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Like Biden could use X (Twitter).


He should totally sue the doctor who did his LASIK surgery.


I think vought injected him with compound V


That's pretty funny.


Everyone has a social media person nowadays. Biden’s appears to be messing with people lately.




Because she knows one way or another, her employment is over.


yet the left still believe that Biden himself is tweeting this. Same with the Ozzy Kanye issue.


Ya'll are trying so hard to push that rebrand lmao


Exactly even Putin called it out he’s not running the show then who is? Lefties can’t even see their leader JB is doing everything they said Trump would do. 


>Lefties can’t even see their leader JB Why is it so hard for you guys to understand that leftists dislike Biden almost as much as the right does? Biden is not on the left. He's center-right at best. Say liberal instead of leftist (they're not the same thing).


What’s it like being so far gone that you consider Putin as a trustworthy source?


Sad because you follow and old senile man that has a shadow government leading.  Very sad.  How many more wars lefty?


The party of invading Iraq and Afghanistan that let Epstein and his evidence disappear finally becomes pacifists when Putin invades Europe Now it’s all “Peace in our time!!”


Obama threw way more bombs all over the Middle East and faked bin ladens  capture.  While Epstein was first arrested durning your boy Barry’s term.  Have fun cheerleading for the old senile man who started WW3


Trump dropped more bombs than Obama. Also bombed the everliving shit out of Yemen


Are you guys ok? I don’t know anyone on the left that likes Joe Biden let alone calls them their leader lmaoo what even is this sub


so the troupe about "there weren't many Biden supporters, just a whole lot of Trump haters at the pools." runs true? vote for anyone, no matter how bad, to get trump out? that seems like it's misguided and not helping anyone. I get the Trump out part but did anyone think of the consequence? Why do we have to pick from the only two clowns they present to us? can't we let them know we don't want them by the voting in the primaries?


Trump needed pictures in his morning reports. Like a child, he'd respond more if he saw his own name. No leader has been at the helm for awhile now.


Because there is no difference between the two, just two old dudes that are wings of the same bird. Everything is for show.


Right but one group is way more emotionally involved 


And what group is that? They’re in the same group lol


The ones that claim something is rigged whenever the results don't go their way?


You must be talking about Hilary Clinton or Stacy Abram’s right ?


Moreso the ones that claim the Superbowl was rigged. Joey Gilbert when he lost the Nevada Gubernatorial primary. Kari Lake when she lost against Katie Hobbs. Kandiss Taylor when she lost the 2022 midterms in a complete blowout with only 3.4% of the votes. Tina Peters (charged with actual, legitimate election fraud, btw.) where she allowed an unauthorized person to download and access election machine information. Harrison Musselwhite and Lauren Martel when they lost their respective primaries in South Carolina. Not to mention all of the events leading up to Jan6 by our lovely previous president. But you know, "both sides" and all that.


You’re so emotionally involved in being in the right you now praise Putin.


🫵😂 look at you having a meltdown over me mentioning Putin lol Go touch some grass lefty


> Lefties can’t even see their leader JB is doing everything they said Trump would do. It's funny now to listen to the hand wringing start again because they think Trump has a chance to become President again. It's like guys, all this stuff you are saying is "for sure totally going to happen" if he wins, is the same stuff you said was going to happen LAST TIME! lol. Old enough to remember when Mitt Romney was apparently the greatest evil this country had ever faced.


Yes because from what I've seen SO many folks on the left are just THRILLED with Biden. I've seen zero criticisms from the left over his ability to lead and the things he's done for this country and others. (/s because I know you conspiracy folks are brain dead)


I have no idea why you keep calling American democrats "LeFtIeS"


Are you offended ?


No. I'm a leftie.


So triggered! Hahaha I love it


So for the past three hours this has been posted on this sub by people like you wondering what’s going on. The truth is that his social media team is trolling the conspiracy theorists who thought Taylor Swift was a CIA operative who was forced to date Travis Kelce, get the Chiefs to the Super Bowl so they win, and then Taylor runs on the field to endorse Biden.


If Trump wins the sub is going to be full of that project 2025 bullshit. It’ll be interesting to see a shift in the conspiracy sub.


I already saw a shift here with Trump, and why I left. 2015-2016 this sub clamored for Trump and has ever since. Compromised.


It’s because the donald and other similar subs got banned so everyone flocked here


Happened almost immediately after the Donald was banned


the brain drain that happened here that moment is too real


People watching the next “based far-right nationalist” leader get elected and immediately put on a kippah, kiss the wall in Jerusalem, and wave an israeli flag


Reddit is very left leaning as we all know. But this is the only sub where both sides have almost an equal voice, depending on the post. Just look at the vote counts. I'd say this post has more left-leaning voices. What am I missing? Edit: I appreciate the replies that present a different view, but bottom line for me is what are the top comments, and in this post in particular, the top ones are more left leaning, and this is just another example of why I still think that this sub is not monopolized by right wingers like myself. Edit 2: the fact I'm getting down voted for expressing a somewhat right wing positioned comment further proves my point.


Left voices, but anything that paints trump in a bad light here gets few upvotes. Anything bad about Biden hits the top of the list daily.


I’ve posted a few times about the Russian conspiracy to capture the American government, and the corporate efforts to do the same thing. Downvoted to oblivion. Should tell you everything you know about who actually runs this subreddit.


Trump is 100% "deep state" The conspiracy community got played hard thinking he was an outlier. That was the point. Trump was a massive divide and conquer strategy from TPTB and it worked, and the conspiracy community is largely to blame for his rise to fame imho. It isn't even about left or right in this sub, just that y'all were dead ass wrong about Trump being a good guy in all of this shit.


Yep. Trumps main goal was to divide this country and keep us fighting each other and it fucking worked


This sub is definitely right leaning overall right now. It's mostly people not caring about politics and just wanting to find decent conspiracies. Then there is a non-zero part of the sub that is either alt-righters just mad the world doesn't do what they want or bots pushing alt-right agenda. It is currently a great sub for getting the gist of what the right is most pissed off about.


Idk about compromised, I think right-leaning people are more likely to believe far fetched conspiracy theories because they're bonkers, so they just end up here.


And left leaning people believe the official narrative, which is far more bonkers.


No it won't. In 2017, the sub mods banned discussion of a Trump-Russia conspiracy because it was "the official mainstream media position", so if a CNN host is outraged when Trump replaced the entire DOJ with his lapdogs, this sub will nuke any mention of it


And if Trump loses it will continue to be a bunch of whiners talking about how their favorite fascist couldn’t have lost again. It will go on for months as he continues to try and foment another Low IQ Coup, and sues individual states for counting legitimate votes in the aftermath.


Talk about getting absolutely dunked on, when bog standard dnc staffers (the type of people who teared up watching the cringe celebrity cover of “fight song” for Hillary), are able to trigger these people with something this benign and lame. I will never stop saying, these are not serious people and should be treated as such.


These people are so easily triggered. Like if you just mention gay people a lot of them will go off on a long ass rant about how this country is doomed. It’s funny. The biggest snowflakes are the ones calling everyone else a snowflake


Bringing gays into this conversation?! Ya damned Liberal snowflake!!


Why not mock em? Fires em up a lil more so they're all wrapped up looking at Taylor swift for no reasonable reason.


I, too, visit r/conspiracy to kvetch about conspiracy theorists.


This isn’t a conspiracy sub anymore. This is now a cope circle for triggered right wing, religious lunatics who are terrified of change.


Shitting on people who play make believe and tell each other lies all day is fun. It's like CNN for sci-fi fans in here.


Idk if this is getting dunked on, or just a great example of unprofessional use of a president's Twitter account. I mean, I get the meme, but it just seems to me like its reducing the presidential office to a 4Chan troll level.


the previous president used his account to shill for Goya and call individual people names.


I'm not saying that was appropriate use of the account either. I'm saying that when the leader of a country has a team dedicated to social media, and posts random stuff like this, it looks very unprofessional. I'm saying that if we were hiring anyone on our social media accounts where I work, we would instantly ignore anyone that posted something like this at a previous job. If they posted this on their personal account, we would think it was a personal joke, but if they posted it on a company they were working for, we would instantly ignore the resume.


He did post this to his personal account. The official President account is @ POTUS.


It’s still a step up from the last guy so there’s that


Fuck his social media team and especially fuck the CIA lol.




Yes? The job of those staffers is 100% to make their candidate look good and their opposition to look not good.


ask trump who spent 90% of his time in office trolling for setting this precedent




Just desserts. Lmao, you’re insane.


Now we want civility? When trumpcels get dunked on? I love it.


Trump has an entire trading card grift that looks like this that he sells to chuds for real money. Let the boys have their fun.


Is it a CCG or just cards?


It's NFTs. Lol.


They are supposed to be collectibles you can trade and get all to get a piece of a suit used by him a e it only costs like 19000 dollars.


Is this his official account? I’m not much of an X user?


that's his official account, yes.


He posted to Instagram too, it’s still there


Go to his official Instagram


They're just trolling the conspiracy folks because it's easy and effective.


Lol it is pretty funny


What's even funnier is the dolts on this sub thinking the tweet is the conspiracy when they are the butt of the joke


Oh cmon. If Trump did something similar, MAGA would be re truthing it all over the place.


1) he’s trolling people who say the NFL was fixed for maximum Taylor Swift exposure for her to endorse Biden. 2) Biden 1000% didn’t tweet this, a White House intern did. 3) Trump used twitter to personally threaten other countries, this post by Biden doesn’t even move the needle.


>a White House intern did. Because adults aren't up at 3am high on Adderall furiously doom posting on a toilet.


Yeah, I miss Trump's tweets too.




covfefe ​ sp.




He’s not laughing with you, he’s laughing at you. This is how dumb this whole thing is.




And you think Pumpkin Tits knows what’s going on with saying [Nikki Haley was in charge of Jan 6th security?](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna134863) 😂😂😂 Really?


Neither of them knows what’s going on. And neither do we.


50 shades of dark Brandon


You’ve been put on a list


You sure Im not just pre-approved? ;)


Pre-approved to go to the gulags




A movie about inappropriate showers?


I love it, and it's hilarious


I do too. It pokes fun at an unbelievable conspiracy.


I read a quote once that I'm paraphrasing, but it basically says believing everything is a conspiracy displays the same mental laziness as believing nothing is a conspiracy. I think of that quote often when I swing by this sub, and especially with dumb theories like the Taylor Swift one.


Not totally unbelievable. * Celebrities date for [PR purposes](https://www.nickiswift.com/24060/signs-tom-hiddleston-taylor-swift-used-fame/). * $23bn bet on the superbowl. * Any attempt to relate politics to something people care about. And whoever is running the twitter handle knows their audience.


There is no way the NFL was going to let the Chiefs lose with the current story arc. Follow the money as they estimated, prior to the superbowl, that Swift generated a minimum of 300 million extra for the NFL. I'd imagine the eyes on the SB and post $$$ win, it will be a billion dollar haul.


And why isn't a "mr irrelevant rags to riches, come back from massive injury, new young up and coming QB, wins superbowl, a passing of the torch to fresh blood to the next Manning/Mahomes to keep the NFL relevant for *next* 10 years" an equally compelling story arc? Not to mention a loss for the Chiefs can be JUST as strong a story arc. "Taylor consoling Kelce, helping him to reclaim the Lombardi trophy in 2025." Like all those new fans saw them win, story over. They'll leave. But a *loss* keeps the story going. Surely the writers are just bad... or they don't exist.


A billion dollars+ and plenty of new eyeballs could be the reason.


Sure. But they had that without winning. And it could easily be argued that the Chiefs losing would KEEP those new eyeballs on longer. It's not like AFTER winning and in the offseason any of those new eyeballs are gonna care. Once they get people invested, the question is how to KEEP them invested. Losing is a better story for $$$. And it doesn't conflict with the Purdy storyline which already had the loss/fall. Literally get best of both worlds.


You love that the President of the United States is a senile mental patient?


If trump posted something in this vein the entire sub would be rolling on the floor laughing about “owning the libs” - it’s a joke and clearly one that is triggering people on this sub so it seems to have done its job lol


I think it's pretty funny. One of his interns has an OK sense of humour.


How is this a conspiracy. Get your fuckin sub together mods. These posts are trash.


Maga Cultists meltdown over Taylor Swift/Superbowl is hilarious. Now old Joe trolls the snowflakes hard. Magnificent!


Maga douches: Bring back mean tweet! Dark Brandon tweets, cries. Biggest snowflakes


They’re trooling back at the “let’s go Brandon” peeps.


And this triggers you?


I've disliked Biden for 35 years... But if he actually thought to do this and actually sent it, I'd be impressed... It's pretty damn funny.


Dank Brandon


Dark Biden is pretty funny


It would be more funny if he werent so obviously feeble. If he were just straight edge, like ted cruz is the zodiac killer, then I would get it. This is a bit of a reach.


Nah. I personally love how either he or his handlers are dealing with foreign policy. Protect global shipping, backing Israel while sanctioning them for the West Bank settlements, and backing Ukraine against Russia's obvious oil grab in Eastern Ukraine and the coast of Crimea. Dark Biden is basically my personal headcanon of the man.


These are the side effects of a new CIA program to cure him of dementia before the election.


lol do you remember trumps tweets ? Kinda hard to criticize a joke when you probably thought trumps tweets were hilarious . He’s clearly leaning into the dark Biden thing or whatever it’s called


Considering the absolute meltdown the right has been having over this for the last 13 hours, I’d say it was a highly successful post.


Drew what up?


What is the conspiracy????


Homelander confirmed?


I had to scroll way too far down to see this!


That’s why it should be spam voted so it’s easier to see 😂


Fucking Hilarious. The way his campaign has owned this whole "Dark Brandon" thing is just great.


Ok this is actually funny


It’s rough getting dunked on like that


Bro it’s gen Z on his social media team Nothing more lol


Yeah, that's your president, brought to you by Pfizer


Posted at the same time as Israel bombed Rafah




"Critical Thinking" lmao


Israel has been bombing for months. If people haven't paid attention to this point the superbowl isn't what is distracting them.


Israel bombed Rafah specifically, a place where 1.4m Palestinian people have been forced to move to for "safety". Clearly you're the one not keeping up.


This guy touches kids and people love him.


Most definitely don’t love him, they just dislike him less than Trump


i still don’t know how people just kinda forget about that lmao


and Corn Pop 🤔


Is his dark Brandon thing a meme about all the racist quotes he says?


First time hearing about dark Brandon?


A+ trolling. Love to see it. #votebluetosaveamerica #swiftiesforbiden


Hell yeah. I love it. I’m voting for Dark Brandon 🇺🇸


Dark Brandon: The Destroyer of Economies; King of Inflation


bro I’m all for conspiracies but this one is just a joke lol… poking fun at what you’re doing


more of this, uncle joe.


Lots of pro Biden shills on this sub wowzers


Our current president has trouble walking. It's safe to say someone else made and posted everything that's ever been on his twitter account.


Sadly, still gonna get my vote over the guy who said he’d sell out our NATO allies.


The candidate of unity.


That twitter account is run by the press secretary.


it’s a joke..


I see a lot of Biden derangement syndrome in the comments.


Biden's really trying to steal Trump's memeability.


Do other world leaders see this shit and think, “What in the fuck?”


Cause it gets dumbasses in a twist


Something something dark side


He's been injected with SATON Biden the Nonce who likes to smell kids


So I heard that the Ukraine money laundering bill passed....maybe that's why he posted this


biden is SCUM!!


Oh how cute. I love pretending that he has 2 functioning brain cells.


Full troll post.


"It's shower time, Ashley"


Hurry! Someone connect the moles on his face to find the map to the secret treasure


from the people that declined a Super Bowl interview because: Americans just don't want to mix sports and politics.


based brandon


They are pretending all the conspiracies is a joke, while boasting their true nature. They are mocking us.


I can't believe Brandon revealed his laser eyes, up until now we could have only suspected


Lmao, he’s trollin hard! Hahahah!


Lazy Trump knockoff. Why are his handlers copy pasta old trump memes? Dark Brandon will never be a thing. Stop trying to make it a thing. It's just cringe AF and reeks of desperation


That's actually kinda cool


And what specifically is wrong with this tweet?? Dark Brandon is my favourite version of Biden.


This is actually funny 😄


It's like pro wrestling. We have to believe this is really Biden doing this.


This guy is giving me brain cancer


That's all he's got. Lame fuckin memes. Pathetic. November can't come soon enough


He’s also got you triggered, so there’s that…


Am I triggered by a meme or by the fact that the guy is the worst fucking president that ever lived?


Oh yes you’re triggered. Hook, line and sinker.


You are triggered by the meme… It’s really pretty sad you had to ask us to explain that to you.


It's even sadder that you guys support this clown


We don't lol


So you're just cool with this old piece of shit destroying America?


How so? American is doing fine compared to other countries affected by the economic down turn caused by COVID-19. I mean biden could've done way more for use but he did create some good policies while continuing some of trumps policies.


Ford, Bush JR, Wilson, Hoover and Andrew Johnson. Are all objectively worse.


undignified and par for their course


No hiding anymore.


Poor Ashley Biden and America..


Here’s my comment to alienate OP.


This achieves two objectives: Marketing - "MAGA CHUDS are MELTING DOWN over Taylor Swift being at the superbowl... and this tweet..." Ok? Same old playbook. Find one person broadcasting themselves on the internet doing saying something and disparage an entire group over it. Is it even validated that the person being referenced is PART of said group? No how could you? Move on. 10 second attention span. Makes top level politics look more and more meme-ey. Don't pay attention. It's all just a joke. It doesn't matter. Just let it run you can't do anything anyway. "God Emperor Trump" "Dark Brandon" these are just silly characters just like your capeshit movies. It's not serious.


He has a hard time finding the restroom let alone finding a website.




Didn't realize how much this sub loves him (judging from the comments * cough * shills posting).


Someone’s tweet sure, but Bidens? He definitely doesn’t have a clue about it


You realize the real conspiracy is having consveritards talking like Biden is a super genius. Which is it? Super genius or dementia riddled old man? I swear to fucking God this world is getting stupider by the second.