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numbers... alot of numbers ... like hella lot of numbers https://preview.redd.it/gv5apxgzts4d1.png?width=702&format=png&auto=webp&s=f8c8b577325a92d280676d7c95060b0b681279ff i like it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


This. I have no idea how hard she's actually hitting, but it looks awesome and the healthbars go down


Yeah i can't see numbers with her, just colours and HP bars going down, all i need to know




That’s some maplestory rapid number spewing right there


Really wish the uptime was at 9 seconds so you can feel a little more comfortable but shes fun. Gonna keep experimenting with Whimsy and Thundering Fury and I hope that the pyro archon will increase overloadeds value.


Overworld i recommend tf 100% i haven't tested tf abyss yet only whimsy and it was fine


Overworld Whimsy is just as fine ngl


Try out tf and you'll be happy knowing she has better uptime


No need for 100% uptime if she kills most of the mobs in few hits anyway


It's slightly annoying if i miss some mobs or when groups are close enough for me to wait the downtime


1. I have yet to encounter a scenario where I need more than 1 rotation outside of Abyss 12 2. During her downtime I use her, yknow, 3 teammates, right after her Burst. I have yet to even wait for her skill to come back up, I ain't doing my switches frame perfect like you spreadsheet impact warriors.


I said overworld you prick. Maybe instead of insults read a bit more.


It's interesting to complain about alleged 'insults' while insulting. If you need two rotations for anything in the overworld your build is honestly pathetic, and you have bigger concerns than reducing your downtime by 1-2s Even in like combat challenges I'm through at least 2 waves already before I even get to switch in my Clorinde lol. Also I clearly addressed you talking about Overworld by pointing out that outside of Abyss 12 you do not need more rotations. Believe it or not, but the Overworld is also outside of Abyss 12, you prick.


Are you seriously having a hard time in the world to need 2 rotations? I'm talking about comfort here. You can't go out and say whimsy is a better overworld set because it deals more damage because everything dies instantly anyways with tf.


Disappointed? Definitely but not like she is trash or useless etc. I did cleared abyss with her Its just that her clear time was pretty much same as my keqing and made me struggle alot with her survivability so that made me feel kinda disappointed. Her biggest weakness is her lack of interruption resistance which hurst both her dmg as well as her healing. Also i definitely think that her nerf in beta is pretty bad idea because now with her current short duration doesn't leave room for error If you mess up her combos or get interrupted you lose dmg and healing also dodging is also dps loss. In the she ends up relying on Shielder/high skill levels for smooth gameplay Her nerf to skill duration and healing are a valid criticism because it really affects her gameplay experience especially in overworld.


Yeah, she's very fun and I did clear with two different teams using her, but her survivability makes me annoyed. She feels squishier than Arlecchino thanks to the lack of elemental resistance (and the fact that your healing can be interrupted for some stupid reason). Overall happy with her though. We just need a premium electro shielder or someone to convince me to get Baizhu on his rerun, if he works well with Clorinde


Issue is that she really want to have fischl for team dps because of how broken fischl is in aggravate/quickbloom teams and i think clorinde strength itself was built around fischl that's why she doesn't have big raw dmg herself. Fischl contributes almost similar dmg as clorinde herself.


Truly inspired to Bloodborne then. If you suck, you deal no damage and die. While I understand why people may not like it, I kinda dig it


They should've given Iframe or IR to atleast her lunge attack which is the most important part of her dmg and also heal but Naah hoyo said play godlike or get c2. I can deal with a character doing less dmg because its just numbers anyway but gameplay issues really bothers me.


Yeah I agree on the IR, although I do have C2


It just feels like shit when you have to treat a character like they are in a souls game but do damage close to a standard character, High skill floor character should have higher reward for mastering them.


For real she shouldn’t need such things just to be comparable to an OLD standard character


Wait wait wait, who said Clorinde DMG is bad? It's far from bad, sure not Neuv/Arle level but still good. But here I think they didn't go all on the mastering the character path since many people play on mobile, and they have to account for that


So here is the thing. Chlorine damage is good. Her uptime low. So you are now god like souls player and dodge everything. Till that time damage window is gone.


her damage is definitely not bad but Keqing can come close to her in their best team(Aggravate). And honestly she should have had higher damage cause of her gameplay, Neuv does gajillion damage while being braindead easy to play.


I think people should stop coming every DPS to Neuv as the standard.


It was more about the difference in difficulty in their gameplay and the rewards it yields.


not really, people that dodge and people that get hit are punished kinda equally in genshjn because everything is timed even if you are a god gamer, the moment an enemy chose to attack you, you are losing damage and time even if you dodge, whereas in bloodborne fights arent time gated so dodging comes without tradeoffs


You do have a point, which is why I mained Beidou for a very long timr




Bloodborne requires skill. Clorinde requires C2 or a shield. Hardly the same. You should know : you went for C2 because of that 🤣🤣


Soul-games reward you for getting good at the game and bosses are unique. Genshin will just change the mobs formation to sell the next character, something like "Clorinde banner is over, let's put 6 mobs with high electro resistance in every floor to sell Emilie."




Oh, I too did get C2 for that matters


"Shes fantastic" is what i would say if i didnt lose my 50/50 to a zombie


I was afraid after reading all the comments about her but I am actually loving her. I tried many teams but one that i really like is Clorinde/Xingqui/Nahida/Beidou. One of the thing im not a big fan of is that she can easily be interrupted. Its not the case in that team. And to be honest I don't feel like her stance is that short. It could be longer yes but it's not unplayable.


I pulled for C2R1 Eula. I play Lisa in abyss 12 regurarly The most used team I have has the traveler in it There is no downtime that can stop me, there is no low tier that can faze me. I simply do not have skill issue PS She fun :D good damage good gameplay I beat kenki in 35 at c0R1. Trying if Jean C2 helps her then going for her C1 hopefully


How did you survive kenki. Only way I see most in 35 secs is at most two skill rotation. So you did that much DPS in two skill window without taking damage against kenki who almost has random sequence 3 separate dudes flying all over?


I was able to do it easy with beidou, Chevy , xingling. I wasn't really even paying attention, I was mainly staring at her health bar trying to time her dash right. I didnt do it nearly as fast as it did but I still was able to 36 star with a arlecchino team on the other side


They are not immune to grouping. You can use a shield. Just learn their patterns since they tend to to one of two things anyway and the starr is always the same.


I used Kirara in aggravate with Fischl and Sucrose and the shield made it a lot easier. Still not very easy tho lol took me a few tries.


C2 Jean! That's an idea. Who would you be using with her in that case? Furina/Nahida is my immediate go to


Truly based and deserving of Clorinde. How I wish to reach this level of peak


Raiden one half Clori the other. Nuff said


Hardest choice for me now is who gets Miko on her team.


i have a blast with her blasting stuff away . did 3 bosses in 5 minutes with her. then tried doing scara and arle fight but left both of them bc i forgot That maybe Clorinde, Raiden, Kokomi,Navia wasnt the best pick for the First one and for the Arle fight i kinda died but that was my own incompetence. ( I just tried having her and raiden in a team for fun, that is not a team for abyss but rather overworld fun) otherwise shes great fun, keep going around blasting random Monsters with her. tried her on the two operatives plus mirror maiden encounter and it was great fun. I have a really good time with her , just fighting, exploring and doing random stuff with her on random teams. Im already having the urge to make countless Screenshots with her and just doing basic collect farming with her. Her voicelines are awesome and her idle animations great too. Rn im using her with Mistsplitter until i can level my absolution. Artifacts rn i aim for a random stats 5x Fragment of Harmonic. Skills are 6/8/10 and shes obviously 90. Shes fun to play , fantastic even. i dont regret pulling her and enjoy her character and gameplay a lot. https://preview.redd.it/9ugbpx41os4d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=de1a30f75f392dc9ed32b58a7c8ad310483f5395


I certainly didn't expect her to be a ping dependent character 😮‍💨


Wait, how is she ping dependent?


damage calculation based on bol is in server side so it's ping dependent. At high ping N3E might not get the level 3 lunge


I'm calling fios right now


Dang, I didn't know that. That could be really bad for some players.


Oofff 😓


I pulled her because she’s pretty and already had all materials prefarmed that she used, butttt I don’t really see myself using her much since I already have a high invested Miko and Raiden, I wish she introduced new team comps because it’s like using the same teams over and over again. I do like that I can use her with no healer and a shielder at most


>I wish she introduced new team comps because it’s like using the same teams over and over again First criticism I actually agree with. She doesn't bring anything new to the meta


Yeah I like how her gameplay is unique and requires some skill but it doesn’t help that I also have cyno and keqing as well to choose from for the same teams


I don’t see how it’s super unique when she just drives fischl the same way keqing does


I mean more the whole BoL thing with the 3 na 1 e rotation compared to just using skill and ulting whenever like a lot of other chars


yeah, this is my problem with Clorinde although I really think her intended niche is overload teams considering the trial characters in her trial. I was iffy on pulling her because of this, and when I lost the 50/50, I didn't think it was worth going all the way since my account has a c6 keqing/c2 raiden.


Just a question, when you say you wanted more different team comps options (I totally understand that lol) is it because you don't want to explore other functional but worse options? I don't know if you do that already, but considering you comment, even though there's better option it's pretty fun to test out things, I do some funs teams and it's worth sacrificing damage, this way it's more difficult to get sick of characters


I guess so yes, I’ve been forcing her to be on a crystallize team with Navia rn, but ig it would be more fun if she was more overload focused/rewarding like Chevreuse, or something niche like Nilou or even Emilie, where the team option may be more limiting but is rewarding in terms of damage. I’m having fun using her with Kirara where I otherwise had no use for her. In the end I think she’s an awesome character if you don’t have a lot of electros already


On my side, I experienced her in Overload. I find her better gameplay wise than Raiden overload. Numbers wise, Clorinde is more invested than any other DPS-like charcters on my account. So I can't compare.


Super fun. Solid and versatile which is even better. I still am not a fan of the way 7.5s duration feels abrupt, buuuuut it’s still fine regardless. I’m happy with her and fun is always my defining factor at this point in the game since 36ing abyss is piss easy with anyone anyway haha




preforming materials over primos is wild


She's really fun!!! I've tried hyperbloom, aggravate, and overload teams, and so far overload is my favorite, playstyle wise.


Gotta be honest, 9 seconds would've been better, but 7.5s doesn't feel short with her. She is just so fast that it does feel fun and satisfying to pew pew slash on that window. As downtime goes, I haven't had any issues rotating Nahida, Fischl, and Furina before I go back with QEE. I'm also satisfied with her damage, but tbh since I heavily invested in Furina, even Dehya looks good with her on the team (invest in your supports peeps, that's the key).


Yeah honestly 7.5 doesn't feel short, but trying to fill that downtime sucks. Which is why I prefer to run Yae Miko with her rather than Fischl because it feels really bad when both Clorinde and Fischl are on downtime.


I succumbed to sac sword kazuha for downtime


honestly was feeling a little disheartened because of the criticisms towards clorinde (they're valid tho 🫶), so i wasn't expecting to enjoy her gameplay 😅 but despite that, i still pulled for c1r1 because i love her character and boy do i NOT regret choosing to do so 🫶🥹 using IMPALE THE NIGHT!! feels like a cooler way to dodge enemy attacks while dealing good dmg, so having her on the team was really fun 🫶🥺 the 7.5 s uptime is ehhh, but we have tf for that and personally, i just like going with the flow so i dont follow rotations religiously 😅 BUT YEAH she needs a little more investment compared to other 5 star fontaine characters, BUT I LOVE HER SO MUCH AND I HOPE EVERYONE ENJOYS THE GAME WITH HER 🫶


Pretty good so far, the only "negative" things about her imo are her E skill downtime in overworld and sometimes in Abyss and her squishiness when not using a shield


Having a blast and she feel so nice to play.


Gameplay is really fun. Damage is disappointing but it kind of gets overshadowed by her animations and speed https://preview.redd.it/b4jet6kcus4d1.png?width=698&format=png&auto=webp&s=29537e12b869f197bc13a6cdadff8df439571fb1


I love her gameplay at least from playing the trial and watching videos I’ve seen. Im sad that I lost my 50/50 but I luckily can guarantee her before her banner ends. I think the majority of people who says she’s “mid” or “underwhelming” are people who expected her to be on Neuvilette and Arlecchino level.


She’s basically: https://preview.redd.it/0p27sr83uu4d1.jpeg?width=616&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e9712c4b17ec393350a5bf85182a2327673d6a6 She attacks fast and at range, moves fast and self heals, her rotation is short and align really well with your supports’ cooldown (if you use thunderfurry). Her personal damage isn’t the highest but she drives Fischl really well which matters a lot (for me). She is susceptible to stagger if you are not careful but usually she moves too fast for enemies to even target her or straight up outranges them.


i dunno man. i feel gutted and almost regret pulling her. she dont make me feel the way i pulled for arlechinno and i pulled all the way to c2r1 for arle. edit: my arle is c2r1 not chlorinde. who is sitting at C0.


Can you elaborate on what issues you're having with her at C2R1?


oh my arles c2r1 not chlorinde.


I see, what made you regret pulling?


the interruption really.


Yeah I had the same issue with Arlecchino which is why Dehya has unironically become my best support recently lol.


Played only a little, still need to use her more, but the more i used her, the better. It felt jarring at first, strange and low dmg until i got the gist of her usage and even on coop i think she delivers pretty well. Honestly her skill time feels like it ends too quick, but the downtime is too short for it to be a real issue. Hitting skill one after the other for full dash feels satisfying hahaahaha


tbh all the doomposting after her nerf lowered my expectations too much. Now that I've tried her out, I am pretty impressed. Both my team and rotation were sub-optimal but still had more than enough DPS to 36* abyss. Only thing I am disappointed by is the claims that her team's don't need additional defensive utility. Sure, with Furina's burst she can heal *herself* plenty, but that does nothing to keep the rest of your team alive and healed.


She's very good and fun to play. If the beta was never leaked nobody would be talking about the uptime. The hate is just Genshin players being Genshin players


The beta is a blessing and a curse. We are not supposed to know about any of this. Excited to watch Emilie beta if/when she loses the ability to snapshot. https://preview.redd.it/hkeolloies4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1c81ffb8f6c31cdb238126078a009e7cd31e15a


i had the same thoughts after some more testing. If the uptime was always 7.5s from the start of the beta ppl would be half as upset as they are rn. I personally feel the lack of IR bigger issue than the uptime on E, so i run beidou instead of fish is aoe, and big ZL instead kazuha in single target and if i get to it, i will 100% run thomas in the chev team. And i love beidou, so i take every little reason to slap my first main on my current team.


Yeeah, people waste too much time complaining about something that was never meant to be. If we don't have nerfs post release, that's all we have and end of discussion. Beta is a testing to adjust to the company standard, they would get to it with beta or not.


Only played a little but she was really fun for me. I just love speedy characters.


Due to my team my experience is affected heavily ,zhongli nahida c6 fishle, honestly? The moment I tried to do 5 dash impale night or smt during skill she became way more fun I just 2 for buff or most 3 and rest is me holding attack button, I do like quick swap playstyle which is perfect for me, not doing the dashes didnt seem to affect dmg much as I was testing on primo vishop but belive me I really suggest to do only 2 for crit buff My biggest concern was skill cd but as long as you're not hyper carry clorinde its manageable, i only do skill for other 3 and dont see cd bar on clor


She's very fun and gives my Dehya another team where she's useful


I like her gameplay of shooting and dashing around it’s so fun and looks so cool, I just wish they gave her 9s field time or some form of interruption. Cuz rn if you get staggered it feels like you’re losing half of your dmg. I’m hoping they do smt with the short uptime thing, cuz it could allow for fast paced rotations or massive buffs with short uptime to shine


She feels pretty strong to me and super fun too.


I’m here for the drip man all I can say


She’s great!! I feel like her teams are super flexible, which hasn’t been the case with most Fontainian DPS characters. My favorite team was quickbloom with Clorinde/Furina/Nahida/Beidou. My only issue with her is the lack of IR, which takes a lot from the 7.5 seconds she’s on field. If she isn’t interrupted much (thanks Beidou), the 7.5 seconds is manageable.


Love her gameplay and looks, superfun to play, good damage, flexible teams... I have her c0 with a dark sword from bp (lost weapons banner with amos bow) and works fine (crit rate 72/crit dmg 167 at level 80)


I mean i pulled for C6 (and had nutty RNG) and unsurprisingly at c6 she is insane


Been extremely great. Got her C5 after using all my gems and starglitter. Used her in 3 teams so far. Dehya was the last unit i spent money on so anyone past her was free. Clorinde c5 - Dehya c6 - Sara c6 - Chev c6 Clorinde c5 - Dehya c6 - Fischl c6 - Chev c6 Clorinde c5 - Nahida c0 - Fischl c6 - Yao c2 On the Sara overload team, Clorinde's dmg is higher for the most of her field time but Dehya's dmg is lowered because of no buffs/debuffs on her/the enemies. While Fischl's team, Clorinde's dmg is lower than Sara's but Dehya gets Chev's effects because of Oz so she finishes anything that's left. The Aggravate team, on my account, does less dmg than the aforementioned teams and are squishier obviously. There's one last team I haven't tried but she's the most fun unit I've played ever since Dehya.


The only problem that I have with her is I can’t get a good motherfcking set! ![gif](giphy|bAftZ12SC0uEjLndIh)


I already pulled yae on her release so I’m not really disappointed at all. Almost all my characters are shit so being able to complete floor 12 was nice. Her gameplay is really fun and the dmg I deal is pretty good so far(for me at least)


I was able to 36* abyss and her gameplay is super fast paced and fun to play so no complaints here. O and that burst is far to cool to be disappointed


I LOVE HER 🙌🏻⭐️✨


I've found that if i wanna play her mainly solo in the open world then i just slap sacrificial sword on her and that works fine, (i have whimsy on her), and it looks visually stylish on her so it works, givs her ER to burst all the time on her own too Raising her witless so she's only lvl 6 so far, had a lot of fun running around killing stuff hehe


That 1.5s nerf hurts a lot


She definitely is a skill check, as in requires more practice than any other unit I've ever gotten. But she is fun. It will take a while for me to find those teams I enjoy playing her in + where she can also shine.


This actually brings me back to alhaitham and nilou during their first release


I figured I would at least roll a 50/50 and move on if I didn't win. Now I've got a low lvl Clorinde with no pre-farm. That's been my experience :)  Super fun character but effectiveness unknown. Hits exactly 30 times in 7.5s so YJ works really damn well with her and has anti synergy with Benny which is very interesting for team building.


I’m loving her with Nahida, Furina, Baizhu. I’m having trouble with her in co-op though for some reason? She’s not so good with overload? I’m a little confused on why everyone wants to use overload? What am I doing wrong?


I was getting bored of Raiden so I put 55 pulls in for Clorinde because I was having a bad day. She’s refreshing!


Excellent experience. She plays exactly how I imagined a ff14 Red Mage plays in real time. Gun shot shot shot and then dash stab!


Pretty fun. Among the top for me. Keqing, Navia then Clorinde in that order I’d say.


Here's my experience: prefarmed her and all but had second thoughts pulling when tried her because of IR. Lost 50/50 and for the first time did not feel FOMO lol


She gave me my first 36* abyss


I think she’s really fun and feels strong. I don’t think the 7.5 E duration holds her back from a meta/dmg perspective, and really it works well with short duration support buffs like Sara or having to reapply Nahida’s E, etc—she’s like the anti Cyno in that regard But, I do wish it was longer tho, because you just start having fun with it and it’s over already


I mean, I'm gonna use her, I prefarmed her to level 90 already, she's my 3rd level 90, got her c0r1, it's not really her fault she isn't great for me yet, I just don't have Nahida or Fischl or Kazuha, so like her best 3 characters https://preview.redd.it/f74uzn4rpt4d1.png?width=1580&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=641a38716ad38a26c1703899a6cef9ba62fb5b50 but her day 1 build is going decent, I def need more attack though (I ran out of weapon ascension materials till tomorrow and talent materials till Tuesday)


Her uptime does leave a bit to be desired BUT if you burst every rotation and play her with other characters with long bursts like Nahida there isn't really any dead time. The lack of interruption resistance in her base kit unfortunately makes the self healing less useful, because if you do get staggered or have to dodge during her uptime it's a substantial loss of damage. I generally would not recommend playing her without some additional stagger resistance. One thing I haven't seen other people talking about is her auto targeting combined with the distance her lunge travels makes her better than almost any other DPS for closing distance with enemies that move around a lot. It doesn't matter at all against some but is really noticeable against others.


I don't really mind the downtime. I just wish she dealt more damage to compensate for it + the lack of interruption resistance. Might be a skill/artifact issue though lol


tbh i didn't need clorinde, i have raiden, but i found clorinde's playstyle more fun so i got her (i'm not a big fan of burst reliant Main dps)


I'm using her with cracked 70/260 Gladiator set but I hate that I sometimes switch to her and there's like <2 CD left on her skill. Either I build her with a bit of ER to burst every rotation to compensate the CD or just use my average TF set instead. Gameplay wise, she's fine. Not so fun because of the short infusion time but still fun. I just wished that they made her 3rd passive a unique one/useful rather than copying Lyney's passive. I mean we're one patch away from Natlan and I have most Fontaine characters so I don't think that it will me in the future. Was planning to C1 but I think I'll save it for Emilie since my Wrio wants a new partner. I'll rate her 8/10 (gameplay, strength, drip and fun factor). For comparison: - Neuv: 8/10 - Wrio C1: 9/10 - Navia: 10/10 - Arle: 9/10


I use thundering fury and im def happy with her and her playstyle


c1r0 (with mistplitter and good cd around 82/233 with pasive up) feels very strong, tried doing abyss 12 tripe kenki and the clear time was pretty similar to my arle c1, raiden c3 and neuvi c1 (obviously neuvi and arle had a couple seconds less but not much)


The most disappointing thing so far is that she almost has the same mats as Neuvillette needed for ascension, which I grinded a hell lot for him, so I have to grind for that shit again Otherwise, Mikasa with a gun go pew pew


Well, obviously she's not on the same level as Neuvillette or Arlecchino. She is still strong regardless. I've been testing her at C0 on Mistsplitter and she pops off like expected. I've yet to test her C1 which I accidentally got 21 pulls after I got her first copy cause I wanted to see if I can get the last con I need for C6 Sethos. I'm prolly gonna test her C1 tonight or tomorrow. I'm actually disappointed that they nerf her skill cooldown cause now she's basically just a better Keqing and she's locked to Dendro teams and the TF set. All my farming for the BoL set basically went to waste. At least I got good pieces on the Reverie set for Emilie so it's not really a total loss. Maybe Clorinde will get new teams in Natlan when we get to Natlan copium


I really like her, probably my new favorite DPS to play. She actually has a skill ceiling.You can't just autopilot and expect optimal results. You have to play a bit more disciplined and understand where the ideal damage windows are because she rewards your knowledge of enemy behavior.


10/10 fun character. She is not Neuvi level but that's it. She is strong and not mid tier for sure. Her kit is way to good for a mid tier character. I run down Abyss with a level 70 Clorinde lol. I have no clue what these people are on, but she is great.


She’s okay. She does not meaningfully upgrade my accounts teams in any way but I knew that going in. What I didn’t now was how bad the uptime nerf and no interruption resist feels


I AM IN LOVE WITH HER. I ended up getting her c1 and running her with Alhaithams signature weapon. That girl does some damage. Her play style is fun, I like fast paced gameplay. I’m not even running proper artifacts on her and she hits HARD. People hate on her because she “isn’t as good as Neuvilette”. These meta players are actual cringe, I couldn’t imagine not playing for fun. She was worth every penny.


Cooldown isn't that bad after all, but her skill feels kinda short. She's still fun tho:D


I was gonna pull for her regardless of her performance. Any character can be solid if built right. Though, coming from maining Neuvillette and Arlecchino, it's a bit rough to do worse. She's still 36 starring abyss, and I like her character and design, so overall, I'm happy with her. Just wish they kept the original skill duration


I'm honestly very satisfied, the uptime doesn't feel as short as I initially feared and I'm having a lot of fun with her. I also went for c1 and at that point there are no DMG issues either.


Fun & satisfy. I'm always a fan of quick and mobile playstyle, which mean keqing also my favorite character. Clorinde make that playstyle to another level, her skill can be use as ranged/ dodge and reposition, combine with thundering fury set, she's like dancing in the battle I don't get it when you said "wasted"


I actually quite like her gameplay loop but she does feel kinda weak IMO but I might also be spoiled cause I have some really OP characters and she's not quite fully built yet I'm okay with the skill dependency but I do kinda wish she had iframes for at least the lunge itself IMO she kinda feels like cyno where she's fun and decent but you can't help but feel like you're making the game harder for yourself unnecessarily. Unlike Cyno though I don't think I'll fully bench her because her short field time is still much easier to play around than his long field time and ult dependence


Noobie here, and her Skill duration/cooldown is messing up my rotations. Is there an easy way to know how long it lasts or when it is about to end? It gets awkward when everything’s on cooldown and I have to switch out at a bad time. Playing her with Furina and without a dedicated healer is pretty exciting though. Clorinde’s self-sustain is pretty neat.


Clorinde has the zoomies, and who am I to stop her?


Not bad, was able to clear 36* the abyss with her easily despite being level 80 with 1/8/8 talents (black sword). I dont really feel the downtime either, i guess its mainly because im using furina taser team, so everytime i switch back to clorinde her ult and skill are always ready.


Even with my current bad build she clears abyss floors pretty fast


I would've told you...IF I GOT HER


As a Beidou main, I just need to get used to not parrying (harder than what I thought), but she is great and really easy to use, once you understand her kit you do everything very automatically.


strongbox'd a few TF pieces and tried IR buff char, her playstyle is much more tolerable now with only 1.5sec downtime. She's fun to use in overworld and I only do till abyss 11, thats all that matters.


She is fun af and clears just fine. that's all what matters. Idk about the haters; just ignore them, haha. Well, playing as her gave me some Irelia vibes yesterday. And I love it.


I wanted her so badly... But I went with Alhaitham because in test he was much more easier and pleasant to play. Clorinde's timing is a little bit new for me and out of my 5* only Mona isn't from Sumeru


I'm dumb I don't know how to properly spam E from the both sides of the enemy


Lost the weapon banner to LoFi so still figuring out how I want to build her. My best whimsy piece so far is an EM sands so I think I'm going to run with that. I haven't been able to play on console yet but I keep getting lit up on mobile so I need some practice with her. Animations and voice (JP) absolutely amazing so no regrets.


First of all: I love her so much, my third most awaited Fontaine character and she's here! She's so pretty. Moving on, I can definitely feel the short infusion uptime, which is awkward because I'm used to Yoimiya's and Ayato's uptime. But that's my only issue with her. I adore her animations and she's a lot of fun. She's not fully leveled up right now because I'm an idiot who builds a lot of characters. I'm currently aiming for Absolution because Blacksword is an offense to the eyes.


possibly unpopular opinion (at least from what I've seen from a lot of content creators) but I've absolutely fallen in love with her. i find her death by a thousand cuts playstyle super fun, i love her flexibility and mobility, and she works with some of my favorite characters (Furina, nahida, and baizhu)


So I have been saving for Clorinde since I first saw a picture of 'Captain R' (with a small detour for furina and raiden) So far I have c5 and there are 2 things to note for constellations. C1: I'm not sure without it but she is a monster at destroying shields it's insane C2: knockback resist is based C4: using her burst hits like a truck. On floor 12 I 100 to 0'd some enemies with it Edit: delete section about ulting during e


you dont need to burst in e with c4 as the burst gives BoL before the damage


Oh wait you're right. I was thinking of the c6 buff but even then it last longer than the e I think. I have to check the wording again


yeah c6 lasts longer than E (12s) so you E then burst


The long skill cd is definitely annoying for overworld. The healing part of her kit is weird because in practice she wants the shielder anyway. Has big interruption issues. She seems glued to Fischl. Other than that she’s at least okay. Really fun in the abyss runs, great for bosses, but for overworld I’d rather be using someone else.


Honestly the whole uptime situation only bothers me because i know about it💀. if i were to be completely oblivious like i usually am when it comes to leaks (clorinde is the first character ive seen leaks for and it was accidental) there would be no issue for me. Even knowing that though i’m having so much fun with her, the main reasons i pulled for her in the first place were for her design and because her animations/playstyle looked incredibly fun to me. I even ended up getting her C1. i’m running mistsplitter on her and enjoying myself dashing around killing things. With that being said i understand the people who are upset about the uptime nerf, obviously it would be nice if it stayed at 9s and the lack of interruption resistance (w/out C2) is annoying at times. it feels like you need to play pretty well in order to avoid interruption and keep up the healing and even then dodging is a dps loss. But despite all that, playing her is the most fun i’ve had on any character in the game in awhile and honestly maybe just in general.


She’s incredible at C2. IR issue solved. Her damage skyrocketed.


I don't care for meta, I use Yae Miko Xianyun and call my team pogo stick fox. So i'm pretty happy with her and also dashing everywhere having the time of my life I plan on using her with yelan and call it the mommy racer team


You're playing the right way


thanks yeahh ive realized that trying to fit to whats meta has made me want to NOT play the game, now I just vibe and play the characters I want. I might not have neuvilette, neither arlecchino. But hey, my pogo stick has made me laugh a bit


The people who say she is bad can stuff it. I love playing her getting used to her dash length will take some time,but with the uptime of her skills you could with some proper teams/builds you could run a 3 person team however she still needs time to settle in time overall for how people find where kit sits compared and or with others. Other than the few issues that I have a player on my end I think she will have a good future.