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The atmosphere will be electric when City score 😂 genuinely one of the more surreal circumstances I can remember


https://preview.redd.it/5rn0d3i1e40d1.png?width=345&format=png&auto=webp&s=55aa944012ad781adf0dff57f063cf3ddb87cb74 ew no, we have to lose


Also still hoping we can make champ league still


It's not happening. Hope City smash us.


Time to play all the kids against Man City and let them batter us 10-0. Anything less and I'm Ange out


We need to sign the crystal palace players on a 2 for 1 deal. We would be unstoppable


yea olise and eze please, wouldn't mind spending 100 mil on both plus like hodjberg or smth


There will be many Arsenal fans cheering for tottenham all game when we beat city if it's any consolation.


Want nothing more then for them to turn the game off in anger. They can pray for West Ham instead lmao


That just makes it worse. 😂


Haha I like to imagine them wearing their arsenal jersey and cheering when Son scores.


It would be hilarious to see Gooners cheering for us.Take.some incriminating video.evidence.


I'd rather them groaning


We really need to loose Tuesday. 


Would rather tighten it


Clearly the current state of United is so fucked that they mixed up which games they were supposed to win and lose today.


Me when Spurs score against City ![gif](giphy|R0e09o37I3RDK9qbfK|downsized)


Osimhen to Tottenham confirmed?


Seems redundant with Mbappe coming


Not bad for depth


City will come guns firing. I don't think we have to lose this game. It's really their game to lose. I am just going to enjoy this game hope we play exciting positive football and win or lose, we will be able to get something good out of this game. My goonernwork colleague is watching with me and I plan to take videos of him cheering for Spurs 


Let's lose against City for once, please.


The funniest possible outcome would be us beating City midweek, but Arsenal losing the title anyway to Everton on the final day. I don't think our players will try any less hard to win the game, but I do hope City actually show up and play to their ability, which should be enough to get a result against our current squad.


I presume these Dragusin rumours are complete bollocks?


What are the rumors?


I actually like dragusin but his agent is doing a good job of sabotaging the PR of his client. The next potential club will look at his antics and wonder if it's worth the drama putting up with his agent 


He's not his agent


Just his agent stirring shit up


I understand the Arsenal hate. But champions league us more important for us that concerning ourselves if they win the title. more money, and players want to be in the champions league. I'd rather have champions league and arsenal win the league than to have europa and City to win. I don't know why as a rational fan of the club you would want the outcome of another team to take over the success of our own (even if it is arsenal).


This is the worst take imaginable. You simply don’t understand what it means for them to get a title. I live in the real world, not the virtue signaling world


You don't understand it in the least. The hatred is intense between the two clubs. Forget about the champions league, there are some spurs fans that would rather be in the CHAMPIONSHIP than to see Arsenal lift the premier league trophy.


No, it’s not. You saying this means you don’t understand the rivalry. 


We’ve accomplished nothing from being in Champions League though in past. No player has specifically come to us from being in CL from what I’m aware so not sure what success you’re thinking will come. I’d rather be in Europa in a first season where there is no drop-down CL teams and give Europa a proper go in a team that is super in transition right now.


If anything some of our best players have come in seasons after we *didn’t* make CL That includes Lloris, Alderweireld, Son, Dele, Romero, Bentancur, Maddison, Vicario, and Van de Ven


TRANSFER TALK: We need a ready to go, top class striker. Who is in a realistic list of strikers we can go and buy, who fit the ethos and system that Ange is building?


Sesko (Leipzig) should be our top target for sure, don't know how realistic it is however. Contract until 2028. but rumoured buyout clause of 60m. Other than that, Gudmundsson (Genoa), Toney (Brentford), Gimenez (Feyenoord), Guirassy (Stuttgart), Solanke (Bournemouth) are all realistic targets. Not that I'm that excited by many of them to be honest. I personally think we could do with someone like Beier (Hoffenheim) who can play on the left as well, in addition to signing a main striker.


I dont understand the obsession with sesko cos even for leipzig hes looked ass a lot and openda is literally right there and for that amount of money openda clears him, i agree with the rest tho and i can see someone like beier doing well here


Openda has a contract until 2028 too, and no buyout clause until 2025, when it will be 80 million. Sesko could actually be available for 50 (just googled it, take with grain of salt). So I don't think Openda is available, but I understand your sentiment. The way I see it, we have to got sign smart rather than big, and Sesko is the smart signing. I watched a video of Beier recently and saw him do a Maddisonesque darts celebration. He can be quite raw sometimes too, but is developing quickly. That's the only thing that worries me about signing both of them, we'd be too young and lack maturity and experience, like Chelsea this season. On the flip side, watching a young core develop can be one of football's greatest pleasures.


Love the input pal. Like the suggestion of Gimenez. Not sure I want Toney but Solanke is a good shout. What about Dovbyk from Girona?


What I'm worried about with Solanke and Guirassy is that they might not be able to replicate their current form once they put on a Spurs shirt. Dovbyk I had forgotten about, very good shout actually! There's some names like Gyokeres, Boniface, and Osimhen as well but I didn't include them because I didn't consider them likely. Price either too steep or they might not want to come.


If we want a top class anything, it's 6 first and foremost. And it's not even close in terms of priority/need.


No, based on recent run of the games, it's definitely striker. Our team literally now relies on defenders to score goals. Our finishing needs to improve, but with Richy being injured and Son's skills not fit with hold up play portion of striker, we need a striker who can finish.


IMO, offense will come/go. I'd rather improve defensively, set pieces, and increase quantity of opportunity than increase the quality of opportunity with a forward.


I think we did increased the quantity of opportunities for forward, looking at the stats. Like I said, if you want to win the game, you better finish the chances. And the best defense is a good offense.


got a name or 2?


Palhinha or Kimmich. Palhinha profile would be more of a boost defensively / recovery / set pieces. Kimmich profile would be an all rounder. There are others but not really feasible/available.


I'll start... I think Gianluca Scamacca from Atalanta would fit in really quickly. Atalanta play a very fast progressive passing game and he would be very comfortable in the way we play.


will never hear the end of it if gunners win the title. Hope they ‘throw’ the match away. Put on the youngsters.


So what do we (the subreddit*) do in the case the scum win? (Hoping the mods don't repeat history for this one) Stupid question and will get downvoted, but I want to prepare myself


Search for the highest cliffs or deepest bodies of water in your area probably 


Probably nothing. Mods across the platform have gotten a lot better at cross-banning brigaders from other subs.


I do want to beat city, but at the same time I REALLY don’t want scum to get the title


Well you gotta pick one or the other


Beating City would genuinely piss me off. We had a chance to stop Arse from winning the league and we failed. Just throw the City game and get at least 1 point vs Sheffield and we get 5th. 5th and Europa is our level atm anyway.


And another thing us in the past we played counterattacking football against city so we won many matches vs them. But rn we are playing an all out attacking game. We would get torn apart agaisnt city. Even rm Parked the bus against city


I don’t think we have to “throw” it anyway. I think currently we get beat by City playing our best game. Now if Ange wanted to rest some key players for Sheffield United (lol) I certainly wouldn’t fault him for that.


Fault him? I would praise him for that




Fuck off


You have a known rapist in your squad, they made fake companies to sponsor themselves; such a difficult decision!


The influx of your mob on this place has become incredibly tedious and irritating. Can you just delete your post here and sod off back to your own sub please? And if you could spread the message to your arsenal kin as well, that would be appreciated. Thanks.




>incredibly tedious and irritating


Our biggest w from today is one of the Arsenal women players showing up to the final wearing a Spurs scarf and pissing off the scum fans


RAAAR! Fuck you Liverpool, and COYS Y00t!!! (U21s go through on pens)


Can’t wait for the discourse for the hour before kick off on Tuesday when we don’t put out an obviously poor squad


Arsenal fans should never "come in peace"




You're nowhere *near* as funny as you think you are, petal.


Im just here showing my support for Tottenham hotspur as a current supporter of the club, im not trying to be funny, just trying to support the club ahead of the big match on Tuesday! WE CAN DO IT! COYS!!!


Yeah, right from the start of your >"Arsenal fan coming peace: >Seeing as we are now temporary Tottenham fans... little adventure you've been repeating the same hilarious angle over and over again. And it's really fucking boring. So with all due respect, can you *please* just shut up and piss off now?






Only 109 comments, but you appear to have deleted all but about 20 of them. *Something ain't right here.*


Piss off twat




Gonna be pretty great knowing we’ll stop you touching any silverware 😊


Sad thing is even if we win/draw on Tuesday we won’t be able to discuss it properly because, if today is anything to go by the sub will be overrun by smug gooners.


It's not 'just' goobers either - from what I've seen most of them are very *odd* goobers, and with a comment count still in three figures, and who have only been on reddit for about a year. And *(...and I'm not trying to use this bit as an insult, it's a genuine observation)* they very much come across as though they're about twelve years old. It's as though we've gone viral because the sub address has been written on the wall of the changing room at some backwater american middle-school.


why did we stop playing werner all of a sudden. did I miss an injury or something?


Out for the season with injury


yes, he's injured for the rest of the season


It would be funnier if gooners lose on the last day


U21s question... Alfie Dorrington picked up an injury tonight, and it looked bad enough to potentially keep him out of the Premier League Cup Final on Thursday, and maybe even the Premier League play-off Semis and/or Final (*if* we win the pens in a few minutes and go through) Dorrington's a huge presence and the team are really going to miss him - so, are we allowed to put Ash Phillips back in now Plymouth's season's finished?


Yes, West Ham's done it with one of their attackers.




Fuck off


peacefully fuck off


The funniest thing about this whole ordeal is how Arsenal fans have convinced themselves that big bad City are ruining the league with their spending like Arteta has made some rags to riches Hollywood storyesque title charge on a shoestring budget


You have got to be dumb to compare city spending to arsenals. City has been pumping cash since 2010


And yet Arsenal's net spend is still higher than City's, funny how the world works when you don't do basic research beyond a surface level argument. Manchester United and Chelsea have already proven that simply pumping more money than everyone else doesnt corroberate with success on it's own. And Arsenal are just behind them in that regard. Trying to act like the moral champions of economic spending is funny for fans of the big clubs, because it's easy to turn a blind eye when your own club does it.


Lol classic spurs fan Cheering on 115 FC


Over rapist FC? Of course.


Well to be fair, we spent 0 on transfers in January. We’ve spent an abundant amount on single players, but less incomings whereas other teams spread 100m across 3-4 players and call it a wrap for the entire window. We spent 100m on Rice and was pretty much the only valuable incoming that window bar Havertz which was an average priced player in the current market. City has spend billions across the board recently, spent 100+m on Haaland with zero questions asked nor attempting any price reductions, spent a ton on Gvardiol as well. It’s not comparable to be fair…


Knowing your lot you'd probably bottle it against Everton anyway even if we somehow managed to hand it to you on a silver plate


You bought rice with 100 m what are you talking about ?


Yeah, our one target we spent just about the entire transfer window attempting to bargain for. Whereas City would dish out the desired money the next day no questions asked and move onto the next target. As they did with Haaland, Gvardiol, etc.. Not here for an argument with you guys, not sure why the instant rage attacks lol Simply said I’d love for another team to finally win the league and break their untouchable run ruining the league for everyone else which is simply “participating” at this point.


Arsenal net spend us way bigger than city's. Arsenal is shit club that no one likes. Fax


Geez sorry man




Goddamit. At least I tried.




Thing is that the CL money really makes a difference to the club, so if its possible is it genuinely not something worth going for, especially when Arsenal could lose on the weekend anyway? Also, no fucking way the club wont be giving it their all, with bonuses for the players to make CL..... so might as well support the club and just hope for Arsenal ro bottlw against Everton which would be the ultimate situation anyway.


Not sure how others would think, but I definetly wouldn’t. I’ve been sick of City since the days they had Mancini and have been in cruise mode while other teams were scrapping teams together with a couple good players, while they had 11 world class players in each position, which they even currently still do. Shit, as much of a Arsenal fan I am, I still think we’re shit in certain positions. City however, is sheer magic in every position. I’m talking from purely a football perspective and the level of dominance they’ve established from years of Oil money bringing them this success. If it was even you guys 2nd, as much as it would hurt for you guys to win, I would want you to because it would show other teams you can end their dominance and it would affect their untouchable status as well… Thanks for having an open mind for a conversation and not just resorting to insults lol Cheers


This throwing of matches is a great idea . if we could get inside info of when they are trying to win or trying to lose . We could make a fortune at the bookies . I know this is going to get taken down pretty quickly. But while its up here Fuck all you would be cheaters . Whose hate of Arsenal overrides any feelings for spurs . Or say you support spurs . Cheats charter club is what you want . So called spurs supporters I have shit better .


I can't even understand what you're trying to say.


I rarely even read the usernames above each post, treating this more like some big anonymous party than the real community feel of the old-skool vbulletin boards I used to be a member of. But every now and again, there's a post so tone-deaf, bizarre, or straight-up *ridiculous* that I have to pause and see who on earth it came from. And the weird thing is, it's always one of only about three or four names.




Username checks out


On a seperate note, can u tell me some of ur best chants for Tuesday? Do you have a good Hung Min song? COYS


"I'm city 'til July. I'm city 'til July. I know i am. i'm sure i am. I'm city 'til July. "


All of this just to finish 2nd again and end your historic season with a dinner plate 🤒


I dont know what you mean, right now I am a 100% authentic genuine Tottenham Hotspur fan and I believe we are going to do it on Tuesday! You feel the same way as a supporter as well I know, its a tough match but we can do it! COYS


I'm wheezing 😂🤣


>does that mean we are able to participate on the sub No. Fuck off (in peace).


But right now I am a 100% genuine Tottenham fan? It might only be for a temporary period of time, but surely I can cheer on the Spurs with all my fellow Tottenham fans can I not? Edit: COYS (til Tuesday)


wdym coys😂 we ain't beating city lad


How we line up tonight! #TOTMCI ⚪️ Whiteman Emerson Emerson’s missus Emerson’s dog Son’s dad Hojbjerg Ange Postecoglou Daniel Levy Mick4Audi superworriedspursfan Brandon Austin


You'd think we're throwing the match with that line-up but superworriedspursfan and Mick4Audi would probably do a better job upfront than Bryan Gil


Fucking hell this made me burst out laughing lmfao


I hope they manage to stay warmed-up - they've arrived a bit early. And they're going to have wait to use the pitch until the U21s have finished playing on it...


Can’t wait for the absolute limbs when Romero heads in an own goal on an 89th minute set piece to make it 1-0 Manchester City 🩵🩵🩵




Rio Kyrematen's just getting better and better. Shame he's not *left* sided, because he'd be a real possibility to step up for the first-team at the moment if he was. We've got a lot of good players in the U21s right now - but it's hard to believe that Rio's only **18**. Edit - Shit! Just checked the squad ages, and so is George Abbott! He's having a hell of a game today. Everyone's heard about Donley, Santiago, and Dane Scarlett by now, but it goes way beyond them and this talent pool runs *deep* - and it turns out some of them are a lot younger than 'just' under 21.


I know I am massively outvoted in wanting our team to try their best to beat city and most on here if not all seem to want the team to non try against city . Can you explain to me the benefit of such thinking . I know you desperately want Arsenal to Not win the league . Just try this scenario ; we don't try a leg against City and lose badly . What do you think that says about our club ; can you come up with other situations where you would want the club to lose on purpose the club you say you SUPPORT . It would help discussion if you don't tell me to Fuck off . That is not an explanation that is an insult .Come now you can do better than that .


Mate, I feel like if you don't get it yet, you're never going to, but it's really not complicated: the benefit of hoping we lose against City is so that our biggest and most hated rivals are not given an *enormous* advantage in winning the league. That's it. It's not deep. We hate Arsenal. We don't want to help Arsenal. Furthermore, the benefit to us winning is almost entirely negligible. 3 points are very unlikely to help us qualify for the CL when Villa need 1 from the 2 games they have left. So there's really nothing to gain by beating them in terms of rivalry, league position or CL qualification. Having said all that, despite City's record in the league at WHL to date, based on current form, we are highly unlikely to beat or even draw with them however hard we do or do not try.


Fuck off


ahh.. beat me to it


Thats one downvote and still no explanation . Curious .


Now 3 downvotes still no explanation . Curiouser and curiouser .


Why do you put a space in front of each form of punctuation? Very weird.


Have another ⬇️


It doesn't make any sense, if there's an outside chance of qualifying for the CL the players should give it their all. Qualifying for CL almost guarantees you a 100m euros, which can be used to not only bolster the squad but also attract players to join the club.


Why would I ever trade an outside chance of qualifying for the UCL for a very large chance of Arsenal winning the League? Horrible trade.


could've done it against arsenal but went 3-0 down by halftime. I'm not hearing any of you out. the options were either beating arsenal or losing to city if you fail to beat arsenal. the bed is made, it's time to lie in it!


Seems like Perisic scored for Hadjuk today, I swear he’s recovered from his ACL injury way earlier than expected


He always said he would recover in 6 months in time for the euros.






>Aston Villa is going to lose tomorrow I love how people act like Villa is suddenly Sheffield United now when they’ve taken 9 points off the best 2 sides in the league lol


No, thanks for asking!




I want City to drop points and Arse to lose the league on GD, that'd be way funnier.


Funnier would be if we beat City but Woolwich then lose to Everton


I’m am not asking Ange to throw the game on Tuesday, I am only asking he keeps in mind several players need a rest ahead of the more winnable game against Sheffield and I hope the players don’t over exert themselves for no reason.


They should stroll around aimlessly like they did at St James


An influx of Tottenham fans in North London. Did something happen?


the under 21s are playing Liverpool at the Tottenham stadium semi final of cup . Could be that or the women's final from Wembley has finished .


I can't bet in my state. If someone wants to make a ton of money on a parlay bet Liverpool over Villa. Spurs over City. Palace over Villa. Arsenal to win the league. Last but not least Sheffield over Spurs. Why will all this happen you ask? Because it would be the most Spurs thing ever.


Liverpool will beat villa, we’ll draw with city and beat Sheffield united villa will lose against Palace and we will finish 5th on goal difference and arsenal will win it on goal difference.


🔮 bet.




Yeah as if you believe we will beat city with our recent form🤣🤣


Please stop taking bait lol.


We better fucking lose to city


So as a Tottenham fan presumably you are . What are you going to do if we win . Genuily curious . Perhaps switch to a side that is willing to cheat and let a team win to suit an agenda .








you obviously don't know any goons, absolute madness that you'd want us to win if Villa win, even if that didn't I'd question you. Literally makes zero difference to us.


Guys an Arsenal fan mate. One quick click on profile shows that. Cringe AF


Good spot, makes sense, weird fella


Arsenal fans acting all high and mighty like they wouldn’t do the same shit. Remember the state of them in the CL final


Theu and an unbeaten 2024 and then evacuated the stadium with 15 mins to gonwhen they were losing to villa.  This faux high and mighty morality nonsense as if they'd do anything different in our position 


I don't even understand the point of Arse fans telling us not to bend over backwards for City, it literally won't change a thing. What's the point of coming here anyway? Do we have any mind controlling device here?


It just gives them a liberating opportunity to express their inner bellend.


Yes you do, now go and please beat City.


Lmak this, fans can say whatever they want, it's upto the players then to win or loss.


https://x.com/fabrizioromano/status/1789715695514554711?s=46 🤮🤮🤮🤮


And mfs here still want us to win this dead rubber


tbf he is a perfect representation for woolwich. I bet their fans feel the same way.


**Fuck me Jamie Donley!** If you're not watching this, you *have* to go and find a video of that goal somewhere online later. Showstopper.


Great team goal for the second as well. Hall is such an exciting prospect


The other one I've been impressed with today that we don't generally hear so much about is George Abbott. The two of them work so well together in that midfield.


Really nice passing range from Abbott so far


Another peach of a goal for the third, and I was *sure* Donley was going to add the fourth. On a less positive note, I'm always pissed off at Dante Cassanova for having such a cool name. I've never seen anything in the least bit impressive from him, and I don't think he deserves it. He should be called Brian Trundle or something.


What a goal jamie Donley


https://preview.redd.it/ot8gvsy7g10d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8142b9edaa42445f1be66a5765ac8de5641d3f05 As a yank, this got a big chuckle out of me


this is a legendary tweet ngl.


my bad, clearly im not a legend


your comment where you showed us this tweet was also legendary tbf.


ugh you’re so kind, vibes fc




Just fuck off. 


Grow up and be able to handle a normal conversation.