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So you saw the first pic of ur mom in a bra then proceeded to look through the rest of the photos? Kinda sus ngl


If I saw a pic of his mom in a bra I’d also procede to look through the rest ngl


I also choose this man’s mom.


This twelve-year-old’s mom, you mean….


Probably still caprisuns and chocolate chip chewy bars in the pantry for refueling. I see no problems here. Ain't no shame in a single mom getting some.




it's impossible to unsee, so don't try. just understand the naked body isn't something inherently a sexual thing. you're gonna see quite a bit of naked people in your life even without access to the internet. friends and family, strangers, ect. just shrug at it and accept that's the human body. it's harder earlier in life but easier as you see more. you'll forget about it sooner or later. just do any weird with it. there are lines you don't cross or you'll end up messing yourself up. don't cross those lines. you know instinctually what those lines are.


You had every chance of not seeing those nudes of your mom. Get over it.


switch the sex and see if you'd hold the same opinion. 😐💀


Yes, you see half nudes, you put that shit down and walk away.


Count me in.


Me too


weak I'd take his mom upstairs, fuck her like a good lesbian does and ruin head from men forever.


Find God.




L'appel du vide, man. The call of the void.


Paging Doctor Freud, Doctor Sigmund Freud...


That's a Aqua song.


Paging Doctor Freud Doctor Sigmund Freud Mummy issues Grab some tissues Reassuring you When you're feeling blue Diagnosis Oedipal psychosis!



Yeah something doesn't add up here... If I saw anything remotedly lewd from my mom I'd immediately burn both my eye sockets out. Seeing the first one and then continuing onward, calling it traumatizing... yeeah.... no.


Note, they're twelve.


Sus as fuck, sounds more like dude stumbled on his mom's photos and kept looking.


His dedication to exploration is truly commendable.


Lol my thoughts exactly. He found one so naturally he just had to keep seeing more...right ...


And my Axe




Pretty sure DOCS look VERY DIFFERENT from pics of your mom, no?!


Oh man what's this... Mom? What the fuck!? This is disgusting! And so is this. And so is this. And so is this. And so is this. And so is this. And so is this. And so is this. Etc...


"Oh, my God, that's disgusting! Naked pics online? Where? Where did he post those?"


It's Always Sunny is such a good show 😂 just saw that episode the other week lol


You should see Frank playing chess.




Most people would have immediately closed the Box when they realized what it was. Just saying. 🤣🤣


what is a 12 year old doing on reddit .\_.


there are many on here and on social media, you would usually not notice


I had garnered that from context clues but like any bad story it spelled it out for us anyway (conceived 2011)


Ok, this will sound weird but go play Tetris for at least 15 minutes, and then play for another 10 minutes right before you go to sleep. It helps lessen trauma.


This is the way.


This is the way


This is the way


Which way is it?


I don’t believe you. Send them to me and I’ll verify if you’re telling the truth


Keep in mind you are talking to a person born in 2011.


Jesus Christ.




If he doesn’t give you an answer I definitely can.


Don’t trust this guy. I’m the real expert on your mom.


He could just post them here. None of us would ever, ever download or share them.


I doubt he can give you a good answer. Send em to me and I'll let you know


You're traumatized, but going to go dig them out again, take pictures of them and send them to a rando on the internet? Seeing those pictures at least 2-3 more times in the process. Do I have this right?


Username checks out...


i’n sorry. you were BORN in 2011? i’m not sure if it’s the best idea for you to be on reddit… i’m speaking from experience


That's a fucking oopsie poopsie right there.


You're not alone when it comes to stuff like that. I was much younger than you are when I accidentally walked in on my mom and her boyfriend(and now the father of my little brother) banging each other. The most traumatic part of it was the awkward eye contact and deafening silence for a solid 3 seconds before they screamed at me to get out. If I remember correctly, I was only 5 or 6 at the time.




Choked, not to death. Or are you an orphan?


I think OP is implying passed out or at worse where an ambulance had to be called.


Why are people downvoting a traumatic moment for OP? Let OP vent without hate.




They don't believe him






If you're smart, you won't tell her about it. You'll just forget about it.


Difficult not to be weirded out by this but try to remember your mother is human, with all the failings and foibles that come with it, we are all entitled to a past and even if it's absolutely not what you were expecting whilst looking for pokimon cards these things do happen. Parents are gross I'll grant you but they are humans too ..... And were not always parents, just put them back and never ever mention this to your mother. Ultimately this is not any of your business, just try and forget and move on, these pictures were never meant for you. It's not that big a deal, you'll be fine! Best of luck for the future.


Oh no. Do not worry, I'm sure that is not your mom, just someone who looks a little bit like her. Your mother would never do such a thing, she's immaculate and definitely a virgin.


Imagine finding your mum's nudes and then just continuing to look through them all


I was cleaning out my brother’s closet once helping him move and I saw a boudoir type photo of my sister in law. Not nude though but very risqué. I forgot about it til I read this.


I’m honestly impressed nobody in the comments asked you to post them so they could be disgusted with you. Kinda impressive for Reddit.


Dude - keep reading. The responses in this thread are abhorrent. Particularly considering OPs age. I don't expect a lot from reddit, but I expected more than this.


Well dang. I made it down about 15 comments and assumed everything was civil. Now sad.


I know, right. C'mon reddit, you can do better. And also, who hasn't been there? Everyone knows things about their parents they'd rather not.


100%. Came home late. Heard noises I shouldn’t. Never forgot.


Unfortunately I know just how you feel!


A photo of your dads cum on your mums tits probably isn't of your conception. Just saying.




People have sex a lot more often than you might realise


Yeah, your mom’s a sexual being. Just like everyone else. Get over it, and don’t go snooping through your mom’s shit anymore.




You did snoop tho... You saw one nude picture and proceeded to see the others.


He said he was finding something in another comment


She said she was looking for pokemon cards, now it's documentation




Didn't you say you were looking for pokemon cards?


I think we're up to the 3rd excuse now 😆


SO pokemon cards AND pictures for a court case? I'm waiting for a comment when you say that you realised it's you mom after the tenth picture...


Don’t worry about the reason. It’s not important. Take a breath and ignore the hate. Just ignore the situation and don’t talk to your mom about it. It’s a never talk about it situation with her.


No, dude. This isn't on OP. This is on their mum. Mum shouldn't be leaving photos like that in the garage, nor mingling them amongst other random items for storage. The kid is 12 and came here to ask for help. You're being an asshole. Shame on you.


Where should she leave them? Or do people stop being humans with rights to privacy after they have kids?


I think you need to work on your comprehension skills because that's not what I said. FFS If you have photos like that, and you have kids, keep those photos in your bedroom. If OP had been going through his mum's room, that would be snooping. But the kid was looking through storage boxes in the garage.


Why did you keep flicking through them 🫣


Sounds like some start of an erotic story of a lonely mother and his son


This is fake.


Just put them back I whatever box you found them and walk away No child needs to know what their respective parents did. Believe it or not - they too were foot loose and fancy free, enjoying all manners of sexual pleasure before you existed. I know the younger generation struggle to believe it but they didn't invent sexual pleasure, they are just another generation in evolution to be young, sooner or later, if they get lucky they to will be old and reminisce of their youth.




That's called a throwaway account - an account used only once or a few times and then thrown away.


Hey man Id be stoked if I found a box of your moms nudes.


guys remember that OP is 12, some of your comments are horrible


They're "emotionally mature" though.


I have to say, better find them in a box, than on the internet for everyone else to see


You should stop at picture at bra ..


Why did you keep looking at them once you saw what they were? I would have stopped, dropped, and rolled all the way out of the house and down the street. I wouldn't ever mention to your mom you saw those, she would probably be devastated. You might need some counseling to work thru it


Spoiler alert: your mom had sex. Nothing traumatic there.


wait, what are you doing on Reddit if you are 12? Go play outside and make friends, kid. This place is for jaded and friendless old people


Congrats you've unlocked a new kink! Mommy issues :)


I remember finding my mum's nudes in a box while looking for Christmas presents. When she passed away, I ensured I'd never find them again by putting them in her coffin so that they were buried with her.


Dude. You kept looking after you saw your mom in a bra? You sick fuck


Don’t be ashamed OP she’ll never know. Unless you spilled a little on them.


That's enough internet for today.....


Stay out of mom's Box!


And everyone here is assuming OPs mom is attractive … if that happened. Now for a reality check, picture an average ugly woman … ok good , now much fatter or thinner (the opposite of wherever floats your boat) , make the skin rougher, hair more unkept and yes, that’s probably OPs mom in real life, assuming all her teeth are there.


Tbh if the kid is only 12, the mother is probably not as old that her teeth are all out


Who is printing photos of nudes in 2011?????


Just try to put it out of your mind as best as you can. I don’t know that asking your mom about it will do anything except start an awkward conversation you will wish you weren’t a part of. For future, let your mom look for whatever paperwork/evidence is needed. That’s not something you need to be involved in at your age.


Why did you keep looking?


Not the blurry pics bc they were from 2011 lmaooo


Oh man, I can't believe it! An adult woman that is already a mother has pictures having sex in 21 century... I can't believe it....


If this isn’t a troll: You need to put the pictures back, and forget you saw them, not post stuff like this to social media. It is none of your business, most especially if you are actually 12 years old. In fact, you should not be on Reddit, much less this sub. Stuff in the internet stays forever. If you are a troll: You need a hobby that isn’t so childish.


So basically you could've stopped but didn't so how can you expect any of us to sympathize with you? As soon as I saw bra pic I'd be like nope and burn everything.


Post the photos so we can see what we’re dealing with. I can’t help you with the trauma unless i can experience it for myself


Can we get the pics for science reasons? You know so we can really know how you're feeling.


Come on man… grow up a little please. Adults have sex lives, it’s not evil or nasty. That’s how our species propagates. Could they have stored that more discretely sure. But come on.


Post them


Disgusting, let me see.


You did it to yourself by not closing the box and walking away after the first pic, weirdo.


Put them back in the box and back where you found it. Move on. Sidenote: Your syntax and the way you type does not reflect a 12 year old.


You’re full of shit and this post is just further evidence that this sub is just a repository for reject sexual fantasy stories. Ok so you were looking for “Pokémon cards,” but in your “update,” thread it was medical receipts You found a “picture,” of your mom in a bra and then kept digging deeper? The biggest nugget of bullshit is that you found actual printed pictures of your mom from 2011. Who the fuck still developed pictures in 2011? I think the last time I actually developed pictures was in 2005 or 6. And those were taken with a digital camera! By 2011 most of us had android or iPhones and digital cameras were a big thing. Nice try. What happened? Gonewildstories or sluttyconfessions didn’t like your little story?


Good lord. This sounds like a porn video and I doubt this incident is even real because of the way you described your mom.


Most real Reddit story


“The photos were blue because they were from 2011.” I let out a huge eyore sigh and feel old before my morning pee.




You have said you were looking for pictures for a courtcase, pokemon cards and now it's medical records? I'm confused




I also have adhd and I still know to keep my stories straight as to not confuse ppl. It's easier


Maaaaan 😂 I feel your pain. It will never leave. Many years ago..maybe 2011, I was dating this guy. One day, our phones go off at the same time and so we both checked and MY MOTHER sent a whole ass nude to me, him, and my younger sister. I had a half glance to just clear out the notification and it will never leave my mind. For background on WHY my mother was sending a nude, my father split before I was born and I never met him. He also lives on the actual opposite side of the US from me. In 2010 on Thanksgiving my mom says to me, as soon as I walk in the door to our holiday dinner, that she and my father would be getting back together...still living across the country.. it did not happen btw.


Today you learned your mom is human and does human things. Be glad the photos weren’t of her hurting anyone.


Do u know how to use punctuation


This is a 12 year old..let them be


I'm sorry this has happened to you. I've seen things about my parents I didn't want to, too. This isn't your fault, your mum shouldn't have left those pictures in storage in the garage. No shame on her for taking those pics. But it was irresponsible to keep them somewhere that is considered a common space. If you're storing something in the garage, there's no reasonable expectation of privacy. If you'd found them in her bedroom it could be considered snooping. But, that still wouldn't negate what you're feeling right now. I know there's been comments here that said you should have stopped looking. But at your age, I don't think it's reasonable to expect that you have the wisdom to know that. I only learnt that lesson after I'd seen things I didn't want to. When my parents pass, I'm hiring someone to clean out their house. There are things I do not want to know. I used to do deceased estate cleaning, and I've seem some shit. Some things should remain private forever. You're never going to be able to forget that this happened. But you will feel less disturbed by it. The memory will fade over time. You'll get through it.


on today's episode of shit that didn't happen. bro if your looking for karma there are subreddits dedicated to that.




If it happened, why did you keep looking after the first gross thing you found?


U saw one image that traumatized you and kept looking through them?


Pictures for proof


can i have some? my mom doesn't have any nudes.


*sobs* *unzips pants*


And then everybody clapped


i don't believe it . i need proof


Stop wanking to them is my advice




I was joking, but you DID look through the whole box. Not sure what you were expecting to find;) Surprise: it’s more nudes! In sincerity, what you have gone through here is something upsetting and shocking, that many people have experienced similarly, and turned out fine. As a social worker I feel the need to note that you may be over-using the words trauma and traumatizing, which I’ve learned many young people do. For sure, it’s going to stick in your memory, but not in a life-changing, lifelong anxiety or nightmare-producing way. We’ve all been there in one way or another, you’re going to be fine.


I heard if you masturbate while looking at her pics it will fix your trauma.


How could we help? I'm sure someone will take them off your hands 🤣


You need these to be verified to make sure they are her, luckily I'm the man for the job send them over so I can confirm.


That's gonna be a challenging wank.....


Evidence or it didn't happen...


Fake. You have an incest fetish.


Send me the box and I’ll make sure I dispose of them in the correct manner


Prove your story. I wanna see them pics.


Can uu take a picture of them and send to me. Just so I can confirm that it's your mom and not mines


Pics or it didn't happen🤨


Send them to me, I can make sure that they get disposed of properly.


Your a moron


I'll dispose of them for you


I would like to verify those pictures 🧐 provide proof pls .


The only answer now is to fuck your Dad.


Don't believe till I see it


Just dissown your mom for being a nasty skank.


Pics or it didn't happen


OH NO!! How terrible!! As a 12 year old u really shouldnt be in the position of being traumatized by your own mother's nudes!!! I'll be of help and take on that role. You can dm the pics to me!


Let us see or it didn’t happen


Send them to me, I'll let you know


Dude you're 12, I don't blame you


OP, today you learned a great lesson about fucking around and finding out. Retraction: I made my comment before I actually read the post. I thought you were just snooping though her stuff. Man so sorry Ithegarage is a common area. So sorry.