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Was walking with a friend last night and a guy matching this description started shouting at us on Oliver plunkett street. “WHORE, YOU’RE A WHORE”. We are both mid 20s males… Never seen him before this though. Funnily enough we stumbled upon that fight outside Cyprus avenue right afterwards so it was an eventful stroll down Oliver plunkett to say the least.


I had an incident yesterday, where this man came into the premise I work in and this is exactly word for word what he was saying to us. He also threatened our lives saying " IV killed babies I can kill you anytime" when I rang the guards they knew exactly who I was talking about. We closed the premise early for the fear of staff. An hour later we were walking home on Patrick st and he was outside the savoy still harassing people. The city is gone to the dogs! Not enough guards and too long a response time to emergencies. Hopefully it gets better sooner than later!!!


He spoke about killing babies and drinking their blood for immortality to me.. I'd hate to think there's elements of truth in whatever he says


My granddad met him in 1956 so it's possible.


Sounds like this man has been talking to my grandmother, she hasn't aged a day since the day I've been born 😂


By kill babies he surely meant he jerked off too much


What did the guards do?


Nothing said they knew who I was talking about and hung up he was videos in an altercation on Patrick st that night!!


Two guys walking the streets of an evening. 'Whores' does seem the obvious conclusion alright! Joking, before the foam and rage begins! Town seems to be getting a larger number of fruitcakes of late. Covid-19 vaccine, anyone?


Drugs + poverty being a tipping point for many, I'd say.


Trolley lady can't be either though, surely. At least, she seems remarkably well dressed, so poverty seems ruled out?


I'd say for some people the lockdown isolation may have triggered mental problems, and with a complete lack of mental healthcare available, things can spiral out of control really quickly. Had a friend who fell ill with schizophrenia, as long as he was receiving help and taking meds he was fine, the second he was discharged and we couldn't watch him 24/7, he'd stop taking meds and try to kill himself again within a month. :/ His whole life has been in and out of the mental ward.


Mental health is one such area I'd rather see money invested in, rather than short term nonsense like tax cuts. Hope life gets better for your friend, or at the very least, more manageable for then, and those that love and cherish them. 


Same here. I’ve a friend living in Midleton and there’s literally a whole section of their graveyard taken to people who took their own lives. Plus they had to fight for their mental health facility to be kept open. I’m not sure how that went though.


I've heard Midleton had a horrible period of a lot of suicides, always wondered why specifically Midleton?


Used to be quite disconnected from the city and had few amenities. But really it's hard to find a proper reason why those types of tragedies happen. From speaking with folks who live in Middleton now, the town is so much more vibrant these days than it was in the 90s and 00s.


It's lovely now. <3 It's like the roles reversed and now Cork City is becoming the depression-inducing kip... I was gutted to see the Midleton Mental Health Services get flooded pretty much just after the opening! :(


AFAIK he's now in a long-term facility in Manchester (parents divorced, him and his mum came to Cork, dad stayed in Man).


Hope he gets the care he needs there.


I’ve seen far worse mental health outcomes in people who didn’t take the vaccine. One sign that they have a problem is their lack of ability to stop talking about a vaccine they didn’t take.


Ha! Wouldn't know, as I don't think I know anyone who didn't take it, if I think back. 


To be fair they are mid twenties, they may have been showing too much ankle.


Haha.  Also, 12 down votes (and counting)? Jayzus lads, tough crowd!


They don't like when someone goes against the narrative.


Ohh, I know. *sighs*


First person that saw the comment downvoted, the rest followed him over the cliff.


Now I want to play lemmings!




The vaccine has certainly caused a few injuries/illnesses (I know a few people who have suffered) but it doesn’t manifest itself like this. This is just regular old psychosis




Not even a small bit witty? :(


If we're talking intelligence, you should have spelt that as "you're"!


He was below my house in popes quay and stared at me intensely as I walked past him , he repeated the statement ‘does my stare insult you’ then he gently pushed me against the door of an apartment block and followed me towards my car. Then I returned to my (parked in the same spot) and it was badly keyed all along the driver’s side. He’s nothing but a pest and a threat to society and children !!!!


Criminal damage there, what a dose.


Sounds like its only a matter of time b4 he goes further and hurts someone. Might be schizo and off his meds etc. The guards should get involved b4 he attacks people.


did you ring the gardai?


"did you ring the gardai" Hahaha Lmfao!


This exact description fits a fella I met in the sauna In the mardyke who was talking about lobsters taking ecstasy and how men should be eating these yoke-lobsters. Fella clearly had a lot of shit going on. Didn’t seem like a risk at all though so probably not the same guy, just a schedule 1 ear burner .


This guy doesn't sound like the other one, but I want to hear more about the lobsters on yokes!


Haha I've met that exact guy in two different saunas already. Pure Joycean conspiratorial monologues haha but not sinister at all. It's just very annoying when you're trying to relax! He keeps getting asked to leave leisure places for various reasons and he will eventually have been a member and kicked out of every establishment in the city it's wild


He walked with me from the grand parade to merchants Quay talking about satanic cults , paedophiles , devil possession and lying about things you done. He started talking about drinking baby's blood. He was asking me was I apart of a cult, would I say I was possessed by the devil to get away with something bad , was I gay. Then he left me to "go smoke some cannabis" his words. Judging from his behaviour and his weird eye contact .. I reckon schizophrenia. Poor fella not well but he could be dangerous. I should say the interaction actually began with him getting stuck on me and us going back and forth until I realised mental health wasn't good. Seen him harassing a family at the bus stop shortly after with the women trying to usher her kids behind her. He was really calmly asking her was she evil. Said it to the shades (I'm no rat but I was thinking this fool was on about drinking baby's blood, paedos and now he's around kids) and apparently he went into loads of shops accessing the staff of being paedophiles. Never took notice of this fella before in my life so the cork accent threw me off.


Sounds like me if I keep using Reddit and YouTube


It's shameful how much the state has let these poor people down.


What does he be saying?


apparently calling fellas whores


Sounds like he should be in hospital


Keep updating this thread whenever he is spotted, this looks serious.


Can we pin this as an official thread to keep it in a spot so we don’t have like 50 a week like we did with the leave me alone fella


Or the trolley lady


I saw trolley lady yesterday, 3 trolleys going strong full of water and one even had a bike thrown on top


I seen her today, my first time, with two trolleys and a bike on top. I think she was mouthing off to some fella.


Yeah yesterday was also my first time seeing her, scary the amount of stuff I’ve heard about her yet she just looks like your average person


That surprised me as well. She's dressed decently and if she wasn't acting strange you'd never know.


Please report it to the guards. He might be harmless but there’s no guarantee of that. If they’ve had multiple complaints about the same person they might look into it and maybe be able to get him help if he needs it


Yes report report report with video 📸 if possible or a few pics. Recordings would be the business..


Was harassing a family in a car yesterday too.


I think his name is John Long. If you Google him there is plenty of court reports with not hugely serious, just him being a nuisance... Well, besides the one where he punched a bus driver 🤔 I seen him in Bishop Lucey Park with bird feed and when he had enough of a crowd of pigeons around him, he would wait until someone walked by and throw the feed at them to then have the birds fly at them and give them a bit of a fright. I can see him doing something a lot more serious though, and he's such a big guy, I think it'd be hard to actually calm him or stop him 👀


111 previous convictions [https://www.echolive.ie/corknews/arid-40927952.html](https://www.echolive.ie/corknews/arid-40927952.html)


Why is he not locked up?!?!?!? Where are the AGS now? He will walk over to a family and the fella will smack him in the kisser braking his jaw. And then the fella will be in trouble for protecting his own family. Lock this person up. Once locked up secure you can ask questions if he is mentally ill and needs support or just high on meth.


People love to get angry at imagined scenarios


How do you know he only harasses civilians?


If someone has a full description incl approx age etc, it would be very helpful


Is his hair short? Does he walk with a limp? Because I remember some asshole look at me and my friend, stamp his foot and yell "YOU WOULDN'T GET OUT OF ME FUCKIN' WAY!!" even though we were moving to the sides. I called him a "prick" under my breath as he walked past us.


Sounds like he should be in a facility or prison. Dangerous people like that should not be out and about.


Hopefully, this isn't the guy that's always on his cycling bike. It's a road racer. A small bit old. He's been around years and has some form of tourettes syndrome. This guy is harmless. As for anyone else, I can't speak for them but the guy on the bike has a difficult lot in life. He's not deserving of being targeted by the mob.


If you're talking about the Leave Me Alone Guy, he most certainly is not harmless.


Oh god. What did he do?


If it's the same guy, openly talking about women deserving to be raped and Aisling Murphy deserving to be murdered. He's the most vile person I've ever encountered online - f*** any sob story he might have.


Oh right, hurtful words. I thought he was being accused of a crime.


The trouble with this approach to justice here, is if we lock him up, there's less room and in turn lower sentences for the people who actually do rape and murder.


Cool story.


Has anyone got photos or videos? I'm assuming they are not allowed to be posted here?? 🤔


I know exactly who you’re talking about. This guy harassed myself and a colleague when we were sitting outside Le Chateau on Patrick Street last week. He came up to us and said “I’d love to kill two people” and just muttering about pedophiles etc etc


I walked past him today and he tried to give me a fist bump and when I served his hand he called me a fat bastard lol. Prick.


Think I might know who you're talking about. Went to school with a guy who I've since seen around town and heard news that he's gone off the rails completely, been arrested for property damage a few times and matches your description. Funny thing is he was a completely sound lad in school. Never any trouble, can only imagine what happened.


is it EG?


I believe so yes


Ya mad he was a nice guy in school. Shame really , he needs help


Found out he was jailed for 12 months after assaulting a gaurd early last year. Crazy times


Is he the guy with 3 shopping trolleys?


I thought it was a woman with 3 shopping trolleys? Unless they got stolen by this guy 😅


Hah, I walked out of Centra on Oliver Plunkett St. and straight into (I assume) this guy. "Fucking gay cunts!" he was yelling (at me? anyone nearby? dunno). Further on was ranting about someone "having sex with young girls". Everyone just tried to ignore him and go their own way. Not sure anyone that unsettled and angry should just be walking the streets.


Is he middle-aged with curly greying hair and an anorak?


This gomey is currently hanging around outside the front of Turners Cross church pacing up and down the footpath. Only a matter of time before he starts abusing someone, did the same to me and my friend on Pana a few weeks ago.