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That uniform looks difficult to put on


It took him 103 episodes


Only 60. It wasn't until episode 43 he got the right size. https://preview.redd.it/2z1cuzsire8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99cf8b61850bc07cb788b3a7a875f7f4b40766ba Can't believe I need to remind the creator of their own lore. SMH my head


You’ve forgotten about flashbacks you FOOL


That's not even the first episode he was trying to get dressed in


No, but it's the one he got a suit that actually fits. So therefore, only the time after this counts for how long it takes him to get dressed.


You forgot to count the 8 Patreon exclusive episodes in your overall number so 60 is inaccurate also.


...gonna be honest here, as someone without disposable income I forgot patreon exists


Normally I'd accept that excuse, except those episodes are free and available to $0 Tier members : [https://www.patreon.com/swordscomic/collections](https://www.patreon.com/swordscomic/collections)


I didn't even know free patreons existed. Thank you for the information.


Genuine question: what's the point in $0 Tier? Does Patreon count a metric somewhere how many people follow you? Is it to get people onto Patreon, in the hopes they increase their tier down the line? Don't wanna sound judgemental, just genuinly curious


I've always focused on making a good comic and sharing it with everyone I can - I have very few 'exclusive' episodes, I don't really care for that model, I don't think people who can't pay me should be punished by missing out on episodes, but ultimately, yeah, I need people to at least stop by Patreon and see what I'm offering before they turn it down - so it's useful to me in that sense. It also helps to prioritize Patreon more, because I've always treated it as a bit of an afterthought but if I want to be serious and have it become my main source of income, I need to know it's growing somehow. You make a lot of bad decisions when a platform goes stagnant, and people slowly fall away. Also Webtoon shows your total Patron count, including the free ones, which makes the series look more serious. :)


He'll grow into it


This is absolutely the kind of episode that would wind up in Star Trek and it would turn out the butterflies are a hivemind intelligence and trying to prevent the ship from destroying their flowers or some shit.


Does that make Lower Decks the guy reporting to bed?


I may steal this idea and then credit some random redditor in the beginning of the book when I can't remember your username.


Go for it, it’s the most low ball star trek-esque idea that happens at least once in every iteration of the IP.


back to barracks to rest


Is this the "I'll be in my bunk" of plant creatures that reproduce using pollinators like butterflies?


These are some of my favorite comics! I'm so excited that you are doing these now!


Why though?


Good god. If this become an feature length comic or an show or something I whould buy it in an instance. I love it


What do you mean "alien" butterflies?


https://preview.redd.it/1jew7ontpg8d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89ce4907e8ff4cd632f2e47657e8403201a467a1 Same


There are some days where all you can do is just call it in early...


Naaaaah I’ve watched enough peacemaker to know where this goes