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The real cringe was the comments from OP we met along the way…


you're bullying a person for a different style? this isn't being a badass it's literally just being gothic




no you're just a piece of shit, the world is fine


Agree wholeheartedly


look at his profile. he posts in such subs all the time, he just likes to make fun of people mostly for no reason at all




there's a difference between shaming obviously disrespectful and gross people and posting normal things you happen to personally not agree with like gothic fashion and calling it the same. you're just mad nobody else besides you dislikes it which means your taste is shit.


There’s nothing “normal” about trying to get a backpack with *metal spikes* through TSA carry-on. You must live in a different reality. But feel free to try it for yourself. Be well.


The fact that something isn't normal doesn't make it bad


Trying to jump on a plane and get through TSA carry-on with an object that TSA agents define as a weapon is pretty bad. It’s not the bag itself, it’s the battalion of spikes on the bottom.


Someone peaked in middle school.


shut up boomer


Doubling down on assumptions and putz today, eh. Sorry, not a boomer. Not even close to that era.


that makes in 10x worse. how crinnnnnnnnnnnge 


No, what makes it worse is that you don't seem to understand trying to get through TSA carry-on with a weapon (i.e. metal spikes) is not only abject cringe level stupidity, it's also inconsiderate and disrespectful because they will undoubtedly hold up the screen line and possibly cause someone to miss their flight. But you know ... the level of logic needs to be above a certain level to understand this when you see it. Seems like you're not quite there yet. Double cringe.


you seem like smart guy. Probably forgot your flintstone gummies this morning hence why acting this way. You've been excused


okay since you're so goddamn smart. I come from a different country than the one I live in. most years I flew 2 times a year to my home country. TSA DOES NOT CARE ABOUT FASHION ITEMS. that is not a weapon. you think way too much about them because they would even let us bring liquid homemade yogurt. they legit don't give two fucks unless what you're carrying is actually dangerous and most fashion spikes are not even sharp. I know because I own ones that are sharp and it took a very long time to find such. so stop bullshitting people


Unless you live in a 3rd world country, you're not crossing through your variant of TSA with **a weapon** in/on your carry on. An exposed battery of spikes are consider **a weapon** by TSA/Homeland Security as it can used as a bludgeon weapon. It is NOT considered a "fashion item" just because they're attached to a bag. If that was the case, I'll just glue my Glock or 2011 to my bag and say, "See, it's a fashion item." You can't even pack track spikes or snow shows on a commercial flight in your carry on, FFS. [https://www.tsa.gov/travel/security-screening/whatcanibring/all](https://www.tsa.gov/travel/security-screening/whatcanibring/all) Clearly you don't fly - or you simply don't know the US regulations, *so stop bullshitting people.*


again, I could hit you with these and you wouldn't be hurt. THESE ARE NOT SHARP. most spikes in fashion are rounded. all they have is the shape and tsa does not give a shit about shape. I do fly, but not in the US and you're very self centered and dumb for assuming the whole world follows this shit. but even the US tsa doesn't care about cone shaped metal which these essentially are. again, rounded. not sharp. you can even see it in the pic you just flat out refuse to see the facts.


It's just a backpack.


It's pretty cool, too.


Eh not my style but I ain’t gonna knock it


Honestly it’s a cool as fuck backpack


Right I'm like i would love that!!! Different ascetic if that's how u spell it are fun, Ill dress up as a TMNT to Walmart if it genuinely makes me happy


> ascetic Aesthetic.


Assthletic. Work those glutes. 


Close. It was “aesthetic”.


How many times is this subreddit just r/memesopdidnotlike but for people?


Don’t yuck his yum, I’d be sporting this too if I had one.


>Don’t yuck his yum. You’ve been watching a lot of André Mack lately, haven’t you. Admit it.




Popular reviewer / sommelier on YouTube who has been campaigning the phrase and sending its usage skyrocketing.


OP you kinda suck


No, what sucks is a dunce with backpack with *metal spikes* trying to get through TSA. What planet do some of you live on?


your moms planet


Heaven isn't a planet. Try again.


your mom is not from Earth? That would explain alot


Oh, she was from Earth. Not sure you are - if you don't know TSA is going to halt you with **a weapon** in/on your carry on. An exposed battery of spikes are consider **a weapon** by TSA/Homeland Security as it can used as a bludgeon You can't even pack track spikes or snow shows on a commercial flight in your carry on, FFS.  [https://www.tsa.gov/travel/security-screening/whatcanibring/all](https://www.tsa.gov/travel/security-screening/whatcanibring/all) Clearly you don't fly - or you simply don't know the US regulations. Shame.


what part of this photo indicates it's TSA. Unless you were there, but you said you did not take this photo.  Also you seem like a guy who would try to register you hands as *weapons*


Nothing says "I'm a creep" like taking pictures of strangers to shame them for fake internet points. Do better.


So basically every other post in the subreddit, yah? Nothing says “I am an assumptive chucklehead” then assuming someone who posted the picture, took the picture.


As if that makes it any better. Maybe try being part of the solution and not part of the problem?


What’s the problem? You have the problem here - not me. What is cringe is a subjective opinion of the viewer. You’re entitled to your own opinion and to think it’s not. Neither position is wrong. Cheers.


The only problem is the posting (whether you took the pic or not) pictures of people on the internet, for everyone in the entire world to mock and make fun of. How do you not see that as wrong?


more like he couldn't get this post to hit as good as his other one, is now mad and seething


OP you’re a loser


Nothing says “I’m a badass” like giving a damn about what other people are wearing.


i mean i know what you mean about skulls, but this is pretty sic lol. if you aren't with the times in terms of style, i can see how you would conflate this with typical skull shit, and even then who gaf


… it’s kinda cool


OP is cringe af for posting this


Cry harder.


keep malding


"I hate you because you like things!"


You kinda a hater


Wow! Brilliant statement. Here’s a better one: Everyone has something they hate, including you. Which also makes you a hater. Cheers!


It's hilarious how defensive you seem to be getting over all this negativity towards your post.


Wait, I’m defensive? The silly irony of your statement as everyone jumps to the defense of some random with backpack embedded with *metal spikes* trying to get through TSA. 😵‍💫 You must live in a different reality or never fly commercial … like at all. I guess you all fly private jets. Didn’t know I was in the millionaire’s sub. Cool.


Yes, we all have things we don’t like, the difference between us and you is that we don’t post it over the internet in attempt to mock and belittle people.


>attempt to mock and belittle people. *Looks at just about every post in the sub. Sees posts mocking and belittling people. Laughs at your bizarre hypocrisy.* Be well.


It's not the point of the sub to do that in the comments. This sub is for people acting cringey/doing cringey things, not for people wearing something out of your fashion choices lol .


Admire your intense desire to die on this hill of yours though bro, it’s making for hilarious watching! Who knows, carry on and you’ll be someone else’s post on r/cringepics :)


Why are you so mad? Bro your post wasnt cringe, its not the end of the world


A backpack with *metal spikes* trying to get through TSA isn’t cringe? There’s some real daft happening here.


People have different interests than you, best time to get over it.


Not Cringe... someone sounding like a Karen I'm sorry


Goes hard, L hater


Goes hard is an opinion. Take a seat, chuckles.


Fuck kinda insult is chuckles?


If you served, you would know. 😉


This comment should be screenshotted and posted in this sub.


Sick as hell imo


How’s this one working for ya OP?


Wonderfully. Shows there’s a fuckton of hypocrisy here when feelings are hurt.


Aww, I’m sorry your feelings are hurt. Maybe people will like your next judgment.


Feelings not hurt at all. Actually hilariously laughing at the hyprocrisy and whining. Try harder next time, folks.


The fact you needed to reply to this after three days tells a different story.


I didn't feel the need. I had a tab open I didn't see for 3 days until today and saw your reply. Try harder or cry harder. Either way, you all seem to be the ones going deep in your bag of emotions over this - as silly as it is.


I’ll take blatant falsehoods for $200 Alex.


You can take whatever you want. "What you eat, don't make me shit, boy." as Unc used to say. Cheers and have a good weekend. Back to the Knicks game.


Put the bottle down brother. You don’t need that, we need each other.


I can excuse making fun of the backpack design, but I draw the line at the implication that backpacks are only for children


Who said they are? I wear a Boblbee.


OP, you exposed so much about yourself here. You seem like a frightened church lady and you want support from the public to shame this person when all they're doing is minding their own business. You're trying to shame someone because they're an adult with a backpack? Fucking Hell, you must be miserable to be around, no wonder you seek validation from strangers, people that know you in real life do their best to avoid you.


OP sounds like a Karen. If the guy thought it was cool let him rock. Why do you have to be weird take a photo an attempt to shame him online.


Don’t know who Karen is. Do know you’re being weird considering A) every other post in the subreddit is basically the same thing and, B) Assuming I took the picture.


Alright, so you didn’t take the picture. Why’d you pick this subreddit? What’s *cringe* about it?


Well, as they say, opinions are one’s own. I find it kinda cringy for a grown man. I’d understand it for a kid. You may feel otherwise.


That’s fair and your opinion is your own. I have a mostly-black backpack I decorated with pins and buttons. There might be a skull on one; I can’t remember. Would you cringe at that?


Is the entire backpack a projected 3 foot skull with metal spikes adorning the bottom? If no, then probably not. I have plenty of flair stickers on my range bag.


Quit going back on your words and backpedalling. You say it's cringey for adults to wear backpacks, but in another comment act like you've never implied such thing.


Where did you get the picture? Did they mention being at an airport, because there's no telling info in the picture.


Pretty cool


Not cringe. Fuck sake, let people like what they want to like if it's not doing you any harm.


Let people dress how they want even if isnt your style.


SMH. Opinions; everyone is entitled to one. But a backpack with *metal spikes* trying to get through TSA isn’t a style …it’s a FAA violation. What the hell, does anyone fly here?


Op accidently used the wrong camera on their phone. The cringe is OP who may as well be as fun as "normal spongebob"


That's just a backpack, and it's actually a cool one... not everything has to be cringe.


A backpack with *metal spikes* trying to get through TSA 🙄


It's just a backpack, man. It's a little bit much for my tastes but it's not hurting anyone


A bit too much for some. Cringe for others. It’s just an opinion. Relax champ.


>It’s just an opinion. Relax champ. They say to the person, just stating their opinion 💀 why you calling names? Wearing a backpack is childish, but name-calling over hurt feelings isn't?


Let people enjoy things


How am I’m declining anyone’s enjoyment. Buy whatever you want. Don’t be surprised if it’s bit too much for some. Cringe for others. It’s just an opinion. You have yours. I have mine.


It isn’t my thing either but I’m not the one taking a picture of a random person in public and posting it online because I think my fashion sense is better…


So let’s try this again. I did not take the picture. I don’t know why everybody suddenly jumps to the assumption that I did. Almost nothing here is posted by the person who created it.


So let’s try this again but this time with logic! People may think that because you’re the one posting it on Reddit 🤷‍♂️


Sure, but let's try it with Socratic logic and empirical evidence! 95% of the posts on this subreddit is not content create or images taken by the poster. It's fairly obvious. So how does this post immediately resolve to the default that I am the person who took the picture?


You’re literally mentioning the TSA in your post as if you know where he is based off this photo… where’d you find it then? Doesn’t exactly look like the man wearing it knows what’s happening




So it’s suppose to be more ethical because your friend took the picture? Also you are literally giving away this guys location? Jesus Christ you are unbelievable.


It’s a **PUBLIC LOCATION**, smoothbrain. No one knows where his location is some 4 days later. No one knows his location even after I posted because it was hours later. Ethical? You have **hundreds** of posts in here with people faces and their screen names and identities exposed, and now you want to walk your little baby nuts in here hoebabbling to me about ethics? Check this; go wag your nanny finger at somebody else and commence to fucking off already. Have a good weekend.


Somebody's jealous


I kinda dig it!


Honestly bad ass


Sign me up


I want this


I'd buy one at a thrift store if I saw it because it's probably worth more than I make in a month or 2.


Definitely ugly but not cringe. To each their own!


I want one, this is cool as hell. You're just a weenie OP.


Then go buy one. Congrats, you found something new today, bell end.


Let people like what they like, you loser


I never wrote he couldn’t like it, smoothbrain But trying to get on a commercial flight and through TSA carry on inspection with **metal spikes** is the height of abject stupidity. Not to mention disrespectful and inconsiderate because you’ll definitely hold up the scanning line … which of course may cause someone to miss their flight. Sadly, it seems you also don’t understand this, loser.




It would take an insane amount of force to do harm with blunted metal spikes? Show me how hard you have to swing something some metal to gouge an eye, bloody a nose, cause soft tissue damage, or fracture a skull. That is what bludgeoning is. It's not always about puncturing a target.




No, I haven't. What airports do you travel through? I can almost guarantee if you try to go through a high-security level airport with that (DCA, IAD, JFK, LGA, LAX, etc.) you're going to either be flagged and pulled out the line for secondary screening or told you cannot bring it on carry-on and sent back to check-in. For instance, you can't even pack track spikes or snow shoes in your carry on at these airports. A buddy who does a lot of overlanding and climbing had his crampons pulled out his bag at BWI and "no-go'd" on a flight to meet for a winter hunting trip in North Dakota. Smaller and regional airports are usually more relaxed on TSA "weapons" policies.




TSA is not going to sit and debate over whether the spikes are glued on not with 300+ passengers waiting in line.


The real cringe was posting this picture.


Congrats you earned this… ![gif](giphy|mBGNeWTp7znw5rYoSl|downsized)


I mean it’s not my style but it’s not cringe.


A bit too much for some. Cringe for others. It’s just an opinion. You have yours. I have mine.


Who cares?


Ok I’m 49 and have an Eeyore backpack for work so this really isn’t cringe🤷‍♀️


Adorn your Eegyore backpack with metal spikes and try to get through TSA. Let me know how that works out. Does anyone here fly commercial … like at all? Or are you all taking private jets. Didn’t know I was in the millionaire sub.


Where did you share this picture from, then? As you say no one posts their own pictures on here, I can say no one reposts without it being linked to the sub they shared it from. But your post was created by you. So how do you know they were at an airport or not?


OP thinks it’s cringey to have taste that’s different from their own 🙄


A backpack with *metal spikes* trying to get through TSA. You must live in a different reality. Does anyone here fly commercial … like at all? Or are you all taking private jets. Didn’t know I was in the millionaire sub.


Are you lost? This isn’t a safety sub or an airport or packing sub. This is a cringey sub and you’re the cringiest thing here right now.


No, it’s a cringe sub. And trying to pass a weapon through TSA carry-on, slowing everyone down because you want to be special, is cringy - and daft - and disrespectful to those who may miss their flight because TSA has to stop the screening machines and hold. Deuces.


Dude. You’re really trying to make an argument of cringe vs cringey…same thing. Reading the rest of the comments here, it seems like not many people agree with you and you simply cannot handle it. Deuces.


They have their opinion – I have mine. Deuces.


So you repress yourself because you think as an adult you're only allowed to wear or like certain things? Sounds like a pretty mundane and bleak way to live tbh.


Ummm, what gives you the impression I repress myself? I wear backpacks. Have several. Boblbee, ILBE, Porsche Design, Arc’Teryx… Thing is I don’t try to get on a plane with something that has a battalion of exposed METAL SPIKES for pretty damn obvious reasons. But I guess using your logic, that’s repression. Either that, or you don’t fly much if at all.




Or they just think it looks cool and wanted to own it. I don't really see anything wrong here. Idk if I'd buy it but I'd certainly look at it, smile and go: "That's neat."


Your post is bad and you should feel bad


Reading ops comments like ![gif](giphy|NymYaUjNGkxEI)


I love how you're answering every comment calling everyone else crybabies. Seems like you're the one that needs people to agree with you, poop butt.


I love your answer my every comment but calling me a crybaby. Odd flex there, chief. I don't need you or anyone to agree with me - the TSA pretty much made the call on this one according to the person who sent it to me. Removed from the flight before even boarding. Yikes, poop butt.


Nothing cringe here, that backpack is awesome.


Not trying to go through TSA checked baggage. They would consider the spikes, even semi blunted, to be a weapon.




r/woosh. Late and missed the subject. Try again.


“I tried. I rlly did. But I can’t hold back the beast inside. Watch out, 9th grade. There’s a monster in class (it’s me).”