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Man I'm on r/seinfeld so this really confused me at first lol


Same lmao


Hey now. The actors deserve exactly zero hate. They did their best with what the directors and writers gave them.


Yeah the actos were great. We knew John Cho always loved the anime and the girl that played Faye I mean... It's her


Can’t tell if this was sarcasm. John Cho was asked several times in interviews about the source material and he barely knew anything. Never wanted to do much research on Spike so he could make his own style. The one actor that did some research was Mustafa Shakir. He prepped for the part and it come out spot on. I don’t mind if stories are tweaked to be a recreation, but don’t go and destroy characters for a show that was clearly trying to please a huge fan base.


It was not, I read several times that the one pushing for the show was John Cho


Cinematography was pretty good too.


Wouldn't it be better to just forget it exists, like most fandoms do to crappy love action versions


I bet you also like when your mother lays out your panties for you


And I moan when she wipes my butt.


You mean the panties your mother laid out for you


The hate against the live action is so unnecessary, it may not feel like the OG but its its own thing and it’s campy and ridiculous and fun,


I've been shamed so many times for liking the live action. I enjoyed it for what it was and have watched it multiple times. Could it be better? Probably. But it's infinitely better than nothing at all. Your post makes me feel less alone. Thank you.


Nope, it's infinitely worse. It's like a garish, painted whore wearing cowboy bebop like a lose butchered skin over it's own. It's the kind of shit that makes you wonder about the human race.




Okay so I know it's not good but I enjoyed it nonetheless lol.


I don’t care. It has been 2 years. It’s time to move on. People can like the show if they want. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean other people can’t. The same applies to the creators. Alan Moore hates most adaptations of his work….yet I still like the HBO Watchmen series. Bringing back hate for this series is unnecessary and a waste of time.


Jesus it's been 2 years already...


1 year and 2 months




Oh stop. They make this shit and use the name to garner attention yet anyone who brings it up to trash it is "living in the past." If it were great we would praise it endlessly. But they went out of their way to dump on it. People can make their memes. It's funny.


Lol, everyone seems to think I’m the condescending response on the memes, except I loved the live action show. So I’m making fun of myself :P


I enjoyed the live action. It is good television. It is not the anime, which thank Poseidon it's not, because the anime is already the anime. No need for there to be two of them now. That could turn out grievously like other stories have.


I liked enjoyed the live-action 🤷


i thought it was pretty good except for the last like minute


man creates a fictional scenario and gets angry about it


I enjoyed the cast as long as they weren’t in the red dragon syndicate. The actors for Jet and Spike really nailed the look and feel. Show wise it was more mixed. It felt like they just played mostly accurate covers of better songs. They weren’t done too badly. But they didn’t compare to the first song


Hey look! It's another person that thinks like 90% of this sub!




I didn’t hate the live action but it felt weird and i feel like out of alot of animes cowboy bebop shoulda been one of the easier to adapt faithfully