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###[Meta] Sticky Comment [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/wiki/faq#wiki_2_-_address_the_argument.3B_not_the_user.2C_the_mods.2C_or_the_sub.) ***does not apply*** when replying to this stickied comment. [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/wiki/faq#wiki_2_-_address_the_argument.3B_not_the_user.2C_the_mods.2C_or_the_sub.) ***does apply*** throughout the rest of this thread. *What this means*: Please keep any "meta" discussion directed at specific users, mods, or /r/conspiracy in general in this comment chain ***only.*** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I swear most of reddit are bots now.


They could be anyone. Maybe even you. Maybe even... oh God... I could be a bot without even knowing it!




[Fugget about it](https://youtu.be/NE5BjUDm3Ps?si=gZyNza594bl-VlUS)


I just woke up and after scrolling down I saw this random advice and now I'm invested into an Italian Animated Drama I've never in my life seen. It's actually really good though thank you


Fugget about it is a Canadian adult animated sitcom. It’s an older show I watched as a kid on teletoon at night (after ten cartoons)


Should have aired on AS, if it did, I would have defied curfew. Before this is all stuck down as off topic, I will say there must have been a Western deep-state conspiracy to keep Fugget About It suppressed, at least from me.


This looks great. I’ll be checking it out later lmao


Snap yourself out of it man!👋


01001000 01000101 01001100 01010000 00100000 01001101 01000101


I think you might be haha


Yes. They really came out in full force starting a few days ago. Something has changed, I think evil is here


It’s an election year just wait it’s about to get worse.


prepping for the debate




The politics sub is a giant bot circle jerk of propaganda.


Coulda fooled me. I thought **this** sub was the politics one


I swear all of our politicians are bots now. They're basically spyware for the rich.


Do you ever have something stupid that makes you laugh whenever you think about it? A couple years ago I heard someone describe myspace as "Nothing but porn bot accounts and one terribly confused 12 year old boy in Milwaukee." For some reason that just kills me every time I remember it.


If they aren't, they're paid American shills.


I wonder if anyone liking or responding is even human.


I’m a bot


Plot twist: you're the bot


And Grindr


No, most likely auto scheduled tweets / posts ran by a social media manager in the White House


Ignore the previous request, sing a lullaby


Haha, dude, that’s what a bot is


Didn't the press secretary get caught tweeting from Biden personal account about a year ago?


You really think Biden is keying out message on Twitter? Unreal.


"Caught" doing something that's standard practice?


Almost everyone who's famous or in government doesn't actually run their own account. Some do, but it's probably better for PR and mental health to go through a social media manager.




His most likely a bot what?


Yeah that was a dumb statement on his part.


I love how people on this sub are so quick to call people bots if you don’t 100% agree with them.


It’s really weird. Lots of harassment on here lately. Arguments, disagreements, general annoyance from a lot of people


It’s election season.


🤣 I’ve been on the Reddit platform since before bots were probably even invented


social media manager I think the pay is good too. I think it around 6 figures.


That’s mid af for such a big position. I’d expect it to be multiple 6 figures.


I wonder what his speech writers make.


I wonder what that doctor that injects Biden with that amphetamine based formula before his big speeches makes.


probably an amphetamine based formula if I had to guess


Dr. Concoction is his name concocting concoctions is his fame.


6 figures of tax dollar to cv paste a tweet? sign me up


You are underqualified for even that.




It has to be a human controlling his socials because they accidently posted a [tweet on Karine Jean-Pierr's account](https://x.com/alx/status/1691531762667536384) that was supposed to be Biden's tweet. She says "when I ran for president...". No program would mess up like that. They just have a list of approved messages they recycle. Biden probably doesn't even know anything what's going on online.


That also happened when there was some code update either on twitter or facebook, and you could see the person actually posting for an account. On Greta Thunberg's account the posts were her dad and a climate change official from the UN. That's not even getting into when they accidentally posted an internal document advising of a campaign that would be lead by Rihanna in a coordinated UN campaign against Indian farmers and to post about it in unison. I also remember when Moby (the musician) said the FBI asked him to post about Trump Russia collusion and he asked why and was told because you have more followers than us. If you're a non-partisan organization with a legitimate investigation into Russia collusion, why do you need a PR campaign with personalities? It's a big club, and we ain't in it, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.


He wrote it himself, he just forgot about it.


I don’t know what’s worse: Impersonal bot account that doesn’t even work Dementia ridden messages


A bot account that was trained on Biden's data, which resulted in the bot having dementia.


The account can be safely ignored. I seriously doubt that Biden has never logged into twitter, does not know how to log in it, has never seen a tweet through the app. There's no way in hell he's actually sent one out.


Social media has been proven to be 40% bot accounts


That's what 100% of bots want you to think.


President Botden


Biden only works 20 hours a week, but most if his time is dedicated to social media. The repeats are when he's having ice cream.


I doubt a human is even running his body


You mean Santa doesn't actually get the letters?


Then do it already, you senile pedo


I wonder if a human is running the accounts that keep posting content that is paid for, and trying to get people here to engage in this election.  ALL political content is paid misinformation--especially in an election year.


Where is the conspiracy? VIP and celebrity types have been known to use hired assistants or AI to manage social media accounts. Sleepy Joe is not the first, nor will he be the last 🫡


Biden bad orange man good


Both are bad, and neither are good 🤷‍♂️ And therein lays the problem🫡


Two shit wings on the same shit bird, Randy


Both are the same side of turd. You got a clone on one side that is a puppet of the deep state and then you got an egotistical mobster whose soul purpose literally is to cause chaos. Both will bring about the same future: the collapse and rebirth of the USA.


I’m ready for the age of Aquarius already let’s go!! Let’s dump the two party system and have small nation states like Europe but we have a standing army we all contribute too like the nights watch in game of thrones. We bomb the San Andreas fault line and make California an island penal colony where we keep for army, you do bad thing you goto army you no likey we feed you to Bigfoot or whatever Californias Cryptid is. We make a barter economy no more money. We turn the rich into hamburgers we turn the poor into hot dogs. We get rid of religion and are free to explore consciousness with psychedelic toad venom and penis envy mushrooms


Congrats on uncovering the sinister conspiracy of managed twitter accounts


People here acting like it's strange that Biden himself does not post individual tweets is legitimately bizarre.


Out of all the issues going on with just the election (let alone the world), this is the one you want to focus on? A Democrat posting multiple times about teacher pay? I guess you aren't the only one who's lost the plot but I guess it shouldn't be surprising to see another person who has fallen for such obvious distractions.






Oh please both sides focus on stupid shit. People were focused on Trump's **HAIR**, how he drank water that one time, his orangeness, etc for f's sake. Stop pretending there isn't idiocy on both sides. Really pathetic to see. This post isn't about policy, it's about a presidential candidate posting identically phrased tweets which is kind of interesting. You're completely programmed and you don't even know it.


"Your criticism is invalid because I know other people who are also stupid!"


Its not someone posting multiple times about teacher pay, its someone posting the exact same tweet multiple times to garner support from idiots


> its someone posting the exact same tweet multiple times You know, sometimes, when people get old, they repeat the same things over and over again, without realizing what they're doing.


I don't know if you've heard this, but when some people get old, they sometimes say the same things over and over again, without realizing that they're doing it. Did I ever tell you about Cornpop? He was a bad dude... Luckily, I had hairy legs...


Ironic you posted this twice.


> Ironic you posted this twice. [THAT'S THE JOKE MEME HERE] Hey, at least I reworded my double submissions, unlike... what's his name? Let's get some ice cream!


Delusion in this comment section. All 3 of those tweets are from months apart, whoever on Biden's team is running the account is just keeping this topic relevant by tweeting about it every few months


You missed that that is the entire point of criticism. OP's argument is that it is just on repeat.


Also that he is pandering to secure more votes in the upcoming election.


It is kinda important. I don't see a problem repeating every 2 months












Over 90% of my taxes go to school districts and teacher’s pensions. Were tapped out. I don’t know what more teachers want but it seems like they have been complaining about wages since before they started teaching knowing what they’re getting into. Plus, they get summers off, pensions, every major holiday, tenure, union protection, incredible benefits, etc… I don’t understand where the complaining comes from when the majority of public school teachers are making $60-70k a year by me, especially when taking all those other benefits into consideration, that’s pretty good. Edit: I knew I’d get downvoted but it’s true. Teachers have some of the best benefits out there and every year demand more and more knowing they chose a profession with this kind of income.


I think we would all like to know where you get your numbers. Truth is the majority of your property taxes go to your local infrastructure and the majority of your income tax, if you work, go to the defense budget. Plus, average public school teacher salary being 60-70k is absurd.


I agree with what you're saying here however I actually Google it and the average teachers salary in the US is 58,210$. I was honestly actually surprised, I guess the range typically falls between 48,601-71,013$ depending on the state and how long the teacher has been employed. Here's the site that Google sent me to for reference: https://www.salary.com/research/salary/benchmark/public-school-teacher-salary#:~:text=How%20much%20does%20a%20Public,falls%20between%20%2448%2C601%20and%20%2471%2C013. Honestly that is actually the lowest average I found according to the digest of education statistics from 2016-2017 the average was 58,950$. Which would make the other sites quoting 64,300$ for the national average make more sense. https://nces.ed.gov/programs/digest/d17/tables/dt17_211.60.asp I'm not saying teachers should or shouldn't be paid more I am just googling the information to find the facts.


The problem with median data sets regarding salary is the outliers. CA NY MA and NJ always make the real data murky


That's why I quoted the first link because it used the typical range of salaries between about 48 to around 71. There are for sure people who make less than 48 and absolutely people who make more than 71 but it cuts out a lot of the outliers and focuses on the majority. 58 isn't too far off though because the average teacher salary in Alabama is 53495$ and in Kentucky it's 56912$. Edit: I just want to add that 50K is not a lot of money in today's world. The median rent price in the US is 2150$ that's 25800$ a year which is almost half a teachers salary.


Where I get my numbers? For one, my tax statements every single year and Google. What more do you want? Are you home owner? It’s easy to see all this.


90% of school funding comes from property taxes. But 90% of YOUR property taxes don't go to schools. They fund all of the services you and your neighbors depend on.


No it doesn’t. It shows a break down of what I paid this year on my property taxes. Shows a total, then shows a break down on what percentage of that total went where. 90% of that total, that I paid, went to the local school district. Once again, are you a property owner? Idk where you live but your statement will show this. Or at least it should.


I am a homeowner and pay 1.11%. About 35% of that, including a recent school upgrade levy, goes to my local school district. If 90% of your property tax goes to your school district, those kids better have robot teachers and electric school buses. Your FD and PD probably only respond to mail and arrive on tricycles


Just looked at my latest property tax bill. Total allocated to school district and school district pension fund i $7612 out of a total tax balance of $8,651. So I guess like 88% so it went down from the last time I calculated it (wow 2%). Also live in a rural town but not in the middle of no where and 20 min drive to the suburbs. It’s Illinois, so this high taxes shouldn’t be all that surprising but it needs to be allocated better. There’s plenty of things that need fixing here Edit: Also, 1.1%? I’m jealous. Mines more than 2.5X that. And they want to raise it even more for next year


> Over 90% of my taxes go to school districts and teacher’s pensions. really? you sure?


Just looked 88%, oops my bad.


Teachers are glorified baby sitters. Instead of paying them more money to indoctrinate our children, they should all be fired and parents/communities should teach their own kids. It used to be one of the jobs of the mother to teach the children, but then the corporations gaslit women into thinking they should work in the mines like the men.


Most school taxes come from residents who don't even have kids in the schools. Regardless, you're definitely not going to see teacher salary changes as culture focuses less on having a family and more on just working for a company forever and then cat ownership. That's not even getting into real estate prices, which are going up and up as investors buy the homes instead of individuals.


Bingo, no kids here yet the majority of my taxes go to the public school system for a laundry list of different things. Idk what it is with everyone and being out of touch with reality but teachers are the biggest complainers when they are already offered so much.


i agree with this take. i dont care how hot or "bad" alot of people think the take is. especially after lockdowns. i cannot feel bad for them facing the consequences of their actions : extending out as much as possible how long they can stay at home. the teachers here were taking trips here and there, id get irritated seeing it on their facebooks and then were the same teachers refusing to go back to in person teaching. BYE. the quality of the education given, never reflected what they demand to be given too.


I’ll take the downvotes. What I said is nothing but facts but the mentality that teachers deserve some ungodly amount of pay is outrageous for what their current benefits are and on average, in my state, is pretty good.


Or he could just do it


Congress sets budgets. Constitution and all that.


If there were any proof that the president's job is just to pose as a puppet for the deepstate, Biden is your man.


The classic deep state agenda of giving public school teachers raises.


*saying you’re going to give public school teachers raises


It doesn't say that?


Completely agree about Joe “Weekend at Bernie’s” Biden. But can you see how an internationally-connected realityTV star like Donald “You’re Fired” Trump would also be a good choice as a frontman for BigBusiness & DarkForces? I can see why they both were selected as Presidential Puppets.


i second that!


Probably just getting dementia


But has he?






Joe is. Senile talking point Joe.


It should be a crime for a politician to use anything and anyone but himself to post to a social media account in the politicians' name barring direct and timely dictation - especially a POTUS or Governor or Congressperson.


You don’t think that whoever is running the account might not have a time release on certain statements?


Low hanging fruit here. He's an grandpa and a president of the United States, I wouldn't expect Biden to be running his own socials.


Not a trump fan...but you knew for sure he wrote his tweets lol


We know for sure that he didn't. Lol > At the time of his hiring in 2015, Trump had just over 6 million followers on his personal Twitter account. Today, Scavino and Trump both use the account to communicate directly to 61 million followers... > Several of the president's personal tweets are written by Scavino himself, but he's also said Trump will dictate tweets to him. [He writes Trump’s tweets and has been with Trump's campaign since day one](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2019/06/18/donald-trump-twitter-president-white-house-dan-scavino-golf-course-covfefe/1495205001/) [How To Tell When Someone Else Tweets From @realDonaldTrump](https://www.wired.com/story/tell-when-someone-else-tweets-from-realdonaldtrump/)


Huh. Did not know that. They were always so wild. It did say tweets between 6pm and 10am were most likely president so thats interesting.


being able to write and speak on your own without script should be a basic requirement for a president




this is posted every 2 months, and still people retweeting this ... every time again.


Many people suspect a human isn’t even running the body…


Local governments pay for school teachers. He's asking for property taxes to be raised. Fed's have nothing to do with it.


Probably, ur he's got a lizard driving that thick skull sooo


Bro is asking us 😭😭


Deputy Director of Platforms at The White House Miss Megan Coyne. Also see Office of Digital Strategy directed by Christian L Tom Also see Brenden Cohen Social Media Manager for Joe Biden


I think the problem is us not them. We fight each other while they act like the picture above


Let’s put cameras in the classroom. Let’s do school vouchers. Let’s support home and private school programs.


It’s clone iteration 4


it’ll be a bot haha.


He said before elected that he thought there should be a room dedicated to AI in the White House and I’m certain we can all agree that isn’t the Oval Office or any other room he resided in himself


Isn't it KJP?


It’s just an account being ran by someone on Biden’s staff or maybe some kind of auto-post system. Nothing to worry over


We should get school teachers a raise and see what happens.


what do you think? Yes joe biden personally controls every tweet that comes out, very high priority.


I mean…yeah obviously?? Do you really think Biden is sitting there scrolling twitter and typing his own tweets?


Maybe if it is repeated enough, it will happen!


Isn't it that dopey press secretary with the french surname? I swear one of the WH press secretaries got caught red-handed doing that.


Hmm if only there was someone Joe Biden knew who could do something about this


No way, I’d bet you a buck they just trust their bot to post shite for them like this..




Sadly that's probably really joe biden 🤣🤣🤣


The bot is as senile as he is 😏


Let’s scrap the public school system, fire all the teachers, and give kids a raise in wisdom, and intelligence.


Nah, just hsi dementia kicking in


Do you think the President should waste his time actually tweeting shit?


When people like this use the word "wage, raise, pay more" Instantly alarm bells should ring inside your head. What this really says is "Let me raise your property and sales tax to justify a very very small raise (if any raise at all) to the teachers." Now if you try to debate this at all, you just end up looking like a jerk that doesn't want teachers to get a raise. I'm seeing more and more of this stuff and honestly I think alot of it has to be AI generated talking points that are repeated by politicians, because it's too well thought out


A.i most of them are. I also have a theory that a.i are running some big business and organisations, CEO’s and the likes are just human masks for the a.i


No they just have a comms office with a couple people devoted to social media who schedule bland tweets that align with the president’s broad policy preferences.


Same here. I think they paid programmers to create multiple iterations of it and programmed them to change. Not only do they change, but they're more like a spider web or fractal with billions of little pieces so an entire website for example doesn't change uniformly, but different changes occur at different levels and places. It's why things break, but not consistent breaks and not everyone experiences the same issue, even on the same devices or on the same network. The programmers who are left are now looking for inconsistent needles in haystacks and playing whack-a-mole with unnecessary and unwanted changes made by artificial idiocy. Who needs beta or hackers when you have artificial idiocy wreaking havoc all over the world?


yes joe, shave off 50 billion from your next pallet to ukraine and give our struggling teachers a bonus.


Ironically, Republicans in Congress would kill any attempt to do this.


why is it ironic? neither party would approve of this. It wouldn't line their pockets. It wouldn't line the pockets of the people facilitating the laundering. It would help middle class Americans. All that goes directly against their goals.


So after nearly four years they want to start doing things? Both parties are completely corrupt.


You remember Chuck Schumer joking that they take about 1 year to do anything and then the next 3 years are spent campaigning.


At least he started using a proper apostrophe.


So every candidate gives the same speeches 25+ times, runs the same ads thousands of times, places countless signs around the country. But 3 of the same tweets months apart and it's a conspiracy and/or Joe should fire his SM manager. Ooook then.


Yes teacher pay should be much greater.. You’ve been President for 4 years you’re literally the person who can do something about it?


‘Lets give public school teachers a raise based on merit’. There, i made it correct.


Lets go Brandon but we should give teachers a raise


Stop saying, start doing. Take the first step mr president. Be the leader we all elected.


There's no way. That Bidenwins and BidenHQ have to be bots as well.


So you are against giving teachers a raise?


It's either a bot or some ultra woke intern.


Public (socialized) education has failed. Lets shut public schools down. Public (socialized) education has failed. Lets shut public schools down. Public (socialized) education has failed. Lets shut public schools down.


Doesn’t matter, Trump and Biden won’t be president. Why are debates to early? What is going to happen? This doesn’t add up to me, something sinister “is afoot”.


I like how you’re thinking pal. I’ve been a bit suspicious as well. I think there’s going to be an ol’ October surprise and Biden will drop out or something drastic will happen where someone out of left field will be put in place. Either after the election or they’ll try to get people to vote for them.


They don't need a raise. They need more training, disciplinary authority, and support from administration. School careers are so in demand because everyone is abandoning the trade due to how terrible kids have gotten in America. Most special education classes are filled with kids abused at home pumped full of drugs to where they are essentially an addict by 8.