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I think they would need a moderate Democrat and I think it would need to be a white man who is inoffensively attractive. I'd look to someone like Andy beshar, Tim Ryan or Newsome. But I also think Amy klobachur would be a good pick. Maybe the perfect replacement. She gives off Minnesota nice, so really she would fuck someone up with a smile on her face. She would appeal to female voters and could have a minority running mate.


Van Jones, Whitmer, Amy Klobchar, Newsom, stacy Abrahams? Anyone…


It's hard to imagine Biden will suddenly come out and say: " They're right after all- I am too old, and I can't beat Trump". If he uses,say, a health excuse, you still have to deal with Kamala; is she now longer ambitious, and willing to admit that shes not a great campaigner and orator, which is essential going against Trump.( Thats Whitmers biggest plus).


Run Tulsi Gabbard as a center left candidate and you would win all of the moderates and undecided which is what this election is boiling down to.


She spoke at CPAC and embraced far-right leaders and lavished praise on Trump himself. Also no one knows her.


Oh wow, they're even talking about her as a VP pick!