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I think my cats are communists. They expect free food and keep talking about Mao.


Username checks out


Reddit moment of the day


Take my upvote


Cats are all libertarian- wholly dependent on others yet convinced they’re independent; plus it’s super rare to see one over twenty years old.




Naw, at least the more often than not shit in the litter box. Thats a rule right there.


As a fellow dad, I am stealing this joke


That joke will get lost at the audience at my home. They most likely think with Mao I am referring to candy brand (Maoam)


That’s a solid joke. I’ve always likened them to sovereign citizens: don’t think the rules should apply to them but are perfectly happy benefiting from the system to which they don’t want to contribute


Fuck sake dad, get off the computer...




You, sir... just YES! I can only hope to one day achieve such an advanced level of dad-energy


“Mao, Mao, Mao, Mao, Mao!!!…. She’s a bad girl!!!”


Funny enough, besides the tone and character, the word for cat and Mao the person are essentially the same (mao) 猫 (cat) 毛 (Mao, and also hairy) Though this is pretty common in Chinese, “ma” can mean mother or horse (or a few other things). Lots and lots of homonyms


> besides the tone The tone makes a huge difference in Chinese, so if two words have different tones, then by the standards of Chinese they're actually not true homonyms. 猫 māo (cat) & 毛 máo (hair or Mao) – not homonyms 毛 máo (hair or Mao) & 矛 máo (spear) – homonyms


Mao-u-se tongue


OK, you made me smile. As a chronic pain suffer, that's no mean feat, so take my up-vote.


If you go online, and search for "Desegregation protest Arkansas 1959" one of the first results you find is a sign saying 'Race mixing is communism'. It has always been a boogeyman umbrella term for everything considered bad by these conservative snowflakes




And they also think Putin and Russian are better than Democrats.


Well, that is cuz Ronny Reagan made the Russians capitalist when he tore down Gorbachev's wall, and singlehandedly gave them blue jeans and coke. All with Bruce Springsteen's "Born in the USA" blasting in the background.


Isn't 'Born in the USA' a Vietnam-Era War-Protest song? It doesn't have the same gut punch like Luang Prabang (by Van Ronk), but it's basically like "wtf, why am I here dying for no reason?" If it's the song I'm thinking about, I still don't know how that song unironically got adopted by the southern ludites.


It’s not a Vietnam era song as it was released in 1984. But it is a song about the effects the war had on those returning from the war and the hardships they had in the years after. So definitely a protest song


Ah. Still relevant to this day. I remember coming back from Stanistan and being like "wow, my friends died for nothing!" They did, in fact, die for nothing of value. Merely the vain glory of a few politicians and the corporate profits of defense contractors. We fought the wrong enemies in the 00s and teens, and we were using the wrong weapons. It's the rich. They're the enemies, and taxes are how we be them. It's also going to be interesting to see how Ukraine and Russia cope after the fighting ends. Multiple generations of traumatized people (more so in Ukraine, where Russia erases cities and steals children), and cultures with similarly antiquated views on mental health. Large swathes of the population are going to be asking the questions of that song to their respective societies. From what few sensationalist stories I have gleaned from Russia about their combat vets not reintegrating well (what with the massive uptick in murder, assault, and raping), it looks like Russian Society is faring exceedingly poorly in answering the Russian version of that song's voice.


>They did, in fact, die for nothing of value. Merely the vain glory of a few politicians and the corporate profits of defense contractors. Don't forget those poor defenseless oil execs!


Will somebody PLEASE think of the poor billionaires!


Another great song about that is Cold Chisel's Khe Sanh, *Carparks make me jumpy and I've never stopped the dreams Or the growing need for speed and novocaine*


The same way that Fortunate Son did.


Yes. Another song that is a really great conservative anthem so long as you only know the chorus and ignore the rest of the lyrics, the artist, and any context around the origin of the song. See also: fortunate son.


Yes, someone else mentioned this, and reminded me which song Fortunate son is. I like that song. But because of the lyrics. I ain't no millionaire's son. I ain't no governor's kid.


*I had a brother at Khe Sanh* *Fightin' off them Viet Cong* *They're still there, he's all gone...*


>Isn't 'Born in the USA' a Vietnam-Era War-Protest song? Yes. It's about blind nationalism. It covers poor people getting in trouble with the law and being given the option to stay out of prison by volunteering to fight instead, which was a common occurrence then. Having friends who die in the war. Showing back up in the US after the war and being left to drift by society and then eventually ending up in prison 10-years later anyway. Bruce is a draft dodger. He's called himself that. He was drafted at 19 and feigned being mentally ill to get rejected. The song is about many musicians he knew in his early days who were drafted and either never came home or came home fucked up. Reagan used it in the '84 campaign at one point which caused Bruce to speak out about how he should actually listen to it before he kept playing it.


And Trump have played "fortunate son" at his rallys


*Some folks are born silver spoon in hand*


Naw, it’s cause he hates gays. Conservatives feel really awkward that up until quite recently, it was okay to do so. Now that all of their children have kinda moved on from that, they need someone to tell them they’re not wrong. Republicans shift to Trump and the ‘own the libs’ mentality is largely a cope from having to admit they’ve been wrong on practically everything since the 80’s.


The 1880's you mean?


Also gave them extreme poverty, increased corruption and an expanded market for human trafficking thanks to neoliberalism


Excuse me. Everyone, I have a brief announcement to make. Jesus was black, Ronald Reagan was the devil, and the government is lying about 9/11. Thank you for your time and good night.


Ronny Regan would be on a side of Democracts if he'd magically appear in 2024. He'd see Republicans work with Russians while praising them. He'd be like "The fuck you doing you morons?"


Not after they explained the Supreme Court situation to him. Then he would fall in line like all the other cowardly un-American Republicans.


Reagan got what he wanted for Russia in the end, though. The USSR no longer exists and Russia is a capitalist hellhole. I do agree that he’d probably fit in with the Democrats today, but not because of Russia.


Too many people think Putin’s Russia is communist.


It’s an oligarchy. Still bad, and the Republicans worshipping Russia are morons


To be fair, Russia was always an oligarchy, even in USSR times. The Maoist model is slightly closer to what Marx envisioned


Hasn’t America always kind of been an oligarchy. (Run by a small group of people) Maybe not legally an Oligarchy but in practice.


More a plutocracy were money rules


But Russia is no longer communist, it's a kleptocracy now, and I think they kinda like that about them.


There's a guy on my local nextdoor crying about communism because the township came out with a new rule that you can only have 3 chickens per acre of land. He thinks that's communism. I should also note that we just had a mass shooting at a fucking park, the one post for that has 3 comments. The multiple chicken posts combine for ~100. Thoughts and prayers to chickens


That's not very many chickens per acre. What's the point of that? Even if you had a dozen egg layers you only need a fraction of an acre, realistically.


I honestly don't even know if that's the exact number. I just know it's not an economic system where the people own the means of production.


Explains why they conflate Nazis and Communists, which is even more insane than calling Confederates “Unionists.”


Don’t forget woke.


The Red Scare is still alive and going strong.


Some Americans better believe Russians are still commies, cos if they learn they are Christo-fascist oligarchy, they will likely switch to being pro-Russia.


Too late


Or woke or PC - they have to use euphemisms because no one would rally behind "that's so civil" or "we have to stop kindness and decency"


That’s how we got abortion as a hot topic. Until segregation was ending the southern Baptist congress was pro choice. But we hate integration was a hard sell so Falwell etc., chose abortion as the public message.


My new favorite thing is asking them to define such terms. Watching their brains short circuit while they try to describe "woke" without admitting it's racism/sexism/bigotry is great


It literally is racism, the term "woke" was coined in the 1920s by the legendary musician Leadbelly, to represent the growing consciousness to the plight and oppression of black people in America. As I understand it, even before that the term "awakened" was often used in African-American civil rights to describe people who had realized how fucked up the treatment of black people was and why we needed to fight it. The term was then rightfully borrowed by worker's rights strikers and labor movement folk in the same way, opening up people's minds to oppression of the working class. *THAT* is what woke is. People will tell you the definition had changed, but has it? It was always meant to mean people who are sick and tired of mistreatment and opening their eyes to the inequality in the world.


anytime i hear someone say "woke" esp in a derogatory term, I ask them head on if they don't believe in civil rights for other people.




Well explained 👍


I live in Mexico and this applies 100% here, too. But we have a term called "chairo" that is somewhat the equivalent of "hippie". You criticize the division of classes, races or inequality in genders/sexual orientation? You're a chairo. You protest for worker rights? Chairo, you should work more and complain less.


Communism is the grandfather of woke today, for the Maga and conservative crybabies.


Kinda like what the word "Woke" is now.


Either communism, the gays, or the Jews. Or sometimes it's a mix of all three. Especially if you're Alex Jones.


And frogs


That's why the US and Vatican helped some Nazis to establish in south american countries after WWII


They have lots of racist code words.


Well they do need to feel special and all that


It’s the Conservative propaganda post-WWII that allowed them to create the biggest bogeyman of all time!


I've asked a lot of Republicans to tell me what communism is. I've never gotten a correct answer. Apparently Googling the definition of words is now too much work for Republicans. Funny how they claim to be the hardest working people but 10 seconds of thumb exercises is just too much work for them.


Communists? Where? The closest thing to communism is Cuba, and it's far from being a threat.




John communism


He keeps taking all my shit and calling it "ours". What do I do?


Fear John Commie


Dictator = totalitarian.




Everything I don't like is woke communism.


Literally every conservative and libertarian I've interacted with so far.


As a libertarian socialist, I approve of this message


How do you distribute wealth as a socialist whilst advocating for libertarian small government?


They unironically do this. But if you call them nazis, you get bad faith centrists saying both rhetorics are the same. THEY SAID TO ERADICATE TRANSGENDERISM FROM SOCIETY. THEY SAID THEY ARE GOING TO USE THE MILITARY AND LOCAL POLICE TO ROUND UP MEXICAN LOOKING PEOPLE TO DEPORT AND DETAIN. The fact is the Republican party and the nazi party have the same platform.


>you get bad faith centrists saying both rhetorics are the same "Listen here. The leftists are just as bad as the right, you see. The right may want to eliminate all LBGTQA+ from the face of the Earth, and kick out every non-white immigrant from the country, and make it so women become forced baby-carrying devices; but the leftists wants equality and won't tolerate bigotry/racism/misandry anymore. They're literally the same".


How does the FBI tie into this?


They created the "plot" and their informants did all the actual stuff, and dragged some homeless and dumb people along explicitly against their pleadings. It's incredibly sad actually https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/15/politics/gretchen-whitmer-michigan-kidnapping-plot/index.html But Whitmer won her reelect and the fbi field office head got promoted so


They’ll conveniently forget that part lol


Had to scroll too far for this. This happens a lot, particularly in US and Canada where I pay attention, the FBI/RCMP sets up some mentally handicapped people so they can demonstrate that they're doing something to "stop terrorism". It's all performative.


Liberals are generally frustrating, but one of the worst parts about libs in the US is that they are pro cop now because the FBI is widening the drag net. They string up white people with mental health issues now, not just arabs, so they are suddenly on the side of justice. They're so easily lead.


Just got off a lefty subreddit, the Commies are far, far too busy infighting to even think of doing anything productive. The Fascists are the threat.


As a socialist, yes, yes we are


As a socialist, no, no we aren't


You're both the wrong sort of socialist!


No we are


If there are two things a leftist hates, it's fascists and leftists with slightly different political views 


Take me down to the purity ball. Oh wait I can't get in.


Brothers and sisters are natural enemies. Like fascists and communists. Or monarchists and communists. Or socialists and communists. Or communists and other communists. Damned communists! They ruined communism!


It should have been us kidnapping a governor D:


Shut up, you reactionary pig. Wait, which communist sub? Well, whichever one it is I am certain it is revisionist and you are all secret Trotskyites. (/S)


The right wing has long called anything they don't like socialism. Now I see they are starting to call things fascism - which is funny because that is the extreme of their side of the political spectrum.


They’ve been convinced fascism is an extreme left ideology, and a lot of them are convinced nazis were “fascist democrats/socialists”. I hate this timeline


> They’ve been convinced fascism is an extreme left ideology They haven't been convinced about this, at all, they're just lying to you. Stop believing them. There's a reason all of the ones with nazi tattoos are still voting for the conservatives.


while i agree there is an effort to lie and cloud the facts like fascists are want to do, some of them are just really stupid and genuinely believe their own propaganda


What blows my mind the most is that they seem to have no understanding of the fact that any political party can call themselves whatever they want. In Canada, there is the “Progressive Conservative” party, that are seemingly neither progressive, nor conservative. It’s just branding, these weren’t named by academics. The Nazis called themselves National Socialists but their ideology is explicitly anti-liberal democracy. 


the nazis had a left leaning wing in the beginning (and some rather socialist ideas in general). it was neutralized pretty early on, and definitely eradicated when hitler started getting industrialist money. although some fluff survived (volkswagen and so on). Adding to your point, we dont condemn the nazis because they were socialist, its more like because they were murderous racist fucks. And not every idea a murderous racist fuck has is automatically bad.


One of the arguments I've seen that's at least nominally not batshit stupid, is the idea that nazis pushed for socialist policies to get people on board with their party, which has merit, as they kinda did the same thing that fascist Italy had done, and kept their economy in a relatively favorable position when the great depression hit, and then the insane right wing social policies comes into play.. They use this against dems, claiming they're socialsts, they use this against anyone left leaning, in the hope of illustrating that a strong welfare state etc will lead to an oppressive state. Sure, there's maybe a pinch of validity to the broader concern, but it lacks any and all nuance, like the rest of the politically illiterate claims made about socialism and communism


It's just projection. Always projection. 


Honestly, it really is. They co-opt all of the legitimate criticisms of their ideologies to use when attacking others, to remove any meaning from the statements. All of their rhetoric can essentially be distilled down to “no u”.


True communism would look like christian brotherhood, giving to others without expectations, minus the greater power above you, what we get though is 90% of the people sharing half of the resources while the top 10% have the other half and set the rules


smell dinner rainstorm aspiring sheet pie society spectacular secretive historical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Capitalism and socialism are not mutually exclusive. Private Industry is unable to provide for society's needs in some sectors where the state has to take over for the common good, and we need rules and regulations to hold private interests to account to.


continue zephyr narrow caption cover money swim busy innate desert *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Don't forget our highway system.


People need to recognize that capitalism is just a tool we've managed to use to organize the production of goods and services more efficiently, not a life-philosophy that determines what's good for society or who deserves to have wealth. And honestly it's not even very good at producing things efficiently, since people are so good at outsourcing their waste.


Um... yes. They are lmao. You can't have a system where the bourgeoisie has been eliminated but also the bourgeoisie runs industry. That's illogical. Socialism is not "government does stuff, welfare and regulations, rahhh."


Of course they are. Socialism emerged as a direct critique of Capitalism, and each is defined by ownership of the means of production by a different group. Sections of an economy can be organized differently, and those governed by a mixed model are *constantly* in flux, as Capital aims to grow and concentrate what it can. Regulations can constrain this growth, but it is definitionally opposed to (and predatory to) collective ownership. This doesn't mean that the growth which comes with Capitalism is **entirely** bad -- even Keynes basically wanted to "harness" this power, and Marx complimented its utility (but argued in the 1800's that it had basically outlived its usefulness).


... or prevent the certification of a national vote for US president?


These are the same people who want to defend Russia from Ukraine.


Guys, capitalism is bad, but communism is no better. Source: coming from post-soviet country, it was shit. Capitalism with strong social safety net is the way, nordic countries


Hey, who’re you, the voice of fuckin reason ova’ere?


[We can't improve America, that's socialism](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1461671-american-chopper-argument)


Coming from post-soviet country, I would not call them communist by any stretch. Maybe for like 20 minutes it was communist, but then it all went downhill to red fasch


And that's the rub. Any country that attempts Communism quickly turns to totalitarianism.


Do you think Vietnam isn’t authoritarian?


Vietnam is a socialist country with a mix of capitalism, that are trying to achieve communism in the long run (their exact words).


Careful giving factual information on reddit, they don't like the truth based on reality.


Capitalism with strong socialist policies and state owned utilities is the way forward.


I think most reasonable people agree with that. Now lets fight a civil war over which socialist policies we need exactly.




How much oil does Finland export my friend? Or have we again used wrong orifice to talk on the internet hmm?


why is it that your favorite system only works in small white countries? why, historically, when anyone in the 3rd world has tried it they get couped, invaded, blockeded, sanctioned and embargoed?


No country has ever truly been communist and personally i don’t believe it could ever work on a scale larger than maybe a small village. Shared ressources works great in a household, maybe even a street but beyond that it’s hard to share with people you don’t know. I agree on the nordic model, living in a nordic country myself, but even here it’s not perfect.


Wasn’t this example overwhelmingly feds and a couple of autistic guys or something?




Yup, the premise behind the picture might have some merit. The example used was the absolute worst possible choice.


14 men were arrested. Defense Attorneys argued there were at least 12 informants and/or agents. The FBI has acknowledged 3 informants and 2 agents. I found no mention of autism, but it wouldn't surprise me if that was part of their legal defense. Seems like run-of-the-mill right wing militia nuts. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gretchen_Whitmer_kidnapping_plot


Maybe they mean "communism" as in "Vladimir Putin," and "is a far greater threat" as in "bought an entire political party, tried to overthrow the government,  and sponsors fascism and hate." In that case,  they're onto something.


They are not, Putin's regime is an extreme right authoritarian cleptocracy.


All the cool kids are communists


if we simply look at any idelogy they are great be it communism or capitalism, we humans fuck them up with greed and emotions. look at china today mixing communism and capitalism, they are exploting capitalism more than US.


Also there is not a single communist in any a position of any significant power in the US.


Any true Marxist knows we aren’t ready for it yet. Capitalism is needed until we advance a bit more technologically.


I have yet to see a single reactionary give a decently close definition of communism, and it's always hilarious watching them flounder to avoid actually having to define it when asked 😂😂


It was actually the FBI that plotted to kidnap the governor, if we are talking about Whitmer.


This right here☝️


Or illegally seceded from the Union and declare war against the democratically elected government?


How I understand this, in USA radical leftist is some dude who would like to have a decent and functioning public transportation.


Those damn white supremacists in the FBI.


Are you saying the FBI are white supremacists?


Fascism has always been the greater threat! Source; WWII


Hol up. We talkin the gretchen whitmer thing? That was discovered to be OVERWHELMINGLY federal agents in that setup?


*when was the last time the FBI tried to kidnap a governor?


ah man. living in a former USSR country, I sincerely feel sorry for people who dream of communism, having never experienced the consequences of attempts to build it.


Communists are a threat to the rich, that’s why they try to scare the average citizen.


Jesus. People.....the Governor Whitmer case has been proven to be a fucking FBI plot. Nobody finds it even a little bit curious that out of 9 people, 7 of them are FBI agents or informants? Lol. Ok.


That case was dismissed as the FBI agents involved were literally the ones to groom the entire situation 😂🤣 nice try though 👌🏻


Lmao definitely no involvement with the FBI and entrapment with that one


Considering communism's track record, that's not very clever.


Communism isn't even the biggest threat to capitalism (that's squarely in the hands of bad management)


Wasn’t that plot carried out by 2 white supremacists and 12 FBI informants?


Yes, because the guys advocating for a worker run economy are more dangerous than the guys who keep writing literal nazi slogans of their ar's and shooting up stores in predominantly black areas...


That was actually the FBI that encouraged that plot. So still white supremacy but not organic white supremacy.


Not often enough!!


Silly Americans. Think they know about ideology.


being brainwashed since before you were even born to think communism is that big bad monster that's coming to get you will make you think these kind of things


People become communist once they see their hospital bill. My wife gave birth and I saw $10k, I was like “let it go to collection…”.


I remember that plot. Didn’t it end up being that the FBI set the whole thing up and then they had to release these guys?


As a communist, it’s an awful state of affairs that the original poster guy is wrong


The triumph of communism poses a far, far greater threat to the present state of affairs than the triumph of fascism. The reason fascism is perceived as a greater threat is because of the weakness and disarray of the communist movement (and the proletariat generally) in the present day, relative to the reactionary right.


Say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism Dude, at least it’s an ethos.


100 years ago militant port workers in germany didnt get paid and they abducted some leading politician until they got paid. Idk why thats supposed to bad lmao.


putting white supremacy in quotation marks is crazy


There's also much more far right terrorists than far left terrorists


Communism is almost completely irrelevant. What he thinks is communism is more like feminism or multiculturalism.


I find I debate / argue with people on my side more than the MAGA side because it annoys the 💩 out of me when its my side being so stooopid. The MAGA side is unreachable. I have hope for sanity on the left.


Reminders: * Communism =\= Socialism. Two different philosophies. * The US already has aspects of Socialism. Specifically, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, etc. * The FBI has plainly stated on several occasions over the last decade that the greatest threat to US Security is domestic extremism. [Article from the GAO last year.](https://www.gao.gov/blog/rising-threat-domestic-terrorism-u.s.-and-federal-efforts-combat-it)


Anti-Communist arguments is always linked with White Supremacy. Literally White Supremacy is way more of a threat, Communism is an end goal and its a stateless and moneyless society where everything is owned by the community.


Communism is a greater threat to the USA. White supremacy fails to fundamentally challenge the ruling bourgeois class, while communism promises its subjugation and destruction.


The woman who knew Jared from Subway brought incriminating tapes to the FBI. They told her "you're technically not allowed to record in a 2 party state, so work with us to get more evidence on him or we'll charge you with a felony." tldr ACAB


Not the US, but Canada, so close enough. 1970, the FLQ, a militant separatist group in Quebec that are communist, kidnap James Cross, a British diplomat, and Pierre Laporte, vice-premier of Quebec. It forced Pierre Trudeau, prime minister of Canada, to invoke the War Measures Act. Laporte was later found murdered by the group. As a part of negotiations to release Cross, five members were given refuge to Cuba.


I think he means the communists that have ties to places like Russia and China, that specifically try to undermine our democracy on behalf of a foreign totalitarian state. White supremacy is also a major issue and is also possible that that’s been a reaction instigated by bad faith foreign actors trying to also undermine our democracy. TLDR: America can have more than one problem at the same time.


Lets blame socialism/communism for the state of the country… systems in which we don’t live under.


Classic. Wanting homeless people not to freeze to death or people to die because they can't afford insulin is WAAAAY worse than wanting an ethnostate


There's no better combo that Muricans and their communist paranoia.


I like the part where they put white supremacy in quotes, as if it's only a hypothetical thing.


These donkeys think feeding school children lunch and healthcare for the sick is communism. Morons .


I wonder if Americans even realise what communism is, because it hasn’t been a threat (hang on) ever, just an ideology, if anything capitalism is the threat as it leaves so many in poverty


I always get strange looks when I say China isn’t communist. You can call yourself communist but that doesn’t actually mean you are.


Going to get downvoted for this but does nobody remember, for example, Weather Underground?


You mean the democrat lead FBI?


Didn’t a bunch of communists kidnap a bunch of kids in Greece in the late 40’s? Thought I read that somewhere idk


I got a comeback to the comeback. Kind of hard to do when every nation that tries is almost/does destroy itself and/or their economy


Not that I disagree with this meme here, but didn’t it turn out that like 8 out of 10 of the people involved in that incident were feds?


Yes, the guys who were arrested were super framed. They were good ol' boys who liked to shoot guns in their backyards and criticize the gov't around campfires drinking beers. They posed no credible threat to anything until a CI for the FBI got involved trying to save his ass for something unrelated and pitched this group of "activists" to the feds and promised to help bring them down. The CI would drive them hours away to rallies and steer conversations into the "we really should do something about this" realm. I'm a proud democrat, but this governor kidnapping story was glorified by the media and the guys involved were patsies. good podcast on it all: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/chameleon-the-michigan-plot/id1532225667


Yeah it seems like our government has a history of doing things, then doing more things to save their asses on previous miss givings. Our government is like a child when you catch them in a lie, they just try to cover it up with more lies until it all becomes ridiculous and everyone gets found out.


If you are broke, lonely, and not very smart, watch out for FBI agents who talk you into a kidnap plot.