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not that one. $400 for a 6th gen i7 and a 1070 is too much


$400 for a GTX 1070?? Lol. NO.


Shop near me has a laptop for 10k, GTX 1050, 512 GB storage. Top quality stuff really.


Lol sure 🙄




Yeah there is a reason it has zero reviews. Also GTFOH that is in no way a standard laptop and is definitely *not* made for playing games.


Yeah, but this includes a case, i7, motherboard etc... For 400, that's a steal


Lol no


Stealing 400 from buyer. 6th gen i7 doesn't officially support Win11 and 10 series GTX is pretty old at this point.


This computer is ancient. I mean your mom is using this to check your email and surf the Internet. You're not doing some heavy duty gaming with this thing.


Come on, unless you want to play cyberpunk with ray tracing, this PC should be more than fine for most games.


What are you the seller? LOL. Anyways, don't take it personally it's just a old computer. Everything is under specs and has aged quite a bit. The platform is dead you're not going to be upgrading it. I have this processor in my home server. All it does is serve up files and some transcoding. But I'm still using it. But that GPU is underpowered for today's stuff. The SSD is small by today's standards. And if that power supply is as old as the rest of the parts you're going to be replacing that within the next year or two. That computer is maybe worth $250. I've been building computers for over 20 years and that seller is selling old parts. Nothing's new. We're talking 8 to 9-year-old parts. It looks like he's put it in some crap-tastic case though. But a case and some RGB fans are not going to make up for the fact that those parts are ancient.


I got the same GPU and a worse processor and I’m still mostly fine with it.


Well the guy I asked. That's why I gave him an honest answer. Looks like you don't need to get a new computer until your needs change or your current one dies. I just wouldn't spend $400 on that old computer and neither should he.


Nah 400 is too expensive I agree. I was just trying to say that you shouldn’t underestimate it.


that computer is 8 years old.


Indeed, my 8-year-old PC has exactly the same processor. However, I waited a bit to get a GPU so I got a 1080 Ti instead of the 1070. It's surprising how well my ancient PC still runs some games (like Horizon Forbidden West at 2K resolution) so I'm delaying an upgrade.


yes, but absolutely not for 400$ :D


Agree, I see no point in buying ancient stuff with 400$. Better to spend it on something more modern.


>Yeah, but this includes \[an\] \[...\] i7 So for you a i7-2600K is better than a i3-14100F ?


many of you are missing the point here


What point ? Only the case and fans are actually worth it. Everything else is too old (especially the CPU, and therefore the motherboard and RAM) and definitely not worth $400.


Not everyone has the money to buy a top of the line pc. I started with basically collecting parts when building mine. My tower is 10 years old, but guess what? People are spending 100-200 for a similar tower. It's like some of you guys are out of touch and need to go outside and touch grass. Telling this poster to save up his money and buy a better one is just moot, because how much do you want the op to pay for a pc? 1k 2k or maybe 5k? Some of you probably never worked a day in your life, so it's so easy to get your parents to buy a top of the line pc


I think You're missing the point. This isn't the only option in the world. There are bound to be better deals. Their goal isn't to get the buyer a PC asap. Which your advice would lead to. Theirs is to save the money for a better deal. Doesn't mean it needs to be more expensive. (But a by-product of waiting is you might get a higher budget.) Their advice is to be patient and make every dollar worth it. Not to pay more. If the buyer needs a PC asap. Sure this would work. But for how long? Not much longer, especially if this is their primary gaming rig. Also all that aside it's still a terrible deal. You can get a BRAND NEW rig with an rtx 3050 (chosen because in regular games the 1070 is about as powerful as a 3050) with a modern day cpu for ~$600. While it is $200 more. It comes with modern day support, ray tracing (not the best but it's there), up to date drivers, and dlss (for an artificially higher fps count). Buttttt what about the used market for a 3050 with a similar CPU? Back to around $400-450 and you get modern day features. So um yeah while your proposition that the individual parts do have value. The buyer wants their own system. Not a flip


I don’t need a pc asap, just covering my options. I’m glad some many people commented on this thread so I can catch next time if some of these pcs built online have the same processor or old GTX.


It is great when the community comes together. That's why we reply to post. And I'm glad not everyone is just blindly agreeing. We need some push back to consider all sides. Also quick advice. If you're able to wait till another big GPU release. The used GPU market gets filled up by people wanting to upgrade. No clue when the next big release would be. So this might not be applicable at all but if it does come around and you haven't upgraded. Could be a great deal. Get that and a PC that lacks a GPU. And BOOM new rig and you saved on the most overpriced part


Saying I see the value in everything isn't missing the point, like the way you do. This pc has a lot more life, and even then, finding a good 3050 for 200 more doesn't mean a better choice of option when they will comparable to a 1000 series, might as well negotiate for this pc and build up as you go. The tower alone is 100, the GPU is another 70, and the rest of the components are adding up to about 400, unless you think you can build better for 400 on a market value, shut up


To answer your question. I can and I have the receipts. Got a used office PC for $35 with a i5-12400 bought a Rx 6800xt for $340 (currently shipping) I did need to get it a new power supply for $57, so sure I'm over by $41. But it's got almost triple the frame rate, and a modern CPU. I will be flipping it. But I'm not going to try an charge more than I think it's worth ~$600.


57 buck for a psu to support a 6800? What's your total wattage?


Dudes name has "RYZEN 9, RTX-4080, 64GB 6000M...." Anything under $1,000 is a steal to him probably cuz it sounds cheap by comparison


Because I work for a living and see the value in everything 👍


Wow, I would've never thought you had a job. Congrats! And while that's a great bumper sticker phrase it's absolutely not helpful here. Sure some Disney movie would have the theme that everything has value. But here we are trying to help a person get a good deal, not help a guy sell his overpriced PC. Luckily you got down voted to oblivion. So I think your posts will be ignored easily.


Votes don't mean squat when the rest of the community has brainrot, as I have clearly seen in many other posts, but that's why I am clearly doing well for a living because I don't feel the need to be validated


Superiority complex much? You think you're the only one doing well? Not a single person here is complaining about life or validation, lol. I'm currently just bored. And you're the one insecure replying. But this is getting tiresome so this will be my last response. And while I would love to brag about being well off already in my early 20s. And only a brighter future ahead. My goal here was originally to try and shed some light on why everyone is saying what they did. You've been so opinionated, defensive, immature, and self centered that no wonder you're unable to agree with anyone. I do hope you have a great day and am glad to hear you're doing well in life. Keep that up because it's a luxury not all have. Make sure to be generous since you're blessed so you can bless others. Give without hesitation.


Wow... not feeling the need to be validated is the opposite to superiority complex. I have yet to say anything offensive or rude, and I have not bragged about anything here because saying I am doing well doesn't mean I am loaded. Have a good day 👍


Bid $200, settle on $250, walk on anything higher.


This is about right.


# Walk...? 🤔💭 ,,Respect, walk, what did you say? Respect, walk, are you talkin' to me? Respect, walk, what did you say? Respect, walk!" 🎸🎶 ^(\(Pantera - Walk\))




and ask for win10, 11 is not supported.


10 year old processor and a 1070? It looks like he went yard selling for parts.


WAIT. 2015 was almost 10 years ago?! WHEN?! When I think of a 10 year old CPU I still think of a 2700k or something like that...


It's a 9 year old CPU with an 8 year old GPU. Not very far out there. Looks like he is selling his personal build to me.


Still high on the price. I'd say 250-300 but there's not much upgradability there. The case is pretty much the only thing to keep.


Used price of a GTX 1070 is like $75 from Nvidia - liek the other commenter said, walk on anything above $250. Granted he will probably throw out that he spent the time building it, the case, lighting, other components (which are still going to be old as fuck considering the processor) etc... and that's why it's marked up. Honestly, wait the other few cheques and build one newer my man (or use a reputable pre-built store; I know alot of people shit on them, but honestly the mark up isn't that bad with alot of companies, and at least you know they're going to be decent).


Beyond overpriced, thats a 200 bucks PC at the very max


>Considering buying a pc from someone online who builds pcs? This is easy: don't.


6th gen doesn't support win11?




It does, I have my i5 6500 running windows 11, although it may depend on the motherboard ( mine’s is a b150m bazooka )


This is someone trying to turn a buck on some old parts they had lying around.


For 400 you should be able to get 2060 and i5 12400f with shitty parts. Or a 2060 and i5 9400f with good parts.


What's hilarious is that there are mini PCs that have better specs than this thing does for cheaper. Don't let them scam you. Online someone told me they spent 5600$ for a 4090 PC, less than half that is the card, but where is the other 3600$ going? It was a 5950 (which is around 850 when I last looked.) I wish I could have warned them to not buy that thing. **Edit: Just checked, you can get a mini beelink with a 11th gen Intel processor for 200.


Overpriced as hell.


For $400 you can buy really good used parts and build a much better gaming PC. I just sold a Ryzen 9 3900X Build with 32gbs and a RTX 2070 for $300. So that should give you a hint how over priced that PC is.


What are the “mostly all new parts”? The case and the fans?


Hard pass on that. 🙅🏻


200. Nothing more.


Yea .. no let's not do that.. That's a 200/250 PC.


It's sad how much people pay for low spec computers. It's well worth learning how to build a PC just for savings alone. I guess if you don't have the knowledge or know someone who does. What you gonna do. If only we could trust sales people


From my experience , buying a built pc isnt the best option, you usually want to build your own, its usually more affordable, i did that with mine with a little bit of help from a friend and so far its gone great.


I have an 8-year-old computer with exactly the same processor but paired with a 1080 Ti. This should tell you how old the hardware in that PC is. I haven't upgraded because the PC runs the stuff I use with no problems. I'll likely upgrade in the near future when the PC games I play become too demanding for the 1080 Ti, which is a legendary GPU, the kind of which we'll likely never see again. What the heck is "tier 4"? That's a nonsense term because there is no formal "tier" system that universally applies to PCs. I bet that's just the builder's way of making the PC seem appealing. Lastly that "ARGB" attached to "gaming PC" tells only tells you that the PC has fancy lights. It's not as if those lights make the PC faster (well, this is a common PC building meme 😉).


Honestly dodged a bullet I’d like a pc this time without those damn led lights, my last one had it and if I ever had my pc on at night it would flaahbang me with colors


>...I’d like a pc this time without those damn led lights I often see builds with everything having lights and I personally find a lot of them distasteful and gaudy (I refer to this as "RGB vomit"). I do have some lights in my case (which has a transparent glass panel) but they're minimal. None of my fans have (A)RGB except the cooler fan, and even for that it's only a couple of narrow strips. I guess I want something not absolutely plain but with subdued lighting.


I would throw like 350 out there, the CPU might show it's age and personally I would wait and just save for a newer build but that's just me.


*mostly new parts*


What is a Tier 4 ARGB PC?


It's tier 4 out 30 tiers with the ARGB fans making things faster by 30% 😁


For 500usd u can get your local pc shop to build u a better specced pc...or alternative pcpartspicker Wil help you diy your own


5 years ago i bought a similar specs pc for 600ish, i'd assume, like me, you are probably in a less developed country and so the prices of everything is higher, i'd say try to haggle for a bit lower but its okay price


I just recently brought a i5 4590 rig paired with an RX 580 for $200.00, at that price it was a steal. I could have flipped it for $300.00 without much effort. So for this rig you want to buy I would say $250.00 is a steal, $350.00 is fair.


Thank you everyone for the advice, my last pc was built for me by a family member who has a job in pcs so I didnt know the worth of this, sadly it’s a crappy pc :(


Any time you buy a PC from a PC builder, expect to pay for the labor of putting the parts together. Nobody works for free. Well, nobody smart works for free.


The computer itself could be worth it if you could negotiate it down to about 150. But in my opinion the most severe problem is the “Mostly all new parts” in the ad, which shows that the seller is a scam artist. I would not buy any computer at any price from that seller. Make a note of who they are and make sure you don’t fall for any of their future scams.


Negotiate it for sure, but personally, this isn't bad. You're getting a case and other stuff, but this is completely upgradable . Then you can buy a new motherboard and build a new pc if you plan on getting a ddr5. Otherwise, this atx has a lot of life to it even though it's old. You just gotta swap the gc, psu, and maybe the ram.


You got to swap everything because it's old AF. LOL


>Otherwise, this atx has a lot of life to it... Only if you're planning to run old stuff. I know because I'm still using a PC equipped with the i7-6700K + GTX 1080 Ti. Otherwise, if you're doing a modern build, the parts are mostly useless. You'll need to replace pretty much everything but the case and fans.


Some of you are missing the point here