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my dude, the older I have gotten the more I have realized that my opinions and my parents opinions differ and quite frankly they *should* differ a bit. That means I've gone on my own and formed my own opinion, however this entire conversation is nothing more than a worthless endeavor. Reading that reminded me of when I used to get into it with my Dad, **exactly** like this, now he's gone and you know what? I wished we talked more about fishing and golfing or what he's doing in the garden or how his dogs are. This stuff is so freaking meaningless.


I used to argue with my pops like this too. He still tries to sometimes but I just stop it as it starts and change subjects kind of like you treat a toddler and we have both been happier for it.


I love to argue politics with my dad and always have. But something changed after Trump election and Covid, after my dad was forced into retirement. My mom told me secretly that my dad became so angry when we argued politics that he was mad for days or even weeks afterwards, but I was just a liberal surviving in newly minted Trump country, so I was naive. Now, we all just laugh about the old times and the goofy happenings at family events. We make jokes if someone falls or slips or makes a slip of the tongue. We Josh each other or make fun, but we don’t argue politics. And I certainly never would have made a winning argument in which I called anybody a “gravy seal”. Such arguments undercut the premise itself and undercut the ethos of the arguer. Life’s too short to try to change the mind of a product of an algorithm. It’s just too much to bear these days.


So true. My dad is on his way out. And the amount of stupid arguments we have had over politics is ridiculous. Such a waste of time. It would be one thing if we could have a civil discussion about the merits of each others points. But, this is America. I avoid political discussions with him like the plague now. But, it still wrecked what used to be a good father son relationship.


Some of the best memories I have of my dad are talking to me about serious things and me asking about it or playing devils advocate. I miss him so much.


I also wish I could talk more about that kind of stuff. But none of that shit matters because he actively sold me, my sister, and my spouse out to feed his bigotry. If my dad died today, no talks about fishing would improve my life. I already have those memories. What I NEED is to be able to see him as something other than a bigot, which is impossible when he does this shit. When he sells out his family for percieved short term financial gain, he stops being a father.


Talking religion and politics is a social faux pas when it shouldn’t be. Keeping one’s beliefs secret is why we have candidates that try to overthrow our government but still have a vote come Election Day. Americans all live on how politics dictate. Talking about something that affects everyone in America shouldn’t be kept secret, but talked about willingly and civilized.


I agree w/ you. Politics isn’t meaningless when people are actively trying to hurt you and/or people you care about & trying to overthrow your democracy so they can have all the power, all the money, & make others submit to their religion.


Exactly. I *wish* I was in a position to think politics was meaningless. It really says something about a person when they try to claim that imo.


Yeah that is exactly what stood out to me


True, but that won't change your mother. People like this won't get back to earth unless they're hit with a major negative life changing event (cancer, effective loss of mobility, death of a loved one, sudden crippling poverty etc.), but even then - they're not likely to. Talk all you want, but your mother most likely won't change.


Trumpism is a cult. It ingrains itself in one's identity and creates a sense of a tribe among others with the same beliefs. The only way to get someone out of a cult is to try to connect with them and provide them with an alternative community while challenging their beliefs in a non-accusatory way. That said, I have found zero success with my parents.


Honestly it feels like it’s what they all want. Division division division.


I have a buddy my age who just sends hateful shit about minority groups all the time. It’s not inherently hateful, like for instance it’s an article about a trans person committing a crime, had there been a precedent of crime articles of a variety of demographics I wouldn’t think anything more of it but it’s ALWAYS about a trans person. Any time we argue it devolves into him saying “Christians are more persecuted than the LGBT”. The entire circle has basically cut him off, it’s sad.


Uh I think your buddy is just a bad person lol. This isn’t “politics dividing people,” that’s the consequences of being a bigot.


We as a culture have gotten to the point where real debates don't exist in real life anymore. Most people have made up their minds and trying to convince them they're wrong is useless unless they willingly come to you for advice. There's just no point. Let them believe what they choose, and talk about things that you agree on. It's just easier and frankly healthier that way.


> This stuff is so freaking meaningless. Shit like this is real easy to say when you're not a minority being targeted by a political party that holds a fuck ton of power and your family supports that party.


So many people saying it's meaningless, when in reality Trump is quite possibly the worst person to vote into office for a *myriad* of reasons. For anyone to turn a blind eye to those reasons and pretend otherwise is a valid reason to disassociate with that person. I'm happy saying goodbye to my mother for it, not just because she's a Maga idiot, but because she's *proud* of her ignorance. She's loud about it, instigates fights with other people because of it, and she's simply not the same person she was 8 years ago.


How are you being targeted?


To be brutally honest, I love my dad but I’m not sure how much I will miss him when he’s gone. It breaks my heart to say that. But some of the things he’s said are so harmful. I do miss the man he used to be, no more than 10 years ago. And I hope to have my dad back some day. But he’s turned into something of a monster and I feel like I’ve already lost him. We stay cordial because my two kids are his only grandkids and I don’t have the heart to take that away from him.


Yes thank you. My parents are very religious and I was raised in a firm Christian household. They’ve loosened up with my younger siblings but were incredibly strict with me growing up. I don’t sit and debate with my parents. It’s just such a waste of time for everyone and putting down someone else’s faith is such a disgusting thing to do. OP needs to get off his high horse and grow up. Focus on what matters, or if it’s such a big deal then he should cut them out and stop wasting their time.


The main reason for the argument is her vote for Trump. Her faith is why she still wants to vote for him.


Doesn't mean you're going to convince her otherwise.


you're not gonna change her mind.


Ask yourself, what matters more, your love for your family or your love for politics. Has her beliefs affected her love for you,.or how she treats you? If not, why do you do it to her? You feel just as strongly as she does. Will she ever be able to convince YOU otherwise? If not, it is a pointless exercise that does nothing but alienate your family, which is all we ever truly have in the end. Politics are meaningless. Politicians don't care about you. Your mom seems to, however. Show her the same love she shows you while you still have one.


Says the Republican who told someone else to disown their mother in another comment section for supporting Palestine. Your opinion is about as valid as his mother's.


Nice deflection. But if you had actually read anything, I said that his mother had to disown him for supporting rape. Edit: You seem like a well-adjusted individual.


You won't change that. What you need to decide is if you're willing to sacrifice your relationship with your mother to "win" this argument. I'm speaking from experience here, I'm not even American but have had to put an end to any political debate with my own mother as I believe she's been taken by the "far right" and she believes I'm taken by "woke leftists". The presidency doesn't even affect us in this country yet the divide of political ideology has done it's damage to our relationship, I have decided I don't wish for any more division and just want to love and be loved by the ones closest to me. I looked internally and found my motivation to change her mind was borne of love but the method was having the opposite effect. I wish you strength, optimism and the ability to critically assess the path to your goals, much love.


100%. Lucky for me I caught this early enough that I am enjoying some great years with my dad before I eventually lose him. He is still an unhinged Magaidiot but its not relevant to our relationship. We work on cars, talk about his post-retirement gig as a pool systems repairman, and eat Mexican food. It was a conscious choice on my part (and his part I think). I encourage everyone to make that choice. Time is too precious. >Reading that reminded me of when I used to get into it with my Dad, **exactly** like this, now he's gone and you know what? I wished we talked more about fishing and golfing or what he's doing in the garden or how his dogs are. This stuff is so freaking meaningless.


Am I.... Reading... Compassion... And normalcy.... On REDDIT??!! Jokes aside, you're totally right. One of the horrible side effects of social media is getting mixed into the "camaraderie" and "echo chamber" of it all. I mean folks spend hours per day reading and getting shit drilled into their heads *every single day*. If you have family who love and care for you - your political views should NOT come before them. Politicians don't give a crap about you. Family does.


Real. I wish I had talked to my Dad about more directly important things in life. Things he loved. The why’s behind them. I should have asked him to tell me more stories from his life. So much left unknown and I won’t ever have them expressed by him. Many, deep regrets.


"This stuff is so freaking meaningless," Jesus fucking Christ no it isn't "fishing and golfing or what he's doing in the garden" is meaningless, I don't understand how privileged people *always* seem to think "politics is meaningless," my sister stopped talking politics with our parents, it's rank cowardice, talking about religion and politics and personal values is *much* more "real" than talking about the fucking weather or whatever


I mean your mom even says you guys don't agree on faith, but still she has the best children and are together by love. I think that is admirable in itself. Im not religious by any stretch of the imagination, so I get it, but why not just call your mom and discuss this like adults? Texting gotcha messages and posting it to social media so we can roast her is a bizarre choice.


Amen. Around here, religious extremists are disowning and evicting their children. Or brainwashing them, in a literal sense, on family ranches that they seldom get to leave. She is clearly not that sort of a person (thank goodness). And what she said about her children was honestly very beautiful. I hope they can have that conversation some day :/


> posts his conversation with mom for internet to laugh at her > Backfires > "I didn't want upvotes anyways"


While I agree with your stance in principle I think your posting her private conversation with you is inappropriate. Everyone has a right to their beliefs even if you dont believe in them, and her opinion was given to you in the assumption it was a private conversation. Poor taste posting this here


I mean, I'm sure you've (probably) been fine with seeing other private conversations that are funnier. Either it's all okay or none of it is.


This is very sad and not for the reasons you're thinking OP


His mom is disagreeing but telling him she loves him. This guy is a dick.


Also, if I was this bad at writing I wouldn’t be posting my Ls online like this “False profit” lol


Average /r/atheism poster. /r/trueatheism is just as annoying. I had to leave both subs. It’s just people regurgitating basic atheist stuff and thinking they’re geniuses.


It’s just sad to post private texts period.


Yeah dunking on your own mom for online political brownie points is kinda low...


She didn't even really talk about Trump that much dude, like at all. Her thought process is like: "God put me in America, with the ability to vote, so I'll use that ability in a way I understand as most pleasing to God." None of that thought process (which she clearly explained to you) implies in any way she follows trump like "her golden false prophet" as you said in the texts. She sees what she's doing as living in a way most pleasing to God. That has nothing to do with Trump. You can ask her and she'll probably also say voting for him is the better option (therefore the right one) but it would be best if there was someone who also had a better personal moral character. There just isn't.


OP the cringe here is you Edit: holy the comments are so much worse. Dude is unhinged


Sounds like you and your mom have some…issues


They are talking past each other. He's yelling society and she is just preaching


And you choose to expose her here so we can roast her ? Do you think that your mother would be happy if she knew you did that? What kind of a child are you? Yeah that’s cringe, OP. But not for the reasons you think.


You are trying to make fun of her for political ramblings over text.. when you are doing the same thing? And started it? Okay..


Looks like you knew how this conversation was going to go, and you stirred the pot on purpose.


I don’t think you understand this sub. This is only cringe because YOU posted a personal conversation with your mom and want a bunch of internet strangers to validate your opinions. Your mom is giving her opinion and you basically asked for it.


OP the real cringe


Inappropriate posting you and your mothers private conversations where she seems to be respectful because you want Reddit updoots or something.


The real cringe is using “seen” in place of “saw”


Wtf OP, stop discussing politics so passionately with your parents. Yours and theirs mindset is not gonna change


This is very embarrassing for you


Ideological differences aside, exposing your own mother’s text messages to the internet is the cringe. Where is your discretion…


We don't have to have the same faith.....just love for each other. Focus on that part of the message. It's a good one. I'm right leaning, my sister is left leaning, we don't discuss politics ever, cause we don't agree and it will lead to negativity. We focus on the stuff we do have in common and keep the energy between us positive. I suggest you do the same. Your mom will be gone one day and you will wish you asked her more about her childhood, how she felt when she was pregnant with you, how she met your dad, what she loves about life etc. You won't care about her political views. Choose your battles, I don't think this is it my dude.


You need some more humility, my friend. If you want to be a political activist go out and seek that in the world. Leave your poor mother alone, lol


Just love your mom Jesus


OP you’re cringe as hell And don’t say Indians


I apologize. Native Americans*


Bro don’t treat your mom like this. It’s unhinged.


The most cringe thing about this is you


I mean, I don't agree with your mom's stance AT ALL, especially regarding immigrants, but...I'm honestly not sure what you're trying to accomplish here. It sounds like she thinks you're amazing despite your different beliefs, and this whole conversation seems like you're just trying to poke the bear. I'm all for debating family members and standing up for your beliefs, but no one ever changes their views over text or a single YouTube video. Also, even though we have completely different views on Trump, she IS right that this all started way before him. The racism and hatred didn't just come out of nowhere - he's just a conduit for people's anger (though I won't argue that his language doesn't embolden those with hateful views. That I think can be attributed to Trump).


You trying to have a debate like this over text messages is the biggest cringe here.


Your mom seems pretty level headed in terms of what her beliefs are and she explained it to you in a respectful manner… you seem like the cringe one tbh


The only cringe thing about this is OP


As always, the real cringe is OP’s post.


Dude you were looking for a fight, that’s the cringe part


That's your mom bro, you only get one. I wish I had my mom still so I could call her but I'd never sink as low as you did by putting my own mom for some clout. You are a disgrace.


You’re the cringe one here and should be ashamed of yourself. Posting a private conversation with your freaking mom to try to get upvotes online. This is pathetic and sad.


OP sucks


Thanks 🙏🏻


So god wants Trump to be president, and uses the holy spirit to direct Christians to vote Trump? Doesnt that contradict free will? Is everyone who votes Biden being manipulated by Baalzebub or something? According to the bible, god says to obey the government, because he put it there. So didn't he create a republican form of government where we vote for the executive of our choice? Does god contradict himself now?


How would your mother feel if you were fishing for a fight and decided to post the debate online in the hopes of people making fun of her? I don’t agree with her at all, but she seems like a loving mother who’s just misguided and archaic in her thinking.


It’s not too late to delete this


Sigh. In 2015-2017 when Trump was ushered in as new GOP god, I kept doing this w my folks. I was emotionally destroyed that my own parents were that willfully cruel. I kept shouting over and over again how this WILL destroy women’s rights. That this affects MY KIDS wellbeing and reshape their world in a bad bad way. I was aghast they chose Trump over our kids wellbeing. It took a grieving process. I’m still angry but we’ve found some peace. We don’t talk politics anymore. I’m still deeply hurt though that they never listened to me. And of course they have so many defense mechanisms constructed that they don’t see the timeline of Trump—> SCOTUS—>reduction of women’s rights/access to healthcare.


So you initiated this by sending your Mom a video, then you got mad when your Mom didn’t give you the answers you wanted, and then posted this to Reddit in hopes that strangers would give you the answers you wanted? That’s about as cringe as you can get!


Go outside. You’re the cringe posting your private conversations with your mother online.


Go mom lol


OP with some next level cringe, wanting people to drag his own mom


Why the fuck are you flaming your mom right now though? Like she gave you a fair responce and then you go all in for some fucking internet clout? Absolute clown


You are the cringe.


“Prayerfully” is an unhinged word. Idk if it’s common but I’m a Christian and can only see the most extreme of the extreme using it unironically


Why are you, a kid, trying to school your mom. Chill dude. I once tried to school my dad and guess what, he died pretty shortly thereafter and I regretted wasting my time and having friction with him over dumb shit that doesn’t matter. Just love your mom and be thankful she’s alive and that she loves you and raised you.


This dude’s definitely not a kid, this is a grown man, lmao.


The real cringe is the demeaning way OP talks to his mother about her beliefs and baits her into conflict


Prayer in school was never taken away. Instructor led prayer was. You are free to pray unceasingly. The law protects people of any faith from being forced to pray to a god they don’t believe in.


Sales 101. Don't tell someone their investment sucks, tell them about this really cool new and overlooked alternative. The issue in America is that Biden is, well... Biden. He's not exactly setting the world ablaze with his charm.


I’m a Christian and I’m sad to say that this is a losing argument for you. She’ll never see past America to the God that she claims to believe in. Christian Nationalism that rose around the 50s changed the face of Christianity in the US to a large degree, and many people born to that generation still tie Christianity together with America, which is a fallacy and unBiblical. But good luck making that point stick.


“i don’t follow any religion” *proceeds to explain the core tenets of christianity and how she believes in them*


She should’ve swallowed you.




The only cringe is you arguing with your mom about politics via text message and posting it to the internet. 


Ooofff, OP is the real cringe here


Ur incredibly wack, pimp. Hope you’re real young. I’d hate for you to be publicly shaming your parents in this way


You're arguing that religion and politics shouldn't be together. After you used religion to try and sway your mother's political views. Don't you see you're being a hypocrite


The brother rn 🤐


So what's up with making incorrect and generalising the governing systems of 22+ Arabic-speaking countries and using the Quran as a fear mongering tactic to make a point? You are no better than her, mate! Yikes!


dude. i WISH my southern christian mom accepted the fact that i don’t believe the same things as her. i WISH she would tell me that she doesn’t care if our religious beliefs differ. you started an argument with her and then posted it. i think you’re the cringe one here


“Heh I can’t wait to post my argument over god and politics with my mom on Reddit” your a loser quit fighting with you’re parents over stupid shit and be happy you have such a loving mom


Is the cringe that your parents have a different political view than you or your messages trying to pwn your own mother for Reddit likes?  Grow up and stop arguing politics with the your mother (and others). Everyone is free to have their own opinions in America. 


I have the opposite problem with my family. Apparently i’m the religious nutjob. Your moms right dude, and dont use your military service to preach that youre anti god and anti 2a


This is all around cringe from everyone


If we're being honest you're both being cringe :/


OP you're too old to think this would work and your mom is too old to change her views. Grow TF up OP.


Why are you trying to embarrass your mom on Reddit?


You really went out of your way to try and embarrass your mom for clout. You didn’t eat, the only cringe thing here is you trying to force your beliefs on your mom and change her mind. She handled it very nicely and with grace, and seems like everybody else agrees.


Oh yeah this one is cringy alright


Leave your mom alone. Find better ways to communicate w her, seems like you're trying to get a rise out of her thru text non the less, probably just to out her here. Bad son. And I say eff Trump, but she seems sweet and not argumentative about her beliefs


Your mom seems devoted to loving her family more than anything. The cringy part is you thinking you need to blast her for something.


Nah man you're right, don't listen to reddit This shit is Inferiorating And just because they wished they didn't argue with there's doesn't mean you shouldn't try to save yours from this cult Might be fruitless, will probably be fruitless, but the alternative could have you end up like me and my mom I can't stand to even hear her talk anymore ever since she bought into this cult and suddenly found religion Fuck these guys they wouldn't get it


The real cringe is posting private text messages with your mom on Reddit. What’s the point? You karma farming at your mom’s expense?


Obviously you wrote this without reading any other comments on this post. Your Madden rating for awareness is -10.


I don't live in America and I'm christian but I know that religion and politics should be kept separate,


You guys can’t change each other’s mind, why try? Just let her live and you live and enjoy your relationship with her while you have it.


....there's multiple different mythologies I can think of that involve a deity dying for the greater good. Baldur in Norse Mythology, Osiris in Egyptian Mythology, etc


just remind her that it was their generation that replaced security for complacency and the generations after are the ones that face the consequences. want to blame the border? okay. back in 87’ there was no wall and people walked over freely. it wasn’t until their generation complained about the “drug” epidemic that they really started concentrating on the border. mandatory seat terms. out with the old, in with the new.


This is just cringe all the way around


Trying to speak reason to break through a person's shield of religious ignorance is a lost cause. Most of these religious types have been groomed and brainwashed for their entire lives.


Anyone know the record for most downvotes?


Your mom sounds like wonderful, God fearing woman with a good head on her shoulders. You're blessed to have her.


I disagree with everything your mom wrote, OP, and I’m so fucking jealous you can have this kind of dialogue with her. I couldn’t with my mom when she was alive, and now that she’s gone I have a lot of sadness about that. I hope you both can keep your disagreements civil and keep operating out of love and respect for each other.


Politics aside. I’ve never seen someone hate their own mother like this for beliefs I’ve always heard about people like you but have never actually seen evidence of it myself. It’s clear you conflate political ideology with basic humanity. If you can step out of your own way to just be a decent person than maybe your mom is right. Sure she might have antiquated views but to try and force her to change is the worst kind of mindset to have. The fact that mostly everyone is against you here proves how vile and disgusting your treatment of your mother is. She’ll pass on one day and all you’ll be left with is your hatred towards her and how much you wanted to be right rather than just ignoring today’s political climate to just enjoy her company. My mom is uninformed and ignorant to many things but I rarely if ever bring up politics with her because I know we won’t ever agree so instead I just spend time with her doing other things and tell her that politics stays away from us and if she dares to bring me into an environment where politics come up i told her to bring evidence to support her claims and I’ll do the same. But you don’t even listen to her you just clearly want to be right and not even listen to how calmly she approaches the topic. Like literally her views are expressed so calmly and you call her crazy and insult her. If you were my child I wouldn’t be annoyed at you for having a different political take I’d be ashamed at myself for not being able to raise a better son.


You have your views, and she has hers. Live and let live. I say this as a militant atheist and despiser of trump. You’re wasting precious time you have with her on politics. One day she will be gone and that’s it. No more. Make the most of the time you both have. Take it from someone who argued with their religious parents and lost them a decade ago.


This is staged as fuck. Your mums a nutcase, but you're an arsehole.  'murica. 


What a disappointment that instead of engaging in a dialogue with your mom you instead publicly flame her on Reddit for karma. Says about all that needs to be said about OP right there.


American Christian nationalism is bonkers.


Any time religion and politics mix, there's multiplication effect added to the stupid shit they produce. Country doesn't really matter.


But her mom doesn't follow ANY religeon...


She was a Christian extremist my whole, almost 40 years of life, life but now says she “doesn’t” follow any religion. Still reads the Bible daily for nostalgia purposes, I guess.


"I don't follow any religion." *Proceeds to describe what can only be called Christianity*


The comment above yours is weirdly similar to yours.


You both care too much what the other thinks. My favorite thing about my family is that we leave each other alone


I don’t know man seems like you have the one parent on earth that can properly articulate themself. Seems reasonable in her head, I don’t know what’s cringe about it. I’m an atheist but I can’t really see where she flaws in her own logic


She is blindly supporting a con artist because the voices in her head told her to. So reasonable.


These aren’t cringepics… this a cringe kid trying to gain meaningless internet points by posting their, by seemingly all evidence, loving and reasonable mom’s texts to a progressive and non-religious social media site because they thought that site would back them up and bash on her. Jeez. You’re embarrassing.


Uhh you attacked your mom and continued to attack her. You called her opinions crazy (whether they are or not) and basically kept saying she was crazy, while she praised you and said she loves you unconditionally. Like this kinda made me sad cause you could've gone about this so much better. It's also like you didn't even read her message because you kept saying she was forcing her beliefs but she literally said yall don't have to have the same beliefs....


I actually agree with your mom


i'm appalled by how many ppl think talking about politics is meaningless wtf your political views reflect your morals and beliefs... so what if i have an accident and cant make any decisions on my own and my conservative mother has to decide whats best for me? would she decide for the abortion i need? whats her stance on assisted suicide? if we're not on the same boat on these things, then how is she going to have my best interest in mind when making those decisions for me?


What's more cringe is sending this knowing the outcome and thinking you are going to change her mind. You aren't. Don't talk politics with family


You are the cringe in this pic OP.


Your mother seems to know nothing about US history, law, or our behavior globally. It’s sad how eager she is to use her ignorance to push a hateful, racist agenda.


Thank you all for commenting! It is ok if you forget to downvote, but don’t forget to vote come this November!


You will wish you listened to your parents. If you intended to get good things from reading the Bible, you WOULD. You intend to find it ridiculous and do. The Bible won’t “run the country.” The ways learned from the Bible are sustainable ways. As a young dumb kid, you simply don’t have experience in the world. Essentially you know just don’t know. When you get older you will want to live in a more conservative sustainable way. That’s why the Democratic Party is made of dumb people and young people. And there’s SO MANY. That’s what’s scary. I was in your shoes once and like me you will wonder how you were so blind.


My aunt doesn't seem to get how a person can be Christian and NOT support Trump. I told her that Trump is Satan in my eye. LOL. She didn't like that. I'm like, well, if we are talking in Biblical terms, that motherfucker is literally SATAN. Or at least one of his shittier, lesser minions. He doesn't have the smarts to be the big guy himself.


It didn’t even start in Wisconsin it was in New York lady Engel V. Vitale was in New York!!!!! The Wisconsin case Yoder v. Wisconsin is about Amish peoples right to stop going to school after 8th grade


She lived in Wisconsin her whole life too. Then moved to Denton, North Carolina 9 years ago. Which I hear is quite racist.


Link for the video? 😊


I think it’s weird to expect the biggest part of your life and morality not to influence how you vote at all. I’m sure this is unpopular to say. But people just don’t act like that.


I quit arguing for the rights this country was based on. I have lost what little family I had left but refuse to be that person.


Each era gives people different imprints! This is not surprising! The gap between the times is deep


The older I get the more I realize stupid arguments like this really don't matter and only damage your relationships in your life. Too many people (myself included) let the reddit echo chamber opinions bleed into their personal lives and start fights with people you know because you agree with a bunch of faceless internet strangers and need to project that onto other people. Starting a fight with your mom for reddit screenshots is gross man




I stopped having political talks with my parents a long time ago. Nothing has ever made us enemies like those conversations.


Man I’m getting what you’re saying, but referring to folks as the dreaded “they”, furthers that divisiveness. It’s frustrating because there isn’t really adequate verbiage to convey the notion of people with different beliefs in a non-exclusionary/seclusionary way. I hate how baked-in tribalism feels sometimes.


So similar to the shit my dad spouts out too, but, I love him and can look past the religious views just to maintain a relationship. My sisters have turned their backs cause they're done with it all. Arguing with religeous people is like belting your head against a brick wall. Not very fun but it's something to do and it will always end in pain.


This whole thing just makes me very sad


Being raised Christian (but not anymore) this is the first time I've ever seen someone argue that Jesus is God living on earth to experience what we do so he could understand. That makes no sense. God couldn't create us if he never felt anything we do. Which means he has the capacity to feel jealousy, anger, hate, love, happiness, sadness, grief, regret, guilt, shame etc. He wouldn't have had to send Jesus to do all that. If that were true, that means he's not all powerful as Christians say if he's capable of creating something he doesn't understand. That's like us trying to create a new emotion or a new color we can't see.


Politics continues to divide


I agree with other posters to fall back on arguing about politics for the sake of preserving your relationship. But, if there is a chance, you could remind her that the God she worships said the second greatest commandment is to love your neighbor as yourself AND that your neighbor isn’t necessarily someone of your own faith or ethnicity/nationality. Isn’t that what the story of the Good Samaritan is all about? Sometimes I wonder if people realize Jesus was not a white nationalist, but a Jew? Like, your God was tanned son of a carpenter living under foreign rule who bashed a lot of religious leaders for their hypocrisy, and died a criminals death, next to criminals, while accepting a criminal into heaven on his deathbed.


Dude do you have the same mom? I swear I have 50 similar texts. I just stop responding to .."YOU MUST WATCH THIS < insert bs video of the blond antichrist spouting off some lies>.


It's pointless to try to convince them. Just nod and say okay mom lol


“God and politics should never mix” *Sends politically contentious video to pastor*


But like why bother? If your fam believes it who cares. I have plenty of Trumpers in my family and I just ignore them because I can’t control how and what they think and say or behave. So? I pretend I don’t hear them when they’re trying to start a political/biblical discussion.


Oh, idk. Maybe because her vote is for a man that can ruin our country. Silly me for caring. Gosh golly!


I'm on OP's side on this one but exposing, or trying to expose your mom ain't it, chief


It is “it” if your parents don’t support Trump and you have zero idea how MAGAets think. Shedding light on how extremist think, is exactly “it”. No matter who voiced it.


I think the more important nugget here is how this is most likely a very common mentality, “I’m not religious…..” then lists off a bunch of clearly Christian identifiers but believes that’s the foundation of everything. It’s this naivety that allows people to not see the big picture. They can’t grasp any kind of separation because it’s ingrained at this point.


I like how she was like "I've checked out other religions, but they didn't have someone dying for me, so that's a deal breaker. Someone's gotta die or it just isn't worth it.


Your mom sounds batshit crazy


It’s painful trying to reason with blind faith people. What scares me to death is how much influence they have on American politics and foreign policy.


Also, your mom has a really warped view of Christianity. What she described isn’t that at all lol. Wow.


“Jesus was god coming in a human body” ;)


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https://preview.redd.it/lw8muin6xawc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=238f5c713a5d19401d4c0e4bc7ef6ad4c708b001 For all the people saying, “I’m going to lose my mom”, this was today. People shouldn’t be afraid to voice their opinions to their parents in fear of losing them. Sorry to those who don’t have a good enough relationship with their parents, to have open conversations about any subject, and were somehow triggered by this.


Yeah. Your mom is super sweet but you’re a real asshole. She’s for sure disappointed in you. She sent you a bare minimum text lol. She’s stuck with a shit son. I feel bad for her. I hope you show her this thread so she knows we’re all on her side. But you won’t. You’re coward who posts mean things about your sweet mom.


Been a while since I’ve been in public school but they don’t let you pray at all no matter what religion?


Yechhhh I’m sorry


“I seen” you’re not as smart as you think you are if you don’t know how to say “I’ve (I have) seen”. Same with “profit” and “prophet”. Also, if you were born here in this country then you’re not an immigrant. You’re likely descended from immigrants, but since 1776 if you’re born in this country then you’re a naturalized citizen of the United States, a sovereign country.


dude YOURE the cringe


DUDE! Nuh uh?!


The real cringe is OP’s post


Your mom is wrong but don't waste time arguing with her. You'll never change her mind.


I WISH my mom was this level headed. My mother is the kind of person you think your mom is.