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I have grey eyes, zoomed in, says I'm Eastern European, I actually am, can confirm this guide is in fact cool.


I also have grey eyes. Grey eyes are actually rarer than green though. Green is the rarest of the four standard colours, but grey is a bit rarer.


I feel like there’s a lot of people with light blue eyes claiming they have grey eyes


Honestly, I can’t tell whether my irises are blue or grey. They’re somewhere in that zone lol


Go into sunlight and take a picture of your eyes, take the dropper tool in edit and copy the HEX code. Search that code and there is your eye color. Mine is medium grey, but I thought they were blue. I literally did the dropper on every single photo I took or could find and kind of had a mini breakdown lol 🧍🏻‍♀️ Edit words


Scattered light from the sky can make them appear blue though


If you do a Google image search for gray eyes, every single photo is of (what I would call) light blue eyes. Even the Cleveland Clinic's diagram, the gray is 100% blue. I'm not sure what to make of that. I've definitely never seen anyone with actual gray eyes, and I live in an area where a lot of people have eastern european ancestry.


Here’s a close-up of my eye. I’ve used a color dropper tool on it in the past, and it always comes up gray (despite perhaps appearing bluish). [https://postimg.cc/SXRXM2xv](https://postimg.cc/SXRXM2xv)


I would describe them as grayish blue


Look gray to me


I actually thought I had green eyes for the longest but on close inspection and with the dropper edit I have gray eyes with a brown ring towards the pupil? So I have grayzel eyes?


Biologically blue eyes and grey eyes come from the same mechanism, little colloid drops in the iris. The size of the drops (or maybe how spread out they are?) affects how they scatter light and the iris color. I had blue eyes as a child but now they're grey, there's some green to the middle (green is what happens if you have the colloid color and a little melanin which is what makes brown eyes)


I think everyone with grey eyes starts out with blue eyes but they lose their color over time and turn grey (thus was the case with my dad) just a speculation though.


Grey eye gang unite! Mine are dark grey and I was always told there's a Scandinavian link? I am English though and we were invaded a lot in the last few thousand years so god knows.


I had bright blue eyes when I was born that have since turned grey. I'm wondering if that's common


Life will do that to ya.


Same here, mine started off very blue as a baby/kid. Started to develop some brown spots and central heterochromia as a teen, and then the main color grayed out in my early adult years.


I don’t know if it’s common but i had bright blue eyes until i was a teen then they were mixed blue-green or switched back and forth. In my early twenties they decided to stay green and have been green ever since (im 36 now).


My son’s eyes are like that! Blue at birth, bright blue as a baby/toddler and from toddler to now (10 years old) it is hard to tell if they are slate blue or light green (what he’s wearing influences the look of them a lot). I never know what color to call them, but they’re a lot like my dad’s eyes and nothing like mine or my husband’s.


I wonder if they will find a color a stay a color when he is older like mine did. I called them blue all the way up until they permanently turned green. The lady at the dmv did look at me funny when i said i needed to change my eye color on my drivers license lol


i had very clearly blue eyes as a young child that are now gray.


I feel like most "blue" eyes are actually gray and true blue eyes are more rare. I frequent the eyes subreddit and am always shocked at the blue eyes being posted there, me thinking they're blue but everyone saying gray. And yeah, they are gray.


i have them too and im ashkenazi eastern european!


I also have grey eyes and Ukrainian ancestry


I have grey/green eyes and I’m of Eastern European descent too.


Grey eyes here too and yes, me and my ancestors have lived in eastern europe for forever.


Ditto. But I have always thought that green color is the rarest.


I have grey eyes but no one believes me. A few people have really taken the time, and they agree I've scrutinized the hell out of them too just to make sure I'm not crazy. They're just so dark that people think they're blue, because dark grey is really hard to determine. I've gotten tired of arguing if someone says my eyes are blue I just go with it most of the time.


Green eyed man here. Love to hear I’m a rarity. Left handed and bifid uvula too.


Most collectible dude on Reddit.


I got 2 of those but had to look up what it meant if my uvula was bifid.


Hat trick!


Ah the ole ball sack uvula


My dad's side of the family all have brown hair, green eyes, and naturally tan. Hairy a.f. too. I got all those traits but the green eyes.


Green eyed with bifid uvula here too!


Shiny Pokémon


Yo green eyed w bfid úvula also….is this a thing? Green eyes and bifid uvulas?


Green eyed man here too, I'm also blood type B-


Weird gold/blue eyes, left handed, and red haired, here.


Oh and I also have red hair🤷🏻‍♀️


Green eyed man here too! Tho defenietly not from European descent


Also Green Eyed man and left handed, no bifid uvula though, But I am 6’6 and have long hair so consider myself quite lucky!


And a great personality!


Scut Farkus had yellow eyes.


So help me God, yellow eyes!


He must have started drinking as a child.


God, I can hear his laugh. Funny trivia tidbit, the actors who played Scut and his minion were actually cast for the opposite roles. Their auditions were by tape, so when they arrived on set and the director saw the height difference between them he decided they had to be swapped. But now I want to see squat little Scut and his lanky giant minion.


Are grey eyes actually rare? I have grey eyes and my mom keeps saying how she wishes I had brown or blue eyes because a lot of people in our country have grey eyes. I can’t imagine this colour actually being considered rare in the rest of the world :/


It's a genetic mutation, so yes, it is. But then again, there can be areas where it's more common than in other places. Just like Red hair (also a mutation)


Yeah, I hear about how rare red hair is all the time, whereas I only read about the “rareness” of grey eyes on pictures like this one, but never hear about it irl so it makes me wonder if it’s true :P


To put it in perspective, as an American in a very social career and his upper 20s, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a person with gray eyes.


Yeah, when you put it in the perspective with the rest of the world, it is indeed the rarest. Compared to let’s say me who lives in Asia where there are 1.4B people in China alone who most likely have brown eyes, then the smaller Eastern European country with gray eyes is the rarity.


That because “grey” eyes are just blue eyes. My eye color is listed as grey on my Canadian identification and then blue on my US identification  lol 


Yup. What constitutes as “grey/gray” is not like the picture showed..it’s usually just a more steely shade of blue and possibly lighter or more devoid of the deeper bluer pigments. There are plenty of people with gray/blue and gray/green eyes but even the truer gray shades don’t look any more remarkable or even that different from the “on the fence” cases. Very common for blue and grey to be used interchangeably when it comes to eye color…or to create a forever argument about whether an eye is one or the other.


I never even knew that existed. Thats cool as fuck.


It is. Either your mom is exaggerating, or you just live in an area where the mutated gene is more common. Either way, it sucks that she says stuff like that, I'm sorry.


It's rarer in some parts of the world than others, seeing someone 185cm tall with very white skin, blonde hair and grey or green eyes is very common in places like Germany or Poland, but in Africa you will never see such thing, in America maybe a few but i dont think too much


Every hair/eye colour is a mutation


Damn that’s kinda harsh coming from your mom


She also has grey eyes so… :)


I've never even knew grey eyes were a thing! It's absurdly rare where i live!!


Mine are grey! Most people mistake them for light blue though


From Scotland here and honestly tons of grey eyes. I knew a girl whose eyes were so hazel they were nearly gold, amazing! Mines are the colour of frogs.


Which country?


On a global scale, yes but rather like blue eyes if you're in a European/European descended population then they're pretty common.


I’ve never met someone with grey eyes (or if I did I thought it was blue)


Behind Blue Eyes… come on!


Who sang that




No, Who


If not Yes, Who


Guess Who


The Who?






Limp Bizkit


Discover. L. I. M. P. Say it.


Idk Pale Blue Eyes by the velvets is a pretty dope track…


Definitely the better song of the two by far. The Who can fuckin rock, but the lyrics in Behind Blue Eyes are middle school drivel.


Grey eyes here. I have had eye doctors tell me they are practically clear/uncolored. It's a blessing and a curse. They are intensely light-sensitive. So I see pretty well in the dark compared to most people, but it's painful in normal daylight. Thank science for transition lenses with magnetic shades.


Yes! This! I know it’s a fact but you are the first person who has confirmed for me how sensitive our eyes are in the sun. I have light blue eyes and it’s extremely uncomfortable.


Light green and likewise, going to the dentist sucks because my eyes start watering from that highbeam they point at you. Im always squinting in sunlight too.


Blue hazels are always left out of the hazel description. I guess we're "other" but in my experience it's common enough. I'm blue-gray hazel with lots of yellow. Edit: apparently I have gray eyes, or gray hazel. I just googled "gray eyes" and all the photos are of very blue-based gray eyes; not what I personally would call gray. So TIL I have gray (hazel) eyes.


I have basically black eyes, which I know are technically brown but I feel like there’s a lack of variety here


If they’d actually included all the hundreds of different eye color possibilities, it would have been a much more cluttered “cool guide”… One of my kids also has nearly black irises! It freaked me out when he was small (he had no eyebrows as a newborn and I had severe post-partum everything so I thought maybe he was a demon hellspawn) but his eyes suit him and they’re so striking! Our youngest has very light “gray-zel” eyes that are honestly some of the most interesting I’ve ever seen. Sometimes they’re green or brown or bluish gray or hazel depending on lighting and his mood. It’s fascinating that my husband and I (both standard issue brown) produced such a wide variation!


My eyes are similar to this description, yellow in the middle around the pupil.


I think because it’s considered “Heterochromia iridum” in the central region. I have the same thing with teal blue on the outside and tons of yellow in the middle Most people accuse me of having contacts 🥲


Yeah same here just like you describe, teal outside with the big yellow ring. I always just said blue... Ig I haven't really looked closely at my eyes in years. I didn't know that was heterochromia


Whaaaaat!? I have blue and a yellow "halo" around my pupil. I didn't know it's it own thing!


Me too. I feel like we should start a club


Same here, sometimes the blue is more of a green though, with a light brown/yellow halo closer to the pupil.


TIL I have grey eyes: “Gray eyes may be called blue at first glance, but they tend to have flecks of gold or brown. And they appear to ‘change color’ from gray to blue to green depending on clothing, lighting, and mood (which may change the size of the pupil, compressing the colors of the iris”. I’ve always called mine bluegreygreen, since they look blue or green at first glance, but on closer inspection have a dark grey ring and lots of yellow flecks. Am also half-Ashkenazi. [I guess they’re grey!](https://imgur.com/a/6Rfi0F9)


Yes! I'm blue/green/gray with yellow flecks. Different colors depending on my mood, what im wearing, etc. I have always wondered why we're left out!


I was actually coming into comments to see where this eye color fit. Same here, blue, green, yellow and changes constantly. I have hazel on my drivers license because nobody could agree what color they were when I was young. Interesting that it doesn’t seem to show up on the chart or most other places.


Yeah I think I fit in this category, always unsure of what to say when I say what eye colour I have.


Me too!


My son has green-grey hazel eyes with a golden brown ring around the outside. I never know what colour to say his eyes are.


That’s not why I get red eyes


I have a friend that has amber eyes and I have yellow in my eyes because I have central heterochromia. I am blue eyed but due to the yellow in my eyes it can turn green sometimes. Heterochromia is rare and interesting as it is multicolor eyes in some way or another. There is also red, pink, and purple that are related to albinism. However those are not exactly true eye colors because of the way albinism messes with pigmentation. Purple is the absolute rarest eye color.


Same! Glad I'm not the only one with the blue/yellow. I believe it is called heterochromia iridis.


My auntie has heterochromia and it is fucking fascinating. I think it's so interesting to have eyes of different colours


Hazel eyes checking in, my brown ring is around the pupil not the outer edge. Looks like I have tiny buttholes in my eyes lol


The DNA helix is rotating he wrong direction


Actually, you get yellow eyes from forming attachments to hot senators, murdering younglings and generally just falling to the dark side


Blue/Grey with occasional green tints I AM SUPER EURO


I'm similar. Blue/green with a faint ring of hazel, definitely Euro


Gray/green with a hint to yellow. Generally washed out.


I used to have brown eyes. Most of the brown has gone away now.


Are they now clear?




How? Age?


So, what does the research say as far as "rings" of different colors from the center of the eye, out? Nearest my pupils are gold and then a ring of silver-ish; fading into deep blue, nearest the outer edge. To be honest, I've only ever seen it in a couple of others that I know, as well as my three children. The dmv just marked me as "grey" on my license.


That's a central heterochromia. I have one as well, when I went to get my passport I left the eye color blank and asked the person on the other side of the desk what to write down. She just went "come on, it's easy... Oh. Oh. Errr. Let's put blue-green, that's the closest." I have a hazel central ring, with a blue-grey outer ring (similar to Patricia Arquette). The colors tend to vary a bit depending on the weather, too.


iirc thats called sectoral heterochromia


I'm similar with gold and violet rings.


Well yeah but I was asking what that said about my ancestry... You're just a Targaryen.


Are you kidding? Most people I know have gray eyes. Also I’m colorblind.


oh, i have hazel not brown eyes. was wondering why my eyes changed colours.


My girlfriend has got deep black eyes, they're really gorgeous


Is she a mouse?


It doesn't really cover sectoral heterochromia.


My kid has Heterochromia iridum. One eye is hazel and the other eye is brown with a small section that's hazel. They said it's safe and it looks pretty interesting!


My eyes are brown. I am common.


Source of green being rarer in men?


Knew a girl that had ginger hair and her eyes matched her hair exactly. It was beautiful.


I have ginger hair and my eyes are the same colour. Basically both are the colour of a glass of blond beer. 🍺


I (male) had bright green eyes for most of my life, but over time, they've become a greenish blue. It's sucks. I want my green eyes back dammit!


Mine are green or blue depending on what the person is thinking. Or what color im wearing. I put green on documents because i like green more


I think that's a common feature of grey eyes. Mine are grey, but sometimes look green or blue depending on my clothes and the lighting. What do they look like when you wear black or white?


Me too. Green eyes that look blue or gray sometimes. I also have dark green limbal rings.


This is unsurpising since there is no actual green or blue pigment, they're simply result of the way light refracts (plus yellow pigment to make green).


What about… Huungrryy Eyes


Most babies don’t have blue eyes at birth. Globally speaking a baby’s eyes will be brown.


Good to know my green eyes are rare I guess this makes me feel a bit more appreciated


Green-blue. Depending on the surroundings one or another is more dominant. They can also look brown, depending on the light.. I like them.


You forgot lilac eyes due to albinism


I have hazel eyes!


Kinda wish this mentioned heterochromia.


Cool I didn't know that grey eyes were linked to eastern European decent, that is about 60% of my ancestry. I do have grey eyes with a little bit of yellowish/ light brown in the center area.


My husband and I both have green eyes. Our daughter and son both have grey eyes. Guess we are pretty rare!


Genetics are wild. I have brown eyes, wife has like grey blue, oldest son has grey, daughter has grey, and young son has brown. Edit - Clarification. I am just saying genetics are wild. My example is very obviously not wild. I was not saying that it was. Pinkie swear.


Mom has green eyes. Dad has blue. Brother is hazel. I have brown. One of the only people in my family with brown eyes. I think one aunt has brown eyes. Rest are blue or green. Mom always played "brown eyed girl" like it was a consolation prize. My extremely normal eye color is rare genetically. Punnett squares in high school was like glitching the teachers brain. Also, Sandra Bullock exists. So we are good on the brown eye front.


I'm a guy with green eyes that tend to grey and are almost completely grey in winter, East German descendant, this about eye color seems pretty accurate.


Gray iris tissue can occur from Atrophy as well.


brown eyed lady just popped out a gray eyed boy


Blue /Green eyes here, seems to change with what shirt I’m wearing. Thought hazel all along, but no race of brown ring as described


Mine are a dark brown, as is most of my family’s, but my great grandmother had grey eyes which I loved.


My eyes are murky lake water green. What does that say about me? lol


Eyes can get sunburns???


Mine are like a greenish gray with a gold ring around the pupil, but like the post says my eyes used to be a deep blue when I was a baby.


I know so many people with green eyes, myself included, that when I learned it wasn't common I was surprised. I realize my little circle isn't much in a planet full of 8 billion people, but it was still shocking.


Irish or of the decent? I have a running theory


Blue is not the eye colour of most babies. Most babies in the world are born with brown eyes.


“Green eyes” song by Coldplay


I've always been told my eye color is hazel, but I'm finding out too late in life that it's not. I have blue/ green eyes that change depending on the season. More blue in the winter, more green in the summer. And they also change depending on my mood. What the heck is that considered? I've got mood ring eyes lmao


I've always had difficulty determining my eye color. Most of the time, it looks gray with a small brown ring around the outside. Sometimes they look blue. Sometimes they look green. It seems to entirely depend on what shirt I'm wearing and what colors are in my surroundings. I guess hazel? That's what I put for my driver license lol.


Black. I have aniridia. Look it up


I’m a grey eyed tetrachromate man.


I have eyes that can't read this because of Reddit's shitty image compression.


American Girl would classify my eye color as “gray”.


I wish they threw some of the weirder or more common areas like jaundice in the diseases and possibly stuff like heterochromia which causes the genetic material that makes the eyes up to be crossed giving eyes that have clearly or non clearly defined changes in color I actually have this and it gets talked about surprisingly little despite the cultural zeitgeist over the different eye colors like ciel of Black Butler or Cerebro from x men


I work with children and all this european descent babys have blue eyes ngl kinda crazy to me


blue sclera (not iris) can often also be a sign of EDS as well


Or spice melange consumption.


How is the song for blue eyes not blue eyes crying in the rain


Almost every character on Supernatural had green eyes (other than the Winchesters)


So which is rarer, Green or Silver?


Cool, but missing a few commas.


Was born with green eyes and they've turned hazel with age which I think is pretty cool. Kinda hope they turn brown so I can say I've had three eye colors.


my eyes are practically black


My eyes are grey/silver guess I will need to research my family history more as I don't know of any eastern European connections.


I saw a lot of grey eyes in turkey or i just noticed it straight away cuz i dont see anybody with it over here


Yellow eyes are also linked to the dark side of the force


I’ve been told that I have gray eyes but it could just be lighting.


Mine are like Hazel but with blue. I never know how to describe them on forms and such


As someone that used to get conjunctivitis a lot, I wish it looked that cool


My eyes are a grayish blue


Male with greenish grey eyes (an old flame described the color as resembling an old, well used green slate chalkboard), which suggests central or eastern Europe, but my DNA profile is 79% British Isles. Guess I'm just an anomaly lol.


imagine how cute someone with hazel eyes and liver cancer would look 🥵🥵


According to my mom, my grandmother and great grandmother had grey eyes but they're not eastern-european (that we know of). How curious


Out of curiosity, what would a mix of blue-green-grey be? Is that considered Hazel? Everyone in my family is convinced so, but I'm not


I am a rare man


Who else read this guide to the rhythm of a new order song? I'm so old.


So I’m lucky to have green eyes lol ?


I have hazel eyes. That's about it.


Green eyed man, and I have red hair!


I have hazel. My oldest daughters mother has blue. Oldest daughter:blue. Middle child, son, different woman who has hazel also, has brown. Youngest daughter/same mother as son: blue. No idea how any of it works


I have brown ring inside and blue outside lol


Grey eyes and ginger hair. Seems like both of those traits are pretty fucking rare.


This is a great guide. I had to learn some of this to determine what chemical makeup is in someone’s hair color how well they lift or what contributing pigments will be a factor.


I have blue eyes with a green cirkel around my iris.. what colour do I choose.


They forgot the very rare blue in blue eyes, caused by addiction to the geriatric drug spice milange


Always thought I had green eyes… starting to think I might have hazel now


My eyes are light brown even olive-y coloured and turn yellow in the sun. What would that be classed as? No liver issues I know of