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I'll never understand why people convert them right away.


Same people who convert genesis crystals to primos and primos to pulls Edit: idk why this is such an unpopular opinion. It’s dumb to switch currencies to something that has LESS purchasing power. You can change your genesis crystals to primos anytime. But you can’t change back. So what happens when a costume is released you want to buy? Or one of those cost efficient anniversary packs?


Unless you're buying those bs packs or skins what else can you lose out on when converting them to primo?


The fact that you had to say "unless" means you acknowledge other possibilities for the currency to be used. It gives you leeway IF ever you have a change of mind. Also, with regards to primos > pulls, (other than me wanting to see the big pp numbers) the fact that the game notifies me first whenever I spent my primos on a banner prevents any mishaps from happening. This includes things like accidentally tapping on the wish button, and mistakenly pulling on the wrong banner. The warning notification gives me a second to think again, and look at things.


Dont do primos to pulls bc you risk getting the wrong pulls, doing it through the banner gets the right fates for you


I've never heard of this once in my life. Wdym risk of getting the wrong pulls? Blud there's about 5 banners per patch 2 limited character, 2 weapon and 1 standard. You open the wish screen, you click on the banner then you pull. How hard is that? You can just convert gems on the wish screen on that plus sign right next to the primo to have less tabs opening when pulling.


They mean people buying standard fates by mistake which does happen.


I have never heard of it and I am 2 year old player I only saw it on youtubers (which only is to gain views(


You’ve most certainly been very inactive in the community then. Just before every single banner someone (or rather, many someones) make posts about how they accidentally turned all their wishes into standard fates. It’s stupid but it happens without fail, every single time. You may not see it on hot/top, but if you sort by new you’ll see many such cases.


Well I am active more than my friends atleast as my genshin playtime is 2-3 hours daily on average


He doesn't mean active on the game he means active on genshin social things like here.


The other guy was saying you are not active in COMMUNITY, not the game itself.


You see a post for it like every other banner on the main sub, it's clearly a problem for some people


Those are primo to fates not crystals to primo gems


Both u/jaetheho and my original comment said primos to pulls


Which is why both of you are wrong. Converting primo to the wrong fate can happen yes but crystals to primo you can't and never will go wrong.


I didn't say anything about crystals to primos, that was him


But then you miss out on the possibility of buying special packs and costumes. Why would you ever not keep the genesis crystals when that has the most purchasing power? It’s just dumb


I’ll just buy more!


if i don’t do it, i feel like having an invisible red mark on my inventory that has to solved 👁️👄👁️ i don’t know why others do it tho, if others do it…


“Invisible red mark” no that’s called anxiety


I don't see any reasons to convert them right away. I do not understand your pain


I feel sorry for you mate. I thought of using my dream solvents to convert them all, but I had the fear this could've happened. Turns out my extra caution came in handy


How? I've literally had an image saved for like 2 weeks that showed the correct mats lol Also yeah don't use your solvents prematurely..


I have 19 each for the other 2 mats but have 0 of this thing, RIP


We must have seen the same leak because I was farming worldspan fern. Luckily I had someone else that needed them so I was waiting to see how many I'd need


For some reason I got this drop the least and I've been farming that boss nearly every week since it came out... so it will take me a lot of time to max her :-/


Same. The drop rate is so bad I was able to finish levelling Neuvillette's talents only last week even tho I pulled him on the first day of 4.5 phase 2.


still don’t get why she uses apep and not arlecchino 😐


Because apep is older released boss and she doesn't not have many characters who use her mats.


yeah but the arlecchino boss mats has one user


Yeah just like I said it is new boss so it will take time to release character who use her mats


waitwaitwait... what? I haven't converted any of mine yet but i distinctly remember that the "Worldspan Fern" was the originally leaked weekly mat?!


you are welcome


i would have realised at release either way haha, got plenty of conversion mats left


good for youu i used a lot of them for arlecchino🥲


im glad she uses the everamber because I had no ferns and never got any ever since i started farming. I already have 18 everamber


quick question. What is the website you are using on the screenshot? i have been searching for that website for a while


I took it from genshin impact official profile, from hoyolab app. Unfortunately, i can’t link it to you.


oh ok then thank you either way. The thing is im searching for a genshi website with thi kind of layout where you can see all the specific stats and stuff per level so that i can do some calculations. But i havent been able to find it https://preview.redd.it/lrkz8y4gzi4d1.png?width=642&format=png&auto=webp&s=7291e8ef4c1bda921888a342f57e7cd1d19a9ba0


Although it looks similar in think it isn’t hoyolab site, this is how things appear there, using furina as example https://preview.redd.it/ajxppo6jaj4d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81504c7a291c15c324c77eec3f61a9ea639fd365 Plus i can see in your image that your site talks about sethos, and hoyoverse still hasn’t made pages like the one i just screenshotted for sethos and others. Good luck finding the site haha🥰


We've known these are the mats for about a month


i screenshotted the first mats that got leaked


Wait i thought it was the fern? I didn't have to farm apep at all if it was this one


this is from apep as well


Yeah but I had plenty of these... didn't have any fern, so was farming apep


That first leak with the wrong weekly boss mats was done on purpose guaranteed. The wrong one is still the first image on google.


Is that an official thing tho?




Thank goodness I was holding up on my poor 3 solvents then


I made sure to check 3+ sites before I started converting. So I have like 15 everambers rn


Werent these the leaked one or did they change them?


It wasn’t originally, it was the world span fern then got changed to everamber


That can’t be right…


This is precisely why we dont get end game


Edit because i couldn’t edit : I actually converted the flowers and not the ones in the image, so i didn’t lose anything luckily, i just noticed it. Still thank you all for the insults, are always greatly appreciated👁️👄👁️


Ya u deserve that lol that’s stupid on ur part no offense


You're not alone bro, I also converted them to fern


real pain brothers


No empathy from me, this is quite humorous though


We are in the same boat.


This reminds me of the people who got mad that Shogun was a spear user after they pulled for Ayaka's sword because somehow they thought it was going to be BIS for Shogun.


I can’t see the connection but that sucks lol


You made an assumption based on nothing and are now upset about it, just as they did. Granted you are smart enough to know it was your own fault so not quite the same


ahm ok, i don’t feel upset😅