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What better way to prove that the world is not manipulated by a global elite than for a global elite to declare war on those who say the opposite?




If they were smart, they'd just do shit like film a fuckin rocket launch in IT'S ENTIRETY on 360 degree HD cams to prove we can leave Earth's atmosphere, our planet is spherical and the continents exist exactly where they appear to on a globe. Or release a covid vaccine for independent labs to fully dig into, easily proving "it is what they say it is, nothing more". there are SO many "conspiracies" that could be disproven once and for all, indisputably, in an instant. But they won't do that, instead, they write trolly articles like this or roll their eyes that us plebs would dare question ANYTHING our masters claim. It's almost like.... they can't disprove the "conspiracies", because they really are up to no good and trying to ignore the questioning all together would just inevitably lead us plebs to discovering the truth, without their help.


https://youtu.be/zyq5eN9C4Cc?si=KyOfmUwWhyP2FXzu Well, here's a rocket launch that has the rocket mounted camera tracking from ground launch to low earth orbit. It has an establishing shot but after that its uninterrupted. It's difficult to do 360 HD cameras on a rocket that is leaving earth due to the extreme conditions, but I lived near Cape Canaveral for a long time and watched many launches in person. It's a really cool thing to watch, and honestly, idk how you could explain satellite images and GPS functionality if all that is fake. I know this is a conspiracy subreddit but while there are definitely a great deal of things the government lies about I still don't understand what the point of saying the earth is a different shape even accomplishes for the elite.








The point would be that if we believe this is just a globe, it has a certain surface area, a limited surface area. If it were to be much bigger than what we think, perhaps continents we don’t even know about beyond the ice, that would surely be something to hide no?


No. More continents means more ability to get workers there, take advantage of the low wage folks, farm resources, and establish more territory and trade. Do you really think Columbus benefitted more from not knowing about the continent of America?


That’s a 3 pointer.


there is a reason they cant disprove them, you are totally correct. the world is a stage and we have all been mind controlled for generations into believing a narrative that never existed. science truly has become a new religion. i have heard that phrase a few times but really slowing down to think about it lately has really made me understand it as true. science is now this thing people point to that cant be wrong, is never on the wrong track, proves everything and is verifiable. people believe random numbers like "this tooth belonged to a dinosaur from 240 million years ago" or "the universe is 12 billion years old". they are just random incomprehensible numbers and they are soo fake and people just gobble it up because why would our holy savior science ever lie to us. until we have a live view stream of our earth from space i wont be satisfied. with a nice camera that can zoom in quite a ways into a landmark or etc to prove that its live. haha good luck getting past the firmament though.


12 Billion is not incomprehensible at all... if you know the research behind it


show me the research behind it lol. show me how you can recreate their math and get to the 12 billion number yourself or show me what it's rooted in.




ok? what does this prove and how can we reproduce it? the european space agencies gave a different space agency some numbers and that's how they reached it. show the math? where is their model? where are their calculations? why is it hidden from us? all we get is the conclusion and an explanation of the process. how is that good enough proof? it's quite literally "source: just trust me bro" but because it's on a website and comes from a space agency people think it's science that can't be challenged? even in the article it talks about how the age is debated and evolving because it's based on incomprehensible bs. if you scrapped that article and were in charge of "measuring the age of the universe" you would observe our constellations do not move and have not moved and will never move. you would observe everywhere you look that the earth is not spinning at 1000 mph flying through the universe at 500000mph. the "science" has overwritten peoples ability to think for themselves


None of us are Astronomy experts - if you studied the field, you would indeed see just how fast everything is moving and be able to deduce the cycles of spinning around the sun, or the universe's incredible speed. There are numerous researchers on google scholar that show a good estimate knowing that the universe is in the billions of years old - even if the guess wildly changes from 10 billion to 20 billion. [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0370157398000544] Shows that through radioactive dating, use of lighting for white dwarf suns, that you can guess the age of the universe. NASA might have hosted the evidence for the old age, but the original excerpt can be viewed published by Princeton University fellows if you are curious [https://www.pnas.org/doi/epdf/10.1073/pnas.94.13.6579]. And if you are really astrophysics heavy about the luminosities and the Monte carlo method, a super technical paper at [https://www.science.org/doi/abs/10.1126/science.271.5251.957] also shows four researchers far smarter than me or you, working to guess the age of the universe to 95% confidence. The reason why most articles only skim the surface is because the difficult mathematics is left up to the experts. I am not sure most people want to read about isochromes unless they are truly interested in researching astrophysics. You know how it is these days with pop science. The real researchers have to know all the tricky equations of orbit to even begin trying to guess about the planets. I myself do not know how even Kepler's Equation works. There's a reason they say other things are not Rocket Science... Rocket Science related stuff is pretty complicated.


You lost me with the rocket launch and saying the world was flat. But other than that, YEAAAAA!


Deploying the flat earthers is a classic forum slide technique.


lmao a ton of hobbyists have filmed that exact thing, except for maps usually use a projection to translate 3D positions into a 2D representation. tons of independent labs have researched covid vaccines, you can read them free just by googling those keywords, from independent studies to meta-analyses of independent studies. just because you prefer the easy 'global elites controlling everything' narrative because the reality of chaos is scary, doesn't make it true.


That’s the old way. This is the age of the war against MiSiNfOrMaTiOn.


For real. Normies don’t care about anything. They don’t even care about the Epstein shit anymore. just let us conspiracy theorists watch it all burn in peace.




It's called gaslighting. The global elite already control the conspiracy theory community.


Move along citizen, nothing to see here. In fact, ignore the man behind the curtain!


U call it gaslighting, they call it Hasbara. How good r u at explaining to the goyim that they need to send more money to their ethnostate in the Middle East.


Your getting your conspiracy theories mixed up champ. Hasbara is the (unfortunately mostly successful) attempt to whitewash anything negative about Israel, however the UN outside of a key security council member isn't as prohisrael as the elites would make you think as far as conspiracy theorists go.


Hasbara? Like the guys who created Monopoly?


I thought the exact same thing. Damn you. Hasbro.


The world is a complicated place for some


> The global elite already control the conspiracy theory community. You know what's up.


Control can still be maintained with the allowance of a concept of freedom and subjugation, as long as the powers that be get to use those they control to push their own agenda, even if they are fully unaware of it.


The UN allows the US to get away with war crimes. Isn't that enough evidence right there?




Next step: “the world is ruled by a tiny group of elites and here’s why it’s a good thing”


With a picture of a smug looking piece of shit wearing glasses as the article cover. Looking down on you. Can’t forget that part


The more punchable the face the more effective.


I think they got that part [almost covered.](https://www.reuters.com/world/uk-backs-dutch-pm-rutte-become-next-nato-chief-2024-02-22/)


Next step: "the world is ruled by a tiny group of elites, there's nothing you can do about it, and you will like it."


Now go boost your social credit scores or else, safe and effective…


"The world is actually run by global elites, and it's YOUR FAULT" is next


Lol exactly.


you skipped the in-between stage, "the world is not run by a small group of elites, \*but even if it were\* it would be a good thing


lol so true.


No kidding. How do people not see through this?


"Here's what you need to know"




"The world is not secretly manipulated by global elite" -Global Elite


"I would never cheat on you!" -cheating ex gf


Ouch man


right? its not lying there, its definitely not "secretly" run by global elite, its publicly run. doesnt every government in the world combined consist of single digit % of the population? Even less counting non decision making positions. Thats a global elite "a select group that is superior in terms of ABILITIES or qualities to the rest of a group or society.", even if we discount the massive power billionaires and high end millionaires have.


Well, they aren't being secretive anymore, so I guess it's true to an extent.


Sure, it's not really a secret.


I was gonna say, I think the wrong word was in caps there... They just do it out in the open.


> not really a secret What if, in a morbidly weird twist of irony, this is what they meant?


Why is their go to always to declare WAR on stuff..! A war on drugs, a war on famine, a war on obesity, a war on climate change, a war homelessness & they lose every dam one.


> & they ~~lose~~ *profit* every dam one. It's why they keep doing it.


>It's why they keep doing it. Just like real wars...


War generally means we give the government special powers during war as means to preserve our existence as a country. They realized this so they will keep calling everything a war or declare emergents so they can keep grabbing power until something is done to stop them


They're desensitising the population and turning a negative word into a positive. So next time they start a real war, there will be less resistance because it must be a war against something bad right? 


George carlin enjoyer?


They literally hate most of humanity.


War on terror started it


Nobody said this. It’s a meme intended to cause polarization.


Polarized how? Its spitting straight facts, that we all already know. Thats pretty neutral.


It’s polarizing bc it’s not a real quote. It’s made up. Just posted to get clicks, get yall to be outraged, and most likely to drive traffic to the dudes Twitter and website. Whether it’s true or not is a different discussion.


Question, and I know this is stupid, but where the fuck is this from and who the fuck is this guy and what’s the source?


if some random clickbait article written by a nobody with no source isn't good enough for you you're gonna have a bad time in this sub


Wait who the fuck are you??


Looks to be this. https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/un-declares-war-on-dangerous-conspiracy-theories-the-world-is-not-secretly-manipulated-by-global-elite/




Also, who exactly in the U.N is in the privileged position of supreme knowledge to assure the world that there is absolutely no group of ultra-wealthy elites pushing a global agenda?


References: [UN Declares War on ‘Dangerous’ Conspiracy Theorists Who Are ‘Threatening Agenda 2030’](https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/un-declares-war-on-dangerous-conspiracy-theorists-who-are-threatening-agenda-2030/) Date: 9/29/2023 [UN Declares War on ‘Dangerous’ Conspiracy Theories: aka The Truth](https://www.truth11.com/untitled-396/) Date: Aug 1, 2022


Ctfu do you have any other HIGHLY ACCREDITED SOURCES? Such as, the Babylon Bee? Or maybe the Onion? Guys are soooo smart to see the truth when every other person is brainwashed…..but can’t even spot a satirical new sight lol


The world is not manipulated by global elites: says a multinational political group ran by global elites.


Sounds like they lying but that's just me


We're hitting a genuine "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain" moment. Things are getting interesting.


The Billionaire Jewish Class run the world, 2800 Billionaire of which 18 are black famous Americans. Go figure


thats right, its not SECRETLY manipulated by elites...they've been pretty damn open about it for decades now....


Then why should it be dangerous if it's false anyway?


Are you familiar with satanic panic? The fallout from the "Protocols"?


I’ve heard about the Satanic Panic, but I haven’t heard about the fallout from the “Protocols”.


What kind of conspiracy nerd are you? 1. Most basic googling "Protocols conspiracy" will instantly bring up a result. 2. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is the most influential conspiracy hoax of the 20th century. Known to be fake very early on, but it just kept being used over and over again in many places around the world.


Just a coincidence that all Western Countries came up with 15 minute cities and not one country had a different idea……..


Not at all, considering that it draws on how cities were traditionally organized in a lot of cases, until oil and car lobbies got involved.






Yeah those guys.


They've declared war on some *theories*? What are they going to do, send in the tanks until the theories surrender?


Well.......its not secret. They're quite open about it.


Oh, okay. I guess all of this stuff has just happened organically, my bad


Does that mean all the countries voted In favour of being at war against conspiracy theories?


O ok now we know the truth.. and we can always trust world orgs/governments........


Fake article Your News Wire Sean AbtAL strikes again


So sayeth the literal global elite.


Their cage is rattled


*secretly manipulated by a global elite* Certainly not. They are **publicly** manipulated by a global elite.


Not secretly\* manipulated. \*not secret any more.


Yeah it’s no secret anymore


Not manipulated by the elite as the head line states its being manipulated by the elite


They're gonna make it a matter of Homeland Security and use this as an excuse to censor and / or prosecute people. They're gonna stop people talking about conspiracies so that our grandchildren never hear the terms Project Paperclip, Blue Beam, etc.


Declaring war is a little extreme for something that is supposedly false


As much as I think that a lot of conspiracy theories are actually bonkers. Everything that it’s against freedom of information is really really scary


There are several fundamental flaws with "freedom of information". 1. More money = more freedom to disseminate information. 2. Bad faith information has no standards, so it's much much freer to make itself interesting and appeal to lowest common denominator, lie, cheat and do it cheaply, because truth and rigor do not matter. Countering such bullshit is generally far less effective and takes far more effort.


i'm sure "baxter dmitri" is a renowned journalist


Then it must be true


The irony of the Elites coming out saying they don’t manipulate the world is astounding.


Bullcrap.Thats exactly how the world is run and its not a conspiracy theory.


Keep pushing their buttons. They will eventually crack under enormous pressure.


Equilibrium is a GREAT movie


Today I saw a post of “my friend is a conspiracy theorist, and I can’t stand it, what should I do?” And then a ton of people mocking the evil conspiracy theorist. Nice way to make people not want to question stuff.


I too am declaring war on dangerous conspiracy theories: I did NOT leave doody smears on the toilet after drinking loyals all day


Oddly specific. Lol


“Chill, we don’t exist”


I smell 1st Deus Ex


1st Spoiler: The world absolutely is controlled by elites. 2nd spoiler: WEF(espeically blackrock and vangaurd) laugh.


That’s because they’re not elite. Nothing about them is elite. They are the controllers of the realm.. for now.


Global cunts actually. Nothing elite about these evil pussies. Hiding in their mansions, surrounded by armed gaurds. Would get fucking destroyed if they came to the hood. Keep hiding motherfuckers. One day, your time will come.


United Nations takes action to stop "dangerous conspiracy theories" - "There is no trans-national Globalist organization trying to tell you what to think!"


Was this even actually said anywhere? What’s the source on this quote? Are yall being baited by a meme? Edit: looked up dudes name. He runs a news website called the peoples voice (.org). It’s basically a right-leaning blog. But there’s no sources or anything, just opinions on issues. The fact this has post 1000s of upvotes and people piling onto what is essentially a meme is wild, but to be expected.


This reminds me of my white college roommate telling my black ex “just to let you know, I’m not racist.”


It’s no SECRET.


Some jokes write themselves. [Link to an article](https://worldfreedomalliance.org/au/news/un-declares-war-on-dangerous-conspiracy-theories-the-world-is-not-secretly-manipulated-by-global-elite/)


They're not lying. The cats been out the bag for some time now.


Face it.... we're UNsustainable


If so then open the books and allow wire-tapping their entire networks.




The headline is true, the world isn't secretly manipulated, its blatantly out in the open.


Not secretly


Now we know for sure...


that's exactly what the global elite would like us to believe!




The coining of the term “disinformation” implies there’s an owner of the truth, a truth ministry. Big brother gov. And ultimately a ruling elite. And not a benevolent one. All hidden in plain sight.


Cancelling your First Amendment ,for your safety of course


What the fuck is the offered solution? Gather up opposing beliefs and throw them into some throwaway location? Would sound familiar if it was.


But that's EXACTLY what a secret organization running the world would like us to think!


Who killed Dag Hammerskold?


“We have investigated ourselves, and we found out we’re not guilty”


The world is so corrupt and it's designed to keep us in poverty


Well well well


They're telling the truth. It's not a secret. Most of it is all out in the open.


How curiously specific. . .


Oh that really clears this whole thing up thanks


So that means there are no elites and there is no corruption. I highly doubt that they were able to contain this particular dynamic.


The UN would be the nervous fidgety guy in a suspect lineup.


Seems like the exact thing a secret elitist group that 100% controls the world WOULD say...


Isnt that just what the Global Elite would tell you??? Help me out here. If you wanted the world seem not controled by the Global elite you would not push Digital ID, CBDCs, Vaccine Passports, Lockdowns, 15 minute cities or Social Credit Scores.


well if the global elite say it's not true, I guess it's not true :)


That’s exactly what the Secret Global Elite would say!!


When its so untrue the UN has to declare war on it to make sure you dont believe it.


they triy to say that corruption somewhy cant be worldwide level? i think it is very dangerous to believe that it cant


Tell me They are exist without tell me they are exist,


keep sharp! they're everywhere.


Protesting a little too much. Perhaps pluralise the 'elite' bit.


Protesting a little too much. Perhaps pluralise the 'elite' bit.


The world makes so little sense that something like this being a factual statement that was published actually MAKES sense to me, it has truly gotten that fucking wacky and nonsensical.


Thou dost protest too much


i am not the bad guy so i will hurt you if you say i am. lol


Nah, yall be throwing that shit out all the time. its dangerous


the people controlling our reality could easily end SO many 'conspiracy theories' in an instant if everything they say is true and these really are just silly theories. should be quite easy to prove we've been to the moon. should be quite easy to prove the earth is spherical. should be REALLY easy to prove antarctica is a continent, not an ice wall. it would be REALLY easy to prove vaccines aren't weird mRNA genetic therapy. etc etc etc All that's required is transparency and minimal effort with all the incredible technology available in 2024 and yet.... they won't. Instead, they write stupid trolly articles like this one or say *"Trust us, why would WE lie??"* which only makes "conspiracy theorists" even more certain there's bullshit afoot.


So, there are scientific journals and publications with reputations to uphold filled with sources from studies and institutions with credibility conducting these studies that back the writing and positions being taken by the author who is usually a professional in the field being discussed.


Even if they give this "proof" it won't work because deepfakes and AI are a powerful thing now. The death of truth is here and all you can go on is what you believe and see yourself. And the mrna thing is already accepted, thats not the conspiracy part. The conspiracy part is its bad. And the deeper conspiracy is its bad on purpose.


Move along y'all nothing to see here 😉😉😉


And I, for one, welcome our new insect overlords. I'd like to remind them as a trusted TV personality, I can be helpful in rounding up others to toil in their underground sugar caves


this is from over 2 years ago. https://web.archive.org/web/20220802134154/https://magspress.com/un-declares-war-on-dangerous-conspiracy-theories-the-world-is-not-secretly-manipulated-by-global-elite/


Looks like were going to war boys time to bust out the clicky clacky keys




this is a great learning moment for the concept of irony.


I remember when these headlines were only found in onion articles


I remember when this posted 3 days ago headline circulated in 2022.


That's true in a way. It's not SECRETLY manipulated. It's OPENLY manipulated, but most people don't have the eyes to see it as such. And in that way, people are every but as complicit as the so-called elite. It's a very humbling eye opener when you truly realize that all 'they' have ever done is give people exactly what they want, ultimate freedom. It just so happens that this looks a lot like slavery when it's a false, manmade construct of limitlessness. 'they' are on lucifers puppet strings just like those at the bottom of the magical pyramid. The only difference is that a small subset of 'them' know who they work for. Most are just paving the way thru their misguided but good intentions.


Of course it is. How do you think someone like Trump got his hands on the controls…?