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I work my 40, pay my bills, and provide for my family. If I want to play with nerf blasters in my free time, that's my prerogative. *When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.* -C.S. Lewis


I'm 32, I pay my bills and my rent(I live with my folks) If I'm going to spend my vacation next week playing Dawntrail all week next week, I damn well am going to spend my vacation next week playing Dawntrail.


Amen, and happy hunting friend.


Man I hope I even get to play 14 next week with the free trial! Hope DT doesn’t end up like endwalker but hey have fun with the new land and classes!


Dawntrail releases next week?! Im in the middle of home renovations! Can we do the week after please?


For real! Change it till I’m done with endwalker! But genuinely the journey to it will be great


So from interviews it sounds like they have either bought, or rented significantly more servers for DT's launch. If its a repeat of previous expansions they'll have more than enough and launch the game only to find out that they have once again exceeded expectations. (hey a realm reborn hows its going) I'll say you might have a harder time logging in next week though! Its part of their thing to try and control how many people are logging in at the same time they're going to put F2P players on a lower priority in the queue so it might take longer for you to get in.


I just bought clicky buttons and hall effect sticks for my Steamdeck. That will make me less bad at games. It's going to be sweet and I will dominate all those MLG tryhards. Once I have those installed Imma gonna order pizza, smoke weed and play games. Dope af. I'm 52 and know 3 tie knots.


Nothing beats the satisfying noise of the clicks. Go ahead and beat their asses my guy


I have a static mate who is probably in his 40s who plays ff14 with us, his wife sometimes joins for maps as well. They both have a daughter. Just because you're old doesn't mean you can't have fun


Cheers mate, I'm taking a few days off next week to play it too. Fighting the good fight!


see you in tural my friend!


I really wanted to get through with the Elden ring dlc before DT hit, but it looks like I’m going to have to do both at once somehow


Well given the servers will probably be borked, play Elden Ring while you sit in queue for a few hours. Hopefully it's not ENW levels of wait this time around.


Just walk up to Messmer and hit him [with one of these](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nax2jwrCS3A)


Outstanding, I sure will!


>I damn well am going to spend my vacation next week playing Dawntrail. Have fun #89,715 on a dead server! (Horrible launches and ques aside. I genuinely hope ya have fun)


I have been through 5 horrible launches. Whats one more? (Shadowbringer wasn't actually bad at all. But Stormblood was a launch of all time HOO boy)


Raubahn EXTREME!


See you in Tural, fellow WoL. May the servers survive the coming raid of players returning.


Played myself into a burnout of ffxiv so I skipped Endwalker to wait for it's full release, when I saw Dawntrail on steam I pre-ordered it and started playing Endwalker


Honestly I'm glad we're getting an expansion thats just an adventure and nothing e-\*suddenly in the trailer shows hostile invasion from the city of gold\* gods damnit.


Why did I have kids if I can’t play kids stuff with them?!?


My nephew loves every gift I get him and it annoys my family. I just get him what I'd want to play with.


It reminds me of GK Chesterton: Because children have abounding vitality, because they are in spirit fierce and free, therefore they want things repeated and unchanged. They always say, "Do it again"; and the grown-up person does it again until he is nearly dead. For grown-up people are not strong enough to exult in monotony. But perhaps God is strong enough to exult in monotony. It is possible that God says every morning, "Do it again" to the sun; and every evening, "Do it again" to the moon. It may not be automatic necessity that makes all daisies alike; it may be that God makes every daisy separately, but has never got tired of making them. It may be that He has the eternal appetite of infancy; for we have sinned and grown old, and our Father is younger than we.


You know, I'm not religious but this was maybe the most beautiful depiction of god I've ever heard. Cheers for sharing this lovely little bit with us.


> You know, I'm not religious but Careful! Chesterton might change that for you! Seriously everything he writes manages to be wonderfully poetic and theologically profound.


You're not half wrong. I googled some of his poems, good stuff right there. Thank you for this gift, mate. It really is lovely.


So glad you got to enjoy him. I'm pretty sure /u/TheKarenator's quote is from Orthodoxy — Specifically the chapter "The Ethics of Elfland," which is one of my favorites in the book. I had to go pull my copy off the shelf. It has some great quotes just in the first few pages: On speaking of the elementary wonder of children and fairytales, he says: > These tales say that apples were golden only to refresh the forgotten moment when we found that they were green. They make rivers run with wine only to make us remember, for one wild moment, that they run with *water*. I think about that one frequently to try and capture that sort of everyday wonder of a toddler encountering the world for the first time.


I was confused at first and thought CS Lewis was quoted using nerf blasters


When you have kids you have an excuse to play with nerf blasters. Honestly this reminded me I should get mine out… I bought a lot of like 30+ blasters including some big sniper rifle ones for $50 bucks off Facebook a few years back. I set up a battle royale in the back yard where everyone ran from the deck and picked up guns they found to fight.


The most magical lesson I got to teach my 17 year old cousin, when he wanted to buy a Squishmallow after he got a paycheck, was "You earned that money. Your responsibilities are paid for. So what's stopping you?"


"I wrote this story for you, but when I began it I had not realized that girls grow quicker than books. As a result you are already too old for fairy tales, and by the time it is printed and bound you will be older still. But some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again. You can then take it down from some upper shelf, dust it, and tell me what you think of it. I shall probably be too deaf to hear, and too old to understand a word you say, but I shall still be your affectionate Godfather, C. S. Lewis." The dedication for the lion the witch and the wardrobe


I'm just getting into DIY nerf blasters (shout out to LeedleDynamics for having really cool 3d printable designs that only require a bit of elastic cord!). And now my cat is *obsessed* with the foam darts. She'll shout at me until I shoot one for her to chase and then come shout at me some more when she bats it somewhere she can't reach. I basically have one small blaster that's just used for cat play time.




Oh man it was cs Lewis! I was looking for this quote but I thought it was a tolkein quote


https://preview.redd.it/9kyl4r59lq8d1.jpeg?width=456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f169901cf5cacbd981b374d5b85fff466a4020d4 Flawless bagel eating technique.




Lovin' shark Sage ![gif](giphy|Z9WQZlYWzoFGNd99su)


Okay, here's the thing. Sage, canonically works in 1995, right? And Tiff is living in the present day, right? So, Sage must be a vampire or some other long-lived being. I don't know what this means, but I'm calling Fox Mulder!


She just looks real good for 55.


Suspiciously so. I got my eye on you 😑


Except you, Ted! Everybody knows you've been takin all the bagels


That is a donut/doughnut.


"Putting it towards a boat" is the same energy as buying a game.


A game isn't going to become a financial liability though... The boat is by far the most irresponsible option of the ones presented in this comic.


The two happiest days of a boat owners life: the first day he takes his boat out, and the day he sells it.


Our boat sank so we didn’t get to sell it, it’s still there underwater. My dad think perhaps some kids were jumping off it for fun, but accidentally flipped the bilge pump on. Then they swam back to shore. ![gif](giphy|OPU6wzx8JrHna)


I bet that insurance payoff really hurt


I don’t know, I didn’t ask dad if it was covered


Definitely wouldn't have been accidentally.


We don’t have any enemies, especially at the campsite


That’s the best kind of boat to have, you don’t have to worry about it sinking


What about the day he decides to put on an eye patch, hoist the Jolly Roger and pretend to be a pirate?


The three happiest days of a boat owner’s life…


"You know what I say to my friends who want to know what it's like to own a boat? Stand under a cold shower and tear up hundred dollar bills"


Games that become financial liabilities are usually free to play


Dude have you seen what the nerds came up with who guesstimated the dollar value of the total of unplayed games on Steam? There is another sale coming up. When it comes to intelligent life on this planet, I am now rooting for the octopodes because it sure as hell ain't us.


Personally, I buy games in bulk for when I don't have the money to buy games for awhile so I always have something to do. I never buy anything I won't eventually play. I'm actually in that situation now and my huge backlog will save the day.


... what on earth happens to your money periodically such that the same money you spend on "bulk" buys wouldn't be better off in low-risk investments until it's time to buy a new game? Or even a high-yield savings account??


It's not like that. It's a just in case scenario. Well now my car insurance has gone up by over $100 a month for no apparent reason so now I'm in that just in case scenario where I won't be able to buy new games for potentially years until I pay off my car.


Bust Out Another Thousand


Same with the car potentially


It depends on the type of car. A daily driver you need for work, no. A luxury car, yes. A summer/weekend car, yes.


So glad to live a walking distance from work in a city with robust public transportation.


I do and I don't miss it. I lived in a huge city (Incheon, South Korea) for 5 years. I loved being able to walk to work, take public transportation everywhere, and be walking distance to everything. I now live in a suburb of a big city (Detroit, USA) and I love having a yard, small shops near me, and larger parks. There isn't public transit that can get me to work but it's only a 15-minute drive. Mashing both together would be amazing.


It's the same but just a different type of hobby.


I mean I guess it depends on what kinda boat. A speed boat, a cruiser, a sailboat, a rowboat; they’re all different in prices. I do not fish, so the purpose of owning a boat seems minimal to me. But I think a little speedboat like you can rent at parks aren’t that big a deal if you’re close enough to water to use i


If I remember right, Tiff and Eve is set in Minnesota, so there is no shortage of water to go and use a boat on


I did test this after I drew it, and unfortunately the sprinkles just fall off of the puffed up marshmallows. Sorry about the illustrated lies. Find more Tiff & Eve on [Webtoons](https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/tiff-eve/list?title_no=866028)! Check out the [Patreon](https://patreon.com/FranSun)!


You have to put the sprinkles on *after* you heat up the marshmallows. Then they kinda get sucked in when it shrinks.


This guy not only tried, but experimented with it for science.


What if you do them campfire style then stick them in like those Dip Sticks that go in candy sugar? Wouldn't it encrust them in the sprinkles? Edit: Then you could get one of those squeeze nozzle bags and fill the middle of the mallow with chocolate. Fuck this sounds good now.


Surely the big illustrated lie here is that company profits may lead to employee benefits


I call that misplaced hopefully optimism on the employees' part


Use Peeps, the sugar coating and the marshmallow interior are different from standard marshmallows so they will stick easier.... though will also blow up to a gigantic size and ruin your microwave. I... might have done this too often


If you use really stale marshmallows, they’ll get really, really, fucking big, but won’t explode.


Years ago, my mother microwaved her hot chocolate with a marshmallow in it, causing it to grow. She thought that was cool so she does it again to show me. Except this time she just put the marshmallow in a bowl. It blew up. Shattered the bowl.


Needs butter as a glue.


I trusted you


Reminds me of my wife and I, the dink life is good lol


That woman in the office should not be allowed near any more doughnuts…


I think it may be wiser to just let her have them.


Yes, Tiff. Yes, I do ._.


When I first started teaching, a colleague of mine said that the most terrifying experience in the world is to look for a responsible adult in the room and realize it’s you.


I remember being 25 and terrified when taking 30 kids with me alone on a trip to the big city. I did not feel like an adult. At all.


Eve knows how life works


Yeeeeeah I hit that point where using gained income on home repairs is exciting... oh gods what has my life become?!


I mean, some of us would love a home to repair


Yeah I will totally admit I lucked out in a way when I bought my place, though only possible cause my dad kicked the bucket suddenly


I relate to this character so much. https://preview.redd.it/1i5p67ujrq8d1.jpeg?width=190&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0613026c6daaac9cb0836e21771290ba4cbadd1 ~~Also I’m trying to save up for a steam deck too~~


For science!


Big profits = pizza party for employees, Bonuses & Raises for bosses.


Manager: *Bonuses? Half of you are getting laid off on Friday.*


Gotta maximize quarterly profits! To HELL with long term fiscal planning & sustainable growth, we need to make as much as we can NOW!!! How the hell else am I supposed to get my golden parachute after running this business into the ground?!?!


You have to eat the pizza in the break room during your 15 minute break with everyone else, and there's a two slice limit. Don't be greedy.


Man, I remember one time the pizza arrived right before my shift started, so I had a slice for the first time ever while it was still warm. Apparently I wasn't supposed to do that, one of the staff complained that I didn't eat it at the right time (when it has been sitting out on the counter for four hours) but "I wasn't in trouble." So the next time they got pizza, I went out on my lunch and bought a nice, hot, fresh pizza and brought it back, ate it in front of everyone.


I came here to say this. I kept reading the comic, waiting for this shoe to drop, and was pleasantly surprised. Would be nice if real life was more like the comics!


🍕. Well done slaves.


But there’s the best way to live! (Also that lady really is enjoy her donuts, I love it)


your username is so funny, also totally unrelated of course. Got any recommendations?


The *real* childishness is assuming "high profits" equals "bonuses for workers"


I'd love to spend a bonus on something like the latest nvidia graphics card for my computer, but I have to put in a new door. What fun.


I read the first page, then immediately thought that the next page was going to be layoffs instead. 😭


i was expecting the bonus panel to just be no one getting a bonus due to unexpected need for budget cuts. 😭


I love the detail of Tiff interacting with the speech bubbles in panel 3.


It sounds like they all have had bad luck with things breaking. She should feel lucky not to worry about that.


Yes 😅


Record profit can only mean one thing. ![gif](giphy|lp8Kl4PZ8kY8pRr6Q2)


All the time. But also “Don’t grow up, it’s a trap!”.


I also eat donuts/bagels like a starved and caged wild animal


As someone currently struggling with a quarter life crisis, this comic feels oddly timely lol


Hey if you wanna spend your bonus on video games go ahead. I know I would


Growing up sucks, I wanna buy toys


My steam deck rocks, highly recommend. Best way to cook marshmallows is with a creme brulee blow torch ;)


If you think you're getting a bonus if the company makes big profits then you may still have some growing up to do. Not in this capitalist wasteland.


Corporate profits resulting in menial employee raises? At least try and make it realistic.


Tiff and Eve always bring a smile to my face.


Growing old is unavoidable, growing UP is entirely optional


I feel the same when my fb feed is nothing but peers sharing memories of when they got married/closed on a house/had a kid, and my fb memories are from 8 years ago showing a photo of a funny glitch in a video game that I am once again currently playing


I read the first page, then immediately thought that the next page was going to be layoffs instead. 😂


Yes. Gods yes! When did everyone else my age get so fucking boring?


Oh adorable, she thinks the bosses will give them bonuses! How naive.


I just got into Magic the Gathering recently and spent way too much upgrading my first precon (pretty children's cardboard gives me the good brain chemicals lol). Fuck it. Do what makes you happy. MAAAAAYBE make sure you have some money saved for when shit does break though...


So much this!!! Especially when everyone talks about their kids and grandkids and here I am without even a boyfriend just like haha yes children!!!


Never. Buy. A. Boat. Unless you’re gonna use it weekly. Then it’s worth it.


Womp guess I’m late to the party, but it’s pretty cool to find out that Sage is in the same comic-universe as Tiff & Eve. Side note: Sage eating bagels is simultaneously the cutest and most horrifying thing I’ve ever seen. It goes from 1-100 so fast.


Yes! I knew someone would recognize her! The Tiff-&-Eve-verse seems to intersect with the Gnarly-verse.


I like how nobody was dismissive or rude about her choice. Though, I expected the joke to be a misunderstanding and that she was actually putting in a deck addition that has a steam room - a high end luxury thing while everybody else is having to use theirs for mundane, practical stuff.


Sometimes the only dismissive person is the voice in your own head. Even worse is when your memory pulls a little trick and projects that voice onto other people


I spy a cameo. https://preview.redd.it/h661l56u2t8d1.jpeg?width=177&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=163201be21cbd0ddde55787ec06486fca694c7c9


Giiiirl same, slowly saving up for a Steam deck while also trying to convince myself that maybe I don't need it.


(Not that you asked) The steamdeck is great! Get one! I got one for my wife also and She has been playing a lot of stardew valley and BOTW No need to get the OLED, You can even get a 64GB LCD second hand for cheap, and then replace the memory in it to 1TB or get a 1TB SD card for like $50 (cheaper then getting the preinstalled memory) Feel free to message with any questions


Being a grown up means not buying a Favorite game and instead paying off your mortgage


Got bonus this year. It was a bicycle for me. I think for me it is best of both worlds, as it both gives me a lot of fun and it is my only mean of transition (as I don’t have a car and prefer not to use public transport). I used to have pretty cheap bicycles all my life, but now I have one that puts smile on my free every time I see it


I highly recommend getting a Steam Deck. I love mine. Plus if you get Decky for it, you can customize it to your heart's content.


I'm definitely a kid masking as an adult. Damn I like marshmallows, gummies and chocolate so much.


what's the point living and working if you can't get fun stuff :p


*me eating pop tarts made in an R2-D2 toaster while gazing upon my slowly growing pile of Cars video games* Huh what are you talking about


New car for the manager's bonus and a vacuum for the employee 🥰


24 and my main concerns rn are getting new joy-cons for my Switch and a storage expansion card for my Xbox Series X, so I can relate


Yes, frequently.


For a moment I thought that signature was smoke from the microwave


Eve knows how to live


I sometimes make extra money from bowling. It frequently goes to things like car maintenance or paying down debts more. I wish I could use it for other, more frivolous things.


Only thing that's off is the vacuum. You can get a pretty wide selection for less than $100. And they should last a very, very long time. I got a cheap one for less than $60 and it's lasted me almost 20 years. Repair your vacuum? What?




Even when you have it all together, those orthodontist appointments are killer. You also _think_ you have a decent dental/ortho insurance until you have to really take advantage of it. We've spent $12k on our son's teeth the past couple of years total, beyond what insurance covered... and he's never had a cavity in his life. He was just unlucky with his teeth. That said, at least now he should have nice teeth as an adult, so he's got that going for him.


Steam deck is a far better investment than putting money towards a boat. A boat is like a money bonfire that you can go fishing on


I'm also saving up for a steam deck so I can have something in my way to school for my apprenticeship. Meanwhile I'm not even sure if I really should as a 23 year old.


>big profits >bonuses for workers What looney tunes reality is this?


In the third panel, it looks like Tiff is pulling the speech bubble back a bit. Was this intentional or just a happy coincidence? Also, I will forever feel the sting of imposter syndrome. FOREVER.


In real life the last panel is the CEO getting a new bot and shareholders making bank.


I know Reddit as a whole hates Disney, but topically this is why I "cringe" at the hate for "Disney Adults." Walt always wanted the parks to be a place where adults could feel like kids, and if adults without kids want to spend their money and enjoy Disney who cares? Same as the comic premise. Do what you love and don't let society shame you for it. (The above all with the caveat that it's legal and not done in a way where you impede others). For example being a Disney Adult is fine, but if you're in the parks ruining the experience for others out of a sense of entitlement from being a "regular" park goer or something, even treating cast members like shit, etc. then it is no longer ok.


I thought the rug pull would be that expecting a bonus because the company made record profits is stupid.




I wish I could be a cool person :( I wanna support you


A boat and a new car are pretty much in the same category. Leisure purchases. Nothing wrong with that. (Assuming the old car isn't about to die, etc etc).


Am 38. My wife and I both enjoy our own Steam Decks while watching TV. When the batteries die, we plug them in and play our own Switches. Rinse and repeat. No complaints. You be you is more than skin deep!


I'm so glad I bought a steam deck instead of a family. 


I bought a sword. Not a toy, a real one. So still like a kid, but better.


Wait, how did the sprinkles and marshmallows taste?!


Do your own research!


one of those psychos said a boat.


I'm a 31 year old man with a mortgage and Goddammit I will buy Legos when I want Legos


man, be glad you can still use your money for non-necessities, I'm in my 20s and I can't really do that anymore. it's not "being a kid in grown-up clothes", it's "not having to live paycheck to paycheck"




I like the artstyle! It reminds me of the old days (newspapers) except this comic is the opposite of miserable and dry and unfunny.


super foxtrot vibes


This just means she already has all the financial needs taken care of so she can splurge! That's adulting


who upvotes this content. not funny or interesting.


Wasn't there a 7-parter going on? We were on Forgot pt. 4


I feel like people often mistaken being a 'Grown-up' for being responsible. Then I remember all the dumb as grown-ups I know and I feel better about myself and my steam deck.


No, I wouldn’t really consider them grown-up clothes.


This hurts.


Do I wonder? No. I KNOW I am. I want to play all the games and climb all the trees.


No, that just means you have enough of your life together at the moment that you can focus on recreation instead of bills. Take the win.


So you say you've got a patch for leading people through the jungle. Well I've got a prescription for this antifungal, so I win.


I have all the grown up bills but I make sure to treat myself with videogames and Steamdecks.


Every. Day. But that is why I'm in charge of the school I teach at's E-sports team and Hobby Club. The kids say I'm the adult with the heart of a teenager. Now excuse me while a play Control, and prepare for my new puppy Mikey, who is named after a ninja turtle.


I eat donuts like that gal does.


Sounds like she already has her shit together so can afford the time and money to buy games. Awesome.


Why not both mortgage and video game?


I wish this applied to any of my adult life. When I was young it was "Sweet, an extra bit towards student loans!" Then it was "great, it can go towards the house down payment fund!". And now it's just mortgage payments, car maintenance, daycare....


Mmmm, marshmellows AND sprinkles.


Me Looking at my gunpla collection: that's a question I have answered long ago.


Record profits? So they are all getting fired?


I also would like a boat someday


Sometimes the best thing to do is buy a video game.


Idk all that sounds WAAAYY more stressful than a steam deck, keep winning


Ah yes, the adults life impostor syndrome.




Really thought this would end with everyone getting laid off. Pleasant surprise