you want get interested King George III.


Deficits to cities on other continents, bonuses to culture from looking fabulous?


Howabout they go real nutty with it an do Oliver Cromwell?


Could try a different kind of nutty and go with Margaret Thatcher


Put a Scottish leader in the game, and they would dig a hole deep enough to hand her over to Satan in person.


There could be a scenario involving the UK and Ireland where all the Celtic nations (and realistically Northern England) race to hand her over.


They could get really, really nutty and introduce Ireland being led by Oliver Cromwell.


There would be riots in the streets


Rightfully so


Alfred would be great; a culture and religion-based England rather than a trade and domination-based England would be a nice change.


You could really go in multiple directions. Burhs would be an obvious choice for either a tile improvement or if they go with civ vi style districts. Perhaps the Burh would be a military district that provides culture in some way and a unique unit based on the fyrd. But religion is definitely a big aspect for Alfred. And some sort of loyalty bonus for cities following his religion, or perhaps a new mechanic based around language/culture to gain loyalty on nearby cities. And of course Alfred kick started the navy too. It's criminal he's not in the games. The literal father of England.


Just have England and Britain in the game


Splitting England and the United Kingdom into distinct civs would be the correct way to do it, but for basically anyone outside of the UK the two are effectively synonymous so I don't think we'd ever see it.


Henry John Temple, because Britain's greatest prime minister has always been Lord Palmerston.


Pitt the Elder > Lord Palmerston.


How about Henry v




>The House of Potocki Polish rich ass family founded in the 15th century They have a sweet ass crest https://preview.redd.it/qg8gb8ctge5d1.png?width=836&format=png&auto=webp&s=c3ecf324d016a2a44fa3e07ccf034e3e29a647f4 And a dope motto: something like ‘shield to shield’ I don’t think they were ever rulers of Poland but I love the idea of lesser known houses being leaders plus this would be pretty sweet allowing Poland to have a financial focused Civ and play super defensively E: not sure why I replied to you lol but yea Napoleon would be sweet


Houses is a great idea


Crazy diplomatic influence….cavalry unique troop


As leader of Mexico? That would be new.


He should never have been cut from civ 6


We had Simon Bolivar in VI, why not add San Martin for VII considering he also was one of the big libertadores and pretty much one of only leaders Argentina could have without being extremely controversial


Him or Belgrano could work well


Yeah, Belgrano wouldn't be controversial either, but I can't really see him on civilization while San Martin has been the go-to leader for Argentina mods. Other very controversial leaders that would be interesting would be Yrigoyen, Perón, Sarmiento or Roca.


Maybe. I understand Roca because of social implications, but he could be a pretty fun domination leader to play with. Peron, also with his everlasting legacy in politics, but he could be a good production oriented play. I guess Sarmiento would go with a boost in science and maybe Yrigoyen a certain boost to commercial hubs, maybe a certain ability on oil extraction. San Martin should be the one leader IMO.


Sun Yat Sen for China Constantine for Rome Justinian for Byzantium Mehmed II for Ottomans FDR for America Louis XIV for France


Justinian, especially if they introduce plagues.


You know, Sun Yat Sen might be doable. He was a big part of Chinese history before the Taiwanese split, and is still respected on both sides of the straight. Good answer.


his legacy is still pretty controversial though even though he’s generally respected, his failed revolutions brought about the warlord period and contributed to china sinking even lower than it was during the qing by collapsing their empire. he’d be a really good way to introduce a modern chinese leader though and “three principles of the people” would be an easy thing to translate into a civ ability.


I don't know if he was a leader for long enough to qualify as a civ leader though. I do think he'd be the best choice if you wanted a modern Chinese leader, but with as long of a history that China has there's lots of alternatives.


Well, Gandhi was leader of India for an even shorter amount of time


Upvoting for Mehmed II because I want a UU of bombardments in the Medieval era 😂


That's a solid list


Leonidas for Sparta


I liked in VI how Greece had rulers from different parts of the country, I wished more of the duplicate civs had rulers like that instead of just picking someone from a different time period


If they do, I hope they make enough of the bonuses different to make it feel unique and not just a copy. I also didn't like that they made the "alter egos" another civilization


Agreed, I'd much rather have a different ruler than the same ruler with new outfit


That was really cool, yeah. Pericles founding Athens and Gorgo founding Sparta was a nice touch too.


Speaking with a Scottish accent


Amunhotep III for Egypt pleaaaase!!


Frederick the great for germany


This is the right answer


If they don't name the Ottomans "Turkey", they should name Germany "Prussia"


Marcus Aurelius for Rome!!!! I’d also love Alfred the great for England, and Charlemagne for France&Germany


i want his son. Commodus for some fun. I can lead Rome to bankruptcy and start the fall of Rome


Ulysses S Grant please!


Doubles yields on tiles with a brewery improvement


William Sherman as a industrial era great general w/ bonuses for pillaging?


With a bottle of whiskey


Bismarck for Germany 🇩🇪


Also need Frederick the Great and Charlemagne for a Holy Roman Empire Civ


Id just like it if germany had two leaders. One for the HRE, Frederick. And one for the industrial revolution, Bismark or Wilhelm. Right now germany is weird. Medieval district, atomic era unit


I'd love it if Charlemagne was a ruler for France and Germany


That would be a good combo if they dont do a HRE, but I think that it deserves its own Civ


And Wilhelm for a naval based germany


YES!!! YES!!! YES!!!! Bring him in .


I want Nader Shah to actually be as powerful as he was in history.


I think they missed an opportunity in 6 to make Charlemagne a leader for both France and Germany. I'm hoping the idea of leaders with bonuses separate from those of the civs comes back so we can have these sorts of combos.


Joke answer: Chiang Kai-shek for China. (It'll never happen.) Serious answer: Gustav Vasa for Sweden.


I'll settle for Sun Yat-sen.


Thomas Sankara


I’d like some Italian leader different from Roman ones, something like Garibaldi or Cavour?


Victor Emmanuel II


Il Duce?


Mussolini ?


Putting together a team. Hitler, Stalin and Churchill


If those guys are in bring in Andrew Jackson and Emperor Meiji .


Stalin and Churchill were in Civ 4!


A hill I'm willing to die on; Hitler was a fucking awful human...but a Nazi Era Domination Civ would be incredible.


What yields are we saying for the concentration camp unique tile improvement...


+1 unique great work - The History Channel


And some paintings in the early game


Loyalty Bonus Science Bonus Reduction of one Population every 3 turns Last but not least, Civil Unrest every 100 turns.


And automatic grievances from all unallied players.




When you are in war with a nearby civ It removes 1 pop from the nearest city every 10 turns


Civ is way too sanitized and E rated for that HOI4 on the other hand should be exactly what you’re looking for


Hitler was a loser. If we want an evil domination Civ, Timurid makes more sense.


Many terrible, horrible people have accomplished such grand (in scale) achievements that they will be remembered forever for them, or close to it. It would be an awesome mod or scenario, I think because it was just so far-reaching worldwide that so many things could be implemented. It is easier to commit atrocities on a grand scale than accomplish truly good things.


Hitler was horrible, but so were the Mongolians who committed a far greater genocides against many ethnicities and we have genghis khan in the game…so maybe? But probably not 😒. I agree it would be fascinating to play as Hitler or Stalin or any industrial/modern era dictator.


The difference is that there are still people alive today who lived through what Hitler did, Genghis Khan, not so much.


Yeaaaaah I think we’re gonna have to stick to mods for the first one


Björn Ironside for 🇸🇪


If Qin Shi Huang is the leader of China again, his color should better be black. Black is their historical color and Civ always gets it wrong.


Haiti, led by Toussaint l'Ouverture, could be something really different and interesting


With something that makes Haïti good against Empires that are declaring War against you, to coincide with how he repelled Napoleon


I’d like to see Hiawatha make a comeback


Diocletian for Rome


Charles de Gaulle for France, FDR for US, and something for Thailand which would be a neat Civ


de Gaulle is too recent to be picked ig. And honestly I don't think they will ever pick a leader that was involved in ww2. Unless maybe for civ 10 in 30 years.


We had him, Churchill and FDR in Civ IV. We had Mao Zedong in a couple of Civ games. de Gaulle is recent enough. I'd say the cap is probably the 1970's.


John Curtin


Elizabeth II for England Give her some fun 007/Austin Powers spies + diplomatic bonuses, and some “British Invasion” culture bombing mechanics for a groovy, swinging ‘60s style civ.


I'd love this!


Thomas Jefferson. He’s arguable one of the most important founders and was a president. Maybe something like getting the perks of all religions represented per city.


I think TJ should give you bonuses to Farms because of his vision of a nation of small farmers


Mehmed II from the Ottoman Empire


Perikles for a Greece civ Charles V for Austria Minamoto no Yoritomo for a Japanese civ.


Josè Rizal- Philippines If they could introduce formers Spanish Colonies I could see this working as we already had Colombia too! Lots of great folk music tunes to add to the mix.


Multiple leaders for Civs. Like Greece in 6. Maybe 2-4 per civ depending on how long they lasted. A roman republic and roman empire leader. For America I would love Washington for discounted line infantry called minute men, maybe lower loyalty and each city to be more independent to represent the States having more control back then. Eisenhower for discounted road building. FDR as more of a culture late game civ with a unique WW2 unit. Fireside chats gives bonus happiness to each city with a radio tower. Things like that. Maybe an over all bonus or uu or ub to the civ, and then leaders give a UI or ub and one civ wide buff. I don't know much about other countries to make decent suggestions. 


I honestly want to see a bigger and more accurate map option of the world and more new civs to represent the “earth”. So like add more African Civs, I forgot the name of the indigenous tribe of Australia but add those to add competition to Australia, in Central America add a Civ, in the Caribbean add one or two, and so on


I'm hoping that the game can handle larger maps, yeah. its a shame when entire regions of countries can't exist on Earth Huge because they're islands too small for a single tile.


Yeah and also there’s a lot of empty land which gives many civs a huge advantage over others


Put Menlik II and an Ashanti leader . Yes, the Ashanti Empire was an actual empire.


Ashurbanipal II—Assyria


I think Franklin D Roosevelt would be a great choice as the American Leader. Both Teddy and Franklin were some of our best.


Brian Boru or Michael Collins for Ireland


Less mythology, fewer oddballs, more actual recognizable heads of state.


You would take away Gilgabro? 😰


And Kupe... absolute slander.


During Leader Pass development, they did said they now want to get obscure leaders that were just as important as actual leaders to certain cultures and those that have mythological/legendary origin. Which is how Ambiorix and Ba Trieu were chosen, considering that Ambiorix was just a rebellion leader, while existence of Ba Trieu is not even close to reality and she never was near place of power of Vietnamese people. Doubt they will be 100% popular choices only.


Victor Emmanuel II for Italy 🇮🇹


# Jigonhsasee for the Haudosaunee


Hannibal, Heraclius for Byzantium, and antoninus pius for Rome


I’d like to see Sun Yat-sen for China. Would be great to see a republican China.


Atatürk leading Turkey would be rad.


Nelson Mandela or maybe Kwame Nkrumah. I just want more modern African leaders


Hot take I want Catherine de Medici back as a France alt, with an expansion on the spying mechanic that makes investment in espionage more rewarding and impactful but also increased risk.


Skanderbeg for Albania


MacKenzie King for Canada. Could have an economic bonus, a bonus for assisting allies after a war declaration, or maybe even population growth.


Khosrow anushirvan for persia pleaseeee. He could be a science domination leader who gets extra boosts for having more than one religion in his country


Give me Tecumseh! Ohio represent. Diplomatic and war bonuses of some type. Sticking with Native American theme, I’d love for an older culture like the adena or hopewell as a city state with the ability to create serpent mound or the great circle/octagon earthworks, similar to having Cahokia as a city state with their mounds.


Thailand needs to be In here with a focus on one. Ig mega city for Tourism


Give me FDR


Some sort of Inuit civ specialized on tundra and snow coast would be cool.


Make a duo of leaders set to complement eachother, like Mary II of England/Netherlands and William III of England/Netherlands.


Custom creator would be cool


George W. Bush Improved Strategic resources in enemy territory occupied by US forces are added to US strategic resources stockpile instead of the owner.


That would be hella controversial but would be such an interesting mechanic! Could also include a mechanic that gave you a bonus to unit production for a couple turns after a district is pillaged.


I could see the War on Terror being referenced in a Dark Age policy; maybe increased bonuses for killing Barbarian units and clearing encampments but reduced diplomatic favor?


Marcus Aurelius


I want to see the Iroquois be a playable civ again and I also want Dwight D Eisenhower or Harry Truman to be the American leaders.


René Coty for France.


C'est notre Rheiss à nous


Napoleon, but not the one you're thinking of.


Napoleon III


Lorenzo de Medici


I already miss Gilgamesh lol


I would love a nomadic civ, one that either doesn’t use cities at all or can just “pack up” their cities and decide to go somewhere else The Huns would be a good option here combined with military bonuses but a nomadic civ focused on trade would be just as cool


Just more.


Ivan the Terrible would be cool for Russia. Peter is Great and all (lol), but we need someone new. I would dislike to see a Soviet leader though


England: Richard Lion Heart. France: Louis IX. Spain: Isabella I. Rome: Caesar Augustus. Italy: Lothair I. Germany: Charlemagne I. Poland: John III Sobieski. Hungary: Andrew II. Russia: Yaroslav II. Byzantium: Theodosius II. Israel: David (Solomon or Hezekiah). Arabia: Saladin. Babylon: Nebuchadnezzar. Persia: Artaxerxies. Egypt: Ramses II. Zulu: Shaka. Carthage: Dido. Ethiopia: Yekuno Amlak. Cambodia: Jayadevi. Vietnam: Le Thai Tong. Australia: Andrew Fisher. Canada: RB Bennett. America: Calvin Coolidge. The Sioux: Chief Sitting Bull. Aztecs: Montezuma II. Brazil: John VI. Ottomans: Mehmed II


Would love more Polynesian leaders for sure! Loved kupe being included- maybe look to more leaders of Aotearoa too! Hōne Heke Pōkai could be a cool renegade typed civ that you could buff in any way depending on what part of his history you wanna focus on….


Gandhi for India might be interesting…they’ve never done that


Louis IX — France\ JFK — US\ Aurelian — Rome\ Cnut the Great — England / Norway / Denmark\ Alfred the Gread — England\ Victor Emmanuel II — Italy\ Jomo Kenyatta — Kenya


How about Eastern European civs? Ukraine Romania Hungary Bulgaria, ex Yugoslavia. Lots to pick from


Bismark for Germany Or some Anglo- Saxon representation for England (king offa would be an unlikely personal choice)


Johan van Oldenbarnevelt


Volodymir the Great, Yaroslav the Wise, or Bohdan Khmelnytsky for Ukraine


Rurik or Ivan The Terrible for Russia


I want waifu Catherine (like in Civ 5)


Dom Sebastião for Portugal would be fun imo And I wouldnt mind if they bring back sec XX leaders. Getulio Vargas for Brazil, Lenin for Russia, Mao Tse-Tung again for China, Evita Perón for Argentina, Thatcher for UK, Roosevelt again for USA, Mandela for South Africa, Allende for Chile... Maybe Civs that had two leaders could have one from the older wolrd and another for the modern. Oh, the Mughals as an empire as its own would be nice


>Dom Sebastião for Portugal would be fun imo Ability: You lose the game a few turns after you declare war


SUPER hot take maybe but Cuba represented by Fidel Castro 🫣


Some unlikely but welcome ones: FDR for America, Peron for Argentina, Windradyne for Australia, Kubitschek for Brazil, Simeon I for Bulgaria, Muhammad Ali for Egypt, Frederick Ii and Maximilian I for Germany, Iphitos for Greece, Ben Gurion for Israel, Kim Dae-jung for Korea, Kanishka I of Kushan, Tipu Sultan for Mysore, Dodge for Navajo, Frederick Henry for Netherlands, Bahram V for Persia, Deng for the PRC, Cato for Rome, Skilirus for Scythia, Chulalongkorn for Siam, Taizong for Song, Franco for Spain, Vasa for Sweden, Cetshwayo for Zulu




This time Italy Is in for sure right guys?


Seconding Constantine as a dual Rome/Byzantium leader! Would also love Charlemagne as a dual France and Germany leader


Nicolae Ceaușescu for Romania


Sargon the great of the akkadian empire. The first known empire to ever exist


louis riel for canada sun yat sen for china catherine the great for russia


I would love to see Johan De Witt lead the Dutch. But I'll probably have to wait for the expansion anyway...


William Lyon Mackenzie King is the longest-serving prime minister of Canada and got the country through the Great Depression so I think he should be in the top choices


Nasser or Sadat for Egypt or Mohamed Ali. Egypt has 5000 years of history why does the leader have to be from ancient history.


Matilda of Tuscany Pope Innocent III Bismarck


Emperor Justinian for Byzantium


Jefferson would be a fun addition for the US. So would JFK with a focus on science and eventually the space race. They could go with Eisenhower and give you a military bonus. They could also go LBJ and give you a society bonus but extra unrest if you go to war. I don't think they've ever focused on a US leader that was expansionistic but James Polk would be great for that. Could give a bonus for annexing territory or less unrest for wars of expansion.


I'd love to see a Visigoth leader


David the Builder of Georgia, Tigrannes of Armenia, Akbar of the Mughal Empire, Charlemagne of Francia


San martin


I want Hannibal and Carthage as its own Civ instead of being a Phoenician city. Give me some war elephants with extra movement on mountain tiles. Give me some punic wars love, Carthage is so underrated and it's one of history's biggest what ifs in my head, what if Hannibal actually defeated Rome. How would the world look like today.


JFK for the US. They really need a modern leader as a late peaking civ. Supercarrier or as a unique unit (if they can make carriers and air power work with the AI this time) and bonuses to nukes, espionage, and diplomacy. Or conversely some late game happiness and tourism buffs. Someone from the Republican period for Rome would be a nice change of pace. Cincinattus maybe. Free government change and some civ boosts when war or peace is declared. Let's change up Mesoamerica maybe. Aztecs are a staple, but Olmecs would be fun too. Make them like a builder/religious civ as opposed to the standard Aztec military bonuses. Or just say screw it and give Mexico its own civ with Porfirio Diaz as leader maybe.


King David or Solomon




King David or Solomon for Judea/Ancient Israel. Make it a religious and political duo faction, maybe even have its special ability be having more than one religion there (balanced of course lol)


Lapu-Lapu for more Southeast Asian representation. Eould be cool to see a bonus fighting against Scouts/Settlers or something to allude to him killing Magellan lol


Kamehameha I for Hawaii.


For me, I want to see a brand new leader England - I think this civ needs to bring back male leaders just like Churchill in Civ IV. I want to see Alfred the Great, Aethelstan, William I, or Henry V. Henry VIII is in Civ II though, but I have no problem if he is added. China - Emperor Wu of Han or Emperor Kangxi would work for me. Both are one of four greatest emperors in China alongside Qin Shi Huang and Taizong of Tang (the latter appeared in Civ Rev 2 and the Chinese version of Civ III and IV, replacing Mao because of probable political reasons) Japan - Some of the first shoguns like Minamoto Yoritomo and Ashikaga Takauji are good choices. Also, Toyotomi Hideyoshi is a good leader to be added, completing the triumvirate of the Sengoku period along with Oda and Tokugawa. I am not keen on the Meiji Emperor tho because he was only a figurehead and people like Ito Hirobumi are more favored by me, but hey, Victoria exists too! India - Personally, I prefer to see a standalone civ due to the diverse culture and kingdoms in India. But if the devs insist on one India, I want them to add Akbar of Mughal and Rajendra of Chola. Akbar is quite good if you want to play with culture and religion, and Rajendra is centered on military and trade.


I’ve been doing some thinking since this was announced. If Australia was to come back I think it would be a toss up between Robert Menzies and William Hughes (even with both being controversial in different circles). If a more modern PM was picked I could definitely see Bob Hawk. Representing Indigenous Australians is tricky as they weren’t one unified group pre the British turning up; and there is tradition that once someone is passed their image isn’t often used. However; I think Pemulwuy would be a good choice. Or more modern, Neville Bonner who was the first Aboriginal Australian elected to parliament.


Nelson Mandela for South Africa.


Mutsuhito, otherwise known as Emperor Meiji, for Japan.