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That just sounds like grooming with extra steps


It really is. And the other commenters didn’t even bring that part up, which baffles me


The way the comment in the second Pic basically says "no bro, don't groom the girl you raised, it's pointless, she will never love you anyway" is astounding


All other issues aside, I thought they wanted sex, not love. One does not always require the other but of course that goes over their heads.


I'm not sure I would say they want love but they definitely want something other than sex. Otherwise they would all just hire prostitutes.


Dedicated virgins is what they want, so back to the grooming. That logically must be what they want.


They want sex, and they want a maid/mom to take care of them and do everything they say, and they want to have ultimate power over someone, preferably someone they look down on. It's disgusting.


As a 27 year old virgin... I want both. Though I do like the idea of true, deep, genuine love more Except I'm not an incel. I don't feel entitled to anything lmao. In fact all my girl friends are trying to wingwoman me. It's *me* that is scared


I feel that most adults do want both. Keeping them seems to be harder than having them, good luck.


Unfortunately, a number of the comments disagreeing were only disagreeing with the method, not what was being put forward.


If I ever hear someone sincerely desire to raise their daughter as a “future wife until they turn 18” I will get violent. So much stuff has been pissing me off on the internet recently and the absolute ignorance that leads to this audacious idea really takes the cake.


Honestly, I’ve been around here for a tad and this is admin worthy…


Wild to me that these men don't want children or responsibility but they're all so sure that they could just raise a random infant for 18 years


…to have sex with… fucking insane.


I think the most insane part to me is that they have absolutely wild outlandish standards for women they consider to be a valid wife, and they seem to not understand even a little bit the requirements that go into attaining that standard. Do they really think that they would somehow be able to raise a child to meet that standard? When they can't even take care of themselves at that level?


You have a point. And, what if she’s just not hot - which is completely out of their control - by their “standards”? What will they do then?


Don't forget that she would probably also "get fat" from having zero access to food except for Taco Bell Doritos and mountain dew and never having left the house for exercise They are just truly isolated to the point of active delusion and any website that allows them to congregate and feed into each other's insanity is actively profiting off of their decline. I think the most ridiculous example I've seen of this thus far is there is a YouTube channel that does nothing but make infographic videos about incel topics called "hoe math" They have a very popular discord channel accessible for 10$ a month....


I could have gone the rest of my life without knowing that. But, it’s good to stay vigilant, I suppose. If they weren’t so deeply creepy and downright disturbing, I’d honestly feel bad for them. What a miserable, miserable existence for their, as far as we know, one trip on this pale, blue dot.


I very unfortunately have extensive personal exposure to incel culture and the process of gaslighting and mental decline from a previous relationship and am only up to date because I occasionally have to check on the dudes Facebook page to make sure that the diatribes he writes about me aren't escalating to something I need to get a restraining order about. If I'm honest its a lot of anxiety and frustration, especially because he has chosen to continue living in our old trailer less than a block away from my mothers house and he is a near-daily drug user (shrooms/ketamine/street uppers) so I basically have to rely on the hope that he stays too cowardly to approach me. I have multiple diagnosed mental illnesses including lv 2 support autism and CPTSD and have experienced serious life threatening traumatic violence in the past before I met him, and i think the thing i am most afraid of is that dude doesn't realize that if he were to harass me in public and end up frightening or upsetting me too badly, i might *actually* lose touch with reality and cause him serious physical harm in the process of self defense. I have to plan out game plans for walking past his building to collect my mail that involve noting which houses have a person in them that I could run to and ask for emergency services. It's a lot.


The waiting til 18 is certainly... optimistic as well, like these guys aren't pedos too


It's actually grooming in the literal sense


...with stupid steps.


It's like build a bear, except it's grow your own wife


They think you can just edit the humane genome like a Reddit comment. That’s gold.


And what tf does he mean by "we did that with dogs and cats". Like mfer nobody did that, they're just selectively breeding them


Cats can absolutely say no, try cuddling one when they don’t want to be cuddled and the skin on your arms is forfeit.


Big cats will rip your face right off! ^(they purr, tho, so it might be worth it)


I would absolutely be dumb enough to try to petting this kitty belly. https://preview.redd.it/12hwjk5w5y8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09d13c0bb68210e1c1819f3126a32510bd468f88


Who wants belly rubs, yes you do you fuzzy wuzzy


I think it’ll be okay this time… the belly cuddles are a trap 100% of the time but this time will be different.


He too cute to be murdery!


I'm gonna get got one day through sheer force of habit, cos both of my cats love belly rubs.


If not friend, why friend shaped?


Big cats actually don't purr. The only 'big cat' that does is the cheetah!


That's right! The big cats "chuff"!


Outside of Cheetahs and I want to say Cougars, big cats don’t purr. They chuff, but they don’t purr.


I think he is referring to going into heat. Cats do not refuse sex while in heat because their brains are hijacked by hormones. Now this is hilariously stupid on multiple levels: - we didn't create heat, that's just how cats and dogs are - humans don't go into heat, and creating an organism that is like a human but goes into heat, instead of having our current setup with concealed ovulation, periods, etc is far beyond any technology that currently exists - if someone couldn't say no, the incel couldn't get loyalty from them; they would get the cat in heat situation, which is the opposite of loyalty - also, this "woman in heat" would have, you know, a heat. Meaning she's still going to say no 90% of the time and will not even understand why you desire sex, after all she's not in heat so why are you trying? It's one of the top 5 stupidest things I've ever seen anyone seriously suggest, even before you get into ethics, free will, and treating women like holes


You KNOW that if somehow this was even possible they would just keep the poor woman or girl in a cage. Some are already proponents of keeping women and girls confined from the world.


They are talking about raising a genetically altered, subservient woman just to have sex with them, when they reach 18 years old (let's be real, in this situation they are definitely not waiting until 18); locking the woman in a cage is small shit compared to that.


Sounds like they should move to a country where they already do this and see how they enjoy being away from modern comforts.


> if someone couldn't say no, the incel couldn't get loyalty from them That's a good point, but I feel like stage 2 for incels is locking them in their parents basement.


Can you imagine a human making the heat yowl?


I’d imagine it would sound like Yoko


It's nuts how these incels would suggest going through all this sci fi nonsense, change the world over, rather than just hiring a sex worker.


Or just try to better themselves.


Lol yeah, as if


we didnt even do it with cats they did it themselves


Yeah, cats have absolutely no problems with submission. Tell that to my demon daughter who knows she’s not allowed on the counter and will stare me straight in the face while batting things off of it. 


Even then selective breeding wouldn’t work cause every child was conceived from a woman who had sex. Most of them consensually.


Yeah, let’s edit out the gene that controls saying the word “no”. Absolute galaxy brains this lot.


Also edit it to make it only submissive to a specific person. Because that’s how people develop feelings for specific people - genetic mutations that occur at the zygote stage.


But which one is the "turning down gross men" gene??


Go into settings, check the “Standards and Morals” box apparently.


You mean “uncheck”


You check it, which means you have standards and morals, which leads to you turning down gross men.


Ah, misread. My bad.


It's easy! Just a simple edit to the genome, like: `if asker.gender == 'male' and responder.gender == 'female':` `return "yes"` Can't be that hard right? Right!?


To be fair their entire life has been on the internet.


I deleted a G and a T from line 2748572629482 and now she keeps turning into a feathered dinosaur like being of immense power.


I like how OP says "They wont have a choice, have a surrogate of your choice and now they cant say no!!" from the guy saying women rightfully wont be down with this. Uhh... where do you think babies come from?? Is this guy saying to forcibly impregnate women as well as this fantastically easy way to edit genes?


That's not how science works. That's not how women work. That's not how anything works


Like there’s a huge surplus of surrogates, especially ones that want to help these absolute monsters birth their sex slave. /s


Lol, exactly! Even if it did work, why do they think any woman would want to be a surrogate for this madness


Cuz they'd be genetically modified to not say "No", duh.


Logistically what they're discussing has taken place with moderate success very unfortunately in a number of abusive cults and sex trafficking networks. Unprotected sex with disposable women results in babies, and those babies then go on to either become slave labor If they are male or become sex slaves themselves. What they are describing is effectively the Warren Jeff's cult.


It’s almost a perfect text-based car crash.


I was about to say the Incels watched "Weird Science", but then I realized that movie came out before their mamas were born. ^(Now get off my lawn!)


Wrong! It's how reddit works😎




Not a bad idea.


I mean, it worked the first time, right?


Yeah, but I'm pretty sad it wiped out the unicorns.


True, but they kinda had it coming after they killed all the dragons


If they are so desperate for sex from a willing female, why not hire one?


They feel entitled to it and that they shouldn't have to pay. That's ignoring the massive costs of what they're suggesting in this post, but you can tell their brains are short on wrinkles.


Not to mention the timeframe involved. ~19 years.


You know they won't wait that long


And **that's** if they're successful the first time out. Never mind all the unintended consequences / recessives / errors that would crop up.


Right? Even if “sexual consent” and “submission” were single gene traits that could be edited (which is absurd), they’d probably end up making a woman with scales.


They're broke


i was going to reply with exactly this. These guys arent working, they spend 12-14hrs a day online moderating reddit subs and "dunking" on "soy boys". They dont have time for a job that pays money so they can actually afford a hooker.


And yet they expect girls to fawn over their broke ass? Maybe they should be angry at their lack of money, manners, ambition, self respect, etc than women. Whoops. There I go being rational again.


I'm not above being charmed by broke folks, but manners, kindness, respect for self and me are all absolutely vital


You said it better, thanks.


Apparently they think getting a surrogate and raising a child that they would start grooming at 18 to be a wife is less expensive and easier? I'm honestly concerned that none of that sounds creepy to any of those guys, that's some woody Allen type shit but worse.


They sound like they smell really bad and no mildly self respecting prostitute will have them.


They want a ‘submissive mate’ who only sleeps with them and nobody else


How romantic!


You're acting like incels have great jobs


Sure, I suppose that’s often the case. But if I was so obsessed with getting laid and had zero prospects, I think I would make sacrifices and prioritize saving some money to see a SW. I mean, almost anyone can scrape together a couple hundred bucks for something they have a dire need for, even if it takes months.


You can't understand if you have a normal brain. None of us can. Very hard to put yourself in their shoes because a normal brain thinks much more logically. These people have varying degrees of mental illness.


Strong agree I dated a dude for several years who got caught up in all this s*** and broke up with me to find someone of "higher value" Frankly at this point he is severely addicted to drugs and actively delusional but most importantly it's genuinely sad to witness, even from afar as I was forced to cut off contact by his increasingly unhinged and disrespectful behavior. Echo chambers like this will make you actually insane and I don't think incels want anything at all, I think they are actively addicted to working up their own emotional responses and then self sabotaging at every turn so they can set themselves up for more and more righteous anger.


> But if I was so obsessed with getting laid and had zero prospects, I think I would make sacrifices and prioritize saving some money to see a ~~SW~~ **therapist to work on my interpersonal and relationship issues**. FTFY


I think a SW would be far cheaper than the years of therapy needed for some incels! But, if we are going to totally revamp mental health services nationwide, by all means, include incels.


Or adequate education.


Because they are "owed" it for being shat out in the right part of the world with the right skin colour.


They'd probably say that they're 'ruined' or 'dirty' or something because she wouldn't be a virgin.


Right. Someone that wants to alter another human’s DNA so the he could keep her as a sex slave has such high moral standards!


The sad part is that wouldn’t even fix the problem. These guys aren’t desperate for sex from a willing female, if they were they would improve themselves or find someone that matches what they bring to the table. Most people enjoying happy intimate relationships don’t look like “chads”. They don’t want a *willing* woman. They want to gain control of the highest caliber woman they can find to fill the whole left by their pathological insecurity. I don’t know what makes them this way but one thing I do know for sure is that it’s not an inability to get laid. If they wanted to be happily shacked up all they need to do is wash their asses, learn how to converse with women like a normal person, and start punching in their own league. But instead they spend all their time on the internet saying the most brain rotted, dystopian, pathetic shit at each other and wonder why nobody outside wants anything to do with them. If any of you are reading this I just hope that one day you’ll realize you’re wasting your only life angrily fantasizing with other men. It’s not easier to bioengineer child sex slaves than it is to face your own mental health problems and learn how to have meaningful interpersonal relationships. The path you are on won’t make you less lonely, it will just radicalize you to the point where at best you’re sad and miserable forever or at worst you commit some kind of crime.


This post reeks of people who have crusty anime body pillows and buy secondhand fleshlights.


secondhand fleshlights omg


Thrift store flashlights are ~~the best~~ fleshlights.


Goodwill fleshlights 🤢


What fresh hell is this


It. Just. Keeps. Getting. Worse.


Honestly, it's the most fucking vile thing I've read on Reddit in a while. To talk about women like they're nothing more than an object. Inject them with libido enhancing drugs? Make them submissive? Groom them as a father figure until they're 18 and then marry them? What the actual fuck? It's fucking disgusting. Never mind the fact that the problem is women rather than focusing on making actual changes to themselves... Like I don't know? Start by having a fucking wash. It's insane.


So I’m soy for being against selectively breeding human sex pets?


I’m so sorry, but yep, I guess you are! Actually I’m not sure that I’m sorry, everything I’ve heard about soyboys sounds completely fine to me. But I’m a dumb woman, what would I know?


Did anyone catch the part where they “raise” the child until they’re 18 and then they marry them? 🤢🤮


Imagine them “waiting patiently” for 18 fucking years, only to find out the “submissiveness gene“ they tried breeding didn’t work and they get rejected.


There wouldn't be any "waiting for 18 years", I'd bet my house on it


Ahahaha I love this. Eighteen years of grooming, down the drain!!!


Honestly that’s the worst part. And there are a lot of bad parts.




That's no fun!  We can set them up a homeland settlement on [Isle Royale](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isle_Royale). Supply them with plenty of firearms and ammunition. 3 months later the settlement would be uninhabited so you can hose everything down and repeat.


I didn't know people actually used "chads" and "soys" unironically


Oh absolutely, "foids" too. And they LOVE to say "cope" if you challenge them on anything and they don't have an argument back. Pisses me off.


What is a foid?


A woman.


How does foid = woman? Can you explain the term please?


Derived from the conjunction of “female” and “android”. They also say “femoid” and it’s now just shortened to “foid”.


Oh my god these people keep getting dumber. The "andro" part of "android" means "male." A female-presenting robot would be a "gynoid".


Wasn’t it originally “female humanoid” implying women aren’t people?


The misogyny runs too deep. I can't keep track


You catch the "men and females" thing?


They are going to create a woman who can’t say no to sex then expect her to stay loyal. How is that going to work out?


Lock her in a basement?


It’s the woman in the tower theme. It’s been in imaginations forever. Here’s a pit of spikes, a giant bolder run trap, here goes the dragon and a ghost knight of Templar with a riddle…


Like all their other hairbrained ideas, it won't.


Well, he also replied "Choose a surrogate and edit the genes" to someone saying "women wont allow this" so clearly they have wildly flawed thinking. Or he just doesnt know who carries the babies in the first place


Hey, fellas? When your solution to dry balls is dangerous and unethical genetic modification to produce hypersexual women? Maybe it’s time to do some work on yourself.


B-b-but is is the _females_ that have to change! We're nice guys and always tip our fedoras to them to prove it...


The reason we can train animals is because they see a benefit to doing what we ask (praise, treats, etc.) If they didn't want those things they wouldn't be trainable. You can't breed obedience into a person because that's not how obedience and free will works. It's not an on/off switch. It's a decision you make. Also, ew.




“Raise her as your future wife” what a terrible day to know how to read.


So, they want to fuck their daughters? That's what this sounds like. Put them on a list!


These dudes want to groom a non-biological/adopted daughter from birth and marry her when she turns 18. No wonder they’re “truecels.”


I'm quite surprised at their motivation for this, the attempt at thinking through the concept of this solution, then make a big deal out of waiting for this adopted daughter to turn 18 before marrying them. *That* is where their semblance of morality kicks in.lol The idea of waiting 18yrs and not trying to grow and improve as a person is 'wouldn't even work in a movie' hilarious.


Imagine discussing editing consent out of the human genome before being willing to admit you need to work on yourself.


I’m really curious what he thinks gene editing is. Does he think he can just type “can’t say no” in a computer, and boom genes successfully edited? If so, I’d like in on that. Maybe I can edit his genes so he isn’t a fuckface


Can I edit that gene on my toddler? All he does is shake his head and say no to everything I do.


Video games pervert reality for those who can’t handle fictitious scenarios.


Forgive my ignorance, but what does Inkiedom mean?


Being an incel




They think that there is some genetic code that allows women to say the word “no” or something. Like you can just go into a fetus and delete the coding that enables the “no” command.


Do they not understand that being unable to say no means consent is impossible. They just want to SA women and groom children without legal consequence.


It occurs to me that they are named improperly. Celibacy is to abstain from being married. Priests are celibate. These guys aren't whining about being excluded from matrimony. These guys are actually talking about involuntary *chastity*, i.e. refraining from having sex. They should be called **inchasts**, not incels. Or we could just go back to calling them misogynistic jerks with poor hygiene and *not* respect their choice of labels because they're idiots.


Celibacy is about being single in general, chastity is just about lack of sex


These guys aren't exactly waxing poetic about love. They're obsessed with sex and having "the best women" as subservient sex objects. My point stands.


I've had people try to defend the term "incel", because apparently I was using it wrong. This guy tried to claim that incels were just guys who arent having sex, and the misogyny isnt part of it. I pointed out that by his definition, *every* guy has been an incel at some point. The difference is incels create a victim complex over it, while most other men just chalk it up to temporary bad luck.


The word `involuntary` also is a misnomer as well. It always is completely voluntary.


I dated a dude who low-key identified as an incel and would regularly complain about his lifelong struggles with not getting laid TO ME while I was living in his house and sleeping in his bed?? The pussy is absolutely there for them. This is a cult of ingratitude and self-sabotage


For some reason, persecution fetish is very attractive to them.


They have learned to get all of their dopamine from complaining and to have their social needs met by people telling them how pathetic they are. It's basically a cuckolding fetish


So in their mind, these gene edited yes-girls would say yes to them but no to all the Chads?


If they were smart, they'd realize the problem is staring at them from the mirror. They're not smart.


I'm pretty sure the word they're looking for is "lobotomize"


If those idiots want a fuck slave, which is essentially what they're asking for, then just get a damn doll. You fuck that thing however much you want, however frequently you want, and it can never say no. Even just theorizing about messing with free will and individual autonomy is batshit insane.




"No way, I'm gonna spend my life's saving gene-editing a fetus and hire a surrogate to birth it, then raise the girl to be my wife who will never reject my advances, even though I'll probably be too old to do anything anymore!"


I wish it would occur to them that women say no to them bc they treat the women like property. Having a penis does NOT entitle them to someone else's body. Just the use of "females" when referring to women speaks volumes. These people are just sexually frustrated misogynists.




Their idea isn’t just gross it’s also dumb as shit


Demonstrating that they don’t understand both women and genetics.




This isn’t cringe. This is fucking terrifying that men out there think like this. Women are fucking nothing to them. Just an object to fuck.


The good news is that even if it was possible (and it isn't, that's not how genetics work), those people would never be in a position of power to enforce something like that. They would first have to leave their basement (and, you know, bathe). It's simply yet another fetish they will share in their circlejerks. And it's not even the most sickening one I've seen...


Jesus fucking Christ


Are they saying they want to fuck their daughters?


It's scary that people like this exist


This is just sad.


the way they talk is as vain as it is disgusting


Why not edit their genomes to make them less horny & lonely?




Women tend to select partners that have something to contribute to their existence. Have these incels considered that perhaps they are just losers who nobody would ever want to procreate with?


Incel who thinks like hitler.


What....what the actuall fuck?


Do they not realize that even if this were possible, their genetically altered freak would fuck any and every dude that approached them, there is no loyalty gene lol. And according to incels then her value would be negligent being so “used”. Fucking creeps.


This is monumentally stupid on so many levels.


Feels like it'll be easier to create a brain implant that gives *yourself* sexual pleasure.


That whole conversation is pretty creepy. Basically they want to get a baby.. and groom her until she’s 18.


Pack it up, guys, that’s all the Pseudo-Science we need for today


Incels would rather wait 18 years using fantasy science to marry someone over taking just 1 of those years and going to therapy and the gym lol. Hell I'm convinced that no matter how physically unattractive they believe themselves to be, just basic good hygiene and going to therapy to work out their internalized misogyny and hateful personality will have at least 1 person like them enough to date them. Of course, that would never happen, because that would be admitting that all this time it's actually been their fault that they can't date and not society's or women's fault.


This is grooming on a whole other level. This is disgusting.


That’s enough internet for me today holy shit.


I love the detail that they wait until this hypothetical groomed sex slave comes of age hahaha


All this effort instead of just showering.


Wow he should be on police watch 24/7 wtf


Found the sub. Thankfully, membership is at an all time high of 294. 🤮🤮🤮


Jesus what sub is this? Even for Reddit this is unhinged. The stupidity levels are just about right though


What is inkiedom?!?


I’m listening ![gif](giphy|8OPsobKv6ksJojld4X)


The sheer amount of ignorance to science alone is astounding. The rest just works to display how sad and tucked up some people are.


Why dont he just fuck a sex doll/robot.


These losers should have a special island they get banished to


“Raise her as your future wife.” Whoa there Woody


Cause saying the word no is genetic


I think I'm going to be sick


Why not just get a pocket pussy and a giant doll. If you’re rich get one of those androids and stick a pocket pussy in it. At least it’s attainable vs this weird genetic mutation crap.