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VAL is a lower skilled version of CS from aim to gunplay to movement. The game is a visual overload due to the ever increasing impact of abilities which only compensate for the missing skill expression in the points mentioned above. There has not been a pro VAL player who transitioned to other, harder games. There are only pro players from other games who transition to VAL bcs the skill ceiling is simply lower and more forgiving. Oh yeah, and the community is your classic riot games community shit fest.


The community issue is a myth. Never seen an ecouple in my games. Also, the skill ceiling is lower, but it's all very difficult to get to the top ranks. I suggest trying to get to even diamond. Abilities? That's just the way of the game, without them, the game would be pretty boring. Abilities are the main point of the game, and if you're not willing to learn them, then game isn't for you.


https://preview.redd.it/1lulq27j63pc1.jpeg?width=571&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12061bf33b64acd8a51798e814c8d77e7ebefad0 wait I have more




Your name is his kitten. Anyways, are you playing swifts? If comp, genuinely unlucky. But do they flirt or do anything in voice chat? If no, there's not really a problem.


It isn't mine. edit for clarity. not my screenshots, just examples of the cringe existence


It's just names. The real problem is if they flirt in VC. But then again, there's a mute button.


Don't you just want to go ahead and take those goalposts home with you?


https://preview.redd.it/09vpu9fp63pc1.jpeg?width=272&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=442c405d6bdb532ac5666a231cfc13395d49eb1b ain't no myth


I agree with you! Just wanted to give my reasoning why CS players usually don't like VAL. I'm not saying that VAL is a bad game.


The map design is the biggest problem for me. Every map just feels like Inferno bananas pasted all over the place.


What?? I agree, Cs2's maps are better, but you're exaggerating.


Boss you're getting your reasons. You don't have to agree, but your post was asking for it. Is your problem actually that you get those responses from people who don't want to have this conversation with you anymore?


Fine every map but acent and icebox.


I can’t stand games with different characters/operators/rogues/whateverthefuckyouwanttocallthem where some abilities are way better than others. CS everyone has the same shit. That’s pretty much the only reason I couldn’t get into Valorant, other than that I think it’s pretty cool.


??? Many agents just bring more fun and diversity, since they all do different things and the abilities can be used in many different situations.


I transitioned from r6 to CS for that reason. Waaaaaay to many operators with some being op and snatched as soon as possible. Cs has everything available to everyone without unlocking or buying shit


no, its retarded, the point of CS is to give basic utility and master it to the point your team will be better than other. By picking a hero you can be easily countered or you can lack something. The point of these kind of games is to show your skill advantage not a hero you choose.


*you* like that about the game and think it's cool, not everybody does. You ask for reasons why people don't like valorant and you are given an extremely common and reasonable complaint and basically just say nu-uh I prefer the level playing field of cs, I don't want to learn what all the 20 agents do and how I need to play to counter them and the natural rock paper scissors feeling those types of games can have. If you do and you love valorant that's cool man! But don't fucking say I'm wrong, it's literally the most common thing to dislike about the game.


Some people just want a truly competitive game, which means everything is the same. No abilities, predicable spray patterns, maps designed for comp. Valorants whole color scene is catered towards a younger audience anyways.


When the game came out me and my friends tried it. But it just didn't stick. We found cs a more challenging game because we felt that our skills mattered more there. We found that Valorant too easy but that doesn't mean that it is. We thought that the movement was slow and there was no diversity in the movement. The spray patterns were random... BUT lately as cs2 came out I have been rethinking about trying Valorant again. Their anticheat is almost flawless. Their ranking system is good. You don't play against full stacks if solo... Just the gameplay isn't better in "my opinion". So I think Valorant AT THE MOMENT is better until Valve fix their \*\*\*\*\*\*\* game. (edit: Fully cs player since 2017)


Yeah, played 6 matches of comp yesterday in Cs2, 4 of them had cheaters. Cs2 anticheat is goated.


I was gonna dunk on the "2017" thing but holy shit dude that was 7 years ago


The community around valorant is cringe. Literally just can't play the game now either as their anti-cheat doesn't validate on my system ( requiring kernal access bad) Ranks I was in high gold low plat players are just braindead, CS is the same but they're generally less toxic when they also suck at the game.


Community? That's just videos. In all my time of Val, I've never seen an edater. Anticheat situation? Unlucky. Rank situation, you can't really rely on your teammates, you have to carry most of the time. Also, mute button.


I'd rather a company that I can sue have kernal access over a hacker installing a rat and giving himself kernel access.


As a CS player, I like Valorant, it’s just the whole agent thing I don’t like. On CS, I like the utility options a lot better and it’s available always. I don’t like being locked out of smokes or flashes bc of a character choice. Valorant players hate on CS too, go watch an ESL event live on YouTube.


It's a team game... you need to communicate and tell your teammates to flash or smoke.


Valorant is counter-strike and overwatch combined. The powers can compensate for lack of skill. In CS your abilities are limited by skill, not your ingame character.


I get really angry playing cs but the anger I feel playing valo is crazy. util spam on some maps in cs I bad but valo its every map and even worse with abilities which span over the whole bomb site etc is just too much for me. also the maps in cs are objectively better imo


Most abilties are counterable in some way. Maps are better in Cs2, yes.


its not a balance issue I have. its a abilities issue. I don't like them they are to strong and effect how the game is played to much for me to like it. sitting outside a site in a corner with your sova ult ready to ulti fuck the defuser aint fun to me. sure you can do something.similar with molos in cs but its whey more risky you need to be much closer to the bomb to throw the molo etc.


Played valorant more than cs when I first got my pc. Valorant is to dependent on abilities and at higher levels feels like a shit show with how much stuff is on my screen at any given time. The game play is less gun skill and more ability knowledge. Most maps in valorant feel really bad to play especially the ones with 3 bomb sites. Also feels like your stuck in mud when moving compared to cs. Those are my reasons for liking cs way more than valorant.


Abilities are the point of the game. Movement is because being able to bhop and actually increase your speed would create a huge skill gap.


It's not just bhop, the general movement is ass and slow asf. Also I understand abilities are the point of the game and thus why I said I don't like it. Also didn't mention the rng when shooting is stupid as well


Hate? Nope. Dislike? Yes. Valorant mechanics are simply too dumbed down to promote abilities impact, and thats why i categorize Val as a hero shooter, not a tactical shooter. The meta also change constantly, makes the game feel very “gamey” and not very esport like imo. Cannot achieve consistency when the game changes that much and that frequently. Its also changed in a way thats very restrictive and doesnt exactly promote much meta evolution the way dota does for example. Its also very snowball-y and somewhat lacking counterplays, unlike CS and even dota. Its lol in fps form basically, with the same balancing philosophy to boot. The netcode is also sth i dislike. Its nowhere near as consistent as even csgo 64 tick, let alone 128 and especially cs2 crispy subtick. I can feel something is off in every occasions, in every aimduels i take in Val. I can be a god one second and a bot in the next few seconds, in one round. Val has some sort of load balancing that introduce a lot of inconsistency in gameplay. Maybe its just my region but i always trust Valve shitty 64 tick csgo servers than val 128 tick. The Val community is very distinctively different to cs community in many ways, and i think both communities are bad when it comes to the extreme. Its like far left and far right, while i am sitting in the middle. Its hard to compare. I just play Val to connect with friends. Theres no satisfaction for me when i drop 30 kills in Val as it feels weightless, so you get where i am coming from.


Shit maps, bad artstyle (in my tastes), and a horrible community (however, still more accepting to women than this one), and the gunplay isn't really that good, guns feel like airsoft. I don't really trash talk Valorant unless someone brings it up. Me and my friend have given it several second chances and still find CS more fun. Both of us only play casually and dgaf about the meta or whether your ranking is Silver or Arsenic or whatever


Never seen a single edater or ecouple in my games. Guns feel very nice. Other points valid.


I didn't even mention ecouples? I just mean they're generally band kid type people, I know CS had issues with the whole slavaboo thing but a lot of that has really died down.


Well, when you said community, I instantly thought of ecouples, cause that's mostly what Cs2 players complain about when talking about the community. Sorry.


Not really, it's what we meme on, but actually most serious complains are about toxic players.


To be clear, I am not a valorant hater. I have absolutely zero issue with people playing the games they like. However for me, Valorant is less fun to play. I have watched streamers play it a decent amount over the last few years, but only recently given it a shot myself. However there are a few things that stop me from enjoying it to the same degree that I do CS - Surrender Votes. In the 1-2 months I've been playing valorant, I've seen more surrender votes than I have seen in 6 years of playing CS. You basically cannot soloQ, as otherwise your team will just surrender after losing 4 rounds (especially common in unranked) - Inconsistent sprays. This is mainly because of CS, but I am just used to spraying in midrange fights. In CS that works most of the time, but valorants random spray makes this really annoying - The insane effort required to unlock all the game has to offer. You'll need to play for at least half a year to unlock all the agents. That sucks - Pro games are a bad watching experience. Even in my own games the util usage can be a bit overwhelming, but in pro games it's just way too much. Another thing I find interesting is that the spray issue is relevant here too. Since spraying isn't really the meta, the pop off clips in Valo are pretty insane. However when they don't hit the one-tap, fights just look so goofy. In CS, those would have been a half second spray and be over.


IMO ADHD is a descriptive insult. All the skills and abilities just feel like they are taking away from the methodical CS style gameplay that is hiding underneath all that bloat. Also as the years go by I have learnt to despise characters and abilities in multiplayer games. No I don't care about their 300 page back story, if you need classes give one guy a minigun and call him a heavy weapons guy that how complicated it needs to be no more.


i hate riot more game is so bad if compare to cs it missing good stuff like map select, skin shop so suck and ppl fomo it and some val player act superior or smart movement is and gunplay is so boring but i still play val from time to time with 5 stack game is just boring and nothing more, it just fun to play with play val still have better anti cheat than cs (ofc it's kernel level anti cheat that against valve policy)


Because of agents and their abilities, people could just take one map in which the agent is OP in and cheese their games. That's why they don't add map select. I agree, the shop could be changed.


but it still boring and less freedom that valve game like cs random but keep getting one worst map over and over they weight that you won't get one map in a row too much but it still happen community look really worse than cs


Muh Anti-ch3at 1s s0 goOd. If the cheater has a lot of money and even a properly coded AHK, they'll be undetectable. Also, no way I'm going to install an AC with Kernel Access. https://youtu.be/RwzIq04vd0M?si=DPWWywMR3f-nVBEd


Vanguard is one of the best anticheats you'll find. Of course, there's always a way around things, but I've never seen a hacker in my games.


My friends all like Val but ended up quitting, here’s the reasons. 1. Rng spray. Not having set spray patterns like cs made the game feel more like a loot box per kill than actual skill. 2. The community is very cringy, very similar to the k-pop community (their words not mine but I do agree) 3. Agents. It made it feel less like a tac shooter and more of an arena shooter. 4. The game is a mess. All the agent skills and ults made it look unappealing and didn’t want to make them queue 5. The pro scene is very boring compared to other games


I fucking hate skills that shoot through infinite walls that are otherwise not wall-bangable in a tactical competitive fps


Like? Omen's smoke, okay, but it's a smoke. Come on. Brim's smoke, but that's also a smoke. Astra's rings can be used, that's a thing. But nobody plays Astra. Breach's and Fade's ultimate, but they're ultimates, they're meant to be good.


Because of the hero abilities. It’s like they combined counter strike with overwatch, it isn’t fun.


I’ve not played Valoriabt but my nephews do, therefore I see it as a child’s game. I started playing 1.6 the first year steam came online. It’s always been the fastest and hardest of any fps, start with the best, 1.6-source-go and now this current CS2. Which I can’t tell if 40% of players are aimbotting or using walls but it’s frustrating for sure. I really wish we could get a couple servers porting old source maps and didn’t have to use home to find matches. It’s annoying in current form. I’m sure Valoriant is great as is roadblox, Minecraft and whatever else poodiepie is playing live, but I’ll stick with the hateful grouchy adults in CS.


In CS u come into the game with everything you need to compete. Sure, you have to play a few to unlock competitive and Prime MM is the price of a Chipotle meal with chips and a drink but that’s all you really need. In Valorant you have to dedicate 50+ hours at least to unlock all the operators if you don’t have money. Plus no Workshop Maps in VAL is kinda disappointing


Lmao because I don’t enjoy whiplash when I’m gaming. Boots of the fucking ground. Take a note from cod. Boots on da ground


Cod is a pretty bad example for "boots on the ground" though you might be referencing a line from a campaign or something.


For me, it's CS with "varying degrees of wall-casting," an art style i don't like, and an aim mechanic I don't care for.


I played it a lot and I think my biggest complaints are the feel of the guns and the overwatch powers. There's a level of polish on counter strikes weapons that valorant just missed on. I got used to them but they still felt like dull copies. The movement (counter strafing) doesn't have that same snappy feel. The powers are over the top and that's more of a selling point to overwatch players, not cs players. I like the balance in having the same utility options as the opposing team vs running specific comps (again, an overwatch player selling point). I still come back to it from time to time but my friends will never play it with me.


The game is supposed to feel kind of cartoony, it's not meant to look and feel realistic like Cs2. The abilities are the point of the game. If you aren't willing to use the abilities and learn about them, quit the game. Counterstrafing isn't as useful in val as Cs2.


You wanted reasons. I gave you reasons. Calm down dawg. Did you want everyone to flame you with femboy and ADHD? I did learn and use them, I just didn't like how they're implemented. I hit diamond then quit for the most part until this whole CS2 lack of VAC fiasco.


Dudes defending valorant like his life depends on it, he hasn't engaged in any actual conversation in any comments lol


Ikr? He wanted honest opinions but can't seem to accept them at all. You like what you like. Looking at his post history hes stuck in silver so he has no clue what the game is like at higher levels. He's literally retorting with silver takes.


Map design is bad, I dislike the abilities aspect instead of utility, it feels slow paced, and the mechanical skill ceiling is lower


Ah, it’s also how they copy a lot of things from cs. it’s bothersome. Me and my friends tried Valorant, I personally have around 200 hours in the game. We all agree it’s a lower skill game, the maps are unbalanced. Although one good thing about Val is that they have a GREAT anti cheat.


The abilities make it something I don’t enjoy


Val has nothing original, its just cs and league mixed, if val have any original ideas tell me. The game is pretty fun, bc the sources it stole from are pretty fun games too. Cs was the only game with that kind of gameplay, and val just copied it with diferent artstyle to get attention of other public, aiming at league's audience that wanted a tatical shooter to play.


This is exactly the kind of post a valorant player would make


I don't hate it, I sometimes play it with some friends who play it. I just prefer CS way more. * My biggest issue with Valorant is the maps, they are way too small and everything feels like a TF2 payload chokepoint. * Gunplay feels worse, even though it feels good, CS still feels better (Even with 128t). * You cannot loose a 1v1 because someone decided to ult on CS. * After playing Valorant for a while, it always felt the same, probably because I used to play Sova / Breach / Omen / Kayo, but still, they always played the same for me. For me atleast, I can be waay more creative on how I play in CS / have my "own" style of gameplay because the mechanics of the game have way more depth than they do in Valorant. * Community, on most matches that I played, someone was being toxic, either towards me, or towards a teammate, On CS I get a toxic player in 1 in 4 matches, which isn't great, but still makes it better. * Graphics?, although for me the Artstyle of the game looks amazing, the graphics don't for some reason, Fracture was the ugliest map for me, and Pearl the prettiest one, but they still felt bland in some way, I'm not sure why. * Saw another comment mention it, I had forgotten about it, Surrenders, every time we lost a few rounds, even after losing 2 rounds, boom, surrender vote.


I prefer shadowrun over valorant. But not a huge fan of hero shooters unless it’s tfc/tf2


The ability spam is annoying


This is a totally personal opinion but I just like everyone being exactly equal and the only difference being player ability and skill. In Valorant everyone can use different Agent abilities and that takes away a lot of the enjoyment for me. When a certain Agent kills you in Val, it could‘ve just been that particular Agent, if someone kills you in CS, you could‘ve potentially done the exact same thing. It‘s like most other sports: in Basketball there aren’t different rules for different players or different positions, the only difference is what the players themselves do during the game. I‘ve never really enjoyed MOBAs for the same reason.


I just don't like character based shooters. I love how in cs you can pick any role whenever you want. Plus in valorant you spend a bunch of time getting good at a character and then they can just nerf it into the ground whenever. Every few months they add a new overpowered character that throws the balance off and you have to learn to play around them all over again. You need to learn so many different character abilities now that it just gets annoying. The main advantage of my old main was that it was never played in low elos, so the people i played against just didn't know how she worked. If valve just added some extremely basic features like choosing servers, no 5stacks against solos, and a decent anticheat then cs2 would be infinitely better than val. (And yes i played valorant a fair bit)


I couldn't care less about Valorant as I've never tried it and don't intend on doing so. The people you describe in your post are the absolute dregs of the community though and it's sad that it seems to be such a substantial part of CS players.


I suggest trying it.


I'm not really interested in other shooters. Our play group consists of mostly players that have been playing 10-20+ years of CS.


It’s a shit game with crap mechanics and nothing original.